"Whatsis LAX-FOS IAX-F0S IS^N IMMTCVED CASCARA ~ A Digestive Liq>udy,axative, Cathartic and I.iver Tonic Qontaius Cascara Hark, Blue Flag Roo^^Ouibarb Root, Black Root, May AppwRoor, Senna I,eaves and Pepsin. Combines strength with pala table aromatic taste. DotiiiuL^iipe. 50t ?fi.fi. (J. PEtiKl PracticWg Physician - wvoas n. c. Prompt attention given to all calls 11 H. IV. ii. JIOBTOK Eye Socialist Offleo in HMel Building Louisburg. N'urth Carolina S. AX WO 01) XF.WXLL. j Attorn^j-At-I,??. liOulsbuTK \ / FriflkUntoiL, Oflises over A^cpck Drug Co. (Jeneral JfracUce At Franklinto/ aach Monday at Dr. S. C. Ford's office 9 A. M. to 3'P. M. DB. ARTHUB UYHES FLEKL18 "8?i?^Dntlrti Loulsburg, f^orth Carolina 0?c? over P. S, & K- K- Allen's Store. E. M. PERKY, M. D. Physlclan\and Surgeon LonlsbtuTE/rarth Carolina Oflce Next Door ts Aycock Drag Co. Pbone Connections 287. DB. J. B, MALOJTB. Loulsburj. North Carolina OSce 1^1 Aycock- JWug Store, Market StrdBt, jOffloe 'PrSctlce Surgery toa Consultation. DB. D. J. SMITH WICK MUL lrablar* K.c. . Office In the Flrstlfatlonai Bank Building on and Nash Sta. W. PERSON. ATTORNEW-AT-LAW Loulsburg, North Carolina Practice in all efforts. Office on Main Street. K. F.HOCCK. CONTRACTOR apfl BUILDER ?railing mint? '/or all kind! Of kollding supplies, Artistic ManUee ana Vllee, Architectural, designa ?ub M. B. White \ E. H. Malone WHITE \* HALONE Lonlflburg, North Carolina Qeceral practice, settlement of e (?Ma funds Invested. One member of Um Arm always In the office. ~L. W. PARR1SH Watchmakers and Jeweler L*alabnM/]f. C. Located in Fori& Hail Building. All repair work guaranteed. Rea sonable prices. Nice Stock Jewelry. Wm. H. Ruffln, Thoa. W. Ruffin WM. H. * THOS. W. RUFFIN AttonitjMULaw loaluborg. : X North Carolina General practice, hoto. civil and crim inal, In Franklin And adjoining coun ties, Supreme and Federal Courts. Offices In First National Bank Building. DR. J. B. DAVIS Physician, and Surgeon *. Loulsbttrr, N. C. ~? Formerly lnterne^Bt Agnes Hospital Office next door to Durrell Davis Blacksmith Shop Phone Connections 64. DR. M. C. HORTON. Raleigh, Nora Carolina Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Tor oat Will be In Loultffcurg the nrst Mon aay of each month m office of Dr. B. Perry from / to 12:30, and at the t ot Dra. Harris and Henderson at Franklin ton, N. C., from 1:30 to 6 p. m. SANITARY BARBEB SHOP Court Street. Leulsburg, \ J North Carolina Well Equipped/ Four well exper ienced barbers. /Hot toyrels, sharp raaors. Polite and painstaking ser vice. Call and *ee ns. OSCAR 8TKUAI.1.. Proprietor. Don't Throw Your Clothes or Money Away. But take thofcn to the CHINESE ^AUNDRY qHARLIE WoHG, PRO. Louisbuyg, N. C. Where they will be cleaned and pressed/ and made like new. Also/ why pay for laundry work that you do not get. We glTe you the best of work and make your garments a pleasure to wear This 1* a Loulsburg enter prise and we solicit your pa tronage upon the basis ot home pride, bat not without ? guarantee of satisfaction. DARK OCTLOOK T>on't you tliiiTk the Russian w cn aro bravo-who liavo formed thi si-lvi i iuto a resilient. and will 1.' ilic^ame discipline ; : d I', phi the t ho men?" ?so. bnrxtt-mn: mrnrtr^? n.Hilary knowledge use going m ! ?'i Uu lu uic/ when the way over." i A TOMU? ' - ^ There are two phonograph reoc li sing,. Bridget." ? "Saro. ii.e goat did cat Viu up tot i*u.M \ ?*W?1?. he wasn't feeling tirst rat Perhaps they'll tone him up abit." ( 11 oj iri > < WTi'R vtr ntm nt-? ; ?KsTiyx vmi tum s yov.' Speeds Vp PigeVtJOn and Appetite,, ligomtos tlio XyMeni. Cheaper Thi Prejared' lrom Preparation * (?ERMA!(TSa LOSS With the declaration of Brazil oj state of war between that country Germany, 4he latter can now c<( eighteen enemy natious arra against her. Germany's losses in men and m< v.liiie they must be enormous, ar. reality the least of the disasters kave befallen her. The one great 4 aster that that misguided country 1 brought upon herself^ and which \ have most far-reaching effect, is . loss of her standing with the natij cf the world. With the exception the countries leagued with her in t unholy war, Germany is an outcf among the nations of^the earth. Germany is not feeling the blig ing effects of this ostracism now she will feel It in years to come. $ claims that her policy of fright^ ness is a necessary measure of; defense, yet this same policy has lienated numbers of nations that ( for that inhuman course would i hn if Tint h or friends"' least strictly neutral. Peace will come after awhile, ^ in the reckoning Germany's con, will be laid bare before a just and criminating world. We say "just a discriminating." because we belie. ue?pite Germany's frightful defect', from national humanity and honj the large majority of^ the peoples i the earth are at heart humane 4 honorable. And the latent princid of humanity and justice that undeq ami form the bed-rock foundations all civilized nations, have revolt and will continue to revolt agaii the savagery displayed by that wouj be fount of "kultur." } r^i This antipathy will take the for] of a prejuidice against not only Ger* many as a nation, but against the German blood. Not all the peoples of the earth have the finely discrim inating judgment of President Wilson cud not all of them will be able to separate the acts of the German Gov ernment from the impulses of the German people. It is a commonthing to hear, even in charity-loving America, references to German brutality and German sav agery. It is of no avail to tell the people that this brutality and sav agery is the result of a "system" and that in reality the German people as a whole do not countenance it. Hu man nature is prone to believe that actions speak louder than words, and I G< rmany'a actions will form the com- j p!?fnar.ts' evidence when Germany1 c ome3 to trial before "the people of t:*c earth. The German bed will be a bed of thorns for generations to come. FOR A WEA STOMACH As a genera! Tule all you need to do is to adopt a cft^t-suited to your age and occupation aiyyto keep yourb ow ei: regular. WheA you feel that you i have eaten too mi gA and when consti pated, take one pt Chamberlain's Tab I lets. * Increases strength fcate. nervous, vn people 100 it. In ten days ny Instances: forfeit If It s per full ex Ion In large . ... i arucn* ?oon to ap pear In this [paper. Uied and hlrh by fP"S?r United States Senator* and Member* of Con^rftAi. well-known phynlctans A l;lorni^r Publ,c Health officials. Ask your doctor or druggist about It, Modri (Steam I,aunt1rj. Leave your j^aundr? with J. W. Klne and net thVbean work. Bealii ntna IhH WMk, Ml fcondry will k* collected on d?1lv?n . If 70a ban any laundry to go ofl call up J. W. Kins'!) store. No. 32' \and have Mie change ready when ro>vr laundry ?* delivered. 7-6-tf \ JNO. 1 r. KJNO, JR. >r ?-i 11 ?sej ikj ?II "\ *r tU j ve an T .tU n ew ?m lad aly red ln ?ut as 'd., ;e e .1 I >r "r. i s d i l ?u e ,.?r -Vm t'y order r,. r.l of O.k,:h1," ,sio:.crs of bl?0'' ~-?v . " aric acid and rheumatism from j the system. CERTAIN CURE FOR CROUP Mrs. Rose MJddleton, of Greenville. III., has had experience In the treat ment of this disease. She says, "When my children wereXsnfall my son had ci ?up frequentljV Chamberlain's Cough Remedy alj/au broke up these attacks immediately, knd I was never v ithout it in the housV I have taken it myself for coughs ahd colds with good results." LIBERTY BOM) FLEECER INVOLUNTARY BANKRUPT timer Dwlgglns, Charged With -Frau dulent Use of Mall#, Has Case In Federal Court New York, Nov. 16.?An involun tary petition in bankruptcy was filed ?in Federal court here today *against Flmer Dwiggins, promoter of Unit ed States Government Liberty Loan clubs through which it is charged thousands of dollars were collected from individuals in weekly install ments of one dollar a week Cl'RED HER SON OF A COtl> "When my son Ellis was sick with a cr.ld last winteV I gave him Chamber lain's Cough Remedy; It helped him at once and qu!ck\y hfokfe up hia cold," writes Mrs. P. O. sWchell, Homer City, Pa. This remedy lOte been in use for many years. Its kodd qualities have been fully proven by many thousands of people. It is/pleasant and safe to take. ADHIN'ISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator 01 the estatte of O. L. Tant, deceased, late of Frari|tlln Cdunty, North Caro lina this Is t<\ notify all persons hold ing claims against the /state of said deceased, to exhibit tbfem to the un? d^rslgnod at Etann, C., on or be fore the 9th da\r o^November, 1918, or this notice wl^l^e pleaded In bar o*. their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please nyflce frnmedlato settle ment. This 8th daX of November 1917. J. R. WRIGHT. Administrator of O. L. Tant, deceas ed. 11 16 6L FIRE mSfTRATfCK. Wften yon want\jn?ur*nc* take II wftli T. W. WATW*. He know* kow. /\ 7-tl-t?. The J. DEITZ COMPANY Gigantic Sale Will continue the next thirty days. The past few weeks that our sale has been ^>n has been a big success with us, but from the many customers we have had, it has meant more success to them. We still have a few more af these wonderful bargains as will be seen from prices below, that you of Come in and look them over, and if you like them buy. You will be Welcomed anytime. DRESS SKIRTS All-Wool Poplin $6.98 Dress Skirts. .$4.98 All-Wool $3.25 Skirts $2.19 $2.98 Skirts ... . $1.98 The New Military^Colth Skirt's a marvel at ... . \. .$2.98 Ready-Made Dresses For Women, Mioses and Children Womens' $1.50 Gingham Dresses 98c Women's $1.98 Percale Dressed..... $1.19 Misses' 95c Dresses, 4 to 14.... \ 48c Children's 85c Gingham DressesA. 49c Shoe Department Look 1 ? .'Sensation ! Men's Work Shoes $1.48 $2.25 Gun Metal Dress Shoes $1.39 Weinberg's, the best Solid Leather . Work Shoe made $3.98 Ladies' $3.25 Dress Shoe, Patent and Dull, Button or Lace . .$2.49 Men's Dress Shoes, in all leathers, $2.89 to $169 Boys' Dress Shoes, Lace or Button $2.48 to $1.29 Misses and" Children? Shoes, But- - ton or Lace, $2.98 to $1.49 Douglas Shoes for Men .$3.50 Charming Shirt waists Every One New Fall and Winter Ladies' Waists, regular 98c to $1.39 values .49c Silk Waists, made-to sell at double the price $1.98 Shirtwaists, unmatchable under $1.98 .97c Good Sheeting, 15c val., per yard, 10c 20c Mattress .Ticking, per yard, ......15c ' Huck Towels, each 9c 15c Outing Flannel, per yard 10c 18c Dress Gingham, per yard 12c Wool Serge, 75c value, per yard 49c 15c Curtain Scrim, per yard 9 l-2c Children's Black 15c Hose, pair.. .10c Men's 15c Hose, pair 10c Ladies' 20c Hose, pair , 12 l-2c Pearl Buttons, card 3c Men's and Boys' 50c Caps 23c Men's Hats, $1.00-value?rr. 48c Men's 25c Suspenders 13c Men's 50c Neckwear 25c Cuff Links, 25c value 11c Canvass Gloves, per pair 9c Spool Cotton, spool 2 l-2c Men's 25c Belts 15c UNDERWEAR Boys' Fleeced Eibbed Union Suits. 39c Boys' Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers Ladies' Fleece Ribbed 75c"Shirts"and Drawers ..39c Girls' Ribbed 75c Union Suits 39c TROUSERS Men50 Trousers ...98c Men's $3.00 Pure Wool Trousers $1.79 Men's $4.00 "Worsted Trousers $2.60 Very Heavy Corduroy Trousers ... .$2.98 ,$1.50 Overalls and Coats ;? .$1.15 Children's Coats?Great Bargains Children's Chinchilla Coats, $2.50 value. Special ..r -,$1.25 Children's $3.50 Cloth Coats . $1.98 Very Stylish Little $3.00 Coats ....$1.79 $6.50 Coats marked for this sale ..$3.39 and Drawers 29c MEN'S CIOTHING At Enormous Savings All-Wool Blue Serge Suits, $18.00 to dav's value, to go at .$11.98 Men's Suits $11.00 to $12.50 values in sale at .. .$6.85 Men's $16.50 Suits, high grade . merchant tailoring $11.25 Men's Suits, values $9.00 and $10.00 $5.80 Men's Overcoats, $11.90 and and $10.40, down to $6.98 Men's Dress Shirts, choice dollar val... 59c The very best Work Shirts, the strongest 85c kind 65c Boys' 75c Sweaters 35c Boys' 35c Blouses ...'. .? .23c Men's $1.00 Dress Gloves 49c "De Lux'' Hats for Boys 25c Men's $1.00 Sweaters 75c Men's 15c Garters, per pair 9c $5.00 Boys' Suits -...$2.98 $6.00 Blue Serge Suits, the New Norfolk ?.??? ?"?? $3.95 Boys' Pants, 85c value . 48c Juvenile Suits, worth $3.00,, now...$1.47 Fine'st Suits made, High Grade ' Worsteds, $7.50 value $4.68 38c Corset Covers, 21c Ladies' Woo-lMixed Gloves ........ 15c EXTRA SPECIAL ! Newest Style Velvet Hats, 300 to select from 98c 10c Hair Combs, each 5c 50c Bureau Scarfs 24c 50c Hair Brushes, 15c I, J .DEITZ CO. Louisburg. - - North Carolina.