We Save Money For Other People Knd Pay Them For The ? Privilege TO EVERYBODYi IF yon have money slipping through your fingers, or Jing ling around In your packet, 'or liftJSTtT'uH^ylnsumeda^" corner, THAT MONEY IS NOT EARNING YOU A CENT IF NOT SPENT IT IS LIKE. LY TO BE LOST SOONER OB LATER. Put It In this bank and It -vrlll be neither .spent, stolen or lost. But It WILL earn you Interest lor etery day It remains with us. HATE TOD NOTICED THAT BICH MEN NEVER ALLOW MON ET TO LIE IDLE! IT 18 ALWATS EARNING SOMETHING MORE FOR THEM. \- - START A SATINGS ACCOUNT TODAY?TOMOKKttW IT WILL BE WORKING. ' ? / ? Join Our Christmas Savings ?; Club ! The First National^ Bank Louisburg, N. C W H. RUFFIN, Pres. F. B- McKINNE, Cashier W..D. JACKSON, Asst. Cashier An aspirant for Senatorial honors has set a precedent that might well followed by others in the coming general election. He announces that if President W11MH desires the re turn to the Senate of the. present in cumbent and will express himself so, ^h?r-tiT6"fieiw aspirant, will retire from the contest. There is one man ca pable of putting his country's Inter est before his own ambition. There should be others. Rawson, N. D., has do saloons, no Jgjl, lawyers, doctors, red light dis trict, church, movies or - pawnshop. George Bailey of tho-Hnimton. Twaa Post once remarked that "this life Is just one damn thing after another." He evidently had no reference to life in Rawson, N. D. What has become of the old-time doctor who advised the eatless cure for indigestion? ThejCORRECT TREATMENT FOR COLDS Coldrfare contracted when strength is lowered and#the inflajnmation easily develops bronchitis or lung trouble, while grippe and pneumonia frequently follow and any cold should have immediate treatment with * The National Strength-Bultder which first builds up the forces by carrying rich nourishment ta_the blood streams and creates real body warmth. Its cod liver oil is the favorite'of physicians for correcting bronchial disorders and chest troubles. The imported Norwegian cod Itver oil always used la Scott'* EmaUion is no* refined in our own American laboratories which guarantee* it free from Impurities. Scott St Bowne, Bloom field, Tf. J.? ??17-19 Do ou Need-Any Of These^ - If you are booking for a single one of these articles, or of theliun dreds of others that we carry, they are youl's at prices that will surprise you. COME TO SEE US We repair all kinds of jewelry at small cost. No job is too large or too small for us. Bracelets Barrettes Bar Pins Bejt Pins MI'UIH urn Card Cases Collar Pins - Cuff Pins Dress Pin Sets Ear Rings Fountain Pens Gold Lockets yold Chains Gold Watches Gold Rings Vanity Cases .Veil Pins Hat Pins Hair Combs Jewel CaBes LaVaflieres Link Buttons Neck Chains Stick Pins L. W. PARRISH Louisburg, N. C. THE (3EB3LAX BOGEY The" report from Gens Pershing* boys on the firing line In France 1ft thrilling the hearts of American's and Jb such as to cause a feeling of the moat Intense satisfaction through out the country. Our boys are prov_ lng themselves fully equal to the task before them and have already taken the measure of their foe and are go ing after him. They are also dissipating the hith erto world-wide dread of the German bogey and are proving* him to be by no means the Buperman he would have us think him. They are demonstrat ing that German defenses can be shattered and German troops routed and German discipline thoroughly dta organlzed. And what, after all, Is this dread German bogey? Nothing bjit Iron discipline working \wlth thoroughly plastic material. Given unscrupulous leaders fired with the lust of conquest and a docile and tractable army, the result must Inevitably be a danger mitliiinl sum i pie and without conscience. But on the other hand It is largely a machine devoid of Intelligence and without In itiative, save Its leaders. And It is tie latter quality or ra ther lack of quality, that It will meet Its Waterloo at the hands of the Am erican army. The American soldier is not merely a cog In a fighting ma chine. He is also a sentient, pulsing, dlnamlc human machine In himself, quick to think and trained to act upon his' conclusions. Men of this class are to be t?uB^d with the most dan gerous and delicate missions. They are not o'nly reliable In the mass, but are thoroughly to be depended upon as separate human units. It Is the German contempt for. all things?not German that has helped largely In Impressing the nations with a false estimate of German proweps. This contempt is fast being unmasked and made to stana out in ttB true light?ignorance. Pershing is teach ing us that it is by no means the re sult of superior knowledge but rather ^ of arrogance inspired by the belief that German knowledge is of erior ordei\__Nothing but bullets and shrapnel will shake this arrogance, but these are being..manufactured In this country and sent to our boys in France and they can be trus^pd to pla^e them where they will do the most good. Germany has stigmatized us as a nation o dollar-chasers. Well, we have chased the dollar successfully/ nntl wr ir'll show her that we canu turn thrindnMnri Imi'i liiilli In fnr hrr undoing. Her contempt is the best possible Bpur to our troops. It Is nerv ing them to show fo tl.c world that tli?; great German bogey is but a r^an after all and a man who_can an3 wiU be whipped and well whipped be fore yve are through with im. "HIS.,neighbors chickens* A garden Is one of the first things to help conserve food. Make ah yoy can in your own back lot, but what good would it do a man to plant a tar den and not put a wall atf&und it to keep his neighbors chickens out? He might as well not-have a garden. The. frlOQd I?Ttfie wall around the? body. Keep it*in a pure "condition-and the body is safe from intruding germs, otherwise?it yourliTflOtl In not in good condition, you have skin eruptions, oils, eczema, stomaciTtrouhles","most ly caused from Impure blood, try the weii known remedy, Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy?the best T>Iood medicina sold for 40 years. Sold by the Person Re medy Company, Charlotte, N. C. Up to date we have heard no word from Mr. Hoover that the hole in ttfe doughnut should' be made smaller. (?IKLS! 1HLUV A MOIST CLOTH THHOrttH H AIR DOUBLE ITS BE.U'TY Try this! Hair gets thick, glossy,i Wavy and beuuti.ul at once ** Immediate??Yes. Certain? That's the Joy of it. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and ap ponrs s?* z?ofe, lus.roua as a young ?5*1 ?'* t'ter a Daa' Tino hair cleanse Just try this?moisten a cloth with a little Danderlne and carefully draw it l1"" i1 1 1 1 1 amuaLA time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil, and in Just a few moments yoi* have doubled the beauty of your hair. A delightful sur- i prise awaits those whose hair has been^neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Besides beauti fying the hair, Danderlne dissolves every paricle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invigorates the Rcalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair, but what will please you most "will he after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair?fine and downy at first?yes?but really new hair grow*' ing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair, ancl lots of it, surely get a small bottle of Knowl ton's Danderlne from any drug store or toilet counter for a few cents. C. c SATURDAY SPECIALS March 16th. ? * ? e- >* c s ' In keeping with our announcement last week we invite your attention to the following big hflrpainp v 16th Only - Arbuckles Coffee v ? " ' \ Package, our regular 22 cent seller for Saturday 20 CTS. High Grade Green Coffee, our regular 19 cents article, Satur day Special 15 CENTS Good Grade Green Coffee, our regular 12 cents seller, Saturday Special 10 CENTS Hair Brushes, good selection, our regular price 10 cents, Satur day Special 5 CENTS - Good Grade Combs, regular 10 cent seller, Saturday Special 5 CENTS J & P Coats Thraeri, 5 r.pnt. a.rt.ir.1fi, Saturday RppHn.1 4 CENTS Shaving Brushes, regular 10 cent article, Saturday Special 5 CENTS Pins, regular 5 cent paper, Saturday Special, t 2 PAPERS 5 CENTS Police Suspenders- regular 50 cents, Saturday Special, per paii 25 CENTS Liquid Veneer,^ regular 50 cent seller, Saturday Special 38 CENTS Washboards, 17 inch, regular 25 cent value, Saturday Special 19 CENTS Fancy Shield Bow Ties, 10 cent seller, Saturday Special 5 CENTS Colgates regular 25 cent Talcum Powder, Saturday Special = 26 CENTS ~ Williams Talcum Powder, regular 25 cent article, Saturday Spcial _ ~ * > 20 GENTS ? Colgates Dental-Cream, regular 15 cent, Saturday Special 8-CENTS Slidewell Collars, regular 20 c?nt value, Saturday Special ? 2 for 25-GENTS r Gentlemen's Silk Hose, regular 50 cent value, Saturday Spec-. ial. 38 CENTS M^n's Dress Shirts, $1.50 value* Saturday Special r Si.oo _ ". Men's Dress Shirts, regular $1.00 value, Saturday Special ? - 69 CENTS - ' Ladies Gauze vests, regular 15 cents value,.Saturday. Special 8 CENTS ^~Dozr Lsdies~Handkerchiefs 5 cent value, Saturday Special 2 for 5 CENTS Whitmore's Baby Elite Shoe Polish, regular 10 cents seller, Saturday Special 8 CENTS We are expecting a solid car load of goods on every train. It has already been shipped. When this ar rives we want 7011 to be sure and see it. In it is i a any ba^fc&msr?We will tell you about it when it arrives, but wait for it before you buy. Our buyer is on northern markets purchasing more bar gains for you. C C. HUDSON CO. Wide Awake - Merchant" LOUISBURG, N. C.