-- ;v^j i The Franklin Times i :<? .p ? ft A. F. Johnson, Editor and Manager. , THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. Subscription $1.50 Per Year 'volume XLYIL . LOUISflCBG, N. C., FBIDAf, APRIL 5, 1918. NCMBEK 8 F. C. TOEPLEMAN KILLED BY LIVE WIRE ConxeH In Contact With Lire Wire and Falls to Pavement, Crushing: Skull In Two Placet aad Breaking Hit Ankle. <lent and general manager of the Home Telephone and Telegraph company, and for more than twenty years a res ident of this city, was Instantly killed in New Bern Friday morning shortly after 10:30 o'clock* when he come in contact-wlth a llv wire at the top of a pole which he had climbed to make an inspection of some wires in the ser Tlce of his company. News of death reached officials in the home office of the company here at 11 o'clock, and came as a shock to the entire office force and to the people of the city In general. Only meagre details of the tragedy had teen learned here early In the af ternoon. Mr. Toepleman left here Bern to make an inspection of the nerw building of the Home Telphone Company there. He had arrived in the cit/~only an hour before he met his death. Immediately after reaching New Bern he went to the new ex change building, which v&a to have been open Saturday. He had gone there to supervise the entry Into the new quarters, which were erected and owned by the concern. The Bcene of the tragedy was rlrect ly in front of the new exchange ^build ing. Thtf~Wires-had been strung to the second story, and he had climbed to the top of the pole to see If the big table would clear the electric wires. Keports received by officials of the company berre were tkat no one was en * *>0 scene at the time he was killed, bi" li patches to this paper say that scv. 1 women sittng on their porches on the opposite side of the street saw li:m climb the. poll and fall to \he pavement below. While at the top of the pole, the New Bern Sun-Journal report states, j he evidently felt himself falling, and reacche:Mor a hold. His hands grasp ed a heavily charged electric wire, and it is believed that he was electrocu ted. Eye-witnesses said that they saw fire flickering from his body and his clothing when he touched the wire, aiul later he dropped to the pavement the curb stones,, crushing the skull in two separate places. Ills ankle hone was broken and potrudecl through the shoe, and it was in this-condition that he was found. Persons first reaching him said that he was soen to breath twice before he died, anil so far as cpuld be learned he never spoke. -<He was rushed to a New Beri^ hospital immediately, but died before reaching there. R. W. E. Davis and J. W. Strickland. bo:?fc of Henderson, and who are eon - ncrtod_wiih~Llig- traffic,department of, the coTnpnny. ~were in- New Bern in connection with ther opening o*f the ?ac\v_exchange there, but neither was on" the scene -at the time Mr. Toeple _jnan met his death. The "body "wltt be brought to Hen derson 'early Saturday morning from New Bern, jiccomnanied bv Mr. Strlck land and Mr. Davis, and also Mr. T. D. Davis, superintendent of the New Bern exchange. The body will be ta ken to the home on Charles street. Mr. Toepleman is survved" by his wife and one son, Lieut. F. L. Toeple mon, who is now at Camp Jackson,, Columbia, S. C. Pending the arrival of Lieutenant Toepleman,~tio arrange ments had be?jn made for the funeral. Mrs. Toepleman was overcome when told of her husband's death. She was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. -BttrweH??5*4- wa?_ preparng to attend lin Kastor service at Holy lnm>ee?4s Episcopal church at 11 o'clock. She was immediately removed to her home, where she was attended by Dr. It. T. TTpcburch. Her condition, was report ed as serious. F. C. Toepleman was one of the mos' prominent business ipen of Hen de.- He wn?* actively identifi d wit many of the public enterprises of the city, and had leading parts in many new movements that had been undertaken here. He was a director hi miFrim.PHW ftlwMn. Belt Fair, and of the Home Building and Loan Association, as well as of the Gold Leaf Publishing Company. He hr.d a leading part in the organization of the Henderson Chamber of Com merce. and was the organization's first president upon its reorganization a year ago. He retired from this place March li, having declined another term at. the annual meeting and elec tion of officers held on that date. He one of the moving spirits in the organization. / Hut, with nil -of his interest in those other businrps enterprises, his chief conc ern was for the Home Telephone Company, whose wonderful progress and expansion had been d,ue in large measure to nis '-wonderful husinoss genius and foresight. Ho was c. man given to detail, and was acquainted with every part of the intricate busi ness of which he was the lu-ad. * He has been identified with the (Tympany ever since it was organized. Hfi\irae here from N'ew York in 1895 j and <<cectcd tlTJTVral exchange when if* wasV?u\rtcd the late Henry StransoY?d othors. He went bftck to 1 New Yorloupon the completion of tlio ' work, but later contracted with the firm to become superintended of the* Henderson exchange. It was from this modest beginning that the large organization startedrwnTtoaay It owns and operates thirty exchanges In east ern North Carolina and Virginia.?Dis patch. * Board of Education. The Board of Education met In reg ular session on Monday with all mem bers present, who after appro ring mln business as follows: The question of a county-wlds spec ial school tax of SO c.ents on the prop erty and 90 cents on the poll was dis cussed at length both by this BosM. and by visitors. Upon motion of Mr. J. N. Harris the question of asking the Board of County Commmlssloners to to order an election to determine the wlll--ef the voters In regard to the proposed special tax.. The motion was carried by a vote as follows: A. W. Perry, Sr., J. N. Harris and 3. C. Winston voting yes, E. L. Green and C. R. Sandllng voting no. Vha Com missioners were asked to sail the election for May 4th, 1918. The question of consolidating Per ry's Seminary and Copeland .Kill, col ored schools In Frankllnton Wwnahtp, was deferred until the first Monday j In May. Special tax Ust takers weri rtcoQi mended as follows: Pilot?Johnnie Stalling?. Pine Ridge?A. C. Perry. Bunn?Mack Mullen. Flat Rock?W. W. Hart. Laurel?J.. R. Parrish. Moulton?j. B. Smith. Mountain Robt. Tharrlngtoa. Sandy Creek?G. B. Weit. Wilder?J. T. Wilder. White Level?T. H. Dickeas. * Justice?W. H. Delbrldge. Seven Paths?J. M. Sykes. ! Mapleville?A. W. Perry, j Hickory Rock?Jno. Hedgepetli. Hayes?Hugh L. Hayes, ingleslde?P. F. Evans. Roberts?^J. R. Tharrlngton. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to Its next reg ular meeting. " Mrs. Alice Tucker. In the death of Mrs. Alice Tucker, which occurred early Tuesday morn ing, Mar. 27. Louisburg lost one of its most estimable ladies. Mrs. Tucker was quiet, unassuming, a "keeper at home", and all who knew her held her in highest esteem. Since her girlhood she Vad been a professing Christian and for many years was a devout mem ber of the Baptist- church of this city. Mrs. Tucker has lived all of her life of TO years in and around Louisburg the greater part of the time in the cify.Tl.irty-six years ago hor husband. Vr. Buck Tucker, left her a widow with a number of small children, four of whom survive her now: Messrs. John A. Tucker, of New heme, Wal ter W. Tuckerr of Norfolk, Norwood Tucker, of High Point, and J. Claude Tucker, of louisburg. with Whom she has made her home for many years. One brother, Mr. Jim Harris, of Kit? trell, also survives her. ? ? The funeral service was held at the family residence on Main street Wed nesday-.afiernoon in the presehce of a largo Iinmhor nf relatives and friends, conducted by her pastor, Walter M. Gllmore and Rev. N. H. D. Wilson, of the Methodist church. Interment was made at Oak Lawn cemetery, and- the mound was covered with a wealth of beautiful flowers. The following acted as pall bearers: jRHwnfd rwrv s_?Nash Reks A. Pearce, B. H. Meadows, W. D. Eg erton, Peter Foster. Murrfaore Licenses. Register of Deeds Yarborough issu ed mnrrlaro licenses to the followii.R couples during the month of March: WHITE Jno. W. Holloway and Lessie Wheeler. Buddie Tant and Es ter Morgan, Ely Goswlck and Susie Wynne. COLORED ?Andrew Green and An na Hill. Eddie Freeman and Ellen Bas: kett, Hen Foster and Mary Dunston, Herbert Kearnoy and Rosa Nicholson, .foe Bimms and Lelin >ilteh?ner, FIhIudt I'orry and Urla P. Lasslter. Alpluis Epps and Mary Goode? Willie Thomas and Lucy Llttlejohn. WillianiH Chavls and Mary Jane Soutlierlund, Jesso Conyers and Ada Steward. Hilllard Dunstori end Lucy Nicholson. Joseph Harrison Kearney and Willie M. Joy ner, HerraAn Raker and Llllie Will lams. COLOREDTROOPS LEAVE FOB CAMP GM>T, ILI^, ON TUES DAY. In Charge of Lieut, J. Newman Hctz ler?59 Out of 60 expected? Answer ed to Call. "quiiii u uuiiiuu ui juum mm uu trlotic entertainments were given the fifty five select colored troops who left here Tuesday for Camp Grant, 111., to bejcoQic members of the National Ar my, by the colored people of Louis burg. Among them included a lun cheon In the court house and an en tertainment in the Opera House on Monday night and Special services at the churches on Sunday. In answer to the call of the local board fifty-nine out of a possible sixty answered to their names at the roll call in the court house on Monday af ternoon, where the members were ad dressed by Chairman Huffln *nd Dr. J. E. Malone, of the Local Board, In most earnest xatriotic upccchec. In addition to theee gentlemen addreca es were made by their colored brotb ren as follows. Prof. E. N. Dont, Reva. J. A.\S*r a#c, T. M. Chrismond and (korC. Pollard, all of whom made excel-out talks, howlng much patriotism and devotion to the flag and the union, and 1 gave the boys who were leaving much, timejly advice, which If followed Jn the spirit In which it v/as gives will mean much for them In the futur* Lieut. J. Newman Metzlcr, or the In- j fantry at Camp Grant, 111., was pres ent at this meeting and had a Tjxt words to say to the men. He was sent by the War department to conduct the men to camp. All the speeches dealt with loyalty and obedience and were interesting r.nd instructive. Quite a large crowd of both white and colored gathered in Louisburg on Tuesday to see the first of the color ed selectmen leave. And it was grati fying <b see the good spirits prevail ing among them all. . They took with them the good wish es of ftot only their colored friends, but their white friends as well. 1'ublic Speaking and Patriotic Rally at Louisburg, Saturday, April Gtli. Hon. A. L. Brooks, of Greensboro, will speak to a large assembly of Franklin county people at the Opera House. Saturday, April 6th, at 2:30 o'clock (new lime.) Mr. Brooks is one of the best infor med men of the State on the subject of the war. He has made a wide rep utation outside of the State as well as at heme and is giving much of his time in speaking on the War. It is an opportunity to hear him that none can afford to miss. A program of patriotic music is ar ranged for the occasion. County Automobile "Parade, April Gth. At 1:30 oclock (new time) the auto- I mobiles for parade will form in line i at the court house square and down Xash street, _jij> dflSrch street, thence to Main street and back to the Opera House. All the Boy Scouts of the Ootmty in abody will lead tli? piu cession. The parade, as planned, will be a progT&m. Patriotic colors and -fhrgs floating, pretty girls and patriotic songs, boy scouts saluting. Every school in the -County?-in?*?? sion on ffre 5th expects to participate in the parade. Democrat Pifcinct Meeting of Louis bnrg Township. At a public meeting UeW-?IfP"Thfe ?ouxi- IIuumj oft JSatu'nlay March 30th. ! usburg Township precine meeting. Mr S A. Newell van ier'.etl chairman jiii-1 T W. Watsor. secretary. The following voters of Louisburg Township wore elected a? delegates to the County Convention to be held in j Louisburg on Saturday, April 7th. 1918. T. W. Watson. J. A. Turner. J. P, I Hill, Ben T. Holden. A. H. Fleming { Geo. E. Wilson. J. W. Mann. N. M. Perry. B. N. Williamson. Wr. E. Uz-; ?*.U. .V.,-M. I'i.iJ P). !? .Ill FvlllllH. I . 1 C. Hudson. A. W. Perry. Jr., K. K. I Allen. D. G. Pearce. ? I List of Letter*. The following Is a Ust of letters re maining in the Post Office at Louis burg. N. C.. not called for April 5th, 1918: Mrs. Km m a Allen. Mr. Roy Atkinson Miss Supina Bullock. Miss Maggie Car pen t <yr. Mr. Elberd Cosh. Miss Alice Tommic Debnam. Mrs. Carrie L. Evans Mr. L. M. Lambert. Mr<. Annie Powell. Mrs. J. T. Strickland. From the dead letter office: W. R. Rreeden. Persons calling for any of the above letters will please state that they saw them advertised. R. H. DAVIS, P. M. Harris Township. (Received as we go to Press.) ? Namos added to National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee, of Harris townsnlp: Mrs. F. W. Justice. Miss Sallie V. Harris. Miss Willie Chamblee. Mrs. M. L. Fowler. Miss Tna .Under bill. Subscribe to THE FRANKLIN TIMES Orly $1 50 Per Year, in advance. BIG WAR SAVINGS DRIVE Over Seventeen Thousand Dollars In Cash Sale? Saturday?County Or ganizing Rapidly. The past week bas been the most successful by far in the War Savings Campaign. The cash, sales in the I County for one day (Saturday) were fiT.iiB.iii uuu iLiii dih muitU luP Iflfl county to April 1st was over $2.35, which Chairman Yarborough estimat es will place Franklin among the first flvfe counties in the State. This fine showing is due to the ceal and enthus iasm with which the Woman's War Sav tng Societies and the Township Com mittees are doing their part to win the war- Nb such manifestation of patri otic spirit and high-minded unselfish ness bar ever been witnessed in this eo^nty as is being shown in this hand of the country's need. We hope to be able to publish In our next Issue a complete Hit of the various township committees and Ladies societies which hay? been organised and also to tell aoQietMng In detail of what has been lac<K>mplished; in the schools. * Th? campaign of speech-making al so continues. Messrs. E. H. llalone and W. H. Yarborough spoke at Laur el on Friday afternoon, where a War Savings Society was organized with j J. H. Harper as president. Messrs. W. H. Yarborough and S. A. Newell spoke at Wood on Saturday afternoon. After the speeches a com- | mittee for Gold Mine township was or ganized composed of Messrs. W. D. Fuller. John Wood, R. H. Griffin, C. C. .Murphy and L. L. Gupton from wych good reports are expected. Ifranklinton, Youngsville and Bunn. alL&id ?pJendid_WQrJt_durlng the week Wllile Cedar Rock and Cypress Creek are coming forward in great style. | With such an organization as is be ing effected throughout the county and j such energy and patriotic fervor as is I being displayed by the workers we | feel that old Franklin will do heT full i duty in this greatest of all crisis. B. T. Rose. W. rronr'CrTT "vfcholsflj^M; 0r Fraiiklfn County Liberty Loan News. The appointment of Liberty Loan I Township Charmen for Franklin j coutlty Is complete, and in most town 1 ships they, in turn, have named their I committees. It is a splendid people who have responded so heartily to the cr.ll their country lias made upon them, and it is encouraging to know that for two weeks, from April 6th to 20th. they \Vill make a great effort to serve to the Lest of their ability in the sale of Liberty Loan Bends. Franklinton makes a splendid re port of its organization with Mr. B. W. Ballard, township chairman and Mrs. A. S. Joyner. chairman of Wo man's organization, the committees nrmqly: Dr. S. <\ Fonl. vice-chair man; W. F. Joyner. director publicity; HL J. Cheatham. Director supplies; Randolph Benton, chairman of Frank linton towfiship schools, M iss Franci* Winston, vice chairman^ Mrs. W. F. Joyner, assistant i^es managers, Messrs. W, Sherron "Gretm. Jr.. Ceorpe Crews. Popes District?C. C. Holmes, chair -nuAr Miss Maggie Pool, vice-chair man. Mt. Olivet?C. R. Sandling. chairman Miss Carrie Blacklev. vire chairman. 1 Mltchtners?M. D. Wilder, chairman |Miss Myrtle Holmes, vice-cljairmaiu j Kates vil le?Rev. John F. Mitchiner, | rHt%4fTTnrrr \Tra <3 f- iVCWlOtr; tIl?' [chairman. Kach seliool district will have com-j miuees to ?assist chairmen and vice ! chairmen. The Times carried ln?t week n?? nf, ?bll towuijhlp committees, as had been | appointed. Tw_o_ciianges_ have been i made in Chairmen of Woman's Com!] mittee. Mrs. G. B. Perry is chairman! of Youngsville township and Mrs. O. I B. Egerton of Sandy Creek township | Added to -Sandy Greek, township j are Mrs. Wrii. Pernell. Mr?. June Eg-I erton, Mrs. D. T. Fuller. Mrs. M. M. j Person, Mrs. J. D. Alston. Mrs. A. T. Wilson, Mrs. A. A. Dement. Harris township: Mrs. J. L. By ron . Dunns: Mrs. Jim Weathers. Mrs. II. II. Beddlngfleld. Mrsf Johnie Stal TnTgsT Mrs. K U I'MIV? I Cypress Creek: Miss Mary Stal lings. Miss Pauline Smith. Gold Mine: Mrs. John Neal. Mrs. G. M. Ray nor. Hayesville: Mrs T. C. Gill. Mrs Parker Pace. Loulsburg: Mrs. J. M. Allen, Mrs. E. L. Best. Mrs. K. K. Allen, Mrs. W. E. White. Held For Criminal A son elf, Roscoe Coppedge. colored. *r~ - !brought, to Louisburg on Tuesday t . | last week and placed in jail to await a hearing in tho Superor Court for a criminal assault upon a little Colored girl 12-yenrs old. Tho alleged crime I was committed in Cedar Rock town-| ship and th? preimlnary hearing, was ] had heforo squire T. W. Stokes. Recital atOollesre. The puhlic Is cordially Invited to he present at the college next Tuesday evening at 8.30 o'clock when MKs . Clapp will present Misses Elizabeth H. Allen ami Martha Dixon tn a Graduate piano recital. "EVERYBODY ARRANGE FOR EAR LY DINNER SATURDAY. Society. The Young Woman's Missionary Society met on Tuesday evening at the1 home of Misses Sue and Hodgie Al ston in & business meeting. The meeting was called to order and lqd by Mrs. Osmond Y. Yarbor ough. She had a very interesting pro gramme planned, which was as fol lows: DeYotlonalExeircisefi. ftfl. lllFU. U. k. Prayer. Minutes, Recording Secretary.-? The. Island Empire and Its People, Miss AUne Webb. Kindergarten Work. Miss Sue T. Alston. Kindergarten Christmas Story, Miss Hodgie Alston. Report for past quarter, Treasurer. After the program business or im portance was discussed, among which was the change ot time. We hare been harlng as our usual time 7:46 but ac cording to, and abiding by the law re- I cently made, we have changed our hour to 8:46 o'clock, and each mem ber is urged to be at every meeting promptly at th*. changed hour. The articles read were very interest ng, especially the thought of caring for and training nine million children, training them to see the light of Je sus, the question was "Is Japan ig norant?** The Kindergarten stories were also very interesting. In reading the report for the past quarter the dues and pledge amounted to $34.00. Those present were Mesdames M. Ic. Pleasants, Edward L. Best, Osmond Y. Yarboro, Osmond J. Hale, and Kiss es Aline Webb, Lonie Meadows, Lydia Inscoe, Sue T. Alston, Hodgie Alston, Louise Thomas. The society was indeed glad to have with th&m as a vsitor Miss Clara Young. After repenting the Mizpah the So ciety adjourned to mest on Tues^ry evening at the home of ?-frs. Edward L. Best, on Main street, in a Study Circle meeting, promptly at 8:45 o'clock. Recording Secretary. Resolutions. i "Whereas our beloved Professor, J. ! Robert Brown, having been called to 'the service of our country, we, the ?undersigned members of the Matthow ) Davis Debating Socfety and of the ? Martha Washington Debating Society i of the Louisburg High School, do hereby resolve: First: That' we wish him a safe voyage, a happy stay in trenches, and !victory over the Huns. Sccond: That we wish Isim a speedy and safe return at the close of the war. Third:; That a copy of these res olutions be sent to Mr. llrown. a copy he published in the Franklin Times and copy bli- put in the minutes of both the said societies. The Matthew Davis Debating Socio, ty Signed: 1'illie Williams, Pres.; Napier Williamson. Secy.; tierald Al-" len, Edward Griffin, Sa*mte4 E. -Wtt=" son. Get). F. Houck, W. Floyd Gattfs, JL A. Reavia, Jr., Jesse II. Clay. S. J. Parham, Jr., Geo. Ford. Jr., Wm. E. White. Jr.. W. T. King, W. E. Beasley. ,C. H. Yarborough. J. B. YarborouglT. Jr., Henry Rufflxi, Ken neth ('oilier. David Pearce, Jim Allen, Clyde G. White, Jim Aii?n Will Leslie Perry. Edwin J. Alston. Arch H. (Perry. Julius Timbarlake, John Wil [son. Mortimer Harris, -Dudley Lacy. ? t r;>i>fnrd Brnslei, Rmvlmid >>asn. Jos ieph Harris. W. R. Mills. J. G. McAd ams. The Martha Washington Debating Society: Signed: Adele Wilson. _Prp>; ? Cif*m"'fyp -Ser'y.; Mar t Igaret Hayes. Mary Wilson, Lucy T Allen, Annie Harris. Ilia Mae Ogburn [Sillily Inscoe, Ruth Gatti*, Claraliiud ison, Margaret Cooke, Lucy Andrews. | Mamie Hayes. Xeppio Wilson. I^oulse Jones. Elizabeth Furgurson. Ruby Spencer. Mildred Spencer, Esther L. Andrews. Louise Dean. Edna Beasley, Helen Wicker. Josephine Fuller, Lu tie Inscoe. Mdry Ray Stallings. Kath. erlne Bobbltt, Lucy Young, .LerHne Allen. "Farmers** Affidavits Must Support I'M1* l/VilVn">'1'lr j A new draft of about 90.000 men | shortly will be called to the colors. The Provost Marshal General has or-1 dered that "men actively, completely, ' and assiduously engaged in the plant ing or cultivating of a crop, but who are lifted in Class 1 and within the new quota should bp deferred until the earl of the new quota." j The local .draft boards, being judic ial bodies, can not defer the call of such men. however, unless the farm r* employing (hem comply with the law and support their claims* for de ferred calling with affidavits. It is ithfiTfor? of vital importance that far mers employing necessary men within ! the new quota immediately execute and file succh affidavits with the lo-? jcal boards. If farmers whose hands are affect- I ed by this new call fail to follow this j advice, they will have no cause for ' complaint if their men are tak? n-fro"m ' them at this critical time. It will he useless and unreasonable later to protest if they have done nothing to retain their help. Immediate acton on tT.e part of every farmer Concerned is essential and shoifd "not be delayed under any circumstances. J. L. PAI-.MT3H, Chntrman, T". S. P .blic ?ervl c Re??rve ORDERS ELECTION FOR SPECIAL TAX TO B**Htt,T?-t)*Tc?SUAYi my ? 1918. . * Appoint T?x Lint Takers for Ccn.to ??11 U11IUU1 ?rd Keeper?Routine. meTthln >?"? ?f CoantJ' Commission?. S? m.H? *688lon on Monday with Th.^n 1?" "cept stok??. Presen? of 8 business was dispose? meeting rPI>r0 mlnutefl ot ?revio?. lows" takers were appointed.as fdl Dunns?J. T Baker. - Harris?W. R. Young. Youngsvllle?J. R. Pearce Frankllnton?J. D..Speed. HayesTllle-A. A. Medllp, o^h M?reek^?- C' Parrish. Gold Mine?Tom Ricks. Cedar Rock?S. H. Boone. Cypress Creek?R. B. Harris, i Loulsburg?w. H. Macon. Grl,rln was appointed Stan? ard Keeper for Franklin county. HU bond was received and (lied du^ian,d84?0f00LOU'8 SmUhaU ? ~ The P. W. Whelesa Opera Horn?? llZTol Wa' redUCed ,n Taluatlo? ^ HeaXnm Dr" J' E' Malone' c??ntr Health OtPicer.,was received and fll?a ?T,feP?" of J- J- HoJden. SuperlntH? County Home was received aa4 mod. He reports 12 white and 8 col ored inmates. The list takers for the Special scho? m!nrJCiBKWere apPoInrod a? recoa \v?,l ?v ? Board of Education, t h?! Prt assistance of the 8heriff >i?? ? a iury for ' the May term of court. Upon petition by the Board of Edu ? cation the Board called an election for -Ia> 14tli, 1918, that the voters of the county may express their desires in sStl?,. SPqC'al County-wide After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to Its next rneet jfI|i''s,s of ?1,r- ?!?1 -Vrs. W. H. lJuffln. I Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. H. Rufrin and J?"' Wn>; 'I. Rufrin. Jr.. attended Ser vices at C liri?I church. Raleigh. Eas !,lrr; a?d "'7? accompanied .home by Mrs Runi,, * brother. Mr. Jamie A. I "hite. his daughter. Katheriiie. and son. (apt. \\illiams White, of the \a wDai ,rmr", Mrs' Whlte to jfHii the family on Monday. Mr. White is Agent of the American Railway As sociation anil has charge of the trans portation for-the Government n't Camp i nndsworlli, Spartanburg, s. (?? and 'reports the expenditure of over two million dollars per month at that camp fS' t'"J Government. Mr. and Mrs. ignite. na.va-iJn.ee sons- VbtrnmrefsTh the National Army, one James, now In France and Capt. Williams Whitf, (Who is in commanclol a Headquarters ? to. 114 Inf . Camp Wheeler, Macon Gar, land Murchison. who is Lieutenant in Iho 324 Inf.. at camp in Atlanta I rapt, Wmtams wmtetras just-re? ,turned_froni_a_sis weeks intensive Tonrse oT training at Ft. SilLs. Okla., representing his IJ'vgionrfa taking tlio fraiii'irg. TVspcciaT course beimr Intlm 1-vo uf IIil nuu ITl'luti millimeter gun. a one pounder, which is designed I to destroy the German "Pill boxes, and I which he reports as wonderfully ef fective, shooting with a flat, straight ,tr.ij?4ery through the loop holes of the 5 foot concrete walls of these ma chine gun small forts, whic h have been ~ so constructed as to he Impregnablo ;to irtt but- the large cannoiv l.cjretufarcj in use against them. Wilson-Brown. ; -Yacon. March 2?,?On Simday mor iijuij a lulei but b eautiful marriage was celebrated at the home of Mr and Mr? E. H. Russell when Miss Gladys i Brown became the bride of Mr. A. jW. Wilson, of Camp Sevier. | The drawing room was tastefully j dec orated In long leaf pine and yel close friends were present. Miss Al ice Brltton Itodwell sang "At Dawn ing," and "I Love You." As the bri dal party entered Mrs. John Coleman played the bridal chorus from Lohen grin, During the impressive ring ceremony performed by ?he bride's pastor. Hev. T. J. Taylor, Mrs Cole man played softly "Perfect Day." Mendelssohn's wedding march "Was used as a recessional. The bride was exquisitely attired In a going away suit of blue with grey accessories and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left on an extended bridal trip after which- they will be at home at Greenville, 3. C.?News-Ob server. I-: 11 inure men t Announced. The following Item taken from the Columbia, S. C.. State, of March 25th, will bo rend with much Interest by our people: Rock Hill, March 24,?Mrs. Mary T/?tlierd Hall announces the approach ing marriage of her daughter, Rebecca Douglas, to Mr. Wilson Green, of Sum *r or. April 17. , The following is a 11st ol jurors for May term or FrnnVltn ^perlor Court: - Dunns?W. H. Williams. Jr^ WrH?t Mullln W. A. Mullen, Jr., J. B. Perry. Harris?J. T. Mann, G. W. Styles. Harrod Frazlpr, A. T. Harris, C. C. Catlett. Youngsville?A. D. Frazier, Jno. F. Mitchell. J. A. Daniels, N. B. Lafater, R. D. Roberts. Franklinton?J. A. MHihell, iJ. W Ballard. R. T. Pernell. Hayed vile?Omega Dlckerson, J. E. Wynne. Sandy ('reek?M. M. Person. W. S. HTHWH. ?>. A. HilfflH. W. ll. l^Hn'e.' J. B. Smith. C. C. Inscoe, B. L. Car roll. Gold Mine?T. A. Holllngsworth, C. C Murphy. Cedar Rock -J. I*. Horsey. Cypress Creek?R. R. Strickland, T. J. Moore. O. T. Lnyd, J. N..Griffin. Iiouishurg--W. E. Bartholomew, Wei don Egerton. A. W. Person.

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