A3 ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT BEINGS RESULTS ONLY $1.50 FEB YEAH IJi ADVANCE * A T. Johnson, Editor and Manager. -H ; THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. Subscription $1.50 Per Year ' ' i VOLUME XLVIL LOUI8BUBO, H. C., EBIDAY, APBIL ?, 1018. NUMBEB 9 HON. BENJAMIN T. HOLDEN PgfclDES Over Jkmeefatic County Convintinii Hold in Louisburg Saturday. DELEGATES ELECTED TO STATE* CONVENTION. I Vonvention Endorses President Wil son and Governor Blckett?Town ship Executive Committees Appoint ed. Pursuant to a call of the State Dem ocratic Executive Committee the Coun- j ty Democratic Convention fo^_Frank House In Louisburg on last Saturday, j The Convention was called to order by Chairman ?. II. Malone, who ?after reading the State Chairman's ?call, called Hon.' Ben. T. -Holden as temporary chairman, and Mr. E. S. Fulghum, as temporary secretary. Up on motion the tempoary organization was made permanent, after which Chairman Hbldcn maue a most patri otic and interesting address accepting the honor. He then ordered the roll ?call Which resulted in all townships being represented r.nd received- the delegates as follows: ? Dunns?W. PI. Fuller, C. H. Mullen. J. M. Sellings, J. D. Privett, Dave Pearce, Luther Baker. A. A. Perry, R. w; Montgomery, Riley Privett, Ike Hagwoed_ Harrir?J. B. King. N. M. Rogers, R ? prevailed to the effect that no particu lar delegates be elected but as many as can uo so attend from the County and those in attendance be authorized to prorate Franklin's 14 votes, i After the passage of the Above mo tion it was moved by Stone, of Cedar Rock, that same be amended to . the. ond that each township name dele gates whose duty it would be to attend the State Convention add that such other Democrats from the county at tending said "Convention should par ticipate in the'voting, the county vote being prorated as provided in the Tur ner motfon among all Democrats from Franklin county attending. The mo tion prevailed and the following del egates were named and elected: \ Dunns?A. A. Perry. C. H. Mullen. Harris?J. B. King. ! Youngsville?J. B. Perry, C. C. , Winston. ? Franklinton?B. W. Ballard. I. H. Kearney. | Hayesville?R. L. Stokes. Sandy Creek?E. N. Williams. I Gold Mone?J. H. Wood. ; Cedar Rock?E. S. Fulghum. i Cypresa Creek?J. A. Boone, j Liouisburg?J. A. Turner, Ben. T. Holden. i Upon motion of E. N. Williams the following resolution endorsing the Na? HOX. BFV.T. I!OLI>KN; Oue of FrankHn's most popular members of the bar and a favorite among many friends tlirrouirhout the county, who presided ever the Demo eratfe Couniy Convention Saturday. He has recently been spoken of as a probable candidate for Congress for Jndire and for Solleltor. !n either plaee he would make a good man* C. Harris, J. M. Denton, Dr. R. P. Floyd. P. J. King. H. S. Eeddlngfleld. s YoungtfUle?W. ?T. Youn,?\ C. W. Roberta, E. L. Green, J. H. Timberlako. J. C. Winston. C. A. Moore. S. C. Eaves, C. C. Winston, John C. Wttiston. J. T. Wilson. Franklinton?B. ~Wr Ballard, A. S. Joyner. Dr. C. Ford, T. H. Kear ney, J. H. Cooke. O 1'ernell, C. Beat, Joe San 11 In. R T. Conyera. Hnycsvllle?W. P. Wynne. H. L. Stokes. A. A. Medlin. 8andy C ret?'??H. D. Ew'nn. C. F. FaulUn-r. A. T. Wilson. E. N. Wilson. K. E. nupir n. T. I). .Tones W. F. Lon urd. .T. t?. Al.iton. Gold Mine- J. J Lnncnv1 'r. W. D. Fuller. C. C. Murphy. W Rarlfrrrd. J. H T.vd C M Rpyrr, Cfrtfrr Pr l -S. R. TV P'lf-ii May v 7V>**der. J * %nn. W. "5. Store. J. P. Davis. T 'Jickena. R. H. DobMit. G. S. Farr Cyprus? Crrflk?J N. G 'r",i W. D. Bowmen, W TT. r^Tp^pp' ? ATtertia tea?E. S. Wilder, J. A. Borne. W. W. Hlnes * Lou Is burg?T'. W. Wntson. J. A. Turner?" J. P. Hill. Ben.*^. Hotfen, A. H. Fleming. Geo. E. Wilson, J. W. Mann. N. M. Perry, B. N Wllllam non,.W. E. L/.zoll. E. 9. F~'d. D. F. McKinne, C.'C. Hudson. A W. Perry. Jr., K. X. Allen. D. G. fcearre. Chairman Holden then announced that the object of the Convention wds to select delegate to the State Con vention. A motion hy TurmtBfror T^uisMlrg tional GovernmeMr^Ss unanimously carried: W'.iereas. our Nation Is now engaged in the most. stupendous struggle in the I.i-cory cf the world, and Whereas thr* preservation of Christian civilization "v/.d Democracy is at stake; Now. Therefore be it 11es<>1 v^i?-Xkai? County ^ff*T7>nvcnt'.on assembled, do hereby endorse and aprrove the course of ouv !Cnaf f'ro^ir'ent, Woodrow Wilson, in tli is* hour of our Nation's trial, and Co p!'?:lg.? t > iiim and tlioiA associated with him in trte conduct of the prov en, war, our unMiui liing and most loy jv! :"ip>.>rJfrAnd Wherefore ouT Na t i<?*> '.?as sp fit to raise its reven^^> nore^snrv in the conduct of this preat ??li-USgls by the l*???ulng of Bonds. Q'ar g?T'iru* and Thilit Stamp-. ?vb bs rep T?* .n'.'itivr.? of the Dem or *acy of Coua.y, do hea?.ily approve of raid plan rnd wrgo the people of )'Va..r<lin County to respond to the call 'o* the (government and to lend its aid ??ifVv*ify way possible to th?? moral and financial support of oifr Government land our soldieis on land and sea. [ Mr. Williams also Introduced reso lutions relative to our beloved Gover nor, Thomas Walter JJickett, which were enthusiastically passed: i Whereas, our Governor. Thomas Walter Blcftett, has expressed a desire that In so far as possible, tfll partisan and personal bitterness be avoided In the approaching political campaign, and Whereas, we bellfc\e In tho lofty Ideal of our beloved Governor, now Therefore he it Resolved, that tBe N ..." 'i/ M* . ? _? ' So- -? Democrat?- of Franklin County Jn a Convention assembled, do most heart ily endorse and approve the position of our Governor and urge upon the | various candidates for office in our | they ^onduct their cam- I paigns on the high plaimrnVBBMteM j by our beloved Gcfvernor and avoidj [all partisan and personal bitterness to the end that we, while different in | our party and personal preferences land beliefs, may ever stand a united country in the presence of our common I danger. I Chairman Holden called for the ! Township Executive Committees which i were given in as follows: Dunns?A. A. Perry, J. B. Privett, A. C. Perry, G. A. Alfcrd, J. M. Stal ! lings. i Harris?J. D. King, J. J. Young, N. ; M. Rogers, J. O. Hag wood, H. A. | Strickland. j Youngsville?J. B. Perry, C. C. uWlnstonston* J. R. Tharrlngton. R. TC. Underwood, E L. Green. | Franklinton?A. S. Joyner, I. H. :Kearney, B. W. Ballard. K. J. Perry, j ~~Hayesville?R. L. ^Stokes, W. M. Wynne, John S. Wilson. R. G. Winn. I Sandy Creek?E. N. Williams, K. E. jGupton, H. D. Egerton, W. F. Leonard. |C. F. Faulkner. ? i Gold Mine?No report. ? I Cedar Rock?J. O. Wilson. W. D. ;"Bowden, E. D. Parrish, J. T. Inscoe, iT. S. Dean. 1 Cyres* Creaek?J A. Boone. W. H. Culpepper, W. W. Hlnes, E. S. Wilder, W. A. Benton. Louis burg?W. E. Tucker, J. M. ? Allen. N. M. Perry. J. H.^Best. | The. above township Executive Com mittees were ratified subject to the lulling of the vacancies by^tlie County Executive Committee, whose duty it becoirtes after the people fail to fill .same at the precinct meetings, ? No other business to come before ? UiR Convention a motion to adjourn ' was entertained end adjournment was taken sine die. MERCHANTS ARE TVARXED. ;Apulr.st Selling Floor For Over S12J>0 J p??r Rarrel and Red Rop: Ship Stuff for moro thou 1*2.75 per 100 I'oumls. I have information that a number l of our merchants are selling flour ? with the accompanying wheat substi tutes ,or certificates stating that the {buyer has producod and is using corn meal in equal quantities with flour, i Thiii is a dircct violation of the Food LMmristration ruling and a merchant found guilty of such violation will be 'blacklisted as well as being liable to | prosecution. ! I am also informed th^t a few mer 5 chants *are charging in^^Kcess of ' S12.R0 per barrel for flouiv, $12.50 is ? the maximum that- may ?Se charged [for Hour and merchants ^re^vftmcd 'not to charge more, j Under a new ruling of the Food 'Administration $55 per ton or $2.75 Ti'ju ios is thg maximum thttjn&y be . charged for Red Dog. "p 'Hie prices oir shipstuff?and mid dlings have been correspondingly ? lowered. 1 If any merchant has bought Red | Dog at such, prices that he cannot dispose of it at $2.75 per 100 lbs and :get a reasonable profit, he may. upon *pc?rmisstOfi of the Foort Administrs -Mon. .-t'll s?n li iota at a price that will rive him a normal profit, but only up on the permission of the Food Admin istration. . j Any consumer wb'o secures flour un j?'er false pretenses either with corn J or with a certificate, or has on hand j moro than a reasonable quantity of j flour will l?e drastically dealt with j Township Food^Admlnistrators .have, been appointed in the different town ships and they will promptly repor.t iany violation of the Food Control Law. JOSEPH C. JONES. Count? Food Administrator. Easter Offerings for Missions. Following the custom In the Epis Icopal church to devote all offering? during tbe season. and all that the pupils \i -V1' ? **' ,o. by self denial lo iJo>dftiifc : ..a Foreign Mis sions, the little pupils of St. Paul's .Sunday School, Loufebnrg, showed m<iui u I mill HH'II limm JI'IU HI Mntlu" their offerings up to $60.*0 Little Ned Ford led with a generous sum and several others m.->de fine records. Van/ of the 36 members of t Ms Sun day school are Tioy Scouts n id other^ z?alous workers n the various war or prinlznUon-?. ;;nd have, demoted thntr. ? time and savings to wp.r vork. but it ,fn i'rq|ifylng in the cxt-eme to note 'hrt tbev Htiil esard. tbe vork for n.r??t? the Miatc*, a-: first in irr.por tance. Pretty lYfmlo*?. One of the pr^tte^t. window .lec.ora tions seen ir. Louishun; in srme tfnie ^vas at Allen Bros. Co. on Saturday.. Mr. I^wwler. witf\ the Fsstotnnre of th^ ki lies in the ?tor-. hsd dressed a pretty statue to represent Miss Lib le.rty and formed a patriotic decora tion about the window with liberty (bonds. War Stumps, flag-?, etc, roak ? Insr an especially proMy showing. ? Tbe I.lghf Brlgifie un:l Tasflnntors. I On Saturday evenirg April 13th at 8:00 o'clock. The White Level Phila tliea class wl'l present tlio n'ove cn tertnlmfionf7~ This pcrtormance pro mise? an evening of fun for all who see It. 8ee It if you enjoy a laugh. Admission tO. and 8'e. plvcepdn for cburcb Improvement frivCn. MB. W. H. FLEASAXTS DEAD. 'One of Lonlsborsc's Most Substantial | Citizens and Merchants Passes Awaj. Mr. W."'ll. 1'li-IUUlU. UUII ul lll? I late Capt. Pleasants, ajid one of Lou jisburg's most popular and substantial merchants passed away at his home . |on Church street yesterday morning about 8 o'clock, his death being caus-1 led. it is supposed, from appoplexy. I i He retired the~nlght before in appar* lently his usual good health. When |his wife awoke ye&tprday morning she , found him in a coTdTcritical condition. She Immedately summoned assistance, but before the physicians could ar- i rive life had'passed from the deceas ed. Mr. Pleasants was 48 years old. and besides his wife leaves a mother ! and three brothers, M. K., M. C, j and fV ft.-Pleasants, and five sisters, t Mrs. H. A. Page, of Aberdeen, Mrs. J iE. F. Early, Mrs. Julia P. Scott, Mrs. 1 E. Ouom and Miss Sallie Peasants,' who survive him. He was a consis- j tent member of the Methodist church and lived a life consistent with his re- ! llglous principles. He was also one j of the charter members of the Louis- ? burg Camp, Woodmen of the World, I in which he held several important positions. Besides being identified', with the business life of-Louisburg in ' the capacity of merchant he was for , a number of years a director in' t?? i Farmers & Merchants Bank, where he served with much credit to himself, j and his associates. The funeral will be held from the I Methodist church this (Friday) after- ? nbon about 5 o'clock and will be con- 1 dieted by his pastor Rev. N. H. D. 1 Wilson. The Interment will be made | lin Oaklawn cemetery. The family has the sympathy/ of the , entire community in their sad be- j jreavement. Meeting of (he Alnmnae Association. | A meeting of the Alumnae Associa^ ,tion is called for Friday (this after .noon) at the College, following imme diately after Miss Turner's recital. As lit is the time for the annual election idLofficers it is Important ihat all mem bers within reach bo present. The following .women have been appointed by Pres. F. S. Love to serve as a nom inating committee: j Mrs. J. E. Malone. Mrs. J. L. Pal mer, Mrs. F. E. Underbill. Mrs. G. M. i Beam, and Miss Mabel Davis. L Farewell Sermon. Pastor Walter M. Gilmore will close his pastorate at the Baptist church here Sunday night and also at Rock Spring church Sunday afternoon. Mr. Gilmore leaves for his new pas torate at Sanford about the middle of next week. ? ' Services Sunday 11 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. (New Time. Sunday school 9:45 * ?T ~ ? ? T.Ist of Letter*. ! The following is a'list-of letters re maining in jiip Post Office at Louis buns. N. C.. not called for Aprii-4?thr 1918: Miss Ora Alford, ^Ir. Kdgar A. Al len, Mr. E. A. Allen, Mr. Clide C. Cooke. Miss M?mie Freeman. Miss Sa -4ie Croon. TSTraTAim Ilagris. Mi. Q. G. Watkins, Miss Lizzey Malone. Persons calling for any of the abovo lette^p will pledge t^ai* that thcv saw them advertised. * I * R. H. DAVIS. P. M. Jiontnij Kopo rt. Mr. Editor:?The Health T.aws re- | quire me to request you to publish TfTy monthly report as Quarantine Officer. The following are the number of Quar nitijiahle diseases attended to during IVTarch: Measles 4 oases, whooping ioough 13. Tnfnnti'o Paralysis 1. Dlp theria 2; The number school Census cards sent in 92. At present we are , visiting all of the public schools for ? the purpose of making a more thor j ough examination of the children. W? i are vlsitiiwr the school in o <rr>- ? s';Ve the farmer from taking i l ands and horses from t ho now very important fprm work. The health of ;he town and county during March was good. No deaths from any pre ventable disease. The coming week is clean-up week all ovor the State, beginning April loth and continuing all the week. Let us join "4 n and do our part. ^ Respectfully, ? T T? MAT Health Officer. KecitaLat College. On Friday afternoon, April 12th at f.:30 Miss ""Clapp wl'l present Miss Mary Turner in Certificate Piano Re cital assisted by M'sses Elizabeth I?. a linn st\d 15mm.'. llo A? r. Tho puhlici coMIiuTf ntf'od to be present. LAUNCHES THIRD ISSUE LIBER i V LOAN BONDS BICT "STTOMOBILE parade?pa. TKIOT1C DECORATION'S. Address by Hon. Aubrey L. Brooks, of Greensboro?Large Crowd In Atten dance?Hoy Scoots Lead Parade. With a long string of automobiles, numbering possibly thirty-five, all artistically decorated in the National colors, bearing the ilags of the Allies and a. large number of pretty girls from all over the county the large cro^Vd in Lou'.Fhurg on Saturday gath ered together u> witness the launching of the campaign for the third Liberty Bonds, witnessed possibly one of the finest parades over'"given InTXouts burg, certainly of its kind. The auto mobiles rrathcren at the Court square and moved up Xash street with the Boy Scouts leading, to Church street then up Church street to College, thence to Main street and then back to court square. The parade was so much appreciated and so inspiring that it was repeated. After the parade the crowd gather ed in front of the Court House to hear the address to be delivered by Hon Aubrey L. Brooks, of Greensboro. The speaker was introduced by Mr. W. H. Yarborough in a tailing little speech, after which the^ speaker de livered one of the strongesr and most patriotic speeches heard in I? .uisbtire: j'p many years, and was greatly appre ciated 1*7 the 'arge number present. The ladies committee composed of E. H. MALONE RE-EtECTED jCHAIBXAX DEMOCRATIC EXECU TIVE COMMITTEE. 1 I At Its Kegrular Meeting on Saturday? I Several Vat-ancles on Township Committee* Filled?A. F. Johnson,' Ite-clected Secretary. Immediately after the adjournment N of the County Convention on last Sat urday tliQ. Democratic Executive Com mittee met in regular session to reor ganize and for the regular transaction of business. The meeting wos called to order by Chairman Malone, who after navlng a i roll call found all townships represen ted except Gold Mine a3id~Hayes>iille, . announced that the first business was that of re-organiation. Before going ?into the election of a Chairman Mr. j Malone restated his position, the sam* las he did some weeks bcfor?* in regard | to his c an d k tac y for the House of Kep ? rescntntives. The committee held this 'wonld have absolutely no effect upon i his duties as Chairman and upon mo jtlon re-elected Mr. Malor.e unanimoua jiy. i Upon motion A. F. Johnson was re elected Secretary. It was brought to the attention of (the Committee that under the plan of 'organlation the County Executive : Committee shoul;l fill all vacancies : aused by death or otherwise, on Town ? ship Executive Comm'.t'e^i when such i vacancies were not filled by the vot ers at tho regular precinct meetings 31R. EDWIN H. MALONE. Re-elected on Saturday Chairman of (Jie Democratic Executive Com mittee of Franklin County for tjie next two years. He was given many ex |?re-*ons of sa^bfactlon for lilrf excellent services in the jrnst. Mr. also a candidal^ior the Honse of Representatives from tTTF* TT;Lhls year. Mrs. R. F. Yarborough. chairman, j Mesdamcrr P.-f?\ McKinne, S. J. Par iham. J. L. Palmer. G. A. Cralle, J. j A. Turner, deserve much credit for (the splendid arrangements of the pa I rade and other exercises whlce were so highly successful and pleasing. Franklin County Bnmrn-Phflnthea I'nlon. The following program ha? been ar ranged for the Barar-a-Phllaihea Un ion, which meets wit! the White I>ev el classes at White I^evel church Sat urday and Sunday. May 4th And 5th Saturday. May 4th. U o'clock p. m. Sermon by P.fv. G. M. Duke. 8:00 p m. Devotional meeting led by Miss Lettie Leonard. 8:15. Missionary Pageant by White Level.* 9:00. Social Hour. Sunctny ?.hy 5th. 10:00. Devotional ?:orcfiyegA K. G. Brewer. 10-15. < lanu report**, and biu'.nea* meet'iir.. 11:00 I'ldrosf-. Dr. Ix>ve of Louisb^irg Col lege. 12.00, Dinner. 1:30, Report of committees. 2:00. Addreaa. W. H. Yarboro. With this program and the spirit and enthuslanm of all the classes, this should'be the best convention we have had. We- especially ask each class to have, representatives prefcent through -out the entlro worvkuwu- _ .Yours for the Baraca-Philathea cause. G. M. Bean}. Pres. Annie M. Wilder, Sec. In ordor to vote in the primario? In June you mast pay^your poll tax be fore I'kj 1*?. DQ it now. ? # by the election of new 'members. Up ?on informaiiorr given (he eon mil lee to* 'the effect that owing to the death .of Home members and the moving away I from the township of other members, the Gold Mine Township" Txecutivo Committee now consisted of only one I member. Thereforo a resolution was ;entertained and prevnile : m'mi owing Lq thi? ma4 mj.wi, ?H'uiii?" mendation of several from that, town ship the following gentlemen he nam ed as an Kxecutive Committee for* Gold Mine township for the next two years: J. H. Wood. Chal T*ia;i. C. C. I Murphy. J. J. Lrfmea^ter, H. V. GirptOh. , W. I). Fuller. j Upon motion of W. E. ?'t'l:rr from : I^ouisbiirg. D. G. Pearce wa.. .^pointed a member of the Louia\?r"cr tow ?1 ship !Executive Commfttee in i'r place of ?A. S. Shernv, resigne.l. j B. W JVAl?Ar<l, of Fra'< ilintoiu re |<omrqpn'>/2 H. I'oukQ j: incited f*?:i the Executive Cou.m ? his .iwnnhli, n 'bej>lace ? W rtte, removed. T>-e appointn* made. The attcn'ion of the c. trwi'if* be ing called to a vacancy' on ti*o fta.ve? ville Commfttee, caused bv 1? doath of W. M. Hayes. A motion was car ried appointing R. D. Plnne-U to fill same. This completing the work of * the Committee for this meeting adjourn mentwaa taken subject to the call of the Chairman. Don't forget to pay your poll tax be fore May 1st, or you will dep. We vony-?. self of a right to vote. THE FRANKLIN TIMES 'i. tl "O 'Per Year, to adjanoe. ' ^ ... UtLi^ Tlio First Hnptst Church, Colored. An interesting meeting of the B. Y. P. U. of tho First Baptist church, col ord, was held Sunday afternoon from A to 5 p. m The address was deliver ed by Rev. A. E. Powell, a well known local minister, who used as a text. Second Timothy 2: 19. "Study to Shew thvself a workman approved of God." Tho President of the Union. Dr. J. B. Davis, will deliver the address Sunday. April 14, upon "The Medical and Surgical Care of Our Soldiers." The public is cordially invited to be presefetT

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