ONLY ?1.50 PER YEAH IN ADVANCE The Franklin Times AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT BU30B RESULTS > A. F. Jofinson, Editor and Manager. - THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. Subscription $1.50 Per Year VOLUME XLVII. ' " LOUlSKURtt. N. C., FF1DAY, JUNE 7, Wtf NUMBER J6 ATTACK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING OFF NORTtt ?*?AiLANIIl LOAST WARSHIPS SWEEP COAST FOR MILES IJi SEARCH OF UN DERSEA I'RATES. Sent to Sink Transports and Strike Troop Ships on Tills Side, They Failed?Attacked Only Ships That Could Jint Hit Ilack and Destroyed Seven at Last Accounts, the Crews Being SnTed With Small Loss of ?hite *?: Secretary Daniels Orders Port of Sew York Closed. Washington, June 3.?Secretary Daniels ordered the port of New \*brk closed to outgoing ?hips with certain restrictions until further orders. The nature of the restric tions were not c?u?ie lublic. Firing Reported Far Ont At Sen Norfolk, Va.. Jun'e 3.?Messages points along tho Virginia coast to night report vigorous firing some miles at sea. and beyond the range of vision, "during tlie middle of to day. it cor h.'.sed for an hour or more. Aircrm'l iLong I-laud (oust. New York. June C.?F'fty o?* more airplanes. reinforced h\j hy droplanes. were today patrolling: ??ie Lone ! land coast, every obser ir Vcc;ii:i?: c sharp ImVou! for ..f"in!;i4*inc::. The ;h craft ..o.l as fir* out as r.i'ecn utiles ?" . a'd i: t:- m the day nntrol vi; c.v.eiidcd ls> tho . v ?*? r forma! 'en v;: ; ref;:.'**1 l:y J. i r ? i.iry :iU,::M'..,1 h?;! it \va:= : 1 '/.n ferui c; Mu*: vould * s-^i' ? ? ? 1 5 :v)OP a#. p:r?.-ih!e \y/ nuruVrrs ir-cKli. iirKMi v.. d I .iiid ,r vi.o now aro :? ? v* ???. . >r? iin^' ?orouj hour t je count*;.' ?; ? instructor.-. rjrr.rn:-c;:.r/vtve^- t!:'- < off v lir tliares ni \ ie 1'nlt "scis wore ?iink- with hi,nth;? :if t r I!tr ir erew? had been forced to ta'vO to tre shlj s* hants. Ve v York. J ur. ?Scores rfl'nf cu Sf.^es warships \re ranging the wa trr- of> the r.ctl: Atlantic eoa:t *o r .rht in search of the G? sub rrp.rtTT' ; v:lile!. r*.nr!o their Ion? ex piMe;1. r'.trek on AmcHcr.n shipping i d linije w.'ters 1%4c ye*"' nfternoon. O":' of the f^rsd of report ?* which swept throiu:.t iho Maritime di-trict ?fter the AssocHtol Pro*s first-flash ed the news t hrt two erutsor subma rines wore op rating T"> miles south east of t lie High land*; of New Jer sey. these facia stood out: The steamship Carolina of the New York and Porto Hico Steamship had been sunk. Nothing is known of the" fate of the 220 passengers and crew of 1SW who took to the boats when the underwater craft b?vgan shelling the liner. The schooner Edward H. Cole of Boston has been sunk by bombs and ('apt. H. J. Newcomb or Boston with his crew of ten have been landed here after being rescued from the boat in which they were given an opportunity to escape. The schooners Jacob M. Haskell of Boston, label B. Willey of Bath. Me., Hattie Dunn of Thomaston. Me., and Samuel W. Hathaway have been sunk. The crew of the Haskell is reported to have been saved, but nothing is known of the facta of the thi^e other crews. The Savanrfah line steamship City of Columbus is reported t? havo been sunk, but no definite news of her fdtc has been received. Fifteen survivors of U-boat attacks were brought to an Atlantic port to night on a steamship which picked them up from small boats. PURPOSE OF THE RAID. Washington; Juno 3.?Germany at last has brought her submarine war fare ^o the shores of the United States apparently In a forlorp hope of strik ing telling blows on this side the Atlantic and of drawing home Home OT the American naval forces from the war zones where U-boat ihenace is be itig slowly but surely strangled to death. In the attacks upon coasting vessels almost in sight of the New Jeraey (Continued on Tenth Pag?) OFFiriAl Vf>Tf LEGALIZED PRIMARY, SATURDAY, JUNE 1st, 1918. 230]2Sl 202' 204! 74' 42 109 US 145 127| 109i 166 8S; 175! 10' 167 135: 163| .'4 210' 104' 120 172' 215 76' 57' 74 Youngs vlile I 41' 26; 8! 4: 29?' 02 2151 90) ISO 22, 2Sl[ 35' 26C 20' 276; . 3> 203?189 112 Jv ?jr.z 224 169' 256 298', 54' 2?; 22 Franklinton I 185 IS '12' 3? 149 07 287| 1931 172 176' 193, 13Q 24 - lut 177 3| 331 3.12'. 07 ?:?; 1S9! 234' 275, 321 182 167! 164 Httyesville i 10 12 7' 1 511 37' 40, 18j ?4 06; 16; 40| 42 3S 401 li 63 63' 53' 4f. 33 61 6 ? 32| 23! 60 OUJ 65 Saiidv Creek I 95 16 17 2! 91 63 146'' .861 133' 164' 53' 114 111 C6' 151! 4! 186 1.7 115' 126 113 S5 76 S>. 87' IS?' 121 MO Gold" Mine I 22s lj. 4?j 'I' 105 60' 97j 7? 93 132 42 55' 129 *!'. 134' 1| 145 150. 07?.' 43 131' 82, 120 C8 72 73 135 Cei'ar Hock I 86 o'' 51; 4 16S." 7t; 2l4r 1861 182 248! 64 1?! 1R3. 10.1 2'.'4- 21310 310! 23 ! 113' 196 V6 :5 171" 111 IM ? !">?' 177 I'vpress (.'reek r 62 3 5j ii 35 22 72 43i 61 871 15, 70 36- *6- 57! ' 2i 77 81. '.?! 52. 37 18 11 :i> 17 74 >3 71 Loulsburg .118 26 62 12. 230 231 205 22KN M INS OYEH J. II. YAHtfOiiOtXK. [I!, 1.'. Morris Wins SolIcltor?. lVliiJo! ( ^ncrt ami Tor??? Will Ran Oil in I'rlniary for Judgeship. . i;_1 t o Sri the **_veral' ! ncininulon* was hardly ever gvraccr' i lin n en riuiurday when t!:c primary \ \ i i'or the nnminuiJoti pf rc-unty | ".?S flu : forv?. J*udp?' ?it:d SGli.'itor,' I'1 cIY In a quie' ;mtl cr iy r.'.at'i .tr in :?!? !,?. f om | J ?.i r>3 race lor x'.c Hou*? m" i ir.twUvos V,'. IK'iry ler t\u?*in jll. I'.iLlnn?, vS'.li a r;ood majority. Mr, i-Mscor- is r..nau who is sJnc?re-inak hvii?:M.* ant! will t".o his? u:nK?: t in the iiiitrrc t of Ills constituents. f V::?' cc-iu-M for the Cl.rl: of tha Su-? '?kv-oi' Court. belwea:i J- J. j''?rr >v, ii. ? prefect encumbem. and C. t". Wir. i, c? Vounssvillo.tw4s of v. :ci' fr ? it. est due to t ho popularly o;' the t .vo ; *. :? !'0idatea. iN i v. Liarro ?v vo\ hov. - e\sr v.iih qui.e a nice vote to Lis cc<.-j ' l!. :-?~c is no cJo-.:Vt but that i ley a:vl aceoiaiviw iarr.g m :. .. -44m ^:e''tly in cainj-ai^';. , f"o io:iU'iU 1 Air - <;? ;! interc-:.. ic i';e ci.tlrj ; uMi ^ > V. 'Hi-.m SI. Allen, and for Register o;?| Uj_ Cil'j h- L v. .;c 11 .loin Ii. Yrul:a.m:~h. I ? t7iO pre.v.u u:cu*nber. . Sltfrey r. ! Von am. John . Kir.?. Ir. t: e !a ti . ? caso it ? apparent several di'ys b ? !"'>r. t!>: primary ihj.t Holder. w.iuii ' >v!r ' n i in tr.e c? m* tro r?~ m*!: s'.w <-L }\ i 1; i: J a v.-ni ..-c or. 1 -ui ir v??? :* CKill. 11:?> T?:e fn r. .?!< errvr? in f:vm ..'M p.'.r* oCV-..? "v r.i*ur'nc: ti.? -'..rv v.? r ^ i .. jurn? ii".~ to hot* sidc^. 5!!xc! the fri: ndc ! ?n-.!; cur.iiidate did spleadl*! v -,~k. In . Tlmberlake. J. R. Earle, J. Al ston. These aro all good business men and the Coupty can expect Its af faire to be put on a business ^aais dur ing the next administration. . In the contest for Solicitor Hon. Hr> E? Norris was successful oyer Bop. S. A. Newell in Franklin as well as Jn XVake and in therefore the nominee for another, term. This voto repre sents the confidence the people have In the fitness of'Mr. Norris for thp responsible position he holds. ( ? * The, race tyn Judge was ?o n*ny Rided that 'twere was hajrdiyany inter est nianttested. But the results show ed that W. sL.' Person lead the ticket by a good plurality .in this county, al though Cairert lead in the district. It was not until Monday that our people were ?atlifled as to who would be the contestants in t lie secnn?! primary, as it HCCJD^d to be nip and tuck between Person nntl Olive. The linil iigures l?o\vever sliMwed i!rr. i' -r.-.o? won over Olive l.y 70 voles. le;kvi:iu* i ? second race between Calvert <;f \.'ake. and Wl SCR of "FChliV. . "Tjere wcry etily iv:n 1 >va.;li!ps with a content for (onntoWe ?. title'* tie pri mary lav ? ar.t an J C:M 1 Mine, j In JlouieFrrj* J. &-rj bouta>. von over 111-5 cpp'jr it J. I1. > :>.??"?: i!. by 3* Inip.jorily c. Li: wVie in ' r.l \ Mir.e J*. .1. V't;c wan ov. r ?.! opponent C. 11. rr.rrj;li in n rinjorM;* of 9. 2 c;?%c ir :V. , ? .ni:?~.v is p:?s ?si'Jy t ?? h-rro! m*?; . ;i : in. either. ? primary rr j ti <1 -*v! " fu i ra&klio It r .m v s": ?; t'v : ?'". 3T.;l was |:l ?? c ; i o* * f:-;* cididat.s jnlike. i:.? ;s.i :p n;.? d >'.i" hy ai: i vi;l: . ? -? ?#: *m i.e.1.!?. . jH-mues a! Ure Colored Methodist! Church. J We nro requested lo strto that the jpv." l:t: i: cordially invited to attend ji'rvic-.s a* t bo i'oloied Methodist 1 Cghiit ?*li on Sunday afternoon. Ju;ie jf\ o'el .err.' At this service the wljyr 3 c op 1 o of Louishurp w: 11 cr >:clos and foukk. r $To nulls! Mi;t?!e* at Yoiincsville. ? I,J . F. Il^ucfc informs u- lie will ? hCLiU ?: .? * tctiuii nf .t larzo l?rl?*li &ta [hjc l.iil]. Jr.i: f ?r I'crry tc IV tree at i V. -ill. tvi'hhi tV. next ft v \vc<*ks K. '*??'?-} ih h * moniker JcLvi1 lim. i; frr-n: whore M ? j*? ??"on in *htisi !jt &V j gvcry p.^rtir tlar. "Th< lif.ii 1J?: : r :fl !!"*:>.t- (1 ?n ju F.' ?1 .v ?' ? ? V. ia 'tflmV n-.iv m i a !U he i'i"-to-diitc in MIKltlFF HENRY *A. KEARNlA Wiiu v;;h re-noinlnsreit to ?ucrecd himself over h In opponent. Mr. \V. H. Allen. In the Primary Saturday. with a safe majority. Sheriff Kearney has filler] the important office of Sheriff of Franklin ('jiiuniy for tie past .ojirh* teen months with much credit to himself and haw through his genial and pleasing mann?T. won the friendship of quite a large number of Franklin County's citizens. He is attentive to Uis duties and prompt in their execu tion. rorNTi fOinnssiONEBS. Met on Monday?TTrdered Increase In School Tax?Appoint Committee to Look After Working Koad. The Hoard of County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday with all roombors present. After approv-1 ing the minutes of the provlous meet ing the Board disposed of hilfitnes's as follows: I W. P'. Wilson was placed oti out sidp paflper list at'|2.00 per month. | KJ. D. aWoh w*? appointed ft com ^mlt^ee townee the Road Supervisprs of Bajidy' Oreek Tqytlishlp and see ff Jip caft't Ret tfte supervisors td work those rtrads that have not been work' . 7 It .wa%, ArjJ&Ke'd that the school levy be fncireasdd to 35 cents on property. D. AUton And J. B. Ycj*borough were ordered to execute deed to E. S. Merrltt tor land at County home. The raport of Dr. J.( E. Malone. County Health Officer waj received and ordered filed The report of J.% J. Holden. Super intendent 6f County Home, was re* celved and filed. "He reports 11 vabite persons. 11 colored child as inmates. After allowing a number of account? the Board adjourned trf its next regu lar mooting. More Building Contemplated. A rumor that we have been unable to have confirmed is that in the near future Mr. R. F, Fuller will begin [the erection of a large brick building ion Main Street in front of his stables. |This building, so rumor has It, will be two stories and contain three store rooms, and an arched driveway lead ing to the stables in the rear. This.,, if It materializes, will be one of the greatest Improvements to that portion of the town that has been undertaken trf a long time, and we hope It may materialize. Mr. 8. C. Holden visited Raleigh on bualnea*- Monday. INVESTIGATES ICE CONDITIONS STATE FOOD A DM IXI STR ATO1? PAliK VISITS LOEISBVltO. i lIs to Apreenicnis of 00 Cents n Hun dred to ? v< ry'xidy Where Tickets are Cited? Oho* Out IIii!iii? of \ot Over i"t lit a round for JIoul. I ni\isliurg was accordcd a visit r>n nVuvne^iIny by St to .Vo^tf; driinistra ?t*r II. A. F.;rc. vi:o con^^tc:-? ti h^.ar |ingr imo tije i ve sugatJfciT while here. |.>;r.*i'ago stated *(liat the.-wtion was / voluntary on his part, os it ?.va.s.U?# duty to look into Uic.-e roat'.ers and sirr^tf tod by t|.c answer to ;:r" : ,r o. Upon i.i ves illation he t'. #:?c! thiit Joiinecn ^ Johnson, oi . v.-h o arc opevat In p ihe 1 >r-u! i T j l'.iit. were ciuirging Mr. John \V. t'. lo. al ice ceaier. $1.12 1-J a '? \)i 1\ tor ico which he stated he l'elt v a.- U:i> ast'wli a :(1 would proceed to i.r.c i:i(.v:e. a .'iur \l:>t? in^'tlie matter ai d ti.e ? ir; I c< rdkrem "Tilly with Mr. 'i ; ir..':?T of representative citI . Mr." rliiat >:r. I le... i.' ("i:y i-'ot ! Aumh.istrator. iT.I Tr, Kir.g a^p \i corvmiue of : n? :;o io -v. : .villi t' era as a. jv n::i / r ifjrt.o::. A!t'< 11 it M.\ lvi: p an rt eo:a! jJtUu a^ree on p. pi ice of 'V #.i i.?Mirc'l p-v tdf to aH cu^to.:. siliic. hut (.hi t this price would an j:-:v r.;h in caf^s v l ere tho '*.?!1 ti.k ?? ?. I i . ? : r. . ?I. X .-Kinne. P. A. Vt.a^is >l?r. A. jI. Fleming were a, p :iu y m\-\ an organisation pi r.'oetctl I y .'. tivn cf .M. Pl-\ |i i i.:t" an agreement ttj Income of v June l"!h, IMS and to re |w:: in I'or.'e for tv*o wook? as fol ! :: ? t!? ?? price of io-> to all persons liyW >? ti-Uets shall ho 00 cents p';r; j V*n .-.finds, with a minimum sale of 1!" r-C"?n>'^. On all other than for ; t'llfv s sales I cent a pouad is aalhor i7.cct. Ti.:u the minimum tieket book shall! c ontai;. 100 pounds. n...t {here shall he only one ice de livery each day with r.o delivery on * That trie ice house shall open from S 'to 11 o'clock A. M. ofi Sundays. That Mr. Kine: will keep a correct itemized account of his ice business for the two weeks, showing all.sales and all expenses, that the committee may he able to act more Intelllgeutlyat. its meeting ?it the termination of this agreement in regard t a the prices and accommodations that may bo charged and extended in the future. j This completing the work of the i committee for the present it adjourned j subject to call. Mr. Page in his discussions of t hi* matter said that in these war times it was necessary to change all business traditions whether we ggxoed with it or not. That it"WaeTthe less fortu nate people whoso Incomes were lim ited that the Food Administrator had ic> look after and care for, and that tho luxuries of life were to be given less consideration than they had ever been giveB. Therefore, in regard to the Ice question, he held that Ice was a necessity, absolutely, and that the homes, where footj and milk for all especially the babies, have to, be pre-; served, should he given first consider ation. With thin in mind he did not consider it an injustice to raise the price of ice to drug stores and stores for refrigeration?stating they were financially stronger and more able to pay tile difference, than were the hom es to do without, on account of the cost. He took a purely humanltar |Iom*4 vii v.* of t ho mutter. I'tToro bavlttp lie said the Food Ad j m?' tafratlen ruled that no person Isli.:ll ' : 'Av ttii .via me :? r<.*. . a i (i', r.i .i.' ;:?i i j it..i ii. vrc8 j* sed a:-JrBiz-/Mi.1 :ucr-jt ?.* l-r.a*; a.i*j Ara-, nem I'. -.; i i!l f yj ???.r.iroc! jdVcrc leu m (i : .*i llr'l t!io * ; ' ? r.K i.- ?.>-?'!'? s. u: i.:f i * " * M " " * * M K- SIDNEY ('. IIOLDKN I Nominated in the Primary Saturday I fur Register of Deeds over his oppo 'nent the present encumbent. Mr. John JB. Yarborough. and Mr. John W. I King: with a flattering majority. He fa one of Franklin County's first young imen and comes from one of the olrieat and most popular families ? in the county. He has been busy receiving the congratulations of his many friends since the count Saturday night. List of Letters. The following is a list of letters re maining in the Post Office at Louls burg. N. C. not called for June 7th, 1918: . . Mr. A. Bowd?n, Mr. Alex Bowden. Mrs. S. B. Boskey. Mr. Robort Branch, Mr. Alfus Epps, Miss Alice Gichey, Miss Maggin Green. Mrs., Ida Hanks. J. B. Lancaster 6 Sons, Miss Louise Mills. Miss Mariah Neal, Miss Laura Williams. Persons i letters will ; them advertised J. R. n. DAVIS, !?. 1 IUHUJB . i calling Jbr any of th? above 11 ple-nrfiWato tkat they nir