wir " tfJ*-**31*. (? , -? , ?< /' ' N.-^' v ?? v- * - / / ? * i m i - ,i._ ?????_-?. ? ? '?:\ :,i: *? >?1 AX ADTBBTlSIJfG MKD1U11 THAT BBINGS a, BE8ULT8 >i% ~T " "" ' ' ' ' tetejaaii - - ~? mater. V THE COUNTY. THE STATE. THE UNION. ONLY $l.o0 FEB TEAK IN ADVAJiCE < A. F. Johnson, Editor arid Manager. vf THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. Subscription $1.50 Per Year * VOLUME XL TIL ! .?, \ " ? LOCISBCBG, i. C., FB1DA1", APBIL 28, 1918. , - NUMBER 11 ? . . " ' ; * i t . _r- . ? . MEM CALLED ^ FOR SERVICE CALL FOB BOTH WHITE AMD COL OBED. Hum for Five Sucees ' Jlltf m ed And Are la Serrlee. I Below we give a list of the men called to the colors, as furnished us by the Local Board? for five succes sive calls, covering a period from April 26th to May 15th. ?, * I Registrants from Local Board Franklin County have left under vol untary enlistment as follows: Charles Kearney Cooke for Science and Research Division Aviation Corps, i Camp McArthur, Waco, Texas, being in class 1, A, leaVlng on 19th. Festua Mack Fuller for Base Hostyl-, tal 65, Fort McPhqjgon, Ga. and Jos. Everett Nash for Base Hospital 65, Fort McPher8bnr Oa4 leaving on the 20th, both In class 1-A. Wm. Blair Tucker, thbugh classed in 2-C by District Board, went under volunteer enlistment made in Febru ary last, to Base Hospital 65, Fort McPherson, Ga., accompanying Mes srs Fuller nnd Nash, leaving on 20th. Jas. Rochester Earle and Myers Walter Page also enlisted in Base Hospital corps in Feby. by their call to the colors came before the order of induction was presented to the Local Board and the call to the tolors takes, precedence and they stand for the next call on April 26th. Calls for men are being made rap idly and are as follows: Call 139 for ton white men, not'farmers, for Camp .-ackson. S. C., April 26th. Call 159 31 colored men to Camp Grant, 11'.. April 27th, balance 1st quota, i.. ! 54 for 19 colored men for Camp J; n, S. C., April 30th. Call 192 for . colored men for Fort Wayne, Mich. May 2nd. Call 179 for 5 white men lor Fort Scrlven, Ga., between May 10th and 15th. Ll?ts of men as called to the colors under these several calls are given be low. Those remaining as aternates from tlie preceding call will be used to till next call in their order num bers. WHITE The selected men herein described will be inducted into military service on April 25, 1918 and will be entrain ed for Camp Jackson, 8. G-. on April 26th, at 12:10. James Rochester Earle. Alex. Wheless Edwards. Floyd L. Frazler. Henry Stapleton Wiggins. Jos. John Harris. i Leon Idas Leo Preddy. William Jackson Tfilly. Ernest Jeans Dickerson. T^eon T. Bartholomew. William Gray Scarborough. Thos. Greenwood Hill. Francis Leo Edens. Ermna- Carter Henry Clay Williams. John WheleBs Harris. Willie Clyde Perry. W?. Earle Tuck. Myers Walter Page. Hubert Henry Utley^ The first ten responding to call In order number will be entrained and the remainder can enlist as allowed l>y HppriHi regulations In some chosen service, unless called to the colors be fore enlistment or will be used to fill ?call for 5 white men for Fort Scrlven, Ga., by May 15th, exact date of which Is not yet fixed. COLORED. The selected men herein described, ?will be inducted into military service on April 26th, and will be entrained for Camp Grant, 111., April 27, 1D1S. Horton Alexander ? Richard Cooke. John King. Alvin Joyner. Sandy Jones. Henry Morgan. Edward Perry. Clinton Alston Hill. Hilliard Harris. William Green. "Buck Mitchell. Junius Williams. .Eugene Perry. Pe i uiuui. in., .'vprii - der AlstOTfcgc^^^v J Cooke. * i *HSI Jonyers. Henry Harris. William Debnam. . William Malone. Charlie Webb. Davo Sntton. Alfonza Scott. John Argo Young. Willie Jones. Ijonnie Epps. Nathaniel Solomon. Herman Neal. Goorge Pender. Early Dunston. Prank Jones. Alf. Rudd. Willie Mitchell. Ferdinand Wellington Dent. Walter Perry. Benjamin Clarson Higgina. Hugh Drown. \ Levi Humphrey. Berry McKnighU James B. Sessoms. Lee Vaator Davis. Charlie Peppers. Enoch Jackson Brodle. Andrew Walker," Willie Arthur Blbby. The 31 flrat, answering above call will be enlr&lned and the remainder will be sent on April 30th. with quota for Camp Jackson, S. C., which qaota will be 19 men. COLORED The selected men herein described will be lnduoted Into military service on April 29th for entralnmeat oa April 30th far Camp Jackson, S. C. Ricky McKntght. Daniel Vaughaa. Daniel Foster. Jlmmle Hllllard Debnam. John L&ngford. Leonard Hart. John Jeffreys. Walter Mitchell. Joe Davis. Daniel Carpenter, Willie Harris. Wm. Taylor.. Charlie Cooley. Geo. Dunston. Robt. Wllklns Charlie Henry H1U. Sam Thomas. Joseph Kelly. Charles. Millard Perry. Cecil WllUamB. Mann Johnson. Cleveland Perry. Nathaniel Perry. Milton Davis. Toussaint Overton Tolle. Sidney Jones. Robt. Taylor. The alternates remaining after fill ing the call will be inducted In next call for 30 colored men for Port Wayne Mich., on May 2nd. COLORED The selected men herein; described will be Inducted into military service on May 1st. for entralnment on May for Port Wayne, Mich, Adledo Alston. Wm. Alston. Robert Hayes. John Morgan. Furnle Joe Bryant. Joe ThomilS. John Thomas Smith. Robert Long. Willie Bobbitt. Robert Ashley Foster. Lee Myrlck. James T. Blacknall. Archie B. Thomas. Charlie Fleming. ^ Daniel Perry. Herbert Arrlngton. x John Luke Brooks. William Freeman. Willie Jones. ^ Lee Pearce. Tom Harris. Thurman Perry. Gus Kearney. Bennle Williamson. Matthew Alston. Robert Martin Williams. Colonel Soloman. Tom Thomas. Eugene Foster. Baldy Williams. Isaac Young. ? Herman Davis. Dock Spivey. Hoary -Leonard Hlggln?. Noel Terrell. Sidney Dent. Edward Lee Manly. John Wesley Davis. John Dunston. ???r Phil Alston. Sam Floyd. _ ' " . Robert Waters. Jordan Phillips. >?Alexander Joha^oo..? Sidney Luther Wright. Lonnie Jackson. Eugene Littlejolin. It Percy Harris. Atkln Williams. - Olltc Hayes. LOCAL BOARD. ? Franklin County. In Honor Miss Barrow. Ono oi the prettiest and most en joyable parties of the season, was the handkerchief shower, given in honor of Miss Julia Barrow, by Mrs. R. C. Beck and Miss Minnie Brickel last Saturday afternoon. Notwithstanding the heavy downpour of rain on the outside, all was Rood cheer on the in side and most charming hostesses did Mrs. Beck and Miss Brickel prove. Auction bridge and rook were play ed. At the concluion of this Miss Brickel presented Miss Barrow with an exquisite shower bouquet of sweet peas, from the streamers of which ?mu u t IlilllUIWWWWWtWf Miss Camilla Yarborough gave a cordial toast to the bride-to-be, and M i SB Barrow responded in a most char ming manner. An elegant salad course was served. Those present were losses Julia Barrow. Francis Barrow. Ruth Hall, Mr.ry Turner, Kathleen Egeton, Hod gie Wlinams, Camilla Yarl^prough, Annie Belle King, Alleen Webb, Yow, Hepninger, Stuart, Cowell, and Mes dames Edwin Malone and Swindell. The First Baptist Church, Colored. The 13. Y. P. U. of the FirBt Bap tist church ha? arranged an excellent program for Sunday afternoon. There will be several solos and select read ings. The pastor the IJev. S. L. jParham will he present. The princi-' 'pal address will ho delivered by Dr., J. B. Davis, subject, ''Some of th& dangers accruing from milk poluti thing that no man can take away from him. If he Is thrown on his own re sources he can make a living for him self. Is this too much for any boy or girl to demand of hi? county? Most of the larger children will have to en ter late and fall out early, but the younger ones can be kept In school and If necessary at the Jigt of 12- can remain at home and-work 12 months In the year... T!ie reports, which I will be glad for any one to examine, will prove that can be done ant! Is being done. I have not yet heard J any one oppose a six month school i i for the country children that did not i have access to and taking advantage, ! of an eight month school for their children. Among many other people | in this county, the writer is entirely | dependent upon, the public schools for ; the education of his children and it therefore behooves us as well r,s the ones who are more fortunately situa- J ted to make our public schools just as j efficient as possible. Liberty Loon Drive. and those who have not become mem bers of the Liberty Loan Club by sub scribing, subscribe at once, and be come a member. If there is a liberty loan worker who has eceived no subscription, go out immediately and get one. If you have goodly subscriptions already re corded, get more. i If your allotment has been equalled, exceed It?oversub scribe it?don't hesitate. Keep ever lastingly at thip/work of selling Bonds during the^ntire campaign. You can't get many subscriptions. Let every CQHmunity in the county whtjre there im q school^ or church, buy bond Jj- its church and school. It a proud possession! ne 'Honor Roll carries every ol in the county, Franklin county ,. .1 have h pridoful boast to go dowi^ ^?her history! J Watch the Honor RoJl increase! Miss Bryan's Recital. The public .is cordially invited to be present at the Collego on Monday ev ening at 8:30 o'clook, w!son MisTs Kath ryn Bryan will give her voice* gradu ating recital. SWIM>ELL-BABBOW. Approaching Marriage Announced At Bridge Partj. Mrs. R. p. Yarborough charmingly entertained many of the young mat rons and young ladles of Loulsburg at a bridge party Thursday afternoon of last week In honor .of Miss Julia Bar row. The home was beautifully decorated roses', and a most spirited game was enjoyed. At its conclusion dainty little baskets of lilies of the valley, bearing the surprise of the afternoon, were presented each guest. Hidden among the flowers were cards decora ted with painted sprays of lilies of the valley- and reading: "Swindell Borrow, April 27, 1918." Delicious ice Cream in the shape of bride's roses and white cake, were served by the hostess, assisted by little Misses Mary Malone Best and Anna Gray Waton. | The out-of-town guests for the occas ion were: Miss Kate Ballard, of Franklinton,, and Mrs. Harry* Black nell, and Miss Blacknell of Kittrell. Miss Barrow Is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Barrow, of this place, and Is onb of the most^ popular members of Louisburg's social set. Dr. F. O. Swindell, w&o is now a lieutenant in the United States Army and stationed at Camp Jackson, S. C., is from Kittrell. Both young people [represenF two of North Carolina's most prominent and well known fam ilies, and the announcement of their approaching marriage will be read with interest by many relatives and friends in this and other States. The wedding will take place in the Methodist church at Loulsburg, Sat urday, April 27. 1918, at high noon Ni* Invitations will be issued. Mrs. 0. L. Ellis Dead. The remains of Mrs. 0. L. Ellis, who died at the home of her son, Prof. A. Caswell Ellis, of Austin, Tex as, on Friday, in her 81st year, were bepught to Loulshurc on Tuesday for interment at Oaklawn cemetery be side her husband who preceded her to the grave about three years ago. She leaves one son. Prof. A. Caswell El lis, Dean of the Departments of Ex tension and Pedagogy, in the Univer sity of Texas, and one grandson, Mr. Wbrth Pendergrass, of New York. Mrs. Ellis was twice married, first to Mr. |Cl&rles Egerton and aftef his death tO Dr. O. E,. Ellis, of Loulsburg. The funeral was held from the residence of Mr. F. N. Egerton and "Was con TtuctedUy RevT.N. H. D. Wilson, pas tor of the Methodist church. Quite a large number attending-the-services The pall bearers were as follows: Honorary?Judge-?. M. Cooke, G;^W. Ford, L. P.* Hicks, J. O. Green, Dr. J. E. Malone, W. M. Person, R. P. Taylor, J. W. King, P. G. Alston. Active?M. S.- Clifton, F. H. Allen, M. C. Pleasants, W. H. Yarborough, F. B. McKinne, W. H. Ruffin. Mrs. Ellis was held in high esteem by Louisburg's people who received the announcement of her death with much BorJSw, and join in extending sympathies to the bereaved son. _ Mrs. House Dead. 1 T'.ie death of Mrs. W. L?. House, which occurred at her residence on Perry street about 2 o'clock^ Friday morning, was quHe-a ^llbclc^to the friends of the family in and rid^Lou-' isbujg, Mrs. House was thirty-six ye373