npiA IT BRINGS -TS ?> , < tttjA ft ADVANCE A. F. Johnson, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY, ??31 aTE THE UNION Subscription $1.50 Per Year VOLUME XL VIL LtU'ISBlHti, Ji. C, i KIDAV, MAHtll 8, 1918. n J.\. THOMAS KLKWED CO?(STA. BLE ^ ?* prpp'' County Commissioners Hare Quiet Day?Routine Quickly Disposed of. The Board of County Commlssldhers met in regular session on Monday with all members present. After lng the minutes ofthj^?f?rtmou8 meet ing bus^}0B0^Jfi^aispoded of aB fol iwb: ^ J. E. Thomas was appointed con stable of Loulsburg township to fill the unexpired "term of R. W. Hudsoifc resigned. Mr Thomas presented his bond which was accepted and he was The repori^f C. H. Stanton, County oath of office. Demonstration Agent, was received and filed. W. VT. Young, tax collector for Y'juiTgsville township reported I as follow?: Junius Pearec, Lonnie Splvey and Annie Lewis. ^ J. D. Alstoa. was appointed a com-J ?mllteo to investigate the land that Mr. Merritt wants to buy from the coun ~tyr ? ? - B. N. Layton, J. G. Layton and R. L. Layton were "relieved of special school tax in Franklinton district? not in same. J. W. N'owell was relieved of spec ial taxes in Franklinton township. . Report of Dr. J. E*. Malone, County Health Officer, was received and filed. Report 6? J. J. Holden, Superinten-. c;jt of County Home, was received u . * Tiled. He/reports 12 white and 9 coL%". cd inmates. T::c Hoard passed an order to the effect that any person falling to list his property may do so before tne audi tor by paying a fee of $1.00. Also that all accounts against the County must be 'presented to the auditor on or before Saturday's -before the first " Mdnflgn ir~' After allowjn_ga nunjber of accounts the Board adjourned to its next re. gular meeting. AT MAFLEV1LLE The affair , at Malpleville Academy on Friday night past was a decided ? success. A nmriotic prcr/r?un. consisting of readings, drills' and songs, was ren dered by the children. Readings were given by Miss Yarborough and Mr. (jox The audience was especially charmed with ^fciss .Yarborough's se lection, as was shown by the spon-> taneous encore she-recetyed. Following the program a patch work quilt, made by the ladies m the Bet terment Association was jiold, which brought a handsome "V^ofit, the pro _ceeds of which will b? devoted to im provemeiltit-tor_lhe^school.: The mo ney realized from the sate o?-refresh- , ments went to tli? TTed Cros3 A;rxiPi lary.* In spite of the threatening weather a large crowd was present and every.1 body spent a pleasant even I ng. COLORED B. Y. r. n ~ The Initial meeting of the B. Y. P: j "U. of tti*- First Baptist church, color- j ed. was hold Sunday afternoon from | ? 4 to 5 P. M. the President, Dr. J. B. I Davis presiding. The presiding offi-1 cer read the- first chapter of Prov v. erbs and dwelt at Jength upon the | '? seventh verse, "The fear of the Lord ! Is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despiseywisdom and instruction" ?"^HWlTtae K. Y. P. U. was organized ?Dr. Day la aald that the union p.oted as a preparatory school for the church" and urged atendance upon its meet ings because it meant the,moral and spiritual salvation of many young people. Sunday. March 10, the meeting will be addressed by Dr. M. C. King, well known physician, of Prankllnton. FRANKLIN COUNTY LIMIT WAR HAVINGS (LIB Below we print tho names of those who have bought or subscribed for $1,000 of War Savings Certificates? the maximum any one person can ii^xnsHeiiflnpi ? T. W. Blckett, Mrs. M. Pleas ants, B. G.-^Mitchell, J.. M. Allen, Far mers and Merchants Hank, W. "Wheless, 9.VC. Vann, H. AUen, P. A. Roavls, Lumpklns and Perry, I. W. Mltchqll, Mre. Llllie M. Perry, Mr?. B. H. Winston, Paul Wfnston, B. NT. Dent, G. W.-Ford. Name? of otfiers will- be printed us nnrrhfkaea are made. WAR SAVINGS CAMPAIGN Great Interest and Splendid -Results ?Franklin Will Do Her Duty Since the great Bpeech^fc^leapeflf War Savings Campaign has been going with a rush ?people with money to invest arc fast coming to appreciate the fact that in this time of stresB and uncertain ly, a War Savings Certificate issued W- the U. S. Government is an ab solutely. safe, and profitable investment?and they are buying them ?over $3,000 worth were sold :X the Lioulsburg postoffice on Wednesday and as we go to press (Thursday af ternoon) the cqjivass for members of the "Limit Club" is in full swing The "Limit Club" is composed of TITose who have bought or subscribed' for $1,000 of certificates which is the largest amount that will be issued to any one person. Hon. Jas. "H. Pou,. of. Rr.leigh', ad dressed a large meeting^at Youngs ville on Sunday and made a profound impression. He was Introduced by Senator W. M. Person. ,Youngsvillc Township is leading every other town ship in the county in the amount in vested in War Savings Certificates which speaks well for the patriotism as well as good business jud:*ment of her citizens: Mr. WJ^ H. YarbororugJit , County Chairman, spoke at Cedar Rocto?J_Wed nesday night and indications arfc thiit Cedar Rock will soon be well tb l|e front. Supt. Best is busy organizing War Saving Societies in every school in the county and plans are under way for a great rally of^all the school children to be held in Louisburg at an early datei to be featured by a pa rade, patriotic speeches etc. B. H. Malcme lias charge of the organization of the ladies of Louisburg into War Savings Societies and will announce soon the date for a mass-meeting which will be ad dressed by one or two ladies of the State devoted to patriotic work. Mr. J. J. Barrow is organizing the fraternal socfeties, all of which are '^peeled tu enter mm zual into ttilg Mr. ?M. ?. Clifton,Cashier cf the Far mers and Morchnnto Bank, with hfg usual keen business judgment, ima seen the splendid field for investment offered by the issue of these certifi cates and is doing a great work in promoting their sale. Among those purchasing the limit of $1,000 is Mr. Paul Winston, son of Mr. John C. Winston. This purchase was made on the day before young Mr. Winston left for Toxas to Join the aviation corps of the National ^Army. ..g-*-- ? "Tfiere aie_ no Tofles TrTBute." 1>]{. K I'ERRY TO LEAVE LOCIS JHr'Kfi . T1k?-many~ffIendsof Dr. and Mrs: E. M. Perry in -Franklin county will regret to learn * that ?hey have de cided to make their future home in Rocky Mount. Dr. Perry informs us he will leave abotrt April 1st for his new field and that Dr. Herbert Perry his brother, will succeed him in I^ouisburg. Dr. Perry has impressed our people since^ his locating here six years ago. as being a most able j'.Vsi'ifaP ""fl hH- r.j and esteem of all our people. He has enjoyed quite a largo ^practice. His ninny frhnda hero commend him to the good people of Rocky Mount and congratulate them upon the addition of one so capable in his profession While the peoplo of this section re regret to lose Dr. Ernest M. Perry they are glad to know that he will be replaced by his brother, Dr. Her bert G. Perry, who in a practice of several months here, won much fa. vor from all. REI> CROSS NOTES The Red Cross Chapter is more zealous in its work now. probably than at any other period of its or ganization. More women are in tho work rooms on Wodnesday, though there is ampule room for many more. It is the earnest deslro of'the Chap tor to have the' rooms full. Last week a box containing 2;$0O gauzo sponges and 200 paper back pads was shipped to headquarters. More lenitted garment^ are ready to Bond and will be shipped as -soon ok others are turned in. HON. W. m; PERSON ,sr V.'ho is a candidate for the ??j^9B^TdrThe Seventh Judicial Distriei Mr Person has had a long and career both public and private in -thi;, liis nalive county and Stfjfii anfKseeks to add to his honors upon the merits of his pa?t. For. a numfer, ot'year^ up to 1896 he was mayor of Louisburg and represented this in the General Assembly of North Carolina in 1917. Kc is a prppi!yafljkgCQlb?r of the Franklin County bar and. i' identified with tlie rirllitif'r ?v [TJMlirt?. In his ser vice in the General Assembly'W'fiREffiW'fie Crop Lten W!tT"'thn ftlue Book bill and was a mo3t ardent advocate of tho Elccticn of Members of the beards of Education by the people. T.'r. Person's life has been an ac tive cne. He expresses confidcnce in his chance to win the Judgeship and he ha-i many friends who wish him every success. ^lARKIAGE LICENSES The following marriage licenses were issued by the Register of Deeds dUHh;' ll\6 ?MMIl or February. v. M' :t?t cm Horn and Fannie Flenaing, Otis Vaughan and Lucy Per Colored?Lou in Ta bonra n (1 3Tarn*a Joyner, Willie Cooper and Nbbia Da vilj, Fred Harris and Annie Belle Ward, Burley Brodie and Nellie Har ris, Phil Yarborough and Jennie Perry. Louis Joyner and Cornelia Battle. Hubert Pearce and Kale Wil liams, Dan Nelson and Carrie Little, john, Willie Hicksjand Stella Harris, Ira Hohlen .and Anitfe- Gi^en, Geo. Pender and Henrietta Long, Jordan Williamson and Hessrfo ,Davis. Rod ding- Perry and-Vann Kin:;. mol on ^ Tuesday e\v: Ing Martyr-6th 1918 at the home ot Ml*i Hodgie Williams on Nortn Mgtfh St., in a business meeting. Due to the absence of the President the meeting was called to order and conducted by the 1st Vice-President, Miss Julia Barrow. The subject for the evening was "Keeping the Sabbath.*' After all business of importance had ho-n discussed a y^lilt :i ? ? 11 j f - ol^T^cTmrsewas served. Those present at the meeting wjiJe Mesdames K d ward L. I?est. Irone M , 4fti)Ow Hnft Misses ,???!:? B?rro>-7 Xlu* nie "Bftckell. Aline Webb. Lydia In. acoe, Hodgio Williams* At an early hour the Soclctay ad journed to meet at the home o Miss Julia Harrow, on Tuesday evening March 12th at 7:45 o'clock. . _ I Please every member be present and on timo. RECORDING SECRETARY 1.1 ST OF LETTERS Tho following is a list-of letters re maining in the post office at Loula burg uncalled for: tir/ Hubert Boiden. Mr. N. L. Branchy Misa Lola Dlckerson. Mr. Stock la Pule her, Mr W I> Fulcher, Mrs Bryant Gupton, Miss Jennie Moore, Mr Cornelius Ne<fell, Mrs V-'l People, Albert Porry, Mrs, Lola Strickland; . Persons calling for any of the above letters -please Bay that they saw them advertfoed. %m4~ R H. DAVIS, P. M> BOARD OF EDUCATION The Eoard oZ(Education met in re gular session on Monday with all rpnnijprs nri>s<>T -tffrr iimir'ivfng thr 111' pur 1 m * it, rtt."i ????? disposed oi as follow?: /.Uhdugh the State Kciuali2l;ig fund wculd^not run tin* schools moro than 1C dayo the Hoard ordered that a full live months term of school be. run. The Superintendent was ordered to pay to Pine Ridge District $92.50 on a seventh month school term of the fund at the end of ( year would allow this to be Cone. ?*- Th*> "question of asking the county ?eminisslptiers hold a county wide special school i rta1 was deferred to the A*pril Meeting. D. F. Freeman end J. P. Timber lfckr^ came before the !lcard ?nd ask ed lor a school to be f fiihllghyi Rr.vl:. T h tjkf. -jri ordered that no dis mu..ily woula build a house that the county would furnish a teacher when ever the number of children itr-tbe community would justify so doing. > After allowing a number of ac counts the Hoard adjourned to Its next regular meeting. MIL rfcTFK COOKE DEAD 1-^ff\\a^ received in Lorgs^. a citizen of thin county but sit the time of his death was re.-ldlnp at tl.e oV! .sr. dier.-i home in Italclgh.- was dead. Ilq had been in feeT?Te health for some time but his friends 'were not expecting t!ie end at this time. Mr Cooke was 7'? years of ase and leaves a wife, anlrt two daughter*, Mrs. J. C. Tuckor, of Louisburg, and Mrs. H. Oil - vierev of ninnlngham. A)a.. two bro thers. Messrs. E. T. Cooke, of Louis* bnrg-and A J. Cookof Ralfidi; and one sister, Mrs. E. S. Foster, of hurg." , The deceased was .a member of It. M. McKinney Camp l*. C. V. and serv^ ed t lie Confederacy well in the war of ?61 to f65. r The body was brought to Louisburg Wpdnetaday nigh! and taken to Trin itfjchiire^ ?bout six miles north of here for Interment Thursday. RECTAL ATfrOLLE6E Miss^ Nellie Clapp will- present .Miaaes Ruth Ha)l and Katherlne Bry an In graduate piano recital at" the college next Wednesday evening at 8:80 o'clock. The publicy( cordially invited to be present.' / :m runTo1 MOVING PEOPLE SOMI YOD KNOW, SOME YOB BO NOT KNOW. M Many on Business, Many on Pleasure, Others to be Going, But 111 Going ot Coming. Mr. Hugh W Perry visited Raleigh this week. Mr. T. B Wilder, of Aberdeen, was a visitor to 'Louisburg the past week.. Mr. E. M. Hale,, of Warsaw, was on a visit to his people . here this w?ek. Mrs. It. CHRTIMams is spending sometime in Greenville, visiting her sons. > Mrs. A C Yarboro, of Spring Hope visited friends here for a short while Sunday. ? Rev. W. M Gilmore left Monday for Apex where she will attend a Preach ers school. [ Mrs. S. J. Edens left Saturday for a -visit to her daughter, Miss Beulah EdensT at Mr. Joseph Hale, of the Engineer Corps, of Camp Sevier, S. C. visited his people here the" past week. Mrs. S .0 Jackson, of Spring Hope, spent several days here last waek with' Mr. and Mrs. W. H Jackson. Messrs. P. J. Brown, of Camp Jack: con, apd Hurley Cooke, of -Camp Se vier, " were visitors to Louisburg the past week. Mrs.. W. M. Sledge, of Enfield, spent several daya^here "with her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Jackson, wlio Is confin ed lo her room with pneumonia? Mrs A. M. Hall and Miss Annie Lee, milliners for Allen' Bros. Co., left the past week for the northern .markets to purchase the ?prta* stock for said firm. COMES COME!! COME!!! Come to Hickory Rock Friday night March 16, 1918 at seven thirty. We guarantee to give you an evening of fun. During the time present you Will se, "Our Awful Aunt." "A Jack foj every JilLL and the best debate ot the season. " Resolved, That Womanfe Wcyk is" More ImfTorlant During the Present War Than Man's. Admisbion 15 cents (illtL'S AUXILIARY The Girls Auxiliary of the Louis burg Baptist church met at the home of Mamie Hayes-Marc h 4. This be ng the business meeting Helen Wic ker led the devotional exercises. Song "Help Somebody Today", then Hi?" Load's Prayer was repeated. Catherine Bobbitt read the minutes of the last meeting. The. Treasurer Clara Hudson .called the rolh JSleaq Pvrxy ?iuU 11 uT personal service re. port. ^ Thq membership report was ILn ifrmHeri fljpfc 4h? ?organization _fourteen new members. Those present wer*rr""f*ath? erine Bobbitt, Margaret Cook, Pattie Clay. Ada. Gattis, Louise Griff|n. | Clara Hudson, Mamie Hayes, Mrs. J. S. Howell, Kathleen Murphy. Juan ita Mitchell, Mary Nash, Eleanor Perry, Lillian Perry, , E&i#* Taylor, Helen \N3cker. Adjtour^ed fb moot with Mrs. Howell on March 'llA^ "^/T(flTT V KEAIH N(> R(jOM KAII>EI> I-os AngeTfiH.niT., March ^?Feder al officials last night raided the read ing room and hall ot the Internation al Bible Students' Association in this city and confiscated a number of cop ies of "The Finished Mystery," an al leged seditious work which was on sale there. The "TnTC^TIlTtlonfd --+HUI? -Students' Association is a branch of the Pastor" flussel foundation which was raided ip. Brooklyn Wednesday. We understand that a number of! ?.:e above books have been sold in Louishurg. _ : WAR Y. W. ( . A. - It-.will bo fit intrrest to all to know flint the wotpen of the town who have been working for the Y. W. C. A. fund went beyond the $100 mark, which amount Mrs. Blckott .was anx ious for the women of Louisburg to raise. It was a pride and pleasure to respond to this call, so worthy in itself and to cooperate with Mrs, Blc kett, -sfho hat^ given and is giving it so much of her time and deepest con cern. x^. ? . . ? THE BOARD OF EDUCATION The Question of selecting two mem* bera of thei Board of Education to fill . the vacancies caused by the expira tion of the terms of Messrs. A. W. Perry, Sr., and J. N. Harris is not bringing forth fcnuch Interest at present possibly due to the fact that this is a new venture to Franklin county, and is not generally knowiv The new law provides that members of tho Board of Education of Frank lin county shall be voted for in the primary and the ones getting .tjje ma jority?will bo appointed by the Gen eral Assembly. Wo are not informed as to the attitude of the two members ?whose terms expire in the coming primary, but can say that they have done credit to themselves and the school system of the county since they have been in office. They have., done their duty well. We have heard of only one possible opponent in this campaign and that is Mr. T. H. Dick ens, of Cedar- Rock. Mr Dickens also served on the Board and did well the tasks placed upon him, however, we are -not in * position to say whether or not tie will be an active candidate. LOUISBURG VICTORIOUS OVER' cCEDAR KOCK Wednesday, February 27 the Louis burg High. School basket ball team defeated the Cedar Rock team 10 to 3. The game was played on the Cedar Rock Court.' At the beginning of the game it seemed as if the Louisburg boys couldn't Shoot--a^jgoal/ but In a few minutes they started the ball to rolling The first half ended with the score 8 to 0. The last JialI-wa*-Trtay_ ed wlih mere?energy by both team j , ? and only one Held goal was shot on each side. Cedar Rock shot one foul, which made the score 10 to 3 in fav inaWwnr i w ar Rock people witMbsed the game, but the players were the pnly ones from Louisburg. JiKV. W. M. (aLJpDKE hesigns The annouocement that Rev. Walter M. Gilmore, Pastor of the Louisburg and one half years resigiml lili pnff InraTP t" n r>^ll fr nin tfnnfn.rl will be- received with much regret by Loulsburg's people of all denoniina=? man and a good-minister and in his stay in I-airfsburg has won the con fidence, love and esteem of our peo ple regardless of religious connec tions. His* good wife has Shared |. ?,ely in his_ popularity?and?Leuia? 1)urg_ regrets the thought of losiflg them. We understand thaWhe resig nation will- take effect about the of April. ? join tftfeir ill any friends in ex tending best wishes for all kinda of success In Hial'r aew field". TO MOIBKKS OK LOCAL ANH I)1S TBICT BOARDS In m gla.l to be ablc_to_^mwmnrjr" -after a careful investigation on I lie subjeet LhF-lir my^xwhuuu,-mr fir inzers or fan* laborers in% th s sec on 1 will to sent to camp* he!ore the l?th of J am -giy-? y>\^ out this o'iii.i* u t at the fanners ar?l fur.:. .V? u ay pro-, tM-cd to icu cioi - upon tassuraa,.t: 'i ev ? not b? cat eft I.,,,. Ill,: crops will be laid by. r? This announcement however, does not include the deferred percentage of the lirst quota ma<lw up *+f-ccrttfred men. Colored men who w re liable to call in the first draft, are now lia ble to be called at any time. Please give this announcement the widest publicity possible. T. W. BICKETT, Governor. If all colored men-wliosa oPilerTTunu her does not exceed 400 can be found, no white men will be needed in bal ance first quota. Local Board Franklin County. Vice-President Marshall says elec tions should not be held during the war But Jrrst ? because the vice-Pres. ident is thoroughly satisfied with the incumbent of pne office, is no reason that the people are satisfied with all Incumbents. Any fool may criticize. But critic ism is-not a remedy; that requires constructive ability So unless you possess this ttetter hold your tongue ECnd saw wood. ? -\

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