of Throat ( Klaf A malta Rnaloka, 1449 South Uth Bt, Omaha, Nebraska, writes: "I have Buffered with catarrh of the throat I oaught cold and K settled In my throat, and I coughed badly and was very weak. I oould not sleep and bad no appetite. I had two doc tors, and had taken so many different medicine? and found no help. I thought I wlB hays to give up; but at last my mother read about Peruna, to I thought of trying that great medicine Peruna. I got a bottle of It and In about four daya I almost ?topped coughing, and after a while I surely found relief, and from that time we are not without Peruna In our home." Could ? - Not Sleep No Appetite Now WelL We Always j Have PERUNA in the Home. Thooo who objoot to liquid modi?] olnoo o*n procuro Poru no Tab Iota. Tobacco Wlldflre In Tobacco Plant Beds, The tobacco disease called wildfire, which was so destructive In many sections ot tha State last year, has al ?-ready ?i>j*>?J<Ml.ia..Hip plnnl tipda^Jt_ can be recognized by the presence, particularly on the lower leaves, ot small, light brown spots.' The tissues surrounding?these spots are yellow ish green In color. Affected plants, may either remain stunted, or may die In the plant bed. Last year's ex perience haa shown conclusively that plants will not recover. -If they are set Into the field many will perish within a tew days, and those which suvlve will bear a diseased crop. It, therefore, diseased plants are trans planted, and It several rainy periods occur during the growing season, the crop can be expected to be, at best, j Injured to the extent of 30 to 60 per , cent, and may even be a total failure. Growers should carefully examine their plant beds now. The presence ot brown spots is not to be regarded as frost Injury, but as certain evi dence ot wildfire. Plant beds, where diseased plants occur throughout the bed, should be abandoned. Great care should be taken to avoid carry ing the disease on ones hands, shoes, or otherwise from diseased beds to healthy ones. It Is advisable, where only a few plants are diseased, to dig them out Immediately, with all nearby plants. In the hope that by bo doing one may prevent the spread of wildfire over the entire bed. Subsequent examina tions will show whether or not it-Is safe to use plants from such beds. It Is bellevedr but time haa not yet been afforded to establish proof, that one can grow a crop tree from wild fire If he starts with healthy plants. ?Many farmers have such healthy plants, sufficient perhaps for our en tire crop. See If they can be had from a neighbor. Even If he reuses early plants get those from a later drawing. The danger of failure Is too great to risk planting diseased plants. Boad to Happiness. Be amiable, cheerful and good na tured and you are much more likely to be happy. You will find this diffi cult, If not Impossible, however, when you are constantly troubled with con stipation . Take Chamberlain's Tab lets and get rid of that and It will be easy. These tablets not only move the bowels, but Improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. Alcoholic spirit have taken a back seat. Patriotic spirit is the national stimulant these days. Holland should have sand and grit enough to refuse to have gravel trans ported across her territory. Proper Food for Weak Stomachs. ? Xh&nroner food for one man may be all wrong (or anothei1. ETO) uue should adopt a diet suited to his age and occupation. Those who have weak Btomachs need to be especially care ful and should eat slowly and mastlcat tbelr food thoroughly. It Is also Im portant that they keep their bowels, regular. When they become consti pated or when they feel dull and stu pid after eating, they should take Chamberlain's Tablets to strengthen the stomach and move the bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant In effect. The market basket Is an old and valued member of the community, but It has only recently taken its place In blgh society. WHY YOU SHOULD LET ME SHOE THAT HORSE I do good work. I nse good shoe?. I pnt them on properly, and they stay. I am gentle and kind to horses. Your horse soon learns this and loses Its nerronsness. That Is good (or the horse, and for the horse's owner. Call at my Shop on Spring Street, near the Meat Market. WILSON SILLS ?Blacksmith? Lonlsburg, : N. Carolina SUNDRIES In addition to a complete line of Drugs and Pro prietary Medicin es? we ^arry?a full supply "of Combs and Brushes, all grades and prices, All kinds of toilet preparations. Pens, pencils, inks and stationefy. We want to furnish you anything you need for an intelligent care of the health and beauty of your person. The Rycock Drug Gompany Louisburg, N.^C. We carry in connection Kodac Supplies. Tombstones Monument Grave Markers It is our business to be posted on al^the latest Designs in marble work and we will gladly show you and explain the difference. Our customers are pleased .with our work. et'uEshow ycu. Henderon Marble and Granite Works J. L. McElwee, Proprietor, Henderson, North Carolina. A MILLION FOB HU( Cincinnati man discovers drag that loosens corns so they lift out. Good news spreads rapidly and druggists here are kept busy dispens ing freezone, the recent discovery at a Cincinnati man, which Is said to loosen any corn so it 111U oat with the Angers. A quarter of an ounce costs very little at any store which handles drugs, but this Is said to be sufficient tcr rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. v . . You apply Just a few drops on tho tender, aching corn or toughened cal lus and instantly the soreness Is re lieved, and soon the corn or callus Is ao shriveled-that It lifts out without pain. is a sticky substance which dries when applied and never Inflames or even Irritates the surrounding skin. This discovery will prevent thons ands of deaths annually from lock jaw and Infection heretofore ?*e?tllt M from the Hnlrlrie hahlt of cattlns; It's an ill wind that blows nobody j good. Tbq draft that watted Qrover Alexander away from the -Cutis has probably supplied Uncle Sam with an excellent bombf thrower. GIRLS! DRAW A MOIST CLOTH THROUGH HAIR, DOUBLE ITS BEAUTY Try this! Hair gets thick, glossy, wavy and beautiful at once. Immediate??Yes! Certain ??that'B the Joy of It. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and ap pears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a Danderlne hair cleanse. Just try this?moisten a cloth with a little Danderlne and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil, and in Just a tew mo ments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. A delightful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neg lected or 1b Bcraggy, faded, dry, brit tle or thin. Besides beautifying the hair, Danderlne dissolves every par ticle of dandruff; cleanses, purlfleB and Invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair? fine and downy at first?yes?but real ly new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair, and lots of It, surely get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug store or toilet counter for a few cents. Franklin County Fittingly Represent ed at the State College Summer % School. The State College Summer School at Raleigh which begtns June 11th will have a capable member of Its teach ing force in the person of Mr. E. L>. Best, Superintendent of the Franklin County Schools.' Mr. Best will con duct courses In Reading and Grammar and in Class Room Management and Rural Sociology. A large delegation ffom Franklin County attended the Summer School last year, and the present Indications are that even a larger one will represent Franklin County this year. The fact that Mr. Best Is to have a prominent place on the faculty will draw- many of - the teachers of Franklin County. Anoth ~er feature of the situation which drew many folks to Raleigh laat summer is the location at that city of "So many of the States Educalonal, political, and sociological Institutions, the acquain tance with whlcli has hwn nf grpaf value to those teachers in presenting North Carolina History, Geography, and Civics. , GreenTllle, S. C. Police Could Not Raise a Hand Now Has Free Swing. This man suffered intense, lost time and was about to resign his place when a friend told him of L-Rheumo Read this testimonial. Greenville, May 8. 1917. Chapman-Alexander Laboratories, Greenville, S. C., Gentlemen:? After suffering for several ~ years with Rheumatism anil trying various remedies, I was advised to try L-Rheu mo. and after taking one bottle I am a well man. I could not raise my arms to my head. I am indeed grate ful to you for your wonderful remedy. Yours truly*' W. N. HATCHER. Policeman city of Greenville, S. C. ? P. S.?Mr. Hatcher has served more than 20 years on force here^and Is very popular. Demand the bottle with big L#. For sals by Winston Bros. Youngs vllle; Wilson and Lee, Dunn; W, W. Parker, Henderson; Powers Drug Co., Wake Forest; or write Chapman ^gjgJjrjgs^reeivvlUe^S^ FOR S AXE Desirable Town Lots and Farms The EUls Property. A lot and dwelling, corner Noble and Spring Streets, occupied by Mrs. Pearce. A small tenant house and lot oppo site the laat named lot. A building on Bull Run Alley. Ifyou have property to Bell see the undersigned. Will be sold on easy terms. Ap ply to J. L. PALMER, Agent, or Wm. H. & THOS. W. RUFFIN, Attorneys. 6-16-tf. For Indigestion, Constipation or Biliousness Just try one 50-oent bottle of LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestive Laxative pleasant to taka. Made and recommended to the public by Paris Medi cine Co., manufacturers of Laxative Bromo Quinine and Grove's Tasteless chili Tonic. Straw Hats FOR "DADDY AND THE BOYS' -Prices and Styles that ean'i lie am parnimi. Mi.u'a Prnminiu ?nil fUlImn $2.50 to $6.00 Have you seen our line of New Spring Oxfords? We have them in tan and blacks ? $3.50 to $9.00 "KOOL KLOTH" Specials If its a Palm Beach, Cool Cloth, Mohair, Tropical Worsted, or Parkella Flannel you are looking for drop in and take a took at our line. Prices and styles that fit the moder? dresser Prices $7.50 to $20.00 The McBrayer Clothing Co., Inc. "Everything For Daddy And The Boys" the FARMERS NATIONAL BANK Louisburg, JT.^r Capital Stock $50,000 Surplus and Profits 12,000 The best and strongest Bank in Franklin County; al though the law requires only about 12 per cent of total deposits to be carried in cash^ our bank now has nearly 50 per cent of deposits in cash. We are prepared to give you the best of attention, and our specialty is polite, cheerful and efficient personal service, together with the greatest safety and the most efficient and up to date bookkeeping. 0000000000000000 Bring us your money, and go to sleep at night, assured that no matter what the Beast of Berlin is doing, your money is safe in the big safe in the FARMERS BANK. The Farmers National Bank Louisburg, N. C.

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