AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM THASBEIN08 EXSULTS ONLY $1.80 PER YEAS IN ADVANCE and MnnaffWi UNION Subscription $1.60 Per' Year "VOLUME XL TU. > L0W8BUBQ, FRIDAY, Kfc^Ajjj^ IMS. ftBXBtB 1 I)K. IEA landhith; speaks TO GOOD CBOWB ; Quite a large number of dur cltl ? sens heard the address at the Meth odist church on Wednesday night by Sr. Ira Landrlth, of Nashville, Teen The address was one of the best that has been delivered In Loulsburg humor, mingled with many facts that -were startling and pitiful, but hand led In a most masterly and Interest, ing manner. The addresfe of course was In the Interest of national pro hibition and was a strong appeal tor the abolition of the liquor traffic. MBS. AHNIE BOONE On January 29, 1918, the soul of lira. Ann Boone took its flight back to the Father who gave it Mm. Boone hak been flick only a few days, and all was donq for her that could be j done by family and physicians. But the weakened constitution could not respond, the suffering was to great, and slowly life passed from the tired body. ?* . , The remains were tenderly laid to rest tn the Webb -burying ground, in the presence of those--whoLhraved the severe weather to show the last sign of respect to our oftleBt cltlsen? In her early Ufa, .she confessed Christ as her saviour and uniteJ with the Maple Spring! Church, of which she was possibly the oldest member at t e time of her death. The oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ? \ .1 on Webb she was married over CO v Mrs .ago, to Mr. Spencer Moore Boi For over 50 years they faced life': \iittles together. Her who)* married life spent in her filrl lioi t! home, aud thcro l:or flvo children wcreraiscd. Mr*. Moon o belonged to the class cf Southern feontlewomnn of ante-bel lum days. In whom courtesy and kind uess to all. rich or poor, whit? or black was a part of a. cloak to bo put off at will. True ig her friends, a neighbor in ol iwK-d. to her -family sho was -4*v?;tlon itself. No task was too hard no sacrifice was too great If that means that, she could give pleasure to her loved ones. That It was appre Hntni wa? shown in the rcverence and j\fTectlon pivci her by her chil . tlren an?! grandchildren. Mrs. Iioono had a ful snare of lifo's mat. a hto \ouug n;anhooJ, by a fall; anottor dy S:ip suddenly, starce an Four auar lie left Dor well and stio ig. her hu3 N?and dying threo days latw. -j But* thiuugli it all could be seen j her cf.rorCu! fm'b, and p?cpH watch- j ins could "4^:1? nsy?"t.Uu u-Ul'-ml | with God." She retained r.!l her facu!tlc3 in spite cf her.age. and v.*a3 a cherish ing companion in any company. Just ~a yenr before her t!eath, ir.^t'io bitt?r_ est weather of the *? A youm; woman, the ~ r,ra::i (V.u^htcr ,of friends of her oarjy yiars, was bur ied. Jn spito ct tin Li t r ccld, aaJ remonstratlon cT her Tmrsly, Alrj. Ttoong. went to t!:o hurtal, givlhs fresTi prc. l or t o ITTTTTTiTrj wTTTpTT haft l^stod tfere'igii-f?;r r,jncratioftiB Surviving her ara i 05 c'llUronJ Mrs. G?o!'Cx-s W. 'Dconj, Mrs. ^J. A?' Dean, and Mr. C. I!. Tiocne, and a number of grand ch '.Jr3 . To tliuac.?tt?rr'rrrr?omj eiaeoroat sympathy, kncv/Ir.T; t'w '/e'r 16*^ 4*' her gain and that s!ii la ;'ust gons a head to av.ait the arrival o J h&r lovol^ onoH in tli.;t better lami. v-'hrre tLcrcVj are neither tea/a no.* s?.: :dv. s. C. i LIST OF LETirilS ' The following is p. l.'U IcMcra rs maining in th? po't-oTi i rv. Louijbura, not callel for FcTiroatj^ iStb. Miss C'lnr Ailon, ^Tiw I^::t3o CalJ well, Mr. Jim Carm'cJicbl.&.Mr. Mark. Coppedgo. Mr. Albert Casii, Add . .pilous Davis, Mrs. D. I . MartSy Mf. | Ernest Mangum. Mr. J. S. O^vcn, Josephine Perry (2). Mi;. TurTOT Stokes Miss Hutb Thomas Mrs7 Alice Walker, Miss Katie Wi!ey. Following from tlio dead 4etter of fice Will Mann. Persons calling for any of th$ above letters will pleaso ?iato ffiaTmey saw them advertised. R. H. DA'frs. P. M. Oov. T. W. rUckett will address a patriotic Mass Meeting in Louisbijrg on Monday, February 2f>th. * ?JThey'vo change*! the old 'sftng to, ""Every Monday tV Simdar Now." y* 3 * A PROCLAMATION Winston-Salem, N. C.. Feb. 5, 1918 To the Masters, Wardens and Breth era o f the Subordinate Lodges under the Jurisdiction of the Qrand Lodge of North Caroling A. F. & A. M. Brethern: ~CTUR NATION 18 AT WAR! Many of our people are awake to this fact, but thousands have not yets, realized what it means. The preservation of your liberty and freedom, your homes and loved ones is at stake. Morp than a thousand North Carolina Masons and another thousand sons of Masons are In this flght and this Is but a be ginning unless we put our heart* and time and money Into the cause. Thar* can be no daubt of final victory If we support our Government as we should. At a meeting held In Washington 1? December, representatives of all fra ternal orders being present, the Presi dent and the Secretary of the Treas ury requested our co-operation and help. Our representative at this meet ling pledged the loyal support of North Carolina Masonry, The annual communication of the Grand Lodge held In Ralegh last month fairly thrilled with patriotism and a resolution was unanimously ad opted calling upon the Masons of this Grand Jurisdiction to assist the Gov ernment In all ltB endeavors, espec Hv in (he sale of Its securities, and nntructlng tiie Grand Master.ta Issue his proclamation accordingly. NOW. THEREFORE, 1. GEORGE S. NORFLEET, ORAND MASTER OF MASONS IN NORTH CAROLINA, do call upon every loyal member of the craft to aid and ?Mitt pur govern A. wrirj mcut o? all luxe* Imposed upon5 people, to the end that our Ai my find Xavy and those of our AHies may be sufficient,y clothed, amply equippod, properly fed. and diligently eared for | that thla hcrrihle war may be brought! to a sp:cUy and successful end. The cojspai^n on Jtfit uow is for [the sale of-Thrift and_ V.'ar Savins [glamgsI_Tvlilc'h many believe to be the ' ^cstJnvo3!n?ent?fT!eT!ovoraH!!rnriS1 i oik rod fUu-irjupli'.?TUG I'.'-irc'.-Liff uf these stamps not ohly helps our Treasury but encourages thrift, a micli naj?cl practice ,r.mon; our people. % t sc.^ ~ ~TIia^G f^^TTZ EOTJStr trni ?purchase * oce^thousand dollars "V.'orth of tkeib st.all anyone i3 al'.ov^flt^ *uy, nnd I urso ovary ctiborcSlnqX " In North Carolina thai has va'Iablo or ran snvo about so* dollais-pc^s^t^v-to-^o-Uia-^siiTNc. IT your Lo.'co cannot buy a~thou3a!RT iVollarj worth, fcuy every dollars vr rth yen can. I crll upon every ?.Ia*on in this Grand J':ri3iict:on to purchase rvcry ftr-.T-i:* i?f? '??" piy. i't- up tn limit, and I mil rpon y.iu Turthc.- tn I.old all Government' #e""riMo"i and "?wr'aco others to h.ld them, ra ther than srll them ai iv iU.<coaut, thuj Impairing our "axon's credit.' Han't do your bit, but DO t*0T*~>. ? . {?u \-tla it NOW. The iced tor In^rr.t rrtinn ii Imperativ*. Oi- son* tnd brothers have alrca'y cono to five their llvr.i, if ner ??-?.sary; "sinil $o rrlJhhrH o,%r dollarr? If you r!n t%R'* bert vir'.ory w'ty "re irnch ?,wc*! ?r yn*i when ti.o boy i ivini nv.roh 'W^ 1mm lien rs' o-r hoy.; return hem? frrm 5 o mi??rl fioa.h in t':e war's aw * 'to'l. i??* and maimed and crippled for i:fo ennobled in spirit and soul. Iiey gather v.Jth friends an 1 tho dear?ones at homn By the fire, or on Hummer's long days And tell ofthe?Tmcs 'hey. went "over tho top" In thfc early morn's ttvllirrM Via 7**: Should they ask irou what vv: were doing the while In tho world's greatest war o help ? r.v ;win- it. Tie sure you ran look 1??Tcf * square In ti e eyo And truthfully an- ~ If you have not rl; <|?dv ?' mipgest that yon fltp'nv or- '?** Flag In your T^od"- 'o^m . T,et this p^nr1;'r?-' ??" ??: PB08PECT ITEM Mr. Terrell Kemp was ? *??r* Mr. W E. Maya Sunday aftferooon. Mr. Willie Strickland .and femily of Bunn, was the guests ot lira. Ids! Perry Sunday. On Friday night Feb S there wil & musical given' at the home of Mr. (V. E. Mays. A large number at visiters were present from Prospect and alxo from Loulsburg. Everyone the music, and on 1 earing have the pleasure ot attending er musical real soon. W .0 Ball went to Rock Byi day afternoon. Mr. J. D.- May spent In Loulsburg with Mr. W. H. Edens. Mr. W. 6. Ball was a pleasant -call er at Um horns) ot A. T. Shaarln last Bun day night. Mr. B. T. Holmes apen Bunday jnorn lng In Katesvllle with Mr las sta Qos wick. Mr. Walter Perry waa k caller at, P. M Bennetts Sunday night. -We are all very glad to see this pretty wqather and most especially the ones who are going to raise to bacco tor they are preparing to burn plant beds. Mr. Jenkins Strickland - and Miss Harriett Moore passed through Pros pect Sunday morning. ?? v " Miss LlllleH White and Mr. Tom Moon, visited MIbs White's parents in Franklinton Sunday. - Miss Delsey Pearce visited Miss Nora Lee May Sunday afternoon. Mr. W. H. Edens, ot Loulsburg was a pleasant caller at Mr. W. E. May's Sunday afternoon. ? We are. very glad to say tha Mr. Johnnie Moore has Improved very much also Mr. W. H. Tact Is rapidly Improving. . V'^T' ' ,' Mr. W. E. May Is having some re MSMk done on his djrelllng house. KRED, WHTE AjSD BLUE. So ciety caIlccrlWHByS^?liJ^1 F* YarborougVs^ office In Saturday Foltruary 16th,.at 2 o'clo /11 members are requested to be pres ent. n. m. r:nrvY, m. d. sac. t'KVtlT KUSSIS" AtUfrrta. Ga., Feb. 12.?"Kindly jjv^L^Jills.iin.^'rh i 3 i3 to s 1 o car*. the A:my end Navy Y. M. C. A. huts throughout the Southeastern Military j Dcpartmoat?arc-adopting in a cam paign? to minimise profanity anon; our coitOcr? fm4 sailow:? ? "T6 * v.*m? in?e ts trooper** '&~~sicv or" heretofore >?*** bc??i xoaiurcd as ?the piv ?se prai3c of the r>-oliclrry#pl^>!o?liut no longer. obsolete, for accord ..cVvio i-Work-Director vm." :?i t"4y;? Gorc'on: t lf-?TTTr^TS herrd in train-! ? *j : toJ v than on our rf~-. ts. i ? I've. <;.?? rrrr. arc^ftjling , ??i fpnnn'i " T Navy Y. Til. A. is I ) 1 rjp the thoughts T*a i with its prog- ? m d social-activities. i 'j Vocational classes rvic2!i. Many printed j p'>r;? ?- displi*crl conspicuously in tho 1 M Trlang' reminders to ihc inon cf tl?c o'j'o/,? fomrt-lo character ol* profanity. Oat? c. thc?3 read.*: a "If you cur*o r.t liar.:-*, c :r e Wo yo*i to fC5l at licni.V The;* ho* roo I rc:ull3; ar. t lie ad vrrMp'n^ mai says. Reecentiy a sol t '.CT a*, on.- of Me writing bejicher in ;i hut spe't-i-d forth a rriou'tji \?1 of oaths' which was overheard by a un iformed seccretary: "Just put 'em in a leter to : our mother sometime!" suKKc*?ett t h? -in formed s ir?i ry. A few days 1.? *ei the enl? ' ?! man laid a neatly writ J >n letter le.*'-.?-- the secretary \v!lt'le sta^em^r.r t v mother the f)r?t. !* I've v ? in seven 'yw;%, T |??nt v, ? ? no .the other diy raadv n?o .1 , -liKy tovarn-he*?j find-* -1 to cut out tV v:u* * next re;*jla com e; It be p Kr.Jind 'rev* I? ??* ' your [? "OBE DELINQUENTS Questionnaires have' been mailed to the following registrants. They will take notice that (allure to respond to notice Is a misdemeanor and subject? them to arrest by any police or oth er officer. All sheriffs, . oonstablfea,. deputies, police or other officers are hereby commanded undw^sectlon 4?, S. S. R to bring the registrants naxu qd below before thle Local Board. February 13, 1918. William Taylor, Loulsburg/ Nathaniel Shock, Frankllnton, N. C. Willie Dunston, Frankllnton B. Fred Whit?, Louis burg, N. C. Sol Austin, Perth Amboy, N. J. John Burnete, Bunn, N. C Eddie Thorns*, Wood, N. C. Joe Thomas, Loulsburg, R 8. Mathew Flahir, Loulsburg, R 1. Robert Hayes, Loulsburg, N. G. ^Alle White, Frankllnton. Alvln Joyner, Du?ham care Harman P&?. . John Thomas Smith, Loulsburg, R 4. Tom Jones, Loulsburg, R 1. Henry Morgan, Wakefield H. Arthur Cotton, LoulBburg R 15. James Isaac Thomas, I-ouiBbur^ R ?? ' , Percy. Williams, Loulsburg. William Wesley Sledge, S. A. L. Richmond, Va. Ed Macon, Kittrell R 0. Nathaniel Perry, Frankllnton. Willie Williams (.white) Loulsburg. Fred Cooke, Loulsburg. R .D. Benson, Loulsburg. John WilliSths, North Emoprla, Va, or Louisburg R. F. D. James Henry Haywood, Loulsburg Ho^le Brooks, Louisburg R 1." Joe Davis, I^oulsburg R 2. Martc Knight, Louisburg. Oille McKnlght, Katesville. -.uuu l'orry,.Loulsburg R 4. David Hlck3, Louisburg, R 4. Johnnie Cradford Vick, Wakefield, H 1. T Wfilia Amrthur "Davis, Frankllnton Henderson, R G. Kmrnett Perry, Spring Hope, i;li Brc John Langford, 7? Co. Coatesville, Pa. Albert Crudup, Franklinton, R 2. Lonic Patterson, HonJerson, R 6. i Richard II i as. Loui3burg, R, I . Jamoj Eljcrt Kciirncy, Franklin tcn. ? wntert ItttrrTouicburg, R. Key Plummcr Youngsvillc. * - Charlio Goorgo Davi3, Louisburg, R.~ 4. John Chcma3, .Louis* urg, R L Tomsoa Caldwell, -Holilster. ?tonefl?Parry, ""Louis DurgT R 1. r-.iuuel Williams, Louisburg. Leo Pearcc, Franklinton. :'tntn*e, Ypungsville. , William Henry Mitchell, Srring H_n?P, T? 9 Richard Cooke, Louisburg, R 2. Askew Baichelor, Rocky Mount c-o V/. H. Williams. Elias Thomas. Marlborough Rlen fcefm Hotel Aiaaiic City. Jim Eary, Wood. Hubert Cannady, Duriuense, Pa. D;:?lev JoIin?on. Wood. Tony Morgan, Franklinton. Jtrr.ei Lo~an Williams. louisburg. Joj Davis, IJarnwell, S. C. Lcc-.l Hoard? for tho County of Franklin. Hy Wi'i H. Ruffin. Chairman. KM1TIV. (ONTINTKS " hqre ha:* hen much inquiring if ilVi knitting v ill continue. Notice from 1 !quarterf*"^ly tbtoCtsJtyfeaters nnd m. * arc still needed In large quao t aro mtony women ox p v ;in^ the desire to cntinuo their k ing. The Red Cross Chap*or ox poi to Titto more wool on lianJ .. . cri 'will notify all as soon as it i re -odj l-ast week 25 sweaters, 30 p of [socks. 5 mufflers and 2 pairs wfisileti were forwarded to fct loitta making a total of 434 knitted r ?rmont? having been shlppj^J to he'Ad <Hjarters. f"armers will soon be afraid to be n bringing eggs to towff, for fear or-ountcrihg t lie income'iat colloc T. Hickett?will address a s .? v Vfass Meefinfr^mLj^^kurg Febrifarv 25?h. WAK NEWS IN BRIEF King George and David Lloyd Geo rge, the British Prime Minister In ad dresses to the British Parliament? We former before a Joint session of the house of Lords and the House of Commons, have declared again that in the recent utterances of the spokes men of the Teutonic allies there can j be found no basis tor a peace which will tuimi the demands of the demo cratic governments. ? The addresses of both the Monarchs I and his Prime Minister were as one with President Wilson's speech made Monday. King Qeorge declared that until there was a recognition of the basic principles upon which an hon orable peace could be concluded It was the duty of the British to prose cute the war with all the vigor they possess. " Wilson Is Bight Mr. Lloyd George asserted that President Wilson's estimate of the recent speeches of Count Von Hertllng the Imperial German Chancellor, and Count Czernln the Austro-Hungarlan Foreign Minister was a correct one He aJttexl - that the British Govern ment had not receded an lota from its announced war alms. Until some better proof 'Thaji had been provided by the speeches of-tb leaders of the Central Powers tl.'-j those countries were prepared to slder the alms and Ideals for ' the Allies anil the United StaU ^_s fighting for, Mr. L^>yO. Ge<' s It would be Great Britain's flregret bio duty to go on and make ? prepai tions nei^sary to establish ttonal right.** '-'iter; Activityfc* the lVes*, The military activity rih yiio U-Csi frnn> is ^aily increasinuf^. 1q_ y0u The patrol encounters jwre^cin&c&r ried out by larger nJKrties th&fc been the case "since f]l^o hard wfter set in, and more ze^1 is being nldcd to the fighting. The British nea.^ Epeehy anjd La jfl lurcher incur positions in the numerous cas ts and al?j taking" prisoners ajrfl n&chino gun.;. Likewise north at the Ailette river ir ta 3BBBS BSg 55 ggggr have made successful auacl^^wnlca resulted in the capture of nearly three hundred [?risnnors. A somewhat am bitious attpck^?y-4he f.^rnmn* in the Verdun sector was put down by tli? . JiTen-' with s C v cTT'r'n s I! 2 Li<5 v. K' :c-:i (lie Am?ricr.k> anil the Oeri?";?*' 'lnr?? i.? a* con taut. c"iar.;?o of a:t;.?t'fy !.:c. iiiI (ho. /nicrlcaa; t-'ontl.i .i4 it? n.rry o'u*. p-itrrllinrj nr. euvc/s touard the enemy . tre lclic *. Tho Herman# evidently v s t n-!.vouj y<" g:\uge the positions occupied t'ryC^.~. Americans-LiiiL also to M.ccrta':t fftt? jumTn r if tv?" tlft" arc cr.^i >:*!r?T for Uaily their aircraft p.r-* .l*o c:*In * over 1.3 lilies taking phou>rr?p';< an.' makia;; ob.--???rvatior.s. Antl*arrcra'! guns several times have driven c..' the enemy. ATthonph the inerea?ei In tV.o rr tlvlty along flie onttVo Iron? *n t'rrr and Belgium Is noticeable t;. rc r-i indication as yet when t o C? will begin their much hera'ded ger.JY" al offeo&ivo. A German c: t*t?tre by the British says that at lea t one 11-, attack is <lue to begin sicir.^tiTrr* ?? March. Meanwhile lnrre**t-i. tions of fresh troop's dally afe nrrlv in? behind the German line no 1 carry ingout practice maneuver -. On the front tba Arstrlar ? again have endeavored ttf tcit the strength of the Italians In the Se'te plateau sector. The German war offi ce asserts that the Austrian* car ried out a most successful a*tack, 1 ore. hut the Italian official cor.ununi *ion declares that the AvFtrf.?n co"l .as were torn to ptec?*s by til** Ital ian artillery as they tried ;?e? in the southern slopes of Mor.te 3?? "To Rosso and other positions and the ?of fensive completely repulsed. There was a considerable Ijierr-t-? in the number of aerial attacks d< ?* ered by entente airmen on Cerr >r towns in January. In all .11-of t1 vr raids ipv'ere made, according to a C.v-~ man official statement, K^rlarn^e Mannheim. Freidrichshaven, the bom' of the Zeppelin- airship industry, and other towns wore bombedc /f-he str>ti? iuc^L says the entente ]pst four air planes during these attacks. " SUIT. BEST ADDRESSED BOX SCOUTS 't At a meeting of the Boy Scouta ta* the court house In Ixmlaburg on last Friday night Supt Best made quit* an earnest and Interesting appeal la \ behalf of the War Savings Sttm# Campaign, In a very Interesting ad dress opening the campaign m tldta , county that Is being conducted by tb?,! | Boy Scouts all over the United Sta^H |thls week. It was also the occasion of the > nlversary of the organization. ' troop attended services at the i ches in a body Sunday. , The great work that has bet S and iB being done by the. Br ? in the prosecution of tha wo Important and is huge in ' and Has Teceived the hearfr datlons pf President and othar leaders in the preaa^ tnn6 of ^ greatest crisis in jf^igtory 0f the American people. *?' ?' y ASTERICAN IS AMBU9CA DED MAX'S LA>D Fire Belief (0 Hare Been Kflle.4, f.?,"and One Wounded. Ar , 3r Inunedlately Laid A Barra?? jf\XK Aronnd Ambushing flermaM "Is some Are BeUered to Ha*? lfcn Aecountcd For; Th| Infnntw_ Goth Others. in France, ?\Vlth toe American KT& caturdW ***? 9.-Ft?yA?"lcan sol 1 X believe'toJfaye been killed ?" \ an i one was wound \t aV1?11* r .fa .meri*an patrol was am jn ?o Mans Land last ni^ht forfe of Germans. i *iot whqfe the encounter oe~ ta'yfrer* is an Isolated one and reports r*/bno*rnlng the casualties inflicted by ^ncxifi sides are meagre. J Only one American Is known to have escaped the trap of .the Germ ians which was laid in front ol our [ wires. _The one survivor, who crawl ed back to the American llliu'j with a? 1 bullet in his chcU i* unatlo totalk. I Our artillery immediately' laU a [barrage around the ambusl::a? Ger mans and some aro believed to have 'been accounted for. The ialintry ac counted for ethers, as it is certain tho attacked patrol. lough t to a finish. ac cording to information tricEircj" tn ~ from tho front line. h Our patrolling soldiers were vralk lag in front uf our wire juts?1 I.T.-. ~ n ? ?^TTi ^TT^T. 1 11., 1^,? been divided into parties which took up concealed po?i'Iona opened flra at close rap sc. The nfglit was clsar and the forms of the /.mcVlcans m ado tho be<4-i^ossfble targe.3 for tJio hidden Gcnr.rn ?Tlic^gJ^ ^io-ikult ihr.t tho / no^rn-V brt 1?cl until tcin p'etolv ovcrpflTYp <!uel In o*:r ce^'or continue! today. - Scores cf vurc on* c'j3orv an! i>'.:o,.o~:*ap'.i*'. T!io iron ii tin d'.vol? tho sfo-.oyGf tlioTT. heals. . '? - ?? r.cci; f-rr.::;::s iTErrr - OrIrt~ to t'-J? '.:*.a*.riru!?%vcat".;ar cv or; re.. p:-? t j he buv fcurnlas p*. v. t I c:1j. TV .1-0 very ro-ry r."i>r. Hub? Unr TT " t:?'?. 1.o v.; anymore It* th!?l t' ?? r;i* rc-'o^i :*n ijnr- fa:;icr J? serl <"?:?!;? .'II. r TI a ^ T-'."4.? cV'T^cr.'C'.t !:aj ta li \ b "v p~co In ?a!:o3l. T., r7?" cn.? .\o'jl>ltt and As berry ? ?? ir. *I * ?% %T',rn .h or Wilr^ ~-V r ? roll.?-* n r'. a fivr (lay3 of ia: vl']? "?. rr.VJicr. 'T! i Do:* ti'j ( \i j.'O'.v . i; >p*nd!n?: r> ??hI!? r !n!vrn in ScoM^nd \c ft. .*11- c." Ci r**-' r*rr." TJohbftt ~?e ?"'? Wvtfi'r p/'ct'ciI a dar.c:> at Mr. JcTroy'n W Friday night. ? 0!lio visit 3d Eunn last gnrr'r*" rn I t? We'll rinf: off for this time from a a;. Hickory Rock. you AND I. ^JEETIXO OF 1'KOSPECT LOCAL UNION i * Th^re will no a meeting of the Prospect local of the Farmers Union in the Court Home In Loulsburg Sat un'ay Feb. 16 nt 2:30 P. M. AH members are urgently request ed to be present. T. J. HARRI8, Pres. J. C. JONES^ Sec. Gov. T. W. fllekett will adrtres? a Patriotic Mass Meeting, In Loulsburf? tf Monday, ^ahruary 26th.

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