AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT BRINGS RESULTS ranklin Times - v. - ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR-- . IN ADVANCE F. Johnson, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. Subscription $1.60 Per Year ' . W 1 - . , " ' ? _ ^ COLUMN XLVI. ~ ? . LOUISBUBG, N. C.f FBIDAY, DECEMBEB 7, 1?17. - ? ? *\v' NUMBEB <3 u > * "? J. D. ALSTON RE FLECTED CHAIRMAN RAISES SALARY OF 8UPT. J. J. I UOLDEJL Relieves SeTeral from Tax m?Re Elects O(Beers?Receives 8everal Bold*?General Routine Business. The Board of County Commission ers met In regular session on Monday -with all members present. After ap proving the minutes of previous meet lags business as follows was trans acted: . W. G. Ayescue was relieved of taxes ?a *100. The following persons were rellav ? ed of poll tax: Charlie Jones. D. O Richardson, J. H. Griffln, E. H. Moore. W. W. Lester and W. J. Cooper were relieved of special school tax in Seven Paths district. ? Jift. Holden, Superintendent of the County Ijlome reported $900.55 recel ed from cotton. =- Upon order the salary .f J. J. Ho1 ? den waa Increased from 140 to $50 per month, beginning January 1st. .. J. B. Yarborough was allowed to list taxes of non residents. ?- It was ordered that the Sheriff re quire his deputies In the several town ships to return to this Board the names of all persons that have not -listed their taxes for 1917. J. D. Alston was re-elected Chair man for the ensuing year. Mr. W. H. Ruffln was appointed at-: tornoy. Alice Bunn was placed on outside pauper list at $2 per month. H. A. Kearney was allowed $675.00 part payment for collecting taxes. It was ordered that the county pay to J. W. N'eal, Executor of J. T. Neal, the amount cdllected for rent on B. P. Matthews- farm, on collln account. Upon order no taxes were to be col lected on farm sales. The bonds of H. A. Kearney Sheriff, were received and- filed. Dr. J. E. Malone and Supt. J. J. Hol den were instructed to get a home for little girl at county home. Thesale of the Rood bonds was post poned until Wednesday, Dec. 5th. The bond of D.. G. Pearce, cotton weigher for Louisburg township, was received and filed. ?' The report of J. J. Holden, Super lntendent of county home, was re ceived and. filed. He reports 12 white and 12 colored inmates. The Board adjourned to meet again on Wednesday, December 5th, after having allowed a number of accounts. The Board met again on Wednes day according to adjournment. \ jR. L. Stokes ^reported the Warren county line matter settledsatlsiac tory. -/ The Sandy Creelf Road bonds were sold by the Board. Upon motion of J. W. Winston the Board adjourned to meet again on December 20th, to make final settle ment with Messrs. W. H. Allen and P. B. Griffln. Thanksgiving Menu. The following is a menu of th-3 Thanksgiving dinner for the boys of the Machtfle Gun Company, 322nd In fantry, at Camp Jackson, S. C. MEATS?Roast Turkey with dressing. Cranberry Sauce, Boiled Ham, Hot Biscuits, Roast Beef with brown gravy Scalloped Oysters, Deviled Eggs, Mac aroni ord Cheese, Asparagus Tips,, Potato Salad, Stuffed onions, Juna Poas. Cslery, Candled Sweet Potatoes, Creamery Butter. DESERTS?Fruit Cake, Plum Pud. ding, Mince Pies, Mixed Pickle, Queen Olives, Vanilla Ice Cream, Apples, Or anges, Bananas and Cream, Hot Co coa, Hot Coffee. SMOKES?fjlgarattes. Cigars. f Mrs. Mann Hostess. Thanksgiving brought the "Younger Set Book Club" with Mrs. Mann. Although the weatber conditions were terrible, one would not realize^ It at such a pleasant meeting. < After the assemblage 6f the club, the meeting was called to order by Mrs. Mann. Minutes of last meeting were road by Secretary. A real Thanksgiving prayer was of fered by Miss Furman, whioh'made us all feel that'the day was rightly named and we ao often forgot tli? meaning. The life, of G?n.^offre waa to be read by tfij. Swindell, but she Was "wish ed away1' and didn't appear, much tc the regret of the club. Mrs. E. H- Malone read a real In terestlng paper on "JoITre'a Visit to United States. 'XJurrofrt Erects" were read by Miss Furman. As our subject for the occasion was a Frenchman, Mrs. Mann had the ap alse" sung by the Misses Hall accom panied by Miss Furman. - The Intellectual mata was really In spired with this meeting, but nothing could more delight the "Inner mah" than have served, as the ho I te? a did, a steaming hot 'Tried Oyster and cof fee" course. The meeting adjourned, we depart ed, wfthlig Mrs. Mann many happy returns of the day, with lese water. The next meeting will b? wtltfc Mrs E. L. Best, Dec. 13th. Bed Cross Wool F11L The following donation* harw been made , during the past week to the Franklin ton Red Cross woet fand: Mr. Welsman .60 Mr. Hight ? .80 Mr. H. Hunt , ?? .60 Mr. John Speed t06 Mrs. S. C. Vann 26.00 Mrs. B. T. Grelen ^ 26.00 Mrs. John Conyers 1.00 Mrs. B. A. White . ? 60 Dr. Henderson 1.00 Mr. J. W- Daniel 100 Mrs. Olin Perry .60 Mrs. E. J. Joyner 2.60 Total 69.00 The JToung People's Missieaary So ciety. On Tuesday evening December 4?li, 1917 The Young People's Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. Ed ward L. Best on North Main street in a "Business Meeting." . A beautiful Christmas program was arranged for the meeting by Mrfi Best. "Devotional Exercises," Mrs. Mor timer C. Pleasants; "Christmas Eve In Cromwell's Time," Mrs. Edward L Best; "A Christmas Prayer,"Miss Lo nie Meadows; "My Blessing Book," Miss Julia Barrow. At the conclusion of the program each member took part in the election of officers for the year Nineteen Hun dred and Eighten. The following Is a list of the. newly elected officers. President, Mrs. Osmond Y. Yarboro Vice resident, Miss Julia Barrow, Cor responding, Secretary, Miss Minnie BrickciLl. Recording Secretary, Mlsa Louise Thomas, Treasurer, Miss Sue T. Alston, Superintendent of Suplles" Miss Lonie Meadows, Superintendent of Social Service, Mrs. Edwin H. Ma lone, Superintendent of'Study Publi city, Miss Lydia Inscoe, Agent for Voice, Mrs.' Osmond J. Hale. After electing all officers a delicious salad course was served. Those present at the meeting were: Mesdames Mortimer C. Pleasants, Osmond J. Hale, Osmond Y. Yarbori-, J. C. Myrick, Edwin H. Malone, Ed ward L. Best. Misses Lonie Meadows. Hodgle Alston, Julia Barrow, Alleen Webb, Sue Alston, Lydla Inscoe, Min nie Brickell, Louise Thomas. We were very glad to have with at the meeting one of our former me?v bers, Mrs. J. C. Myrick, of Panama Canal Zone. We also welcomed into our society two new- members at th . last meeting, Mrs. Osmond Y. Yarbor > and Miss Alleen W^bb. After all business had been discuss ed the society adjourned to meet on Tuesday evenings December 11, 1917, at the home of Mlis Lonie Meadows j < North Main street, In a "Study Ctrcl! Meetlhg" at 7:46 o'clock. Each mem ber is urged and requested to be pres ent at this meeting. We also wan*, each member to bring with them a new member. "Recording Secretary." List of Letters. The following is a list of letters re. malnlng In the Post Office at Louis burg, N. C? not called for Dec. 7, 1917 Mr. Luclous Branch, Mtgs Myrtle Crews, Miss Carrie Davis,, Ed Davis', (col) Miss Fannie Floyd, Mr. Robert Harris, Mr. W. F. Kelly, Mrs. Fah nle KiQg, Miss Vivian Sykes, Mr. Wil lie Terrel. 1 ' " From Deed Letter Cftnce. *" C. fit. Bellemy. ; Persons calling for any of the above letters will please state that they saw ..them advertised. ' R. H Davis, P. M. ALLIED POWERS! HOLD CONFERENCE COMPLETE SOLIDARITY FULL UN STANDING. For the Solution of Questions of Com mon Interest In the War; Military Unity of Action Fixed Upon Coarse of Certain Realiza tion By Inter-Allied Staff. Parle, Deo. 4.?The foretgn office officially announced today that ait the ecent Interallied conference kt which the United States participated, agreements were ooncluded "upon th*. basis of a complete understanding sad close solidarity among the allies tor the solution of the questions In Tblafc they have a common Interest ta th* war." It was also announced that th? ?r? atlon of a supreme lnter-allled unl committee had been decided avtm' The lnter-allled general staff,.Jl vu stated, was working upon a detntta military program whlcl^was plaalag unity of military action In th* war e* certain realization. Official Statement, t The announcement regarding Mar results of the conference was made :? the following oVclal statement: ' JL "Theminister of foreign affairs va pbrte'd to the cabinet council today the result of the conference of the allies The reading of communications from tt^e presidents of each section of tho allied conference, at which were pres ent for the first time representatives of all the countries taking part with us in this war, has given felicitous re sults from every point of view. They give assurance of practical unity of action, economically, financially and militarily. "The agreements have been con cluded upon the basis of a complete understanding and close solldarlcy among the allies for the solution of the questions in which they have a com mon Interest in the war. The finan cial needs of each, of them, the require ments of their armamept, their trans port, their food, have been the sub jects of profound study which guaran tees perfect satisfaction. The crea tion of asupreme lnter.allled naval committee has been determined upon Military unity "of action has been placed upon the course of certalnreal. ization by the lnter-allled general staff which is at work upon an estab lished program of all military ques tions. "From a diplomatic point of view entire accord resulted from the dis cussions among the representatives of the powers upon all the business which has been arranged together, to assure the common victory of their countries." Rural Carrier Examination. The United States Civil Service^ Commission has announced an exam ination ior the County of Franklin, North Carolina, to be held at Louis burg on January 12, 1918, at 10 o'clock to fill the-position of rural carrier at Alert, N. C., and vacancies that may later occur on rural routes from othei post offices in the above mentioned county. The examination will be open only t6 male citizens who are actual lv domlslled In the territory of a post office In the county and who meet the other requirements set forth in Form No. 1977. This form and application blanks may be obtained from the offices mentioned above or from the United States Civil Service Commission at Washington, D. C. Application should be forwarded to the Commls slon at Washington at the earliest practicable 'date,. \> Box Party at Oak Ridge. Everybody Is cordially Invited to al tend a box party at Oak Ridge school house Saturday night, December & There will be something to Interest all. The proceeds will go for tire equipment of the school.. l6uISBUB? BAPTIST CHURCH. Divine worship Sunday, 11 A. M. and 7.80 P. M. Conducted by the pastor,. Sunday School 9! 45 A. M. You are cordially Invited to attend these ser vices. v Among -the unfinished business to he disposed of by Congress Immediately upon Its assembling In December will be the remedying of Its unaccountable omission In-ailing to tax the salaries of Its members, pf coufse It was an HELP DECREASE* INFECTIOUS DESEASESI WHAT MOTHERS CAN DO. ? Mother? Are Asked to Coopperato With Quarantine Officer to Control Con tagious Disease?. Nobody knows what It means to have a sick child like the mother, therefore, I am asking the mothers ot this coun ty, especially, to co-operate with me, their county quarantine officer, and by all working together, to keep down those preventable diseases like whoop lug cough, measles, scarlet fever and diphtheria as far as possible. ( Some old fashioned mothers used' to belleTe that whooping cough and (.measles were like taxes, )ust had to ccme, and the sooner they "came and (went," the better. But now mothers know different. They know that ev?n It children should have these diseases srhen they grow up It goes less hard With them then, and they are nKjfe likely to recover without dafect^anj Impairments. Why, when a mother's baby has measles, If It Is less than Jive years old, she never knows wheth-. ?r It Is going to be left blind, 'deaf, laine, or with weakened heart or kld intys, for life. The safest plan Is to' take no chances with any of these so called children's diseases. Chlldrep don't have to have them, and why not I p-otect them? Some of the things mothers can do to keep down whooping cough, meas les, scarlet fever, Infantile paralysis and diphtheria in their homes rfnd communities are, first, to suspect the disease and keep home the children | having the first symptoms, such as [Bore throats or head colds, particu larly If any contagious diseases is in tho community. Second, in case no physician is called to attend the chl 1 the mother should, see that the diseaio is reported at once to the county quarantine officer who will then tell her what to do and how to treat the? case.- The law requires her to do this. Third, every mother should re spget the Quarantine law. It may In convenience her Bllghtly but what will a few days of inconvenience mean if it saves a child's life or even if It saves him from a life long defect,like blind ness which Is often one of the after effects of measles. The mother who disregards the Quarantine I .aw is not only an Undesirable citizen to have in the community but is an enemy to tie children. The number of cases of contagious | diseases in this county last month re j ported to me were: Tuberculosis and Scarlet Fever, 1 Whooping Cougb, 2 Diphtheria, 3 Measles, 2 Smallpox, 1 J. E. Malone, * County Quarantine Officer, Auto Smash?Fp. On Tuesday while attempting to turn Into Court, street from Main street Mr. Willie Pinnell driving a I Ford touring car at most too high a rate of speed dashed lntd the corner of the side walk In front of C. C. Hud-1 son "Co's. store, breaking the radius rod and-Otherwise .smashing?up his car' No one. however, received- any Injuries. The car was again Thit in repair. LOOK WELL TO THE COUNTRY H0AD3. Our people will be fortunate If. i the drive after a record production in all lines, they keep well in mind th i great importance of good roads. Good roads are, in fact, one of the prime factors of success In our efforts to exceed all former productive records. The farmer who, after harvestinr | |a bumper cro, attempts to move that I crop to market over poor roads, soon | finds that h? must sacrifice a largo percent of his profits in reaching the market with his wares. The lumber man who has cut a choice lot of ma terial finds he must give up the lion's share of hla profits In petting his stuf I to the railroad. The same holds good I In all line??tpoor roads mean a waste |of energy; good roads, conservation j of energy that may "be profitably em , ployed In more production. | The telmptatlon for Blaoknefcs In this direction gro'wf greater all the time./ Thousands ot our workers have gone to Jhe army; other thous nndshave been drafted to take their places In the industries. Labor In all lines Is at a premium. The people of this country, how ever, have never known the meaning of 'the words"defeat" and "failure." They must not learn at this late day. A determination on our part that the industrial life of the country MUST NOT and SHALL NOT deteriorate will work wonders. Hitherto only a very small percent of the national energy has been devoted to the stern er question of making a living. We have had abundant time for all the varied interests of life. Now, however some of those Interests'* must take second place. The demands upon our time and energy are such that more and more we must cat out the frivo lous and devote ourselves to the ser ious phases of life. We can find the time and the means and the labor to keep our roads up to the standard of efficiency. V(fi MUST, if a large part ot our energy Is uot to be wasted. James I. Insco?. Dead. All the people of the kickorr Bock community were made s 1 on Wednes day morning-, November 28, when the message came from Camp Sevl ,r Greenville, s. C? saying that James Inscoe was dead. Although he had been sick for several weeks with meas les which later developed into pneu monia Information had been receiv ed by his people that he was conva lescing nicely, thus the news of h -j death came as a great surprise. James was 22 years old, therefore being in the ago limit of the selec tive draft law. He was called to the colors more than two months ago. and became a member of Co. E, 125th. En gineers. He had not been in good health for several years, and his friends naturally thought that he wouldbe exempted by the local board however this wns not done, anj he answered the call without uttering a word of complaint, and went awav in a spirit which manifested a deter mination to de his duty as a soldier " the Same manly way in which he had lived as a civilian. No one who knew him ever doubted that he would do his duty whether he was in the school room or at the battle front. A letter from one* of his commanding officers to his father was an attesta tion of his( loyalty as a soldier James Inscoe was an exceptional boy. Being strictly truthful from his infancy, kind and courteous to ev erybody, brilliant and faithful as a student, and above all a true chris u and gentleman, he possessed all MoerC^raCter,9tlCS ?f rea' manhoo'i More than three years ago he pro wnh M'''? 'D Chr,8t- and ??'?<* ?ith Mount Gilead Christian churci since whlC]h time his church'has not While '0yal ?r deV?Ut While it was extremely sad to his peo ple for him to die so far away from those who loved him most yet it h a sweet consolation for them to know that one who lived such a pure and unselfish life asho did was~not afra"d to live anywhere. The spirit of th? supreme being was present to com or im in his last moments, and this was more consoling by far thyn any words that could have been ut tered by human tongue, or any deed of kindness that could have been ren "d hlm' ever> by his loving mother His remains were_sent home on Thursday, and tenderly lain to rest n the family burying ground on Fri. day afternoon, In the presence of t largo number of relatives and friends He leaves to mourn their loss a fath er, and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J o In >coe. 8everaI brothers and sinters, and many other friends and relatives, all ? , W T ftre ?ad because he has b. on aken from them. May the bereaved family be comforted by kn.wlng thai their loss is his eternal ga'.'>, !ind -hat the influence of his life, although end ed at, seemingly, such an'uneeaao . able time, will be felt for years In the community where he passed his day and will serve as a guide for many pointing out to them platnly the ne cessity of living a ljfe that will be above reproach when the flnaLJiour has come. A Friend. Villa is said to have grown a luxur iant set of black whiskers. While it is true thatthe leopard cannot camou flage his spots, you have always the alternative of killing the varment THE MOVING PEOPLE SOME TOP KNOW, SOKE TOD DO NOT-. KNOW. Manj on Business, Many on Pleaiuw, Others to be Going, Bnt All Going or Coming. Mr. W. M. Person left Tuesday for a visit to Norfolk, Va. Mr. Will Y. Collie, of Raleigh, wai In Loolsburg the past week. Miss Lillian High left Friday for Norfolk, Va, where she la the guest ot Miss Jessica Smith. Mrs. J. B. Thomas /was taken to a hospital iiST Richmond Sunday by Dr. E. M Perry, for treatment. Mr. G. B. Egerton left Monday for Akron, Ohio, where he will take a po sition with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Mr. and Mrs. John Yarborough, and daughter, Camilla, spent the week-end to Raleigh as the guests of Governor and Mrs. T. W. Bickett Mr. and Mrs. Graham H. Anthony, of Hartford, Conn., were visitors to Louisburg the past wek, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Or McBrayer. Rev.VT. M. Gllmore, Rev. W. B. M