Future Opportunity Among the patrons of tills Instltu. t Ion mail} art* accumulating funds for future use? holding mono) until it Is needed. For their eonTenlence. we Issue Time Certificates of Deposit maturing In from four to six mouths, and bearing interest at 4 per cent. There Is In these Time Deposits a combination ol security and profit, which mokes them particularly desir-' able for temporarily Idle surplus funds. The Citizens Bank " HEM?KRSO\. >.C. , -THE LEADING BANK IN THIS SECTION" KEM)l"RCES #1.2'>II.OOO.IX) Wagon and Buggy shafts - And all kinds buge^' material for at h. C TAYLOR'S SHOP I want a good blacksmith Why Pay High ?Prices--? for-Horsesy Buggies ancTHariiess. When all. of the above mentioned can be bought cheaper from Yartcio than ony one. * ' . If there is any doubt in your irind about this statement just price what I have and see if you. don't save money. ?? O. Y. YARBORO LOUISBU?Tg, n, c.; mmm Car Holds* World's Record On tiro*. pas oil an ientific light wejgt.t. rii.r.s on no WaTerf :i? nil.. .CiKirar.lt r d mi-re t lian 20 miles to gallon 6f gas. according ft; driver. lO.fMtiTTsiilcs fur set r?f tires, 1000 mil' s on every gallon r:? :< ire. \Vbi!e othe.Ts n^o 70 to *>0 pounds. Thin make* 'R.-i* r. r. 1? : to ear aVl rMrs easier nn-l ?>??, Ilc-e Connection* lipe-?. Pumps, Water Jackets. Kan. :i'.i done away with. No leaking or freezing P.adiators, 2200 cubi<* t air drawn over engine every minute by suction. No Heating. * * J. M V.yler November 21st, won SI.000 in bet from Philadelphia, Pa., to Ptttsburg. Pa., 1? hours 28* minutes, 300 miles average 21.8 miles pur gallon, through the mountains of Pennsylvania. Beat pre vious re-f.d world renowned Packard, 9 hours 58 minutes. Not. over 10 miles V 5r gallon our bet on Packard. We guarantee every lino in this uA. T. K. ALLEN KAISER'S LAST WILL Here is a copy of the "last will and testament" of the kaiser as published by a naval and army supply concern of New York City and distributed a mong expeditionary forces which re cently sailed for France: "This is the last will and testament of me. Wilhelm, tly Superswanker ruler of the sausage eaters. Recog nizing that I am up ugainst it -?and expecting to meet with a violca^ffeath any minute at the hands of br.tSr Sam mies. I hereby make my last will and testament: I hereby appoint the Km. peror of Austria to be my sole execu tor (by- the kind permission of the Allies). ?* "1. I givo and bequeath to France the territories of Alsace and Lorraine. ui^l^^isoinvacaseofjj|eturni^ le^^Topl^yTidon'^Ieservean^cre1^ ait -for it and I am not likely to get any, either.) -> Sir Ernest Shackle ton -L leave the Pole. I've been up it so long that I regard it as my own property. ^Signed) II. I. MJHVILttELM. "Lord of the Sea and Air and not LurgeLtlng tlte sausages *and lager beer/' ACIIIS I\ STOMACH SO IK THK FOOD AM) ( Al'SF. 1>'I>I(?ESTI0N -rape's DIapepsih'* tixc* sour, gussy, - tippet stomachs In lite minutes Vo? don't know what upset your ?tom&ch?which portion of the food i Vrl -.tir d>iuuJ;r; you? Well, uoa't bo:ii*rr-~if voV.f -rnmav-.i is in a revolt 1? ant! upset. and- v.hrt yo i j?i.*t at - has fermented and turn eji .-cur: bekh gases aad'ci'Is and TUctato undigested food: br?a:Ii toncfi o ~ __iiU?> a_ H?lo I\ i>e*; r!r-H t.) :ic i""*o aeFT *?; ? ?? m wo . 1. r ? ' Hiv. o: th*~ i". Hirs.-ti jn aJP distress. '?Mi'.or.s i j nv-n mil' ** to' .v t.: v thrit i ?? ;fnt-v7Tte>3 l'o Irr.ve ^ poj "A'tir/c D!u;m;'^lu v- ..stomach sweeiencil ar.~~ TT~. '.v T 7T i ? ; i; : withtr-r^ tenrr v ff your "t'.iiiufli tkxs&t taks care ci your Iil^oroT limit witfco'it reb^! lio.i; if vo ir loo! ia a-damage inst^r* o' a help. 'remember t::e naickfi' sure >?. i Earmjeift" Jlilai iu - fifty rents for a large rase at druc store*.- It'* ti ul> viuiiderhiT?it stops frod souring and set? things straight. so gently and easily that it is real: HMor.i-Wng. Your stomach will d! est your nvnls if yf>n ke*f? arids"?iT tralitc !. AT MOl'LTON -?The Spinster's (*on. wllT be triv *n at Moulton School on Friday nijrht March 22" We #cordially inviu? yrt i lo come out and see Prof. Makeover transform the old r.iatds into bea: r rill glrjs. Admission 10 and 15 ciirV WOIO MCKVKS vous troubles. \v|*h b: !?? ??" r f?i ? n:.'l rv I;.' r -.v. I' ??I ? ? : v "i ? f>; :-!r_ 7 ' ver? 1 (re bro'*' I'OM'.'h *.! < up. i i?;?-. i .?/?:* :? [)*?!!?. I pa ?'d er.\;/cl ? ? jtbe size f^F'lafpe pe;?i? ;?nrl I ? j .? ?.n: lt?s.in'-. I F.nally begati ?: ijoan'; Kidney I'll 1 s ami the fir/ ,x 'helped me. A roup!'* of b ?? .strengthened my ba'k nnrt kb'i'V's and removed :^l t!;?: trouble. I r!'. 't have trouble from stones in my b. l der anV more." Prire COe. at all deaWri. 11 .: ?imply ask for a kidney remedy et I)r?aMvs "kidney IMIls?the ^aV?< -hat ilrn f'cev.l had. Foste r Mlllmrn '"o.. Props., Huffalpj ^. ," ? - ?^ Great Bargains AT I. J. Deitz & Co. Mattress Ticking, regular 25e. quality at.... . 7 18c yd. Plant Bed Cloth for tobacco bods, best grade <. 4*4c .'!(! inch percale, all the newest designs, re gular 25,e quality, our \>riee 18c yd. .'16 inch dimity checks, others ask 18c yd. -t >ttr Prfce 15c yd. Xaijisopk cluVks, 18c value .15c yd. Yard wide long' clotliv soft and free from starch,/?titers get 25c ]>or yard we a^k only-".1'. 19c yd. Dress Ginuliains in all the newest and lat est patterns .Tr?. 18c yd. Yard wide Bleaching- soft and fine, regu lar 25c quality 18? yd. Galatea, especially good for boys wash suits yard wide .. .7. T.... 22c yd. 36 inch Batiste sheer quality 25c .yd. Men's $1.00 work shirts special price. .75c. Boys Percale Blouses aiut shirts "50 cent value ! ; .35c. J'chrs $1.25 Dress Shirts 75c. Children's Gingham Dresses . .49, 75, 98c. Boys Pants ...' 25, 49, 75c. . Men's Pants .75c to $4.98 SPRING SHOES AND OXFORDS We have a complete line of Men's, Worn ens and Childrens' Shoes and Oxfords, in cluding White Shoes and Tennis Oxfords,and we can fit^he whole family in PRICE STYLE and WEARING QUALITY. Give us a call and let us convince you. SHOES AND OXFORDS SHOES AND OXFORDS Company * ^ -v The Store That always Sells The' Cheapest. Louisburg. North Carolina, EUT YOU DON'T GET IT OUT UNLESS YOU HELP 1 THE SOIL This year^ when you want every acre to. yield t othe limit, you have urgent need of well balanced COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS Wc hs.v? a brand for every crop?corn, potatoes^ neas, beans ?anything that grows in the ground. You cant afford to do without a good fertilizer if you \frant soil efficiency . flip Your Soif to Help You DON'T FORGET WE CAN SELL YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BUY OR WILL BUV ANYTHING YOU HAVE x O SlLT-ii-?. W.--D. FULLER & COMPANY W. D. Fuller - - C. B. Kearney, Woofl, North Carolina.