ONLY ?l.iO PEK YEAR IK ADVANCE The Franklin Times ? AN ADVEBTISIN6 MEDIUM THAT BKINGS RESULTS A. F. Johnson, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY, Tijfc STATE, THE UNION. Subscription $1.50 Per Year VOLUME XLVIL LOUISHUBG, N. C., FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1918.# . NUMBER 17 GERMANS BEING TAUGHT AMERI CAN TRICKS General Immediate Objective of Enemy Now Is Com Yet Reached. SITUATION ON PLATEAU OF MONTDIDIER IS STILL UNCHANGED Germans/WKiTelWakiii^ Plight. Gain, Showed Slowest Pro gress of Any Day in Effort To Get To Paris; Every where TheyAxe Paying Ex orbitant Price For Eyery Foot of Ground; Numerous Divisions Cut To Pieces, Americans Take Ballieau Wood and Capture Prison ers; Day's War Story. f.1; IO! A N S J.ONIM; MAX 1'OWE 11. | Furls, June 11.?The battle along the front continued with fury. At tucks and eounter-uttueks follow 1 each other without Interruption. 1 The losses of the (Germans ure for- I rulduhlc. The evening papers In i reviewing the results which have j been obtained during the past two ? * <Iuvs by the (iernians, agree that | : V,?y are not to be Ignored, but i . iibt that they were worth the los ! m i which the Germans suffered. { I - ?long the whole front," says the i 1 Jou.nal des Debate "the situation i ! Is not ?nodIrted sensibly. The gen- | i eral immediate objective of the en emy is Compiegne, but this city lias i not been readied. The advance along the right bank of the Oise is i not sufficient to disturb our posl | tlons or the opposite bank of the j 1 river between the Oise and the 1 Alsne. On the other end of Jhe ; line the .situation upon the plateuu 1 of 31ontdidIer Is not changed. AMERICANS TAKE BALLEAU WOOD. Paris, June 11.?A mericah- troops i I brilliantly curried Ilnlleuu wood i ! this mornlnir. taking 300 prisoners. ! ! This nnnour.cement Is made by ! ! the >Var Office In Its official report 1 I tonight- } The third day of the German offen sive "on the front between Montdidier and Xoyan saw the Germans still mak ing progress from the center of the irf their attempts to ?"bring their positions southeast of Montdidier in alignment. EvnT*vbArQ They were continuing to pay an exor bitant price for the galn3 tbey made. Foch's Troop? Waiting For TEnh Having reached the Oise in the reg ion of Ribecourt. the enemy if he pur poses to try to fight his way along the west bank of the stream, soon must emerge in force upon the low lands bordering the waterway, where the troops of Gqneral Foch are said to be in strong array?both in men and guns ?waiting to disputo the road to Paris. Slow Progress of Enemy. Although nearly 300,000 men are be ing employed by the Germans in their efTorts to open a way to the French capital, their progress is slow, when to that on other days, merous divisions of the attapKing troops have been cut to piece^^y tho French gunnors and forcejVto with draw from the battle in^rder to fill the gaps with fresh mejr Not an Inch of ground has heen^iven up without the exacting by tire French of a terri ble toll ln"fnen killed or wounded. And nowhere Bias the defending line been pierced. \ Driven Hack From River. * The apex of the salient driven by tho Germans is (?till In the center south of the village of Marqueglise. To the west of this point the Germans at one time almost reached the Armido river, but were drivon back for considerable distance by the French In heavy coun ter-attacks. The French alsa aro counter-attacking southwest of Noyon according *to the German official com munication. which says, however, that renewed efforts of tho French to re gain lost territory were repulsed with heavy losses. The German war office claims the capture of 10,000 additional prisoners which, with the number of captives re ported Monday, would bring tho to tal to 18,000 in the present fighting. Since the new offensive began along the Soissons-Rhelms sector May 27 It Is asserted by the German official communication that tho army group of the Gorman crown prince has taken about 76^00 Alllod troops captive. Quiet at SolflRons And Rhetms. Comparative quiet still prevails on the front between Solssons and Rhelms although the Germans announce that northwest of Chateau Thierry where the American marine?, fighting aide by [ side with the French, havo several tim-} I es decisively defeated the enemy^-ilie i Germans have repulsed with heavy los ses attacks delivered against their front. British Strike Hard Blow. In one of the most ambitious opera tions carried out in many days Field Marshal Haig's troops in the Amiens sector have struck tlie Germans a hard blow. It was the Australians who carried out the maneuver, and thev ?m nuvHuuiiiy inuii! illlli? _ e nan a mile over a mile and a half front, unci took nearly 300 prisoners, Includ ing five officers. In addition twenty one machine guns and a trench mor tar were captured. On the Italian front there lias teen no Infantry fighting of Importance, but numerous small affairs between pa trol parties continue of dally occur I liliw. Mitewllio the arHllnrlna nt both sides are keeping up mutual bom" bardments. / Another "Pence Offensive" Mooted. " Another "peace offensive" bv Ger many and Austria-Hungary apparent ly Is in the air. It is asserted that in Berlin tho government and the high army command are discussing a decla ration of war aimB, while from Vienna comes the news that the Austro-Hun garlan foreign minister In an Interview has reiterated that he stll]_adheres to the .policy of peace by understanding and that the dual monarchy seek no annexation. Takes Position With Farmers & Mer ? chants Bank. Mi* Marguerite Harris, of near Youngsvllle, who has been'with the Citizens Bank at Franklinton for some time, has accepted a position with the Farmers & Merchants Bank, of Louls jburg, and will enter upon her duties Ion Monday. Miss Harris Is one of \ Franklin county's finest and most pop ular young ladies and her many ] friends In Louisburg will be glad to know that she will come to Louisbarg to live. i No Actual Change in Business. j Although Candler-Crowell Co., are announcing the dissolution of their in ? j corporated business we arc informed I, that there will be no actual change In I .their business. The action is taken 1 by Mr. H. L. Candler, who is the pro prietor of the business in order to cut out the red tape connected with an ln | corporated business. He informs us I he will conduct the business the same as heretofore and will continue to do his utmost to accommodate the pub lic. List of Letters. I The following is'a list of loiters re maining in the Post OfTice at Louls burg. X. C., not calfed for June 14th. 11918: ? j Kenneth Brewer, Mr. S. H. Quina dy. Sr.. Mr. S. A. DePriest. Mr. ?,. S. Gupton, Mr. Butter Macon. Misses I Edna May and Pauline Bullock. Rus ,sel, Weatherspoon & Gibson, Mr. J. R. Weaver, Mr. Robert Wrirht ' U'llUIH I'milllM iftgllPBi jffj'aUa letters will please state that the7 saw them advertised R. H. DAVIS. P. M. Negro Troops, Presumably Americans. Participate In a Successful Connter-Attack. } With the French Army in France. |June 11.?The strongest effort made -by the Germans in the course of last [night en<l this morning in their new | offensive was In the direction of the railroad connecting Estress-St. Denis land Montdidier. The Germans met | with such resistance that they re jnohnced for the moment their at tempts in this region. N'egro troops, supported by entente allied tanks, which did great execu tion, delivered a brilliant counter-at tack in this vicinity and recaptured the forest running southwest of Mar queglise. between Perte farm and Lo dges farm. Late last night tha. allied Infantry re-entered the village of Mary which had formed a protective point for the German advance through the valley. Seeing their progress hinder.- on j this side the Germans turned toward ? the other bank agrt' nearly reached Itlhccourt to the north of which place i the hottest encounters occurred in the 'woods of Dreslincourt. The enemy will be forced to debouch j on tho plain near the Oise river where I he will find himself without the chel iter of woods and will bo subjected to j a concentrated Are of allied artillery and machine guns. The Germans have found It neces sary to bring forward more divisions to fill tho gaps in their ranks caused by the terrific allied gunfire. The enemy's possession of the height of JScouvlllon below ThlescbUrt enab led him to filter troops Otrough the i small valleys, making the position of .the Allies occupying the small hillocks perilous and causing them to retire. The. whole countryside hereabouts Is dotted with these small hills, which aro called mountains, forming a kind of bastion, which, when turned from one ?Me er tho other,'Become absolute traps for the occupants. Most of the valleys between run toward tho banks of the river Olse. Mr. P. R. Houck, who has been on a visit to his people here, returned to Philadelphia Saturday. He wag ac companied by his brother, George, who will accept a position there. TO CLOSE POOL ROOMS | TOWN COMMISSIONERS FOLLOW OTIIEB TOWNS. I'aiis Ordinance Imposing License Tax j On All liusliiess ill Louisburg?Re ports Hccelved. -r*r Toarc^j^Fown Commissioners mol in regular session on Friday night with all members present except Whe less. After approving the minutes of the previous meeting business waa disposed of as follows: Report of A. W. Alston, Clerk, was '.received and ordered filed. He re j ports collocting light rents $569.02. .wa ter $353.92. taxes $5.974.86. I Report of D. C. High, Chief of Po lice, was received rfl ? ports collecting items as follows: Costs $32.10, rent Opera House, $15, licenses po 1 rooms $2fl.00, pressing rooms $6.25, minstrel shows $10.00. Upon motion of Allen and seconded j by Cooper, it was ordered that no more (licenses "be issued for the duratioti of I the war, for pool rooms, in the town i of Louisburg. I Upon motion an ordinance was adop ted imposing license taxes on all pla ices of business in the town of Louis ,burg, which will be found in full in another column. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to Its next regu lar meeting. Call !N*o. fl?l for 81 White Men to En train for Camp Juekson.S. C. ('ailed for Jnne 24th, to En train Jnne 25th. The following-named men have'been ordered to report at the Court House in Louisburg. for military duty and for transportation to a mobilization camp. The time for reporting is 4 p. m on June 24th, 191S. Raymond Matthew Pinnell, Alert R. 1. Jesse C. Mitchell. Kittrell. Clyde Rufus Champion. 105 Gerhart St., Millersburg. Pa. ; Hubert Henry Utley. Franklinton. i Walter Cleveland Collins, Louisburg. (Kelly Pearce, Wakefield. jLonnie Patterson Pearce, Zebulon. . 4 Luther Hagwood, Youngsville, R. 1. I Joseph Edward Jeffreys. Bunn. 'Willie Miles Gupton, Spring Hope, R. 3 IArthur Leon Goswick. Louisburg. Joseph Clyde Bartholomew, Louisburg I R. 4. I Joseph T. Gooch, Henderson R. 6. jKilmus Edward Joyner, Louisburg R 2 :Eugene Gricsom Cliamblee, Louisburg I R. 1. '.Oliver Tracy Tnscoe, Louisburg R. 4. Doctor Orris Murphey. Alert R. 1. .'Cleveland Edgar Gupton. Wood. ICullers Loyd Bunn, Wakefield R. 1. 'John Mo'rris Sledge, Louisburg R. 2u, : William Henrv Stallings, Mapleville> |. R. 1. Percy Tant, Louisburg R. 1. .Josh Morton Bartholomew, Louisburg in D I ' 1 1 'Eddie Williams Collins. Castalia R. 1. Ijanie.s Clfy? rl M"-" SpTlH H'T"~ 1 R. 2. ? Ernest Graham Cooper, Gupton. 1 Georgo Garland Sandlerling,?Prank' ?hntonT Joseph Kearney Ball, Alert. Jenkins Strickland. Louisburg R. 1. John Wesley Clapton. Kittrell R. 1. William Herman Parrlsh, Louisburg R. 2. Allon Guptcn, Wood. Ernest Foster. Alert. Albert Lee Batton, Wakefield R. 2. James Thomas Finch. Louisburg R. 5. Harvey Herry Wheeler, Louisburg R, 3. Box 55.. Georgo Washington Bowden, Castalia R. 2. Banyan Brewer. Louisburg R. 2. Sandy Vernon Iffll. LouisDurg R. 3. Stephen Durward Stallingn, Zebuloq R. 2. Clifton Hortcn. Louis-jurg R. 1. Joe Davis Williams. Wakefield R. 1. Otis Burrows. l.ouisburg R. l. Bennet P. Ayscue. Henderson R. 6. Call \o. ?:?2 for 22 Colored Men to En train for Camp Taylor, Lonlsvllle, j Ky , Called for Jnne 20tli to Entrain Jnne 2Tfct. The following-named men have been ordered to report at the Court House, in Louisburg, for military duty and i for transportation to a mobilization I camp. Tlmotfor reporting is 4 p. in. on June 20th, 1918. Charlie Williams. Portsmouth. Va. Albert Crudup, Franklinton R. 3. * Nelson York. Louisburg R. 1. Tomson Caldwell. Hoiiister. Willie Hill. Louisburg. R. F. T>. James Isaac Thomas. Louisburg R. 6. J Fred Cobb. Lo^ijburg. Luther Perry. louisburg. Jack Robertson. Mapleville. Willie White. Franklinton. Ollle McKnight, Katesville. Sam Bridges. Louisburg. Richard Skinner Jr.. l.ouisburg. Buck Mitchell. Louisburg R. 1. Johnnie Taylor. Franklinton R. F. D. Joseph Bennott Kearney, Franklinton R. 2. Robert I^ong. Youngsville. Graham William Pope, Youngsville. Garfield Kearney, Louisburg R. F. D. Herman Davis. Louisburg. Cheater Arthur Levister, Franklinton. Samuel Perry. l.ouisburg. * Lonnie McKnlght, Louisburg R. F. D. Powell Gref.n, Louisburg R. 3. William Henry Terrell. I/OuisburK R 5. James. Williamson, Castalia. Elijah Joyner, Zebulon R. 3-. Needham Brodie, Maplevllle. Richard H. L. Stokes, Camden, N. J. Ed. Gupton, Castalia R. 1. Len Powell, Maplevllle. Howard Foster, Henderson R. 6. Lonnle Harris, Louisburg. Zollie Holder, Louisburg. Willie WilliamBton, Franklinton.. Charles Collins, Raleigh. William Clanton Dent, Louisburg. ?Ji.Yinn. rranmiiii r n Foster Bruce, Louisburg. John 'Shornas Walton, Ford, Va. Johnnie Smith, Louisburg R. 5. James A. Williams, Warrenton R. 3. Perry Mangum Hill, Louisburg R. 5. Robert Perry, Bunn. Matthew Carter, Zebulon. Norman Kearney, Louisburg.. David Hicks, Louisburg R. 4. Scull. Louisburg R. 1. Robert Harris, Youngsville R. 2. Alfred Goode, Louisburg R. F. D. | Presley White, Franklin ton: George Anderson Wilder, Youngsvllle. Gus PerryBunn. Richard King, Zebulon. Dave James Jeffreys. Youngsville. Sebastian Satterwhite, Spring Hope. R. F. D. George Fogg. Elizabeth. N. J. Johnnife George Davis, Louisburg R. 4. Clarence Lee Alston, Frankllnton R. 2. Willie Williams, Petersburg, Va. George Washington Perry, Louisburg. Bousie Cross, Loutsburg. Sam Edwards, Frauklinton., James Alston. Alert R. 1. * Henry Bell Kearney, Frankljnton. Cordie Perry, Kittrell R. 1. Anthony Swain, Wood. Joe Webb, Maplevllle. Nathan McKnight, Louisburg R. 1. Mann Foster, Spring Hope. Alfred Hicks, Louisburg. Rufus Wall, Clayton, N. C. Hugh Shaw, Franklinton. Herbert Kearney. Louisburg. Major William Green, Durham. Ed. Graham. Bunn. ! James Royal Yarborough, Youngsville. George Lee Allen. Frankllnton. George Williams. Louisburg. William Ruff in. Louisburg. Benjamin Shaw. Franklinton R. F. D. Joseph Greenwood Johnson, Wake Forest. Brodie Bryant. Spring Hope/ R. F. D. Arthur Cotton. Bunn. iTollie Fogg. Kearney. Tfeharlie Johnson. Louisburg R. 1. Lemon Driver. Wakefield, R. F. D.. .Oscar Williams. Bunn. I Henry Powell. Louisburg. | Levi Pulley, Philadelphia,-Pa. Ben Evans. Louisburg R. 3. Junius Thomas. Youngsville R. 2. Jonas Hayes. Henderson R. rt. Thurman Foster. Wake forest. ! Phillip Williams. Louisburg R. 2. Fred James Person. Franklinton. Guthrie Alston. Alert. Bud Coppedge. Castalia R. 1. Lee Brodie, Franklinton. Romie Burt. Gupton. - < ^Benjamin 'Harrteon Person, Newport News. Va. Frank Macon, Louisburg. WTillie Macon, Louisburg. . \nfhaninl Flomiii', HHrJl-sburg K. 1. j General Easter, Petersburg, Va. Dallas Brodie, Franklinton. Walter ev?"? rn^tnUn.. ? j James Debnam. Henderson. I Buck Branch. Louisburg. |Willie Bell Perry, Franklinton. I John Bennett, Bunn. Elijah Debnam, Louisburg. W. H. RUFFIN, Chairman. Local Board. Mr. Boyd Meadows T>ead. &6fh. was received hero Wednesday by membefs of the family of the death of Mr. Boyd Meadows at Henderson ville on Tuesday,jxtter a long illness. Ho was about 22 years old and leaves a mother besides several brothers and sisters. He was a son of the late Dr. J. S. Meadows, and a brother to our townsmen. Messrs. S. S. Meadows and B. H. Meadows. The remains were brought to Louisburg yesterday after noon and interred in the family plot in Oaklawn cemetery, the funeral be ing held from the Baptist church. Both services were largely attended. Robbltt-PIttman. At the home of the bride's parents on Wednesday evening Miss Priselila Pittman and Mr. J. K. Bobhitt were happily united in wedlock by Rev. W. B. Morton. In the present of a num ber of friends. The bride is one of Louisburg's most charming and accomplished young la dies, and th? groom is among Wake Forest's tnost popular young men. Locates at Wood. It will be Interesting to our readers to know that Dr. H. M. Beam, of Woodsdale, a graduate of Colombia University, has located at Wood the practice of his profession. HO comes to this county highly recom mended. He is a brother to our townsman. Mr. G. M. Beam. SapL Best to Raleigh. Supt. E. L. Be?t left Tuesday for Rrleigh where he will teach at tho State College during the Summer jtahool for teachers. Where this is quito an Jjonor to Supt. Best and Franklin county, the State College is to bo congratulated upon securing his services. Supt. Bost Informs us he will be in his offico in Louisburg on Friday afternoon's and Saturdays of each week until after the close of the Summer School. PERSON IS OUT OF SECOND PRIMARY WANTS PRIMARY LAW TO BK AMENDED. Announces He Will NoT Demand See ""'I I'llHHI HIE JIIII|W>1HI|>?Helleves That Plurality Instead of Majority Should Decide Elections. No second primary will be necessary to determine the Democratic nomina tion for Judgeship in the seventh judic ial district. Senator W. M. Person, of Louisburg, second highest candidate yesterday declared that he would not demand a second contest, and would forego the privilege afforded him un ilti ihir in? In iavor of Judge T. H. Calvert, who was the leading candi date. Incidentally, Senator Person puts out (he reminder that when the pri mary campaign opened he ofTered to abide by the decision of the plurality. -None of the contestants would agree to this and now Senator Person wants an amendment to the State primary law permitting plurality instead of majority to rule. This would elimi nate second primaries except in cases of tie votes, which are rare. Senator Person's statement to the voters of the district follows: "To the Voters of the Seventh Judic ial District: ? * ~ "About two months ago. at the be ginning of my candidacy for the judg ship. I offered to abide by the result of the first primary and to consent that the man receiving the highest vote be declared the nominee of the party. While none of the other can didates saw fit to accept my propo sition. yet 1 will stand by it. I decline to call for a second pri mary and I do not think the voters of tlio district ougiit to bo harrassed by another primary. I believe that the primary law ought to be amended to the extent that the plurality instead of the majority should control. "In order to prevent any further ^actionizing of the party in the district and to save the cost of holding said primary and the further trouble of calling upon the six thousand or more farmers in the district to leave their farms in these strenuous crop times to decide which of two lawyers should be judge, it gives me pleasure to declare and pronounce the Hon. T. H. Cul vert tho next judge of the seventh Ju dicial district. "We have a greater responsibility upon us than to cater to our personal ambitions which, we should lay aside and help win the greatest war of all times. I am satisfied my greatest usefulness could be exercised in the furnishing of information to the peo ple In the great crisis and to furnish all possible sinews of war to our gov ernment . * mmmmmmmmmmmmmrnrn nlher candidate.!, mill lliailKS to those friends who supported me, I remain, "Your obedient servant, "(Signed) w m PFRam . "Louisburg. TC. C." List of Names of Persons Whose Reir Istrntion Cards arc In the Posses sion of This Local Hoard. The following is a list of those per sons registering on June 5th. 1918: Thdmns Williamson. Frankiinion, R. 2. col: Sanders Perry. Alert R. F. D. col; Percy Massenburg. Wood, col; Garland Rcid Sykes, Spring Hope K. 2, white; Forrest Dent. Kittrell R. l, col; Sidney Dunston, Kittrell R. 1, col; Lawrence Herman Franklin Den nis, -ieuisburg R. 2. white; Dave Louis. Louisburg. col; Beecher Tal madge Dorsey. Louisburg R. 4. white; Mack Perry. Kittrell R. 1, col; James George Wiggins, Louisburg R. 3, white; John Dampier May Louisburg R. 1. white: Fred Freeman, Spring Hope. R. 2. cul; Nicholson OIlie Phelps Franklinton R. 2. white; Charles Mad ison Evans, Louisburg R. 6. white; Willie Graham Mitchell. Youngsville R. 2, white; Alexander Sidney Harris, Youngsville R. 1. white; Charlie Stone. Louisburg. col; Bentiie Green Pernell, Alert R. 1, white; Frank Collins. Cas talia R. 1, white; Marcillus Currin, Henderson R. 1, white; John Day, Louisburg, U. S. A. col; Bobble Gil liam, Louisburg R. 4, white; John! Crudup. Franklinton R. 3, col; William Clyde Lowery. Youngsville. white; El liott Young. Louisburg R. 3. col; John j Thomas Wright, Franklinton R. 1,' white; Linwood David Mullin, Wake field R. 1, White; Willie Williams. Henderson. R. 6, col; James Rodwnll. , Kearney, col; Frank Sprulll Upchurch [Franklinton. white; Hugh Arthur Mc 'Ghee. Franklinton. white; Dumas Doyle Richardson. Wakefield R 2. ?vhlte; Edward Brackston, Wood, col; A fred Buchanan Wester. Franklinton, white; Henry Wllkins, Franklinton R. 3. col; Robert Silas Jones. Wood, white; York Glover, Youngsvlilo R. 1, col; Stephen Alton. Louisburg R. B, col; Ernest Allen Bridgers, Youngs ville R. 2, white; Willie Branch, Lou isburg, R. 5, col; Andi^ow^Thomas Lancaster. Youngsville. R. 1. white; OIlie Wilson. Louisburg R. B. col; Ed ward H. Joyner, Louisburg, white; Bllllo Hayes, Alert, col; Essie Davis, Mapleville R. 1, col; Arthur Bryan Inscoe, Louisburg R. 2, white; Tom Parrlsh. Mapleville R. 1, col; Terrell Edward Kemp, Louisburg R. 3, white; Bonnard Edwards, Louisburg R. 5, ?hiiu; Joe Jordan. Bunn, col; William Edniond Mullen, Bunn, white; Leslie Gupton, Castalia R. 1, col; Zeb Col 1. Loui8b"r8 R- 1. white; Rocher Moulters Johnson. Wakefield R. 2. white; Willie Hawkins. Louisburg R. 5, col; Elijah Stokes, Castalia R. 1, col; Enoch Leo Leonard, Castalia R. 1. white; Will McCormlrfc- gni-inff ?^?"?^?WWIW^fflfffiaTrBurivetSLou^ isburg R. 2, white; Calvin Mayo, Hen derson R. 1, col; Wyatt William Pace. Kittrell R. 1, white; Frank Rodgera, Wakefield R. 1, col; Nathaniel Perry, Frankllnton R. 2,-.col; Stephen Win ford Sykes, Bunn, white; Tolly Hale. 1 Alert, white; James Johnson, Louls (burg R. 2, col; Brooks Giles, Wake I field R. 1. col; Ollie White, Franklln |ton R. 3, col; Ernest Walker. Louis burg R. 1, col; Aaron Ayscue. Alert, 1 white George Washington Retro, Kit |Lrell R 1. whttp- -ftirittwy Pffn/l^rgraan [Henderson R. 6, white; Lewis Win jston, Voungsvilla col; Malcolm Elvis 1 Wood lief, Franklinton R. 2, white; John Henry Perry, Youngsvllle R. 2, col; William Bennett Gay, Wakefield, R. 1, white; Ed Perry, Louisburg R. 2. col; Xorman Gupton, Castalia R. 1. col; Percy Barnes Houck, Louisburg, White; Mosee McCown, Alert R. 1. col; Charles Bennett Tucker, Louisburg R. J5. white; Franklin Madison' Ayscue, ;Henderson R. 6,. white; Willie Corrent Thomas Henderson R. 6. col; Millard May Moore, Spring Hope R. 2, white; : Jesse James Weathers, Louisburg R. |l. col; Hugh Williams, Louisburg R. 13, col; John Kenneth Tharrington. I Youngsvllle R. 1. white; Frank S. Perry. Louisburg R. 4. white; Willie 1 Orange Johnson, Louisburg R. 2, col; Moses Montague. Frankllnton R. F. D. icol; Siarkey Tharrington, Henderson, |R. F. D.. white; Bennle Alston, Louis burg R. 5. eol; Edward Everett In Iscoe, Castalia R. 1, white; John Rod jgers Person, Frankllnton R. 3, col; I Joseph William Lafaler, Louisburg R. j 1, white; Willie Kearney, Louisburg R. 1. col; James Thomas Southcrland, Henderson R. 0, col; Paul Bunyan I Murphy. Louisburg R. 4. white; Range Davis. Louisburg R. 5. col; Doctor Franklin Gilliam. Louisburg R. 2. :white; Numa Watson Sultt, Youngs Jvllle R. 2, white: Johnnlo Leonard, 1 Gupton. white; Washington Kearney, .Frankllnton. col; John Colbert. Bunn, col; George Howard Pearce, Youngs vllle R. 2. white; Owen Holmes, Youngsvllle R X. white; Sandy I.lttle joiin Williams. Louisburg. col; Hinton jSoutlierianil. Henderson R. 6, col; John Leonard Clary, Wood, white; I,ee Wright, Woods Store, col; Thomas ! Wilson Gay, Spring Hope R. 2, white; |Shadrach Alston, Castalia R. F. D. col; Van Stamper. Gupton, col; Herbert William Sledge. Maplevllle R. 1. white; Celious Gupton. Castalia R. 1, col; Tlmrmsn Canady, Youngsvllle R, 3, ;coI; Lee Otha Denton. Louisburg R. 1, I white; Joseph Franklin Murray. Alert !R. 1, white; Ollie Gold Perry, Spring Hope R. 2. white; Horace Alston, Hen derson R. 4. col; William B. Alston, " " -Spr-inr; llnpo It. a. whin;, Blllie top jpedge, Loulburg R. 4. care J. O. May, Jcol; Maltus Hicks Privitt, Youngsvllle R. 1. white; FfMll '! in ton, col; James Ollio Perry, Wake ?Ifield R. 1, white; William Henry Hen Iderson, Franklinton. col; Pearlie Lev ister. Franklinlon. col; Eddie Edwards, Frankllnton R. 2. col; Nathan Parm ? Jeans, Wakefield R. 1, white; David Connie Hayes. Youngsville R. 2. col; Robert Floyd Gay. Wakefield R. 1, I white; Jimmie Ellis Privett. Wako 1 field R. 1. white; George Harold Phelps. Louisburg R. 5. white; Will iam H. Alston. Louisburg R. 2, col; i James Robert Hawkins. Wake Forest, Wake Gro. Co, col; Bennle Tuckef. ICastalla R. 1. white; Robert Greeni, ?Franklinton, col; Roy Evans, Louls hi(rg R 4. col; Claude Lee Renn. Kit trell R. 1. white; Charlie Albert Jones. ;String Hope R. 3. white; Ernest Can nady, Kittrell R. 1, col; Ronert Edgar 'Eaves, Henderson R. F. 'D., white; John Burnett Perry, Wakefield R. 1, white; Clarenco Davis. Louisburg R. 5. col; Louis Ruffin McKnlght, Kittrell R. 1, col; Clarence Eugene Ed&ns, Louisburg, white; Henry Bobbin Shti rln, Youngsville R. 2. white: Jefferson 'Brown, Franklinton R. 3. while; John Hatch Wheeler, Frankllnton. white; iBaldy Thomas Perry, Louisburg R. 3, col; Jordan Ellce Henly, Franklinton It 2, while; Ernest Day. Louisburg, col; Richard Hawkins. Wood, col; I James Ponder. Wood, 50I; Jesse Cor jnelius Nowell, Frankllnton R. 2, white; William Meridith Thomas, Alert !r. 1. col; Romle Gupton. Castalia R. 2, col; James Howard House, louis burg. R, 4. white; Bennle Perry, Frankllnton R. 2, col; Joe Davis Med lln, Wakefiold R. 1, white; Roger Tharrington Alston, Frankllnton R. 2. col; James Elijah Wheless, Spring Hope R. 2t white; Robert Egerton, louisburg R 1, col; Chris Graham, Bunn. col; Noel H&gwood, Louisburg 11. 1, white; Henry Daniel. Louisburg R. 5, col; James S. Massenburg, Iou isbury, white; Zollle Williams, Louis burg, Col; Willie Vines Harris, Frank llnton R. 1, col; Johnnie Marvin Pat ton. Maplevllle R. 1, white; Arthur Morlsey. Frankllnton R. "2, col; Will iam Clarence Hill, Maplevllle, col; James Leonard. Maplevllle R. 1, col; Spencer Young. louisburg R. 1, white; Tom C. Horn, Frankllnton R. 1. white; Burll Brodle. Louisburg R. 1, col; Ed ward 8. Debnam, Louisburg R. 1, col. Mr. J. R. Bunn p&ld Raleigh a bus iness visit Tuesday.

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