NEW HORSES We still have a'few head of slice Horses and Mules on hand. All those who owe us and have not paid thier notes will please come in and attend to same at once, ou account of the advance in prices of all feed strffs and labor we are compelled to charge 25c for tie in and 60c where we feed the stock' jr'. P. FULLER STATEMENT CITIZENS BANK OF HENDERSON ??Headerson, : N. Carolina MARCH 4th, 191S. RESOURCES /i Loans and Discounts $971,614.42 Overdrafts 3.245.30 Liberty Bond Account 72,512. North Carolina 4 per cent Bonds 32,000.00 Other Stocks and Bonds 66,155.00 Banking House and Fixtures 12,586.94 Revenue and War Sa ving Stamps 2,536.23 Cash on hand and In fcther banks 186,649.94 Total, $1,337,350.72 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid In $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits.. 142,685.83 Reserve for Interest.. 2,500.00 Reserve for taxes.... 2,000.00 Due to Banks 26,231.22 Deposits 1,063,933.67 TTB? ? ~~ 5 'ir" Totai, $1,337,350.72 PATRONS? THIS IS TOFB BA>"K Your banking transactions are a necessary and desirable part of this institution's business. ETery officer and employee alms to co-operate and furnish yon nltli maximum banting efficiency. Jou have eTery reason to feel at home IN YOUB BANK, which Is Strong, Safe and Sellable?and the "THE LEADING BANK IN THIS SECTION" J. B. OWEN, "VVm. A. HOT, President Cashier Why Pay High Prices for Horses, Buggies and Harness. When all of the above mentioned cah be bought cheaper from Yarboro than ony one. If there is any doubt in your mind about this statement just price what I have^and see if you don't save money. 0. Y. YARBORO LOUISBURG, N, C. When You Buy A w at c H from us you have the* consolation of knowing that it is the best that can be had for the money - Elgin, Waltham, Illinois - Come in and look, if yon don't see the watch you want, ask for it. We will get it for you. ?A|N Y T H I N G Y O O WANT IN JEWELRY Watch and Jewelry Repairing A Specialty. L.W PARRISH Louisburg^N. C. _ Resolutions, At a culled meeting of Camp McKln nejr No. 1527. N. C. Division U. C..V. j in February a committee consisting of Rev. G. M. Duke. Capt. P. Q. Al ston and Capt. T. S. Collie, was ap pointed to draft resolutions of res pect in memory of the members of our Camp who had answered the last roll call since our last meeting. The death angel has been busy with us In the last few months aud the line Is getting thin. The following have, been called up higher: A. S. Strother, Sec retary and Treasurer, H. S. Gupton. Ensign. John D. Alston, SergL, J. S. Hendricks, J. W. Byron, Peter Cooke Other Confederate veterans who did not belong to our Camp have died al so in Franklin county and we desire to give public expression of our ap preciation of their lives and sympathy for their families. Whereas, our 'Heavenly Father In the exercise of His infinite wisdom has seen proper to take out of this world the brethren above mentioned and ?*? 'TT public An A lasting expresson of our respect, es teem and love for them as men and soldiers; therefore be It resolved 1st. That In the death of these our brethren the county has lost some good men. the state good citizen* and the Confederate cause some of Its most valient and faithful defenders. What ever may have been their faults and imperfections, ther~belonged tothe cause that Is dear to the southern heart. The splendid courage of whose army and the sacrifice and devotion of whose citizens will live in the affec tionate esteem of all true men as long as history Bhall be recorded. We must drop a tear of living sympathy with the bereaved ones who are left behind and we must walk slowly and speak softly as we pass the graves of these departed heroes and lay upon their graves the bright flowers of hope and immortality of the soul and the resurrection of the dead for we believe that somehow, somewhere and sometime we shall see them again. To those of us who are left behind the warning Is to be ready for "taps" will soon sound and we too, jnust go, and we too. leave behind us a cherished memory. 2nd. Resolved that at this time when our beloved country Is again en gaged in the grapple of cruel blood shed may the memory of these de parted valient soldiers be a constant and ever present reminder that wc* should do our full patriotic duty in vindication of the liberty, honor and humanity of our country. 3rd. That a copy of these resolu tions be spread upon our minutes and be published in the Franklin Time). GEO. M. DUKE, T. S. COLLIE. P. O. ALSTON. % Committee. LOOK AT A CHILD'S TONGrE WHEN CROSS. FEVERISH AND SICK, Take* no chances! More poisons from liver and bowels at once. Mothers can rest easy after giving California Syrup of Figs." because-in a few hours all the clogged-up waste sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Chil dren simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, and they become tightly packed, liver gets I sluggish and stomach disordered. 1 When .cross, feverish restless, see if tongue is coated, then give this de licious "fruit. lasativeJfc Children love it. and it can pot cause injury. No difference what ails your little one ?if full of cold, or a sore throat, diar Irhoea. stomach-ache, bad breath, re* member, a gentle "inside cleansing" should always be the first treatment given. Full directions for babies. I children of all ages and grown-ups are printed on each bottle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups^. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrnp of Figs," then look carefully and see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." We make no smaller size. Hand back' with contempt any other fig syrup. When you hear a patriot lamenting the fact that he is pant the service age, remind him that those within that age are giving 365 days a year to their 'oubtry. and that by scratching laround right lively he might discover, 'opportunities tq.employ at least a part of hi* time t h*-name way even here at home. Many other things beside? fighting are toJ>e done. ??'kow Is the time to begin keeping your chickens penned up." remarks an exchange. The Impressionable bachelor cynically retorts that there's entering before penning. SHfFEiHNfi mow mr If you shiver in frosty | weather, if you have cold hands and feet, if colds are stubborn | and frequent, then your blood may be thin an?Timpoverished. ? scoirs EMUL5I0N: has been correcting this condi tion for nearfy fifty years. It possesses rare powers for creating natural body warmth, for charging summer blood with winter richness and strengthening both tlvoat and lung?. NOTWftUn tod Uwtr ?41 fc, DbuU " '???'<"? u now refined in oar Ubor?lorte? which It pare and palatible. Scott & Bowne, Bloom Add.N J. 17-13 We Are Selling Liberty Bonds Are You BuyingP Farmers National Bank F. J. Beasley, J. M. Allen, Cashier. Loqisburg, N. C. President. Before Buying GET OUR PRICES We carry and have on hand at all times* anything you wish for farm or home, such as Hay, Oats, Corn, Flour, Meal, Meat, Lard, all of the above goods are " bought in car load lots... This item alone will enable us to make the price interesting. We also carry a full line of Plows, Harrows, Plan- - am m SB* ^^?*??mui*t farm work light. Brick, Lime Cement and Plaster to build the home, a full line of House Furnishings. The kind that make home worth while. "Satisfaction Is Our Motto" W. D. FULLER & CO. Wood, North Carolina

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