V-. &B8ULTS ?Vfe. , " ? ^ ->' % >. JUlmcmrEmTSr'SiidlVlailiga: ? f - ? . THE COUNTY,, THE STATE, TmfUNION. Subscription $150 Per Year ? ' "> T - '-H. ? Jl- S .T =?* i ' ' - ? -.lr' '? I I . . ' => $1.60 IN AD1 % . . w VOLUME XLYtt - ? LOUI8BUBG, N. C., F] , ?' : _ ^ -d ,F?JMWJX*Y ?2, 1?18. ?*????? . ? x .' JiUMBEB t" Couhty Politics Are Now Warming Up; Each Office To Be Contested II Present Rumors Are A?y Imdleatioa ?The Judicial Offlees Are Also Fmr nlshtog Some Interesting Slscuasson Although the primaries for the se lection of officers for Franklin coun ty and the State generally Is now four months off, Interest In the local affah-s and also of the seventh Judi cial district are taking on good pro portions In the general discussions on eur streets and to the county. This year everyone of the county offices are to be filled and both the Judicial offices and If madam rumor Is any In dication everyone of them will be. in much demand as It will range from a double contest to one of many sides. The only relief we have in sight Is the fact that this year Franklin will not name a senator, It being her year. From present Indications HoftE. W. Fou will have no opposition In the coming primary to sucked himself, which Is no doubt m<5re due tp the conditions Burroundlng the fact that" this country is at war than it Is that the people of/Franklin are satisfied with him ire tttetr representative. The jtfalclal race promises much ln tirosr and will in a measure absorb rch that would otherwise result the purely local campaigns. ' It ? '"111 be remembered that Franklin and Wake counties are to a district together and under agree ment that neither county shall hold both offices a.t one time.. There -are To'TW 'mu 'uimjujj OHWJ tnxhto this year, ono for'Judge and one for Solicitor. Already there are about six or seven named for the-Judgeshlp. Sen. W. M. Person is already a can didate, as also is considered, Judge T. H. Calvert, Governor Bickett's ap appointee to succeed Judge Cox who was appointed to succeed Judge Cook, and which appointment the people of Franklin feel has thoroughly viola ted the agreement they had with "Wake in that It deprived Franklin of the remainder of "the term to an office that it had a right "to claim Its "own besides resulting In Wake's holding both offices for two years. Besides the ?t wo candidates - narood above-tor the Judeshlp it IS possible that Franklin will offer Hon. Ben T. Holden, a most a Me of rmnocsr Tiar, anil we learn that WaA county will offer Messrs. W. B. Snow, W. C, Harris, R. N Slmms, Percy J. Olive and Senator Wllmur 6udd. Out of this combination there is much room for quite a little fun in the running. The solicitorship does nut seem to be quite so popular, but we learn that Hon. H. E. Norris, "who has been solicitor of. this district ' since its formation will stand for re. nomination,'and that there is a prob ability of h\b being opposed by Repre sentative A t wood Newell, Of Louis effect that ifHon. lien JL #ol4en-Tl0e"?~ not run for t^e Judgeship ho will be a possible opponent to Mr. Norris for the Solicitorship. .. At present, except to those directly interested in tbeTrohibitlon campaign the representative fronf this county hwj^tcausingan^tartlin^alarn^We "ffaveTrcJrT^onTJTNe^pame^^f^Tessff?1 ?E. H. Malone and J. A. burner, men tioned in this connection. Mr. Malone Ik one of Loulshurg's leading young lawyers and is Chairman of tho De mocratic Executive Committee of this ; county. Mr. Turner, well everybody ! knows "Jim,* a Jolly whol'esouled fel Icy, who him held aevert^ public of fices In Franklin among which was Hcpresentatlve In the General As sembly of the State. The next In Interest amotig our peo. pie seems to be that of Sheriff. Th$ present Incumbent, who Ts serving his first term and Is making ?n accept able ahd efficient officer, will make Another fight for the nomination this summer and from what we can learn from Mh friends, will make an Inter esting.one tor any opponent., We un derstand bo^avef, he will be opposed by former sheriff William H. Allen, j whom he succeed?! two years ago.* Mr. Allen's friends are %guftlly con fident <Jf hi* success. Mr. J. B. Y?.r bo rough the present in- ! cumbej^Sl the Register of Deeds t>f 0c'.v4o?? not M>fet seem to b? trou We qndermUnd thft Mr. Puller, who ran against him In the last pri mary, - will Sot enter politics again so3h on account of hI? business con. nectlon In othe^ Upm.' However, we hare heard It suggested that he would be opposed by Mr. J. W, Winston, o? Youngs vllle, but Mr. Winston wlll Hot verify this. idea. Mr. Yarboroufh Is not taking chances but la getting thing* in shape as he recognizes that It Is not too late for t ho development of opposition. ^ / , The .Clerk of Courts office Is one that eeemg to be quite popular u we understand Mr. J. J. Barrow, who has beeo the efficient clerk here for slxtee* or more years, will have ac tlvsrjopposltlon should he decide to n. in the persons of Mr. C. C. Win a ton Mayor of YoungsvUl^1 and Mr. 8. C. Holden, of this place, both of whom are actively engaged, so w* learn on their campaign. It is also rumored that since the death of Ma]. H. A. London, Mr. Henry London, his son, who holds the position of Chief Clerk to Mr. Jospeh W. Bailey in the Internal Revenue department at Ra leigh Is? contemplating resigning that position and that Mr. Barrow will be named to succeed him. This,"we were toll}, was confirmed on a recent visit to Washington City by Mr. Barrow and 3everal of his friends. Should th(s result It IS understood that Mr. S. C. Holden will be put forward for the appointment as Clerk of the Court hero. In this latter case it would re fer the clerkship certainly in the pri mary if not in the appointment, in no less a person \that Mr. J. L. Palmer the present efficient Deputy Clerk, of the Court. !co'.:3 like the membership of the Board of County" Commissioners will be an every man's fight as from reports we get everybody who is not running for one of the other offices will attempt to take one of theoe. It! is generally assumed that all the old -Board wlH_jjtand tor reelection, but' we are informed that Messrs. J. W. Winston and J. H. Ballentine will not serve again. This we-are'not in posi -tiun tu Klvo~^ttlLflUTnnrTfr HnwpV(f We have heard the names of Messrs. I E. Oykuu~CrWrj Roberts, C. H. Mullen and J. A. "JJft-1 chiner mentioned aB probable' candi.' I dates and the suggestions of possibly half a nthprw Ti'hnii^nnmrvi Wfr hpp" """?'Ip?-40 WllHtllt!! ; thpre will bo any direct organized fight agatTiSt TlTfe old board or wheth -er it will be just a scramble for the two possible vacancies we don't know, The general public seems to be pret ty well satisfied with the actions of the preseht board, as we have heard of no special criticisms. This leaves only two elective offi fln thr rnunty Mrkrt tflat Ts~not in popular demand. That- of. Surveyor and Coronoj\ ^ jpasmuch" * as it has I been Impossible to get a Surveyor to qualify for many years and that the j Coroner finds that the honor"fEat goes with his ofTice is a very costly oflo I and almost always inconvenient and hardly any hopes of stirrinf^ipTHVHP enthusiasm in either of those as it is pretty well said that "Misery Ix>ves Company" and each of these will he apt to ex&aim "0ome on in boys, the water's fine" and then slip out to see the other fellow catch his luck. Yen, the indications are that we will hare much inteiest til pulfllcH Tiers this spring. And we don't know but "that it will be healthy If no personal feelings are injected. Whatever may be the results lets be able to meet each other both principals and parties af ter the election with hearty hand shakes. smiles and good feelings. Dr. NEWELL TO &OYE TO LOCIS BITRG The many friends here of Dr. J. 01 lie Newell who fa now locatod at Kp Bpm, wll be glad to learn that he will piove to Loulsburg and practice his profession from here. Drr^ Newell practiced In Lbuisburg a number. of years ago during which time he won* much popularity. He expect to ititivH bis family In the next few -M?> unrt* will begin hi* work frtn) he r ?r t, ic< BISHOP CHESHIRE TO VISIT ?. ^FACI/S PARISH X Right Rev. Jos. Blount/(2hesM*?,. Bishop ol the Diocese of North Caro lina, will make \an Episcopal rlslta tlon to St. Paul's parish, Loulsburg, on Sunday and Monday, February J4r and 25th, holding services at 8t. Pauls church Simday night at T:S0 and St. Matthias church Monday B%ht at Thfr rlte-of* confirmation 'will- tre-JdP ministered at both service?. A cor dial Invitation to all Is extended to both services. ~ ' , ? - SAFE FABMING FOB Hp. Will the farmery of the South the grant triumph from t iiuine standpoint of the past two Tears returning to an all cotton or all to bacco system of farming T Aa swat* as they do return to srpeh ? It *111 mean the Importation of priced foodstuffs and CseAstuSl wtll_resutt In an Impoverished population. Thirty cent cotti not alone responsible forth? I counts that southern farmers hate. The dlvtrqilled terming has patriotically been forced the south Is the main cause. Evely with coton and tobacco at the prices they were last fall, If the south had hot raised the food and feeds that ah* did, today would And her no bette? off than 1st 1916. ,And if aha goes back to the old system a yoai* fronT now the south with allher opS portunltles for financial Independence and patriotic service will in, all pro? bablllty be a wreck financially' and disgrace to the rest of the nation. ' ; A safe farming system for " -1918' would be. ?? / 1. The training cmfwyp olmfeigj - The growing by eacficommunity of all fhe food and feed crops so tur ns practicable. V. * 2. 'file production of non-perlsh able staple food crops_ beyond local n?eds. 3. The production of perishable food crops only to tffe ? extent that" they can be Consumed or conserved in some way. 4. After this, growing of all cot ton tobacco and other cash crops. ? 6. The inereased production.- of meat, eggs and milk. 6. The saving of atl waste on the farm?economize 4a-tlme and labor. No longer should the south be cal- i led the "FulblLT~- .stnru*>i> gn.iih ^ held down ?by- the- e?>p Hen. Tha goHetr opportunity la here to pay off. debts and start anew. Wg^a-111 never! be a - really prosperous agricultural country till the farmers can finance their own operations. Put vnnr mo ney in Liberty Bonds and War Sav ing Stumps, and you will find that" you have become independent. If you haven't one get a copy of It will probably save you a dollar this year. If .you don't need them, Un cle Sam does. THE WAR Y. >V. C^A.AX WORK Duft- pressing neWa of the Red Cross activities very little effort has been made to raise aify jnoney for the war work 6f the Y. W. C. A., which cause Mrs. Bickett our State Chairman so earnestly and eloquent ly presented to the women of Louis burg in Decejmber. This week the women have raised $66.00 but are not satisfied that this nmnunt Mrs. Bickett^rfie^aVnpaign wifl con tinue another.^ week It 1? difTicultto reach the rural dis tricts and townships in the county, ex cept bv phono, so if those contribut ing will send amount? to Mrs. J. A Turner or Mrs. W. P. Neal or Mrs. R. F, Ynrhoreugh, Jr.. if will be appreciated. "" ? ? | The War Work Council of the Young 1 Women's Christian Association has i sroted to raise $4.000,000 for work a-! ?nong the girls and women in com-1 munlties adjoining the cantonments, n mobilization centers. In munition I factories, and in foreign countries af- | !ected by the war. It is our problem o safeguard our girl*. What will be your bit? FRANKI,IN XUPtnrOR COI7RT Tt? regular. February form of Prank lln vSupeflor Co'rjt co v^nerf Monday with hI? Honor W P C?**?cy. Judfieprc ??iJH* ^ho ?> vory favora Mo ?TrT>-f*<?ton- c court. fooV rp T^ti~ ?*??-- A '* ?l %U . "" > v A ? vn "fH '* %v ? ' * _.n"lv tfr D. 8. TROOPS Dr FRANCE IN j . BATTLE OX THBEE 8ECT0BS Everywhere They Are Proving Them selves Fighters of the Highest . Calibre t~_ ' ptfll No Indication ol Near Approach ?I Expected Big Offensive; Satur day Night's Attempted Air Bald on ' London Proved a Failure; Ruman ia to Mak? Peace. American troops in France now are in battle on three sectors?on their own itn* east of St. Mlhiel and with the French In Champagne and on one trf thu most famous battle fronth in the world, where rained Tillages and the devastated country generally tell tha tal? of hard fonght battles when iha Germans pushed forward their Une and ultimately were driven back by the French. "AMI everywhere the Americans are previa# themselves lighters of the highest calibre, winning enconiuxns I from high French officers for their bn*foe?B-1(ke methods of warfare and tmllj their skill in the use of ar UUer Already the men are vet^r er.t. Cor nothing the Germans hare m stock remains to be shown them ex- ; eept a great mass attack. Thus far everything that has been tried by the I <|nemy against them has been discount! ed, and in some Instances doubly dis counted..*. " .1 Stories from the front by the As sociated Press tell of the Interpldlty of the men In trench raiding opera tions, of their coolness under fire and in returning fire, the -accuracy of aim of the gunners and the Intense jfatchfulness of observation posts to fceHhtit the enemy, .obtains no undue [advantage In a surprise attack. ' Dispatches- from Pctro^rad indi cate that German soldiers have de clined to obey their commanders to move to the French front and even have given battle to brokers in arms C'ho endeavored to force them to do o. In Petrogr'ad,/CLt last accounts,! marked disorder* were still prevali li tiiere being indiscriminate shoot ing and looting. An Amsterdam dispatch says that_ Rumania-Intends under certain condi tions to enter into peace negotiations with the Central Powers. Thje only criticism thus far heard .regarding flip Americans-is-thelr-de? Hire to be up and at the enemyTTJke^ tirelr brothers In the north?the Ca nadians?they are hard to hold in re straint. As one distinguished French officer expressed it. "they are too anxious to get at grips with the_ ene Cut Off By Live Wires Aside from their daily lack of 4?roc. king down the German trenches and dugouts with their g una the latest ex perience of the Americans and a thrilling one, was a night patrol raid during-which the Germans, after the Americans had passed their first line of _wlrB- -ftaiangtemen t^TTi e a v i 1 y charg er! th^ wire behind the patroT with electricity, coolly, the American? lay down until the danger was passed and returned to tli&hr trenches, no body being injured. is no indication of the near approach of the expected big offensive by the Germans-, along the line in France and Belgium. The operations constat almost entirely of mutual +*iiiit)Brrifments and minor4 attacks by raiding parties. The roar of the big puns is greatest In the Champagne ro pi? n on several sectors, particular? ly near Tahure where one unit oflhe Americans is fighting shoulder to sl> ulder with thq French. ./ikewise, All along the Italian frtii.t, from Laka .Garda in the middle of the Plave river artillery engage-* mcnts are in progress. Saturday night's attempted air raid on London proved a failure, only one German airplane of the six that carrte ncroBa the water reaching tiic capi tal through the heavy barrage sent up by the British anti-tfircraft batteries. Ore of the en#?my planes is reported to have been forced down into the se; a?- a insult of a fight In the air wit] Rritlsh aviators. ? "10 armistice between the Germans ?r 1 Russians has endftd. according t n official communication isvued In r* in^ Jn givine notce of the. ter. r" itlon Of" the nereement to cease 'Htfoo, this communication coti th?i groove statement that Ger / h^orvt s p inevery.' *K>\ 1Vhetfi**r forming Honorable T. W. BicKett To Speak Here Next Monday OTH Kit FOOD BULLSG8 ? ' Last week the Food Administration issued a ruling permitting a fahner customer to purchase 1-8 barrel of flour wthout the accompanying cereal substitute provided the farmer would give the merchant a cettlflgge statins that he had and was using *h'equal amount ot corn meal or other cereals with the flour. Thla week Mr. Page Issued ? new ruling allowing farmers to purchase 48 pounds of flour Instead of 24 lbs. without the accompanylHj; cereal sub. stltute, but when making such pur chase the farmer is required to sign the following certificate. Form of Certificate I hereby certify that I have produc ed and am consuming upon my table Wheat flour substitute at the rate of not less than one pound of such sub stitute fcr every pound of wheat flour I use. ? I rurtlier certify that I have on hand or under contraot not more than pounds of wheat flour. Signed The merchants should carefully preserve^ the certificate to balance a galnst the next purchasae of flour from Jobbers or mills. Not more than 48 pounds must be sold to any person under this ruling. Under a recent ruling mixed flour may be sold without the accompany ing substltut s which must be Bold with wheat Hour Some confusion has resulted* from the JSublicatldn "of the [Food Administrations order that no licensee would be allowed to handle live or freshly killed hens or pullets until April. This order applies principally to cold storage concerns and the large dealers and no merchant in Franklin county will be affected by It. f.though the Food Administration Is extremely desirous of discouraging by every means possiblo th'e killing of hens and pullets during the next few .weeks which is the heaviest egg producing season of the year, and is also the-principle laying season. JOSEPH C. -TONES County?Food Administrator.? PINE ItflH.E ITEMS MIsb Bertha Cone spent last week end at Mr. Needham Beddingflcld's. The farmer^ were especially glad to see the pretty weather last week ad^have mado much-pregfeaa; burn ing ?plant beds and other work: We are gTatTto know our 'sick crrros are all Improving. ?Four o? five feting m?n--hftve re cently purchased new horses, "Since the days are longer and wea ther more pleasant our school-attend^ -ante Ills greauy increased ana the work is progressing nicely. The young girls of this community gave a valentine-p^rfy at the academy on Thursday evening and it was thor oughly enjoyed by all the young peo ple in the community. As they came they were welcomed by Misses Lilly Beddingfleld and^fcaura House, then after all were assembled games were commenced, displeased to get the crowd well ar ranged, then several other games fol lowed and wore" much enjoyed. Then came the drawing after which came ?refreshments, oranges, apples and guni mingled with Jokes, which caused j>n uproar of laughter through the whole room. Next came the saddest time of all, when, time came to go home,-yet all left doolaring thf>mwe! ves to hava spent the most pleasant evening of their lives. After two attempts -to- have a fid dler's convention here both ending in a failure on accent of the weather ;4?;aln another effort is being made for next Friday evening the 22nd.. lWf alt hope tljat ^t may end with much success thl? time. " W. ijate ail Immediate attack on the Rus sians has not developed, bnt undoubt edly ^iere g tense feeling between the German military officials an* the Bolshevik! officials and the Bolshe vik! by reason of the fa<;t that Leon Trotzky, the Bolfhevlki foreign rain' ister, has not met the desires of Ger many to frame a separate peace trea ty wiS^hat country. . flovernor of North Carolina, Will Ad j dress the People of Franklin County On MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25th. At Loulsburg, on' the SBKAT Wl? and why we are In It And how we c?a win It. Every Intelligent Mm and Woman who wants to understand why the whole cfvilized worldianow' engaged In desperate and bloody w?t_ 'a? and how every- Individual Is g*. lng to be affected for good or bad br Its results should be present and hear the Governor, you may never h*ve another opportunity tis hear this all im portant subject discussed and explain ed by one of. the Nation's greatest tninKers and orators. I OVEB 82,000 WOMEN PLEDGED M WOBK ON WASSitTlKOS CASPMdfi Over 22,000 organized 'women ia North Carolina pledged to make the War Savings Campaign of this State go over the top" before thq> end of this year was the feature of the last meeting of the War Savings Insti tute held in Raleigh on Wednesday of this week. Fourteen thousand of these women were organized farm women, who were pledged by Mrs. Jane S McKimmon. State home demonstra tion agent. The. remaining 8,000 were the club women of the State whose pledge was given by Mrs. ClarenooAf JohnsOh, president of the State Fed eration of Women's Club. Speaking for the women of the country Mrs. McKimmon said that the country women are patriotic, and that many of them were learning to save, but what they needed most was to know how to invest safely their sav ings. Therefore, Mrs. McKimmon said, the war Savings Stamps plan dt saving and investing was a most wel come opportunity and a. work the coun try people would enter-heartily into She believed that the 250,000 or more other rural women affiliated with the eaunlug and other1 club work in the country could be counted o-n to take "practically every person in the co!m try. _ _ - Mrs. Johnson said she considered this call ofthe. Government to the club women ot the stato at thte tftne a test of their, efflciegqy^li^ eight years _ ey have been organized for civtc " eoScIBOTTTi^-rnid-the^expeiilfiiuyj ,n_ particularly qualify them tor ""this work that fihp club women of tho Stjte will not fall at ihte supreme llbur wa? ??lrs. Jofrnan^'u?as.suiUrf" "dPS^age. -Thg work of organizing War Sav ings Societies particularly the plan of converting existing organizatons Into War Savings Societies. w a s endor sed by both groups ofwomen and this will-be tho first work that all organ ized womeh in^the State will take up. The next sixty dsiys will be a cam paign to get every citizen of tho State lffat^>fsaving, investing and getting others to save lias been adopted by Stato and National authorities as the foundation and purpose of the War Savings Campafgn. .TUSTICK IH /FC/ Mr. IV F. Whelc38 has gone '.o join Ibe Na*y. Mr .Grady Bunn froia Camp Sevier vUitocl Juntioc on IiIh imnit furiftUfeh. Mr. Albert Medlln has been badly cut about tbo face. MIhb Bruce the home demonstration apent visited the high school Monday. Delighted, call again. Supt. E. L. Dent will stjeak at Jus tice Feb. 22 at 7:30 p. m. Come and enjoy the patriotic program. Mr. Joe Wheleaf* was a pleasant caller Saturday,And Sunday. Some of the men hare deserted the fruitsntid lumber club. Such are the evil effects of spring. MRS. F. H. ALLEN IMPROVING j J ' * \ The many friends ol Mrs. F. H. Al len -will be pleased to leai-n that ah? ? - 1,. A.' ? t has successfully undergone .an opera tion In Baltimore and- la aow Itnprov- , lug nicely. *, ?

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