I THE FRANKLIN TIMES p As FTjOHNSOIf, Editorand Matter O. J. HALE, Assistant Manager Ob? Tear 11.50 Eight Months 1.00 Six Months 75 Foar Months W Entered at the Post Office at Louis burg, N. C.7 as second class matter. Louisburg, N. C., Friday May 17. 1918 Louisburg , College and Graded Schools hold their closing exrcises next week. Dr. F. A. Wolf, of the State Agri cultural Department, will speak to the people of Franklin County on the To bacco Wildfire on Saturday. Be sure him ? In Memorlam. On Wednesday morning. May 9th the death angel visited the home of Mr. W. M. Dement and took thore-^ from his mother Mrs. N. M. Dement/ Mrs. Demcut had been sick only nine days. The preceding Wednes day before she died, she was stricken with a severe stroke of paralysis from which she never recovered. Mrs. Dement was a member of Piney Grove church and was a devout. Chilean lady. She attended church whenever she could, but in her later years she became very feeble and consequently could not attend; but all the time she remained a true Christian lady. All was done ,on earth that could be done for her, but God saw fit and took her to rest. So weep not dear friends for your loss is her eternal gain. Mrs. Dement was 74 years of age and is survived by four children, Mr. W. M. Dement with whom she resided. Mrs. Robert Dickerson, of Franklinton, Mrs. Joseph Fulcher. of Henderson, and Miss Cora Dement, of Louisburg. She is also survived by a number of grandchildren. The funeral services ?were held from her home Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 by Rev. M. Stamps and was tenderly laid to rest in Oak lawn Qemetery. The floral tribute was beautiful and showed the esteem in wfeich she was held by a great cir cle of friends. Mrs. Dement was a kind, Ipvlng woman and was loved and esteemed by all who knew her and will be sadly missed. Weep not dear friends for her who has departed. The pall bearers were J Messrrs. O. Hn Huff. G. E. Wilson, C. C. Hud son. J. S. Howoil, S. C. Holden, W. H. Aycocke. A FRIEND. Memorial Day. For years It has been our custom to meet on May 10th And go oat to the cemetery to place flowers on the gra ves of our Confederate Veterans. It is a simple offering we take, but It is a beautiful expression of the love and honor in which we hold the memory of these men. who gave themselves a willing sacrifice for the protection of home and loved ones and to maintain the -tovereign rights of sovereign statue. Our memorial exercises were held at tl)e conclusion of the funeral ser vice* of Mrs. B. F. Hawkins, who for a long time was a loyal member of our Chafter. We gathered as usual, near the gravp of Judge Joseph J. Davis. Rev. F. Sj. Love who had kindly conik*ted to be with us, opened the exercises wltlf nraver. followed by a short ad dress . His remarks wereco lie heil in graceful, beautiful language, and the spirit of reverence for the ideals which had made great the live? of these heroes, touched deeply the hearts of his hearers; be also emphasized the fact that a heritage of unstained va . lor had made it possible for the des cendants of these men to go to the distant lands to battle for the right. We return thanks to Mr. Love for his presence and his words. At the con clusion of the address we dispersed throughout the cemetery to place flow ers on every grave at which stood the Iron Cross of Honor. There are a few graves made there during the past year which are unmarked in this way. The crosses were ordered and we were notified of their shipment in am ple time for memorial day, but on ac count, of the congested conditions of the freight trafTic they did not reach us. They will be put in position as soon as possible. We thank all who were with us on this occasslon, and trusj that from year to- year, they will meet and help keep green the memory of our old and honored sol diers . i. * " List of Letters. The following is a list of letters re maining in the Post Office at Louls burg, N. C. not called for May 17th _ Mrs. J. M. Dlckerson, Miss Annie B. Garner, Miss Mary M. Hardy, Mr. Richard Harris, Mrs. Tuma Harris, Miss Eular Harris, Mrs. Lindie Har ris, Miss Eula Manning. Mr. G. G. Matthews, Mrs. Vick May. Jonnle Watkins. Persons calling" for any of the above letters will please Btate that they saw them advertised. R. H. DAVIS. P. M. JiO ADVANCE IN PRICE ?URNS *Um on? toothing, cooling application of Subscribe to THE FRANKLIN TIMES OiAj $1*60 Per Tear, in advance. THANKS RECEIVED f FROM THE FRONT WILD EXCITEMENT OVER RECEIPT OF SURGICAL DRESSINGS Director Of Woman's Work For Re* Cross Receive? Letter From Parte The importance ol the work that Is being done by the women all oyer the Southern Division of the Hod Cross in the way ot knitting, of surgi cal dressings and of hoe p i tal garment^ ha* been stressed many times, buj/it has nevur been shown more c^irly than in the following note of whioh wss receivy?^ k f^w Gr ?y?"^T5S5"^^^uranU Directory6f the Dei>artment of Woman's Wortf of the Southern Division, from Mrsjfoer trado Austin, Chief of the Red Cross 0urglcal Dressings Servioe In Paris: 26 Rue^ Plerre-Charron, Paris, February 2, 191* Chairman *0 The Deer tl Your case of Burgtcal dressings No. 85 ha* Just been opened, and vre want to thank you most heartily tor your help. We are wildly excited here over the arriraj of the first Front Parcels and the first Standard Dressings. They are not yet in our stores, but we know that they are In Franoe. You can't realise what this maws to us. tor wv ha to waited tor them so long and so anxiously. Oo ahead and send as plaoty mora. Cordially yours, GERTRUDE AUSTIN, Chief ot Service. That tile Southern Division Is doing Its part in shipping theee artlolee to EJurope^s shown to the reports ot the division warehouse In Atlanta which Sire a detailed statement of all work done during the week. Not Infrequent ly as many as lOCUMO article? are ?hip ped for export in a single week. In ad dition to all ot the work ot Inspecting, catting out and peeking which is done at the warehouse, and to the boxee which axe shipped to the oa? tooment* in this country. RED CROSS WAR FUND DRIVE SET FOR MAY 20 In order not to detmot ?*??> slightly from the forthcoming Liberty Lou campaign, (ha War Oouaotl at the American Bed Cniy bu poetponed the cuspAlp to rniM the second War Belief tund of 1106^*0,?00 to th* week ot May 10 from tka week at Maj eth. as wu originally intended, it was an nounced Uk Washington today. This action fixae the data oi the seo ond Bad Croaa campaign el<f?i ??ft. after the tnt, which was started ca Jane 18. 1817. The War Couactl had beeo appointed hy Preeldent WUmo only 8*e weeks prior to the k?|laiilin of this campaign, so that Its bat great taak vai to provWe means tor carry ing oa relist work during the Tar an a scale oommeuvM with the mill tary operations. Vote than tlMjMM^OO vas oootrlb nted In response to the firet oall for ftnaiu-lwl aid and eontrflmtloos plus interest brought the total reoslpts from the first drive up to llOi,OM,S27. Of this amount, *17,004.121 was re funded to Bed Cross Chapter? tor lo cal relief awl. Of the belaoce, ? ?77 711^18 has ts?p appropriated, leaving t bflAnoe of tl0.fn.il7 available for apaJH*tlon. Franoe has received apfflw^ tat ion- amounting to more than thirty millions. During the week pre ceding Christmas the R?i Cross con ducted a membership drive which re sulted In the enrollment of approxi mately 22.000,000 new members. This was followed last month by a cam peign conducted by the Junior .mem berahip of the Red Cross which reeult ed In the enrollment In the collateral organization of practically all of the school children In America. RED CROSS MADE OFFICIAL WAR FILM DISTRIBUTOR The American Bed Croes hue J&een 1 designated by the government as Mie official and exclusive distributor tff the United States official war pictures both motion pictures and stereopticon slidss?and likewise the sole distribu tor In this country of all official French war pictures hereafter releas ed except those pictures which are jllstrlbuted throogh the news week In the Southern Division, oomprlslng Georgia, Florida, the two Carolina* ?I?l1 .TfllMMMMawdfabiSHMM ilrfiltoHl ally will handle tneee pictures and all requests tor same, whether by chap ters or by motion picture theaters, mnst be made to the publicity director. There are already on hand at the notional headquarters In Washington Ore motion picture films, two multiple reel and three single reel pictures, and two sets of stereopticon slides which may be had In either black and white or In colors. The Southern division has Just placed an order for these films and slides, and as soon as they arrive in Atlanta they wlB be offered to Chapter?throughout the division at | a small rental. These piotares show various scenes I and activities In Franoe and elsewhere In ?urope. and should be most Inter sating to tba people of the United States. Some of them picture war ac tivities and others the work of the Bed Croaa In Europe. The Unitod States official pictures are Mm tar the Signal Corps, Photo graphic division, of the United States Army. The French official pictures are taken by the Cinematographic ahd Photographic Division of the French Army. CHEER UP, IF YOU ARE nervous and despondent,*J^eak and debilitated, ?ired mornings, no ambition. eyes sunken, red and bluired; haggard looking, weak back, Jacjt of energy and confidence, for there is 5^:'' mantone:_ "MAKES YOU FtfUMTTir OVER" Sold by all Druggiata and Dealers in Medicine. FOR CONSTABLE. I hereby announce myself a candi date tw constable of Gold Mine town shij^subject to the action of the Dem aries in June. I appreci re youf support in the past and hope o reafcive it again In the primaries. 5-l>6t R. J. BURNETTE. MORTGAGE SALE OF LOU1SBURG HOLIES AND LOTS. "?^^TTrtu?o^hTpowe^ofsal^con^ tajned in that certain mortgage deed innde by J. P. Hill to. C. C. Inscoe, dated Nov. 18. 19L0. and recorded in the Registry of Franklin county in Book 174. page 72. default having been made ip the payment of the debt there by secured, and demand for foreclos ure having been made by the holder of the debt thereby secured, the un dersigned will on MONDAY. JUNE IJ, 1918. at about the hour of noon, at the courthouse door in Louisburg. N. C., offer for sale at public,auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, those valua ble houses and lots situate in the town of Louisburg. County of Frank lin and State of North Carolina, more particularly defined as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of Austin Green, on the East by the i lands of Ephralm Dent, on the South j by the lands of John Green and P. W. Williams, and on the West by the street leading from the Newport Road to the Mineral Springs; it being the lot conveyed by W. H. Yarborough, Jr.. Comr. to J. P. Hill, and contain ing about one half an acre, deed for which is dated May 23, 1910, and same is^recorded in said Registry in Book 177, page 241. But there is excepted from the operation of this conveyance a small lot with building thereon sold by J. P. Hill to Quinnle Yarborough in Sept. 1910, deed for which is duly recorded in Franklin Registry refer ence to which is hereby made. This May 17th, 1918. C. C. INSCOE, Mortgagee, to the jUse of A. T. Wilson, transferee. ? Wm. H. & Thos. W. Rutljn, Attorneys. 5-17-4t The First Baptist Church, Colored. The series of lectures on health top ics terminated Sunday afternoon at the B. -Y. P. U. with a magnificent dis course on Tuberculosis or Consump tion, the lecturer being Dr. J. B. Davis. The speaker held the rapt attention of a large audience composed of the best colored citizens of Loulsburg and Franklin county, there being many representatives from the different col" leges in the state. In-beginning, said he in part: Tu berculosis is one of the most frequent of the fatal diseases that attack the human anatomy. But although, var ious statisticians have estimated the death toll from this areadful malady all the way from 1-6 to 1-9 of our en tire American population, the appall ing thing is not so much that the dis ease occurs but that most of the deaths are entirely preventable. It is estimated that at least four hundred persons die every day from this dis ease. =? ?Neither is the hope of life abandon ed because aperson has consumption was brought out during the lecture. Because, he continued, many of these cases are of the incipient type, and many such invalids may be fully res tored to health if both the medical and hygienic treatments be preserved in for a long duration. In support of this statement, Dr. Davis recited speciflic instances. The late Dr. Joseph Parish, of Philadel phia as well as another well known medical practitioner of the Quaker City were two who had recovered from the disease and died at an advanced age of other troubles. The doctor then recited the case of a man with whom he formerly worked in New York State, who was compelled to re side in the Adirondacks, tho' his home was in the Metropolis. Dr. Davis closed his address by re ferring to one of his own patients who was tow-plowing. as of yore. Hed ged h?Xhcarors to pay more attention to health mattere. NEW TOWN ORDINANCES! At a called meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners held In the May or's office on Friday night, May 10th, 1918. the following ordinances for the town oC-Louisburg were unanimously passed: Be it ordained that it shall be un lawful to display any goods, wares or merchandise, old iron, junk or any other movable articles for the purpose of barter or sale on the sidewalks in puuul ty of five dollars for each offense. Provided, however, that a space of three feet frrom each dealers proper ty line shall be excepted. Be it ordained that it shall be un lawful for any person to wash any au tomobiles, buggy or any other vehicle on the streets of Louisburg, under a penalty of Ave dollars for eacli of fense. By order of the Board of Town Com nlssioners of Louisburg. L. L. JOYNER, Mayor. A. W. ALSTON, Clerk 6-10-4t CONNECTING ROOMS FOR RENT TO the right party, to do light house keeping at the Franklin Hotel. Al so regular boarders wanted 5-17tf rOBACCO PLANTS FOR SALE? Clear of Wildfire. Seed saved from 1916 crop. W. H. HOLMES, JR., R. 6, Louisburg, N. C. 6-17-lt FOR SHERIFF. To the People of Franklin County: ? I will be a candidate for the nomi nation for Sheriff of Franklin County before the Democratic primaries on June 1st. I desire the support of all the people of the county who partici pate in that primary and I will hold In high esteem nil services rendered me by my friends. I have served the peo ple of this county as their Sheriff and I. am conscious of having endeavored to tlo my duty fairly and Impartially by all and to treat all with courtesy and consideration. If I am again elected I shall again try to administer the office acceptably to the public. Respectfully, 4-26-tp W. H. ALLEN. Subecribe to THE FRANKLIN TIMES Save To Lend Your savings are need ed by your government This bank wishes to help you in aiding your government to win this great war. Millions of dollars' worth of Thrift Stamps have Jbeen pur chased by the small savers of the nation. Deposit means Save Join Our Christmas Savings Club The First National Bank Louisburg, N. C W. H. RUFFIN, Pres. F. B- McKINNE, Cashiei W. D. JACKSON, Asst. Cashier FARMERS: YOUR ATTENTION The great Spring Drive is beginning. Are you prepared as you should be to do your FULL SHARE in feeding the wcyld? If not, come in and let ha put you wise to he very la taat mnrt improved it> LABOR-SAVING FARM MACHINERY What if labor is scarce and high? With our imple ments you can more than make up for this and greatly increase your promts as Well as your output. Don't Delay Come and see us. IN ONR DRUG STORE WE CALL ESPECIAL AT TENTION TO OUR LINE OF Toilet Accessories ' - - ?X .. The appreciative woman takes a keen interest in her personal appearance, which she should do. Every woman's first duty is to herself. Nature will do much Jo preserve good looks, but art can assist greatly. Toilet accessories, if used with discretion, are very helpful See our splendid assortment of rrrrrr FJ T A LCUM POWDERS MEDTCATED SOAPS (JUM^LILLIIWI 1IJ t? IJl'JIUI TOILET CREAMS PERFUMES IN AN TOILET WATERS ENDLESS .VARIETY We have everything you can possibly need for an intelligent care of the person. ALLEN BROS. CO. Inc. EVERYTHING POR EVERYBODY Louisbtirg, - North Carolina

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