A> ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT BBIJiGS RESULTS "N" ONLY J?1.S0 PEK YEAB ? IN ADVANCE A. T. Johnson, Editor and'M??g*r. THE COUifTir, THE STATE, 'THE UNION. . " Subscription $1.50 Per Ye*r ? . * I.I . .'>; ' ,' I flg -L-4-i-i?-, *?",' : ; ?'- ; ? -? TOLUME XLVIL ? "*' . ' ' C0Cl^W*8, N. C.,1?n>Ay, APRIL 1?, 1918. ' % ? ? _ . ~? J : ? M'XBER 1? *EV. GIL-MORE S FAREWELL SERMON LARGE CROWD GATHERED AT BAPTIST CHURCH. Om^nndny Night to Hear Last Ser mon?Suitable Resolutions Adopt ed. Quite a largo number of our people of all denomtnatlonB attended services 1 at the Baptist churcli on Sunday night to hear the farewell sermon of Rev. Walter M. llmore, who has served this church for the past bIx and one-half years In a most acceptable manner. His theme was to try your life by the plumbline of the Lord and build your self plumb In His sight and his ser mon was one of much thought and great power, and was greatly appre ciated by all. At the conclusion of REV. WALTER JI. GILMORE. his sermon Supt. Mills was called to preside when the following resolu tions were offered; "The pastoral office is the first of fice in the church of God. whether It be the church of Jerusalem, or the church at Corinth, or the church at Louisburg. And the principle func tions of this office are Leadership, Ministry, Preaching v The pastoral of fice is of divine appointment as is also the pastor of divine choice? "made a minister according to the gift of the grace of God." No church therefore would think of calling as its pastor one who had not already been called of God. A church-called man. then must needs he a God-called man. This being true, it goes with out saying that the relation whte&-ex ists between the church and its pas tor is strong and tender and beauti ful. And the severance of this rela tion can not be contemplated without "For he who leads us in our worship of Almighty God, and directs our spir itual devotions; who brings our lov 3d ones Into a saving knowledge of the truth, buries them with Christ in bap tism, teaches them to observe all things whatsover God has commanded ministers to all their spiritual needs, and watches for their souls, as one who must give account at the groat judgment; be who is with us in our" homey in the seasons of our rejoicing . when the glad sunshine is falling and j the bells of merriment aro ringing; | lie who is with us on the occasions of i ?our sorrow, when the clouds are low-I ering and all is darkness and desola-1 tion?holding here with one hand hers 1 as she is about to cross the )flr and 1 holding here With tK?~ other hers' whose heart is breaking with anguish, , as she is having to give up ono who j is dearer to her than her own life? j hearing with one ear the subdued sobs i that nro wrung from broken, bleeding J hearts, while with. the other .ear ho , takes from pale and quivering lipV the rapturous songs and glad "Halle-) lujahs" as she views the other shore,) all bright and glorious; he who gent-j ly closes the eyes of her now fallen; asleep and, when the farewell hymn | has been chanted. speaks the earth to earth, dust to dust, ashes to.ashes; ! and then returning with the sorrow Tfffc m \m flu. uldu'?*h fun it mmv fhft vacant place and the empty chair, he as a true son of consolation, speaks that blessed "Let not your hearts be troubled." Oh, the delicate, interlac ing, network that exists between the pastors heart and the hearts of his people. There is nothing like It. Nothing like it in all the walks of men. Nothing like it under God's Btars. "Six and a half years ago. this re lation was formed befcveon this church and this pastor. It was then he became our leader, our minister, our preacher And your committee ventures to believe that no forpier pas torate of this church has ever sur passed this one in its loyalty to and his "kingdom and in its faithful ness to every duty growing therefrom His life and character have been above reproach as he has gone in and out before us "diligent in business, fer vent in spirit, serving the IxDrd." "The Intent of this writing is to pre sent to this church and- thQ . larjrer brothorhood, at home and abroad, our appreciation Of this consecrated man of God and his elect body who on ac count of her faithfulness and her help fulness to him In all his pastorate is entitled to share equally with him In every honor and every word of praise that may come 4o him; also to assure them of the high esteem In which they are held by this church and all the churches and peoples of (his commun ity; and to offer to them as they go to their new field of labor our love for their love; our sympathies for their sympathies; our prayers for* ^nlr mmu iafl flatt M?? lngs make you ever more abundantly useful In your new field. Mrs. Emma C. Allem Mrs. Florence E. Underhill, Geo". H. Cooper, Henry i C. Taylor, W. Morton. v Commltteo. Before the vote was taken Rev. N. H. D. Wilson, of the Methodist church {arose and after a very pretty tribute to the retiring nastor, asked that the privilege of votfng on the resolution be extended to all who were in the church as he knew it would be a pleas ure to all to show their personal ap preciation of one'who was so univer sally loved and reverenced wtfich was granted and after a few appropriate and fitting remarkB from Supt. Mills as Chairman of the Board of Deacons, a standing vote was taken, and a most enthusiastic unanimous approv al was recorded. Rev. and Mrs. Gilmore in their stay in Lqulsburg' have made staunch friends of all their acquaintances re gardless of denominational differences and there 1b a town full of people here | who regret that the time for this friendship to be severed has arrived. We part with him in sorrow, and con gratulate Sanford in the fact that they are so fortunate ds to get Rev. and Mrs. Gilmore as their citizen:, and the membership of the Baptist church there, as thefr pastor._... Our hearty good wishes go with them and the latch string hang3 on the outside for their return at any time. I SEN. STONE, OF XISSOUKI, DEAD. | *" Chairman Foreign Solutions Commit tee and-for Many Years one of Most Prominent Democrats In Nation. Washington, April 1.?Senator Wil liam J. Stone of Missouri, chairman j of the Senate Foreign Relations Com i mit tee and for many years prominent j among Democratic leaders, died here^ today after a stroke of paralysis suf-' 'fered last Wednesday. ? Senator Stone suffered the stroke while on a street car on his way to I the Senate office building. A alight [cerebral hemorrhage affected lifcs left ; side, rendering him helpless, but he did not lose consciousness and a few i hours later rallied and began to talk about getting up. His family and friends were very hopeful until yes terday, when there was a decided turn for the worse. .? IMMEDIATE CAUSE OP DEATH Today there was a second cerebral hemorrhage and the Senator fell into a state of coma. Death came at 4:30 o'clock this afteraoou, by t the pkysl clan ma<1e nr> ?nnnnnrenjent until an hour later because twice before the patient's pulse had become so weak that the family thought the end had come. At the bedside were Mrs. j ton*and their children. Federal Judge ;Kimbrough* Stone, of Kansas City ; |Mrs. John W. Perkins, of St. Joseph, Mo., and MiSs Mabel Stone, and a.niece Miss Margaret Winston, of St. Louis. All the members of the Missouri dele gation in Congress wcte at the home during the day and the^e were scores of callers among officials and members of Congress. Solicitor Herbert E. Xorrls. The Herald is grafted Soli?^ itor Herbert E. Xorrls is a candidate to succeed himself as Solicitor of this District._ Solicitor N'orris has been repeatedly urged" to make tho race for Congress, that he could win easily, but*hls many interests at home would make that im possible at thin time. But the time is not far distant when he will be one of our representatives at the Capitol, and our. readers may watcb this rro diction. But among the Solicitor'* numer^ ous frleyids there has been a storm of protest that he even considered lay ing down the reins as Solicitor for a seat in Washington City, so that now ",n.n In rrannra 1 rglr,lr<nf th^ flj-p to have four more years of the fear- , less Hebert Norris as Solicitor of this District. There will probably be no man op posing Mr. Norris. There should not i be. It would be a useless race for the other fellow. The Solicitor has made an ideal officer, has at all times prosecuted his Dockets without fear or favor, standing for what he felt was right. He talks "straight from the shoulder," and the chips fall where ttj*y may. Again, he Is always on the Job, glv. Inft every caae his closest attention, never omitting the smallest detail The publisher of this paper has had many dealings with Solicitor Norris in a professional way. and has been impressed with the able manner In which he has handled all affairs per. talnlng to his office. Because of his able conduct of the people's affairs h?> will to returned a "winner" no matter who should as pire to the offlre, but ns stated there will probably bo no footed. Wf .hope there will hot be. - Vnio^i Herald FIGHTING CONTINUES IN FLANDERS MOMENTUM OF GERMANS ATTACK BETWEEN LENS AND YPBE8 BROKEN. American Soldier*' Valor Again Dein onstrated; Pajs ?T?!fI^TronR-^nie^Toiinter it* tacks Expected to Kecapture Town*, April 16.?Seven days after the Germans launched their .gigantic as sault against the British lines between Lens and Ypres. the momentum .of their attack has been broken and fee waves of the Teutonic forces are|e coiiing before the rock o{ the Britl&ii defense. While the Germans have made gains of ground and have driven a wedge into the allied lir.ea to a con siderable depth, they seem to ha?e failed In their attempt to br6ak through or take Important railroad junctions. MULTIPLICITY OF BATTLES/ During the last day there have been bitterly fought engagements at fiur places, all on the northern side of the salient to the south of Ypres. Seven assaults against the British trenches at Mervllle near the apex of the tri angular dent in the British line have been hurled back by the British. Neu vceglise on the extreme southwestern I spur of Messines Ridge, has been tftk 1 en by the Germans after a struggle which will go into, history as one of the greatest of the past wee*. *' The British, however, have not re tired far and it is probabtt that they will at once organize a counter at tack to force the Germans out of the town, which, if held, might be a "kick ing-off" point for an attack which might outflank and make untenable Messines Ridge, the key to the Brit ish positions about Ypres. Balllul and Wulverghem. between XeuveeglisBe & Merville. also have been the scenes of hard fighting, but except for Neuvee glise, the northern side of the salient has stood firm. On^Jie southern side of the salient, according to Berlin, fierce struggles have been fought. ? LOCATION OF NEXT ATTACK. It has been the German plan of cam paign since March 21, when the great offensive started, to strike barji' at some particular sector. If that'bTdw was parried, to turn powerfully again st soma new point. This proceedure probably will be followed in the next few days by a new assaiflt somewhere south of Arras. An attack no^b of Ypres is hardlypossible for thf? low lands of Belgium are as yet toojjfcter logged to permit active opera^ps. An attack on Arras would the j hurling ^ troc?>s against Vimy ?idge, the Labyrinth and other formidable ' military works protecting that oity. | It may be that the savage fighting J reported of Hangard-En-Saneterre, south of Albert and on the center of the line facing Amiens, may mark the beginning of a new attempt to sweep fighting has brought tho Germana only losses In men and ground. Further south, near Montdidier, there has been Intense artillery firing, but the Ger mans have not attempted infantry op erations In this important sector. ? German" troops have entered Hel singfors. the Finnish capjtol. It was reported last week that the Russian warships which have been there had made their escape and had reached Kronstadt, the great Russian naval base. AMERICANS STAN D PNG FIRM Anierican forces near Toul are stan ding firm here before heavy attacks by ; The Germans andniaYFUetit their lineal in tact in^ spitfi_Df all-tW-werghl~TJfl men ami metal the enemy has loosed j against them. The Germans haVfe lost heavily. _ ? ? The constant German attacks in this sector may have some bearing on the development of the German offensive campaign, and much interest in the situation throughout the region held by General Pershing's men is eviden ced by the allied leaders. ANOTHER OUTBREAK uiacdent with the report of the aC ceptancce of the resignation of Count Czernin, the Austro-Hungarian Pre mier, comes a report of a serious out break of the Czechs at Prague, which for many months has been reported to ho EPi.thlrr Wirt) flnH-nan Germanism. Bohemians, or at least the I'zerii mi nority in that country, object to the creation of a German government there, but the Incident may be more significant than has so far appeared. The Slavic races of Bohemia have long be*n standing out agafcist the Germanization of their country and the outbreak at Prague may be only; another indication of the de*p-seated opposition to the war aspiration? of I the Central Powers. QUIET ON' ITALIAN FRONT Nothing out of the ordinary has been reported from the Italian. Macedonian, j Palestine or Mesopotainlan theatres of j the war. AMERICAN VALOR AGAIN DEMON STRATED. With the American Army In France, April 15.?(By the Associated P-ess.) 1 - The German attaok lg.iiiist the Am eiicnn positions on t*ie right bank of the Meuso. north of S' . Mlhlel. yestO" d?j* w:?s RiatV by a f.-rct of 400 pick < tr* ?op ?i* H'orf ??'?o&Titl.Vbrongii; there from the Russian front. I Although the Americans were out numbered more than two to one, they | completely repulsed the enemy, driv ing him back to his own trenches, i The known enemy casualty Include ?4 dead, nfttny wounded and 11 prisoners, | besides a number *of wounded who were dragged back to the German lin es by their comrades. ATTEMPT TO DECEIVE FAILED. The Germans attempted to deceive I I the Americans by appearing In fronti IH! my ireiHillM tlM1speaking l'renftr j and English, and also by yelling "gas." [The deception, however, was soon dls- I covered and cost the enemy dearly. [The American casualties were com-1 iparatively slight. | Numerous stories of individual brav- l | try poured into the headquarters to jday. A young American, born in a Pennsylvania coal mining town, of Italian parentage, killed one German and captured three. He saw eight Germans walking in a communica tion trench ahead of him and, although alone, he shot and killed one and ran after the others, capturing two and wounding some of those who escaped. He then returned to the American line and turned over the prisoners to a non-commissioned officer and cooly asked for a match. WENT AFTER ANOTHER GUARD AND GOT HIM. The officer jokingly said: "I'll give you a match if you brfcg in another prisoner." The Italian' who is only five feet 4 nches tall, took him at his word and went back over the parapet. He returned in less than five minutes, walking with drawn bayonet behind a six-foot German who was yelling "Kamarad, Kamarad." A few minutes later it wa* reported that ten Get mans were lying in a ma chine gun nest in No Man a "^and. Tho Italian started for the spot alone, but he was ordered back by the comman der of the unit who later sent a de tachment of men to rout out the en jemy, which they did. The Yonng Woman's Missionary So ciety . On Tuesday evening April 16th, 15*18 the Young Woman's Missonery Society met at the home of Miss Winnie Brick el on Sunset Avenue, in a business meeting. In absence of the President, the So ciety was called to order aad conduct ed by Mrs. Mortimer C. Pleasants, the program was as follows: Devotional Exercises?Judges 4? Deborah?Mrs. M. C. Pleasants. Prayer. Minutes?Uncording Secretary. History or Oriental Immigration? Miss Sue Alston. Present Life and Occupation of California Orientals?Miss Louise (Thomas. Results?Miss Lydia Inscoe. A Japanese Story?Miss Hodgie Wil liams. _Prusslan System?Mrs. M. C. Plea sants. This concluding the program, mat ters of important busluess was dis cussed. among which was. the Society volunteering to aid the Red Cross in sewing for the Belgian babies. In behalf of the Society I want to welcome our new members, who are Mrs. J. A. Harris, Miss Neva Row land. and MfT P. Thomas. Those present at the meeting were: Mesdames M- C. Pleasanti^ O. J. Hale. J. A. Harris. E. F. Thomas, i and Misses Lillian High, Hodgie Wil- I llams, Minnie Brickell, Aline Webb, | 'Neva Rowland, Lydia Inscoe. Julia Barrow, Sue Alston, Lonie Meadows, Louise Thomap. We were indeed glad tol have with us as a visitor Miss Jes?i<K?onnelly, of Blackstonc. Va. At an earlv hour the-Societyyad "Journed to meet on Tuesday evening April 23rd, 191S, at the home of Miss Julia Barrow, on North' Main Street study circle meeting. Recording Secretary. ( To Operate Riverside Warehouse. Mr. J. "P. Drake of Castalia, was in to see us Wedftefeday. and informed us that he and lir. G. D. Taylor had leased the Riverside Warehouse and would operate it, this season. Both of these gentlemen are export tobac comen and are well known to this market, having been connected with It" before and we are sure they wjll receive a nice patronage from the to bacco growers of the county, whose '"^rm 'iti i"" win d<? everything in their power to promote. Watch for their r.nnounccment. Honor Roll Liberty Loan. j The list of names for honor roll is by no mean?? complete. Franklinton i lias sent in report of $7,500 of Bonds subscribed, though names were not 'given. A full renort has not been [received from other townships. T>.* total amount reported for the county lis $13,550. The names as received [are as .follows: W* C. Strickland, iLouisburg Colloge, R. O. Bissett, P. | A. Reavis, M. 8. Clifton. Mrs. R. P. IYarborough, Mrs." M. S. Clifton, Miss Aline Webb, Dr. R. F. Yarborough, RevN. H. D. Wilson. Mrs. N. II. D. Wilson. D. M. Barrett, Mrs. Ivey Allen. H. G. Harrison. Miss Minnie Brickell. E. N. Deijt. Jrmos B. King, John B. Yarborough, J. J. Barrow, Thos. J. Picks, W. T/ Tlmrrington. 13. H. Malone, R. H JoncS. Miss Mary Harvev T.ove Cornelius Clegg T-ove. J. B Wflder. Fa'wer? and Mer chants Bank, W. R. Mill SATURDAYrMAY 18, IS LAST DAY FOB CANDIDATES TO MAKE BE POSIT. And File Not lees?Amount* of Depos its for Candidates?No New Regis (ml lull MIIhi' fUlllUll IHlUllUU tlon. ~ The Primary Law provides that all candidates for county offices shall file, with the Board of Elections of the County at least two weeks befpre the primary, notice of their candl dacy for the office they seek and pledge to support the party in whpse primary they desire to be candidates. Form of notice and pledge can be ob tained from the Chairman of the copn ty Board of Elections At the time of the filing of the above mentioned no tices, each candidate for the office' of Sheriff, Clerk of Superior Court, Reg ister of Deeds and House of Repre sentatives must deposit with the Board of Elections the sum of $5.00. Each qandidate for the office of sur veyor, Coroner and County Commis sioner must deposit the sum of $1.00. Candidates for Constable and other ToWnship offices will not be required to mako any deposit. You will note that the last day upon which these no tices can be filed and deposits made will be Saturday, May 18th. The Primary Law also requires that each candidate for the county offices must file with the Clerk of Superior Court, at least ten days before the date of the primary election, an item ized statement of all moneys spent by him or, with his knowledge, for him by any person and that within twenty day* after the primary elec tion such candidates are required to file with the Clerk of the Court a sworn itemized statement of all moneys, or other thing of value-expended by him or for him by any person to his know ledge, also all contribution? to him made by any -person or corporation, with the name of such contributor! and the amount contributed, and fur- I ther that he has neither promised ?1-1 rectly nor indirectly to give anything of value to any person for his sup port nor promised to support any per son return for tholr support. You will jiote thtif the first statement above Yeferr^ to must be 4lled on the of Way and the ftttfc state-' mokfrithe 21st day of June. to the matter of registra tion, it is equired that the registra tion books be opened Just m is required under the general election law, that is for twenty days (Sundays excepted) preceding the day for the closing of same and in this case the Registrars will be require^ to have the registration booksj&pen from the 26th day of April Co~*the 18th day of M^y. No new registration* will be re quired of those voters already on reg istration books except where such voter has changed his voting precinct, I in which case he will have to register (4li !Ua nejHL voting pjrecinct. All per ? sons not on the registration books wlio ! will be qualified t93*ote in the General Elections to be held in November, I will be permitted to Register for the" i Primary Election and General Elec tion at the same time." Mr*. S. J. Parham Hostess. Mrs. S. J. Parham entertained the 1 Tuesday Afternoon Book Club on Ap-1 ril 9th. This club has as +ts~subjeet j for study this year "American Life and Letters," and most interesting programs have been given at each meeting._ Mrs. Parham read the op ening paper, "Current Events and War Summary." Mrs. J. L. Palmer read "How Frances .Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner." and Mrs. J. Turner read a paper on "Mary Lyon, ttrr Educator." Mr?. E.-S. Ford gave_ a voice selection, and Mesdames White Fleming and Miss Williams Sang a vocal tflo, "Springtime." At the close of this entertaining program. Mrs. Parham served a delicious salad course and coffee. Miss Tnr^er Glfes Recital Miss Mary Burt Turner, of Louis burg. gave a certificate recital in piano music at Louisburg College Monday afternoon at 6 o'clock. MIbs Turner, who is a pupil of Mlas Nellie Clapp the director of music, was assisted by .a Hooker, of Aurora, in two voice null len, daughter of Mrs. Ivey Allen, dean of the college, in a reading. Quite a large crowd was present to enjoy the delightful program, and each number was rendered with unusual skill. Miss Turner gave beautiful selections from Beethoven and Mendelssohn, but possibly was at her best in Jensen's 'Will O' The Wisp." The marshals ? ore Misses Ruth Hall, Frances Bar row, Elizabeth Allen, of Goldsboro, and Martha Dixon, of Orifijn. List of Letters. The following is a list of letters re maining in* the Post OfTtce at Louis burg. N. C., not called for April 19, 1918: Mrs. Euln Harris. Miss Mary M. Hardy. Miss Elna Manning, Mrs. Vick Mr.y, Mr. Robert Thomas, Mr. Jammie Watkins. Persons calling for any of the above letters will please state that they saw them advert IT - "fS, P. M. Important Information on County Wide Tax. 8upt. Best gives us the following important information in regard t* the effect of the county-wide tax: . Q. ?If 4here is not a majority of the registered vote in the county cast for the county-wide ta^*.but any town ship has a majority of\ts registered vote cast in favor of thi^<ax, what effect will this have on the fpwnslj so voting? ~ es that such a township would have the special tax, but this special tax could-only be us ed for the schools igvthls township. For illustration, if the county-wide tax did not carry, but Dunni township did, then Dunns township would have a -special tax, and this special tax could not be used for any schools in the county except those of Dunns township. Q. What about the schools In such a township that already have a local tax? A. Tho Board of Committeemen of such a district would have tho power to eliminate its local tax; such a dis trict would have a township special tax Instead of a local Special tax: Any information desied will be fur nished any nojtqp. y to providaJMgkrfc>r the conduct of . ? W* Mftrt tffn the War! The wa?^d*ftkc>t be won by our sol diers at the Croat, unless the people ad home work- * ^ This year every farmer must do hi? utmost. * Atony of the boys are gono; that means more work for all wh? stay; the children must help and will; the womeiir'God bless them, have al ways helped and will do more this year than ever before. More food and crops must bo produced and more 1'must be saved. We must coneentrat# our lives to the task before us, that of winning the war. All of us must give freely to the worthy cause of suffering humanity; all of us must invest liberally in the securities offered, by our government, to provide fund3 fo rthe conduct of the war. NOW, we have opportuni ty to do our fullest share, for NOW the Nation asks again that wo loan our money to the government in the Third Liberty Loan Bonds. The re quest is not for a gift. It may mean some sacrifice to invest at once, but that is small service compared with ttiat of our boys at the front. The investment in Liberty Ix>an Bonds and War Stamps is the safest and best In vestment we can make, and at the same time it is the quickest way we can help our hoys. They axe going a hard road; Koing Over the Top and across Xo Man's Land, under the hell ish fire of enemy guns. They are go ing to die for us. They ure going bravely and willingly. They aro hap py and unafraid. If we : cccpt their sacrifice ipade for us and refuse to help, we are worse than slackers, and will get our punishment either in this life or the other. It is urgent that the Third Liberty Loan $3.000,000.000 in the United Stat es tte subscribed quickly. That long casualty list which appea?^ stroma rorce upon us the realization of what our own are facing these days and it should make every man and woman of our big "Liberty Loan Fam ily," in North Carolina proud that she ^n-nhig.i t?i 11:?vn a par; making possible victory for America! Heavy Sales of War SaWnjjs Stamps. The sales of W^r Savings Stamp* continue heavy throughout the coun ty. Most of the towns':ip committees, have fine reports" to make and "April is expected to prove the banner month thus far In the campaign Funeral of W. H. lMeusant?. The funeral services of the lalo W. H. Pl**asants, which ? were held from the Methodist church on la^t Friday afternoon at ?" o'ciock :r*d conducted by Riv Nil I V.*r:*oa( his pastor, lar^tv -f-ttoi do by the frlendz of the family. After the- services at the church, the remains were tenderly laW to rrFt in OaklawTr.rt*Tn^t<?ry'in tho presence of jju-ljvfgii cor,course of friends and relatives, where they res ted under a huge hank of beautifut flowers. At both services mimical se lections were sun? by a choir. The pall bearers were as follows: Honorary?Messrs. C. W. Ford, R. P. Taylor, W. M. Person. F. N. Eg tfrton. J. 13. YarborOugli. W. R. Mills, L. P. Hicks, C. K. QooVe. Dr. J. E. Malone, Rev. W. B. M^xtnn. Capt. P. O. Alston. ?*. ^ i i In ? Til ilfi fiTsT" Clifton, P.-Ar^Heavis. R. H. Davis, j*J. M. Allen, W. H. Ruffin. Mrs. J. L. Palmer lIost^HH* Mrs. J. L. Palmer delightfully en tertained the Tuesday Afternoon Book Club at her home this week. After the business session of the club u very interesting program ensued. Mrs. Palmer read a splendid paper on .Current Events and Summary of the War. Mrs. W. H, Yarborouglt,s paper, Intellectual Awakening (1820-IS40), with General Jackson as a Type was most interesting and Mrs. W. R?. Mills' sketch of Life of Margaret Ful ler. the Woman of Intellect, ^harming. At the conclusion of the 'program the hostess served a delicious Ico Let every patriotic American carry the badge of a true patriot -A LIB ERTY BOND!

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