.vsi^wiSH ONLY ?1.60 FEB YEAR Uf ADVANCEj ? VQLl'ME XL VIL LOIISBIBG, W^tJmUinY, Jl'SE is, 1918. M JTBKB ?* ITALIANS FOLLOW UP VICTORY OVER AUSTRIANS BY DRIVp ONJOLJIIM Continued - Pursuit of Enemy Interrupted By Piave River Rising Agaiia Helping Austrians to Escape ITALIAN OFFENSIVE ON MOUNTAIN REGION IS HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL On Wcsfera Front Raiding Operations * And Bombardments Continue; Big Xow ?ffnnJm \ ny ll.iy Mm ? Significance of German Foreign Sec retary Kuelilmunn's Statement; Day's War News Story. The Italians at last' have cleared the remaining Austrian rear guards from the west bank of the Piave river and now are in possession of the entire ri ver front from the Montello plateau to the sea. At last accounts their forces , which crossed the stream in pursuit of, the retreating Austrians were still ha rassing them, inflicting heavy casual ties and forcing the enemy to continue his disorderly retreat. Pate, however,'has turned somewhat its balance in favor of the Austrians for the Piave river has risen and some of the pontoon bridges the Italians had thrown across the stream have been carried away, making impossible a quick pursuit and the crushing of the Austrians, which General 'Diaz had r unted upon. The^Austrlans are de .red to be rushing up reserves from ? r -ar in an endeavor partly to re ; -<? the situation. Austrian Claims. . Austrian war office admits a re ve!.. :*ong the Piave but announces t.'^at tl*e retrograde movement har, been ca? rie.: ^'it in accordance with plans r. .1 oiMiout lods of material. It is edit el tliat the Austrians have taken nr-sv "0,00D prisoners fro'm the Italian, rii-ce June 15 end that the at'pre ^ l^ac-a ot" the Italians in the fjsatiiiR at tTio lowest est;ra:,ic is 150, Cuo ir.v !?. Cf;&liun 1*r!ve In Jlouuteins. Holding the upper hanrl along the tprdo-" of the Venetian pl.'.lr. t"c T r ti 1 - inn? V*. vo turned o -1 ho o fenzive ar^iii't t - o enemy in the mourn u'n re r ' r. .?.. rt all.. V!j: ' !? Mo'aHo of 'pre inO. have I cen rar.^e and* In addition to heavy i'l^ic-fed c**. onem/, r. ): ? tjur.ibt r o* ' 'U'tri. r< ?jrve bee ' r.sR Ic prisoner :-nd .*5xtwr '.nnchir?* \ -;rs h;;ve been ? ??ivvirej. atto i irie. The Ausfjan ? o'"iVe. l:o "? o\" >?ert: i.v.* *?!! :sf rr ? I- ?. i P ;!?!?? .:i-*-?i !::?? e 1'fcCn r -.TVil-ev. On tlio front it? Frnr.<c ;::;d I-clglum, :'rdr.ier.'.-? y-<] valdl . jjnv.o. The I"rra*li near I#e ?Port in i ri-i i f tin t ^ .> German t:' rk. but on ?*"vc?t?1 ofa*r ?cc?ors. notr'uy ii the V.'oevrr r.ni t'-> Lorraine. themselves have ? arri" 1 qyt F u 1 rr.id* a fit I lak?'.: pr>-?mei s. T e < a miliar.* near Arrr. hay* ?>???!? . i in an fnterpr'^e \v?i; h r.ey L.ti liiVm iwer.-y-or.c pri :yr ?r ? and f.Lr ir.. chine ?rnns. The Ge^h-'ms rre bom : -r'-Lir t lie j'ritf h ? :? t of \r. Oil '? . Swhroniftii-'with ? : - ? ? *'the Austrian-* iiL'fiuly and 'V. ?..' ./U of wJiri'M imyl'ient .?? * ' ?: * ! miiiis anoiivr .Uil-1.. . .f, ?n.^v t'ia r v" try .* "? > ot * t S^v??iiu:inr ' of Dr ? mi? Throim?! ii ? j;. ? .? >vfc'.inrd. von K7 : ;I!n-.. RCVCP T"'!!! I'H ? ????". ? y_ ; . i!u;t tho on<l <?f ' ? n - ?-? .'.A n- '-iy ? :i- oypoHe:! !h?v." . . pa mil-'iiry deei-Jon'"' alo-ie ? l- ? reeuar ? lo diplomn'l'" ne>ro: ? ,i ?om. ?. " ?? !' v:.- howl Cinrriatiy' ? ? ? ? ?.vonM lha? '*1 v!, -.v oi' r? - 4 h l-U^ui v iciaiJii/ for. the. ji- I: wsi^ a drrani. F''ivh>, V" r>ual. *1 h--* frii'oi'.'M aprriits'.rv was- evasive , rrr ^i] ?; lit" i" i s'p'a; oT 1 "Vi'im. r -??orted- h: ' iro/PVil.i f .????* 1 vil'W if J '? :??: ?? rif?rTL't?\ et' ^?enr slir-rrr* front thrse ??-rvibeil lo il ? iv t?r;riy'i ataf<Tnien Tun ninis of fif'tanrr* a,i'1 !i/*r :?11 i?? -. Ii-* ?*nid.ii?-' rtnrtrrt n r'rr?p. c'T-finc a^irl irid?-peiv!riit ? vlitopcp **wlihir* h'wndarioH dr;n-.n f"r ii ? !:? h'-^ary*": ovrr.^oai posses sions rorr^nondir.tr '\it!i !i"ir uro'it re<s of Wo'ilth. ;ind ^rr,r>doni of Hir : ::i. in romnieree. iri rO"T>on*e ii n r speech by Mr. AMo??itb the foriui'v F^riihh Pre mier. in - ?M'-h ho snfd iGrpiit P.rii n i ii would not tarn a ?1 < ;j f tar to a peace p* an-*?al not roufhrd i'i nmbittii oun term-, i^r. von KurTilniann declar ed that Ci rmany coulu make a like de claration "k. owing it ??!>?> Jo be oar policy.' One of the most remarkable utter ances of the foreign secretary was a declaration in which he placed the on-, us for st'irtfnT the war on Russia, with , France and. Great. Britain next In or der culpable. , Lieut. F. O. Swindell and wife, of! Camp Sevier, S. C., are visiting her [ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Barrow. I FARM DEMONSTRATION WOKK. The Nitrate of Soda Situation. We are advised by the U. S. Bureau of Markets which had charge of the distribution ot the Government Nitrate of Soda, that it will be impossible for them to deliver the full amount of ni trate applied for. The Government has more than enough nitrate bought.) but ships to bring it from South Am- j erica are not to be had. j One shipload of *Bodg?w?? oil the coast or Cuba, and the entire contents lost. There is a car of soda on the road now for Franklin county. When the car is distributed, It will give, everyone who was allotted any soda by the Bu reau of Markets about 40 per cent of the amount applied for. The Bureau of -Markets allotted tc everyone whose. application was dated on or before Feb. 4th the $?l amount applied for. ?No^oppJ^aUoifrdated la* ter than Febr w*ere considered b#J the Bureau. / TBose who were allotted any nitrate have received several leV ters from the department in regard t6 same. If you put in an applicatfbh and have not heard from the Washing ton office, your application, for soma reason, was not considered. While we consider nitrate of soda almost essential to good crops we must remember that winning the war is the first duty of the nation. And that' ships are an essential part of .the n/i; tiou's fighting equipment. The sub marines have destroyed so many th4t there are none to spare for any work other than war work. Since the soda supply is cui off. let n:e urge everyone^who did not use .t j liberal amount of fertilizer to use a ;second application. It is yrjur patriot" ! Ic duty to produce the most possible [this year. It is also the best oppor tunity that the southern farmer, ever 'had to make a reasonable profit on his |farm. The farmer who*thfsye?.r jro-3 ic.ftc-r bis tilings using some judgment Will be the winner. Sow Peii'i and Plant Beans. [ Don't let y?iiir wheat and oat siuV.do [or .:ny other land that can bo plowed, [lie iflkj. Sow peas or plant Soy bctins ' / '? food and soil improvement I Plant Volvo: hean> for v.-inter mi: I:npr:?vomof.i. T.ry prolsa'ul; j^T.] rj-'i* have j irru'?> i>? t tor clian< ? jio p ;t a. crop of rye. wheat, or oat a CrU'.V S woof ) ']].?? wb":!' tr.Whas Waller far s!i V, : . o* "i; t if p rr.wv- ftrr. V II. u li . cordlii r^vaiirn *. v.e jr.T. crop to r.ii'*^ v.y t o i:?rn ?'so i r.i.iil co"" ? pot "toe?. ? t'T!!!:? I A\T ' TF7*. ^ ar.ii- \::: ir. out s ? -vo ' fri? V ??^ ? -i:!*<;?' Lan 1 . * ? :-it .T no t!ir ? ? * . t ! ? '?!?-?: rVhrcH?:?. '? f; ? tor. > ? r.-.t. Now;on. ? or ?*nfo immediately, as Ukv are opcr 'ating ?'??? contrary to the Pood Adiniri, . If*? rat ion reculnt ions. I If ny further information is wanted ?relative to thi* rulinc it may be ob tained direct from t' e Kaloijrh office. ! from Mr. M. ('. Pleasant.s. County Food Administrator or from mo. j There has been no change 1u the Irulinc; limiting the price of sugar to i l-2c por lb. If any merchant or miller wishes to buy corn for milling or for sale and will s.o Inform me I can put thom in touch with parties having corn for sale in the State at about $1.75 per bushel. JOSEPH C. JONES, Asst. County Food Administrator FIFTY-THREE MEN-' J GO TO CAMP 81 WHITE AMI 22 COLOBEI1 ME5 LEA YE. Colored Keglstrants Went To Canfp Taylor, Loulsiille, Kj? And T^ V/iilte Kejristrunt? to lamp Jiie^oa. During the paat week the Local emptlon Boa^d sent fifty-three men camp to assume military duty. The rirst to go were twenty-two oreii men who left on Rriday for Ci Taylor, Louisville, Ky. It will be teresting to note that in ibis call,, same as all others, tha men sho in rnthuiiitcpoot 9fid were time, eager to go. There was t\vo vi v.Koers in the number, and on? othi Gas Perry, wanted to go along with brother, but not being able to indt any of the number to let him take tl place was not allowed to go. On Tuesday thirty-one white mi were inducted into service and sent Camp Jackson. It is especially ci ftoble to the registrants to know in practically all calls tho res] has been one hundred per cent, one Tuesday showed eviiry maq ent, and all In ? fine spirits, ent 'ifpoh" fh'eif duties with *a ^patriotic thusiasm. r , For the benefit1 of the regis their parents and the local who have seen references to the ges of the Chicago papers, that was something wrong wtth the l nel of the loeal boardf In the So vfe will say that the paj$jra%have givj utterances to' optnfofiratfHfcr from tr ItfVVK tlmt. they. tliemsaivfes would | : ashamed of them 'ifr 'they would ot" j take the trouble to. investigate. " Ho lever we are glad to state that Frante j bounty has dent about two* hundred i Igroes with only two or thr^e re 'cd. Its records with tfcd wnite3^ almost, the same proportion, hi 4 * ?ttdYT? ? tii fee hun 3 rc-d with on ?about.twenty-five returned, end *io I of these were in the past few 4| i Cur local officers have been especli 'alert and attentive to their duties,*] kin all cases following ordeTs i Washington. AN ENJOYABLE lU-RHErTE. * :? The Editor cf the .TAine* :.ad tJulj pleasure'of attending <or. o of the most 1 enjoyable brrbcprfe* on Friday even jjr.? at the li^wfe of Mr. \Y. L. Danit! i in Ce;*a?* I2?ck totvnhip. that he i.as | v.itnesfjen in some time. The cue was ipivefr'Ttl lU'lVU' <?f i ly ^ ? ? r.:: 1 P H frr.y o'Hpi. :- ! ;? tl eir friend l.\ tlie ps v.-ell n. t en'tec!. i n::r/rc of H e ar ifnw! i.r'icn p m ? rrvV.::: V \ was c.t<\ ural of o P:i ????! nn?! l:ess prepared yen ? \\r s?.w. ?i'cr all am! r.lcnty to rpare c nO a ?u >re w...'vi '? '? ,: fn vn a In] ".Ml ir ?<!'! r T r.;::\:iy pi*:-n.K?. a i T i' from '.own. !n a?Mi hli.-i; l ?* tii.' n'i'h et***. w>'o ^lo- ? r->. It. T. lio' ^r. 7V \V. r\ r. Hud r. W; HM:*. M-.-K.r,:?*. ,1. C. 11?iyr>. A. F. .Ir.hr.-.-:, AMiTTr^lt^^VHi F?i{ III ?"s" r y. Call i'or S wirite me;i ?;t.?!!/?? ' 0)r military . ? rv: \- to be fill -! 1 etween .?rly r.th ?ir.fi I0:ri. exact dvu* ?(> be . 'r ov. In;? k. i*o ejirrain f r Crcenlen:. Ft. Os.io;hor;\>. Ca. .hr.vi; W-c'i r^'/txtv:! at-fj t?"-' . i,'.irV.fr iir.ust 1"- 4?upp!l>?-.l ?.?> . .r rf ac t rr*lir*:l*'.' , ? :?1! N . i'cr "7. ? 'V ! : ??.r*r. ' ? ? ? r r . I*mr?>e*? !* ?!* ? .? i:k ? I \ " ! . ; f a. .\. alJr.lv ' Tiw:^\ ill M. : " v v. y ]v. ' -I. r :r. f .:ch ! i"r<>tn tic ?v ? '.-l- t:t*-. \YM. ?! UT'lTl v'. ^?:r'ryjra. f OTT '.t.?N< ?il l-si: Ml!!.TIM.^ i l'rof. v?* ??:. winicmvf* A,?i^ant 'Unity .-rt :*.ri;tjx ^!>' ;'.I ? will 1 ' with til' :?? :.M I'ftD M.. ;f 15 A-ier.f ,t'.o ?.r>! -.-V. If:".Inly. W. .:c in tV.s i? ??'inty. I'r?.;. \*':w rtivi r V Iv v'id in af si--?t i*. .?! v... i ? v-:::v -c '.v ; > . lia vo da i ry p r-?:. ? 1 ?:?::i ? Tho ; tfz tn?'f?ir?.': jr v?> l<rvn ;for ctta-?' <i??? unt'i 'I'ne.Mliiv. ,1a I ?? 2nd. 10:^"* M. fn t 1 V M. Siim'v "r.s.k. ^v'cif'iMvray. Jm1> ?.f., I.iinri:^i' M. (j; ? Thursday. Jafy 4iV. 10;' ' A. M., |Flat Iloc'.c: p. m. Vinson. LIST OF l.r.TTEI.'S. j The following i.-; a list ot' l-t'ert-* re mninitti: in tl>o Post !, ?u!^ btirg. X. r. r..i? cnlle! !"i .1/ . : :t!?.' |1918: I Mr. I: U. I'.laclle. Mr. Oioi?*g, j Mrs. Joli g T.* Crocker. Mr. S. A. jKnowles. Mis? Itorsie Pnrl': i:?. ?-Ti"s' lieulah IVarco. Miss Pearii* Perry.! 'Miss Violet Perry, Mr. William T.j jTayfor. I Persons calling for any of the abuvo ? letters will plense state that they saw j them advertised. ' I R. H. DAVIS, I\ M. SALES OVER SEV ENTY PER CENT WAB SAVINGS STAMP DRIVE MEE TING SUCCESS. Much Interest Shown and Everybody Taking a Part?Chairman Yarbor* *^ough Much Pleased. In discussing the War Saving Stamps Drive yesterday Chairman Yarborough expressed much satisfaction at the success which the efforts of all the workers were meeting. He said that on Wednesday night Franklin had !purchased and pledged above seventy. per cent of the entire allottment and jiie-reii sure tliat when the final re ports were received on Friday night the cotinty would be safely "over the top." But this will not end the cam paign he said, as Qvery individual in the county must be seen, a subscrip tion. secured or their reason why must be reported. The encouraging part of tjve work is the fact that practically everybody is taking some stampB and Jhereby evidencing some interest. i A most worthy incidence waa the ubscription of Mrs. W. H. Thurring ton, who lost a son in the service, hav ing received a check Trom the govern ment for the last month's pay of her Jbqit, she stated she wished to invest it n War Savings Stamps end had n saving it for that purpose. 'Everybody In the .county is expect ed to meet at Ihelr school house" this t tternoon whioti'taeetlpg will end the t rive if not.the entire #oOc of tie sev al commlttftrt.'1'- : ; ' t-j. I harfe seated tfrwf say^ a few \r6res lo'ycrti as" hi ifrhat to me to t?eimmeans dB&l.v - '? L - ? fre are- tiro dutleto with which we face. Tlie firsCduty fs to win far. ? AnjKth? second duty that pand in hand with it. is to win it find worthily.?. To do this we Bo time to idle. -tqcently I was in Loulsburg, saw throp mebytanding on a corner. An other, came along, and one of the three said*to iiim "Do you reel like taking a cleaning up this morning." The re ply was Yciby c come cn 1 have ?wefe detrifc ?. oiling and across the street t lie four Loulsburg citizens "went. It is good to bo zealously ai jfectcc! alwaypjn a pood thTag. j After LojJsburg. <on busi ness of course as I'm a farmer) I am i Why don't the town nut a slop to such? We do need ?I;c(r labor j-o mueis. Farmers are forced \v:t!? the bisjgi?.?t i job t:\cy c ?ver known. A Jj'j jthey are -\z co \ ? :-n.?h1v to han?:k? iur.lc*.< tbe ???.\yn in J people tit: a j cur i:: larr ? :o ho!p. j ?iy fri- n'i. u -.\i' day'nf duty l a* no kind of * ;m fvi - fin-., it. T o j duty hot fru-'j ?.? .)] : ,.v is to work as a i ;cp!e. V" ?!?:??! we will or net. j we have rea^he?! i-? siajro whv n \w ? n>iis; :)lay a :? ? ' tho world. This . : v*?-?iT-,!t l/J. ji n; evtnt:j bee a iY.r<??d i:i"; :? po.-i:;?:n of j world po vv ijurir * the vi-u few yer.rs yiTTFT~Gnl> ?>., \ i 1 jt!;orouphly it:.-? two?', i' nt wc :*-*k t pence, not iv i'*o spirit ;* the w;::':i::7 's v.ii the orav?.i. : vi*: -the .v-'-urfl !fe:f-.Tn:I U nc? of tf> j.irt nan armed. - a r.\i;>:i::ir^ I lN?:i> \ Iioi. \ ; r i. | <M?b Kl'L '* 'IM.V. j Mr. Joscn- (. . .lin r.. / .?:.?? :.?r rOU , :ity Fatal A.'.Aiiti': .' ? ? i inf.i.T'.* its' hv i.a - ;.v., ' .. i. t.lv/ v ' Vcv.np. *?. !' ? .??'ill. lovn tsoin. io c'v" '? ;:r ?? ?'?> tav i ? ;l r, <n|: ' ..... v. up ?. ? . * .f ? s,. : - i'.y. July 1 : . ?\ s r N! i O. it will i:.' ?!tv ? - r to J-arr. v.:; K' re ? "1 .V -J. W real tnr^ "fiy o:????? -rrrvclM o. -m: ' ?. t ; ;|, ; i jdato rrer.;Tal " : ? ; *.? r-c . ir. t':- r:?r ? er ? ??:?! tl cy v. iJ] m. f v ' . ? ? < j.: : tr. ?' - !ing thro.'.u'li ?>. 1 j. | r?oui:>' :?'< ' i.3'" . ivv rr.d -.n !rttisilir-us i..;-:.* v : if ] .??. I with run :? ? ? ? - in* h-s l> en ;in =' ?r. KM i:Tn \ ^ ?*!'!.raten ON Dr. .T. K. .V:ii-r;e il.?? : .-Heal e*n:n iner of r!..- i .' ?hiV'*-.,r of Franklin had lv. .1 !:. '.Viii-'it ! irlist from lla'. i.*?'? a* ! !? 'tt-1 ;. j.sbur;r L' u lr ?! 1'onrt >inor? < hi ?!r ?m .] n for : i . and enl n .a-d mnoN. " work was quickly ati'l .?nf?with :io < asunlitios. "!*. ^ rii fiirty-four children who ' i/e be?* ; oporated on and relieved of e irotiblesome and dangerous condit'oriP. There .^ro a 1 gooil many'"more < hildn n in the coun ty who oneht i<? h-.i\v i-. < pb.ysical del feet# "removed. The doctor jnforms us . that he expect? to have Dr. Wright here ! in the near future and requests all | parents who wish to have their chil- j dren attended to. \i> c all ajjd see him J and arrango matters. MILITARY FORCE WILL BE IN AShP COUNTY IP ADVISABLE HOME DEMONSTRATION I>E PABTME.NT. (Conservation of Food by Substitu tion. Part II.) Foods depended on for Protein. Peas?Beans Meat and Meat and Meat Substitutes: Meat, fish, poultry, eggs. Milk, skimmed and buttermilk, cottage cheese, cheese, peas, beans, cow peas, nuts oafs, whootii =-s ?Clauoiflcmlun uf I'rutMln Foods Ac-' cording to market cost. Expensive?Round, loin and ribs of beef, loin of pork and mutton, ham. lamb, chicken, sardines,' nuts, oysters, eggs (?). Less expensive?Salmon, milk leg of mutton, cheese, tongue eggs (?). Least expensive?Cottage cheese, I beef liver, beef heart, beef corned, skimmed milk, butter milk, salt fish, beans, peanut butter, peas, macaroni, eggs (?). The government needs to export to our Allies beef, mutton and ' pork. Substitute oilier protein foods for these as far as possible. Tho per cap ita consumption of beef is 3.6 ounces, pork 4.5 ounces. This consumption can be reduced one ounce per day and an additional ounce be replaced by the use of all kinds of flsh; by the use Gf>. cream cheese and the use of poul try and eggs when the price is not Qj&hlbltive. The quantity of meat con TOimed may be lowered by one-half or more, and the quantity of vegetables used be doubled. In substituting one protein food for another certain things must be under stood. Protein foods arc the tissue {building foods. They are made up of ! different substances callel buildstones. j Some have all the rftones and arc call led complete proteins: .^ome are lack ing in one, two or more and are called incomplete or Insufficient proteius. Complete proteins?Beef, veal, mut jton. lamb. pork, poultry game, fis'.i, .cheese, milk, eggs. j Incomplete proteins?Beans, Soy i beans, wax beans lima beans, dried . peas. nuts, corn, wheal, oats, barley, 1 peanuts*. gelatin-. * --- ?*-" .? A child's diet must include milk and jOggs in r.ddftion to foods f und in the I??incomplete" lis?. Adults may use li lbrr.il amounts of the forfl.j found In /tie "Incomplete" H't a::r! a limited ;tomomu of tito.v Im ins 1 Iplcie" list. Rl'LICS TO RJIMEVDI-Tl. 1. Cerci*!* do not YI; cuh oihor OT !: ct i It eh* l"i;lrtiii5 c!o no; sapp!en!c*:t oac'j ctiur.% {iioi l:?lp ear:: otl:<*r f< r the 2 me rc?. 1-: truth*.?s r. rlirc:! with cc r t i.* ;.?;.ke ? ?r. >iv rearl* c.fl lint i- ? 'tin combination. ! 4. (?t l^.tl:: *i!pplfir?r.:* tl.o lad; ol -me of i''e building yieir:s i.. r?v.:t of Adj.-Gen. Young, En Route To Scene of Trouble, Confers With Commander of Winston Company NUMBER DESERTERS NOW PLACED AT FORTY They Are Keported To Be Armed and A 111'sL VUniu>nl Shot And Killed While Attempting To Arrest Deserter Named Dave Welch; Latter Dies of The Wounds Inflicted By (Joss In The Fight. Winston-Salem, June 25.?Adjutant General Laurence W* Young was here today enrout to Ashe county to confer with the exemption board of that coun ty about the enforcement of the Selec tive Draft regulations in that county. General Young communicated by long distance phone yesterday after noon with Col. J. C. Bessent. of the Winston-Salem Home Guard, which Is already organized and equipped with j rifles and ammunition to ascertain if ] the company is in a position to respond in the event assistance wa& needed In Ashe county. ^ Voting and Bessent Confer. Col. Bessent and Gen. Young confer red here while the train conveying the latter to Ashe county waited. General Young expressed himself as believing that force will be unneces sary to enforce iho reg^a^on? but in dicated that if necessary military law will be observed, if persuasion c'.iould fail to tr.ke care of the situation. Double Fatal Atfemps to Arrest# A message received here this after noon from North Wilkesboro says.that I Wmfield Gofs was shot and killed al jmcst instantly near Jefferson Sunday nljht when lie attempted to arrest an alleged de.serter name Dave Welcli; Ai'ter Welch had shot him, inflicting a mortal wound Gosa fired lour shoUr la to the body of the other man, who ated last night. ?^ Jim WeLcu-aiK^one Kart KaV? been"' placed in jail to await trial on the charge of aiding: an 1 r.hetting a i!eser ifc- -.o c*o:.pe. 1 7!.o m.n;l or o:' de^pr***" ?r!:}'to be ?; rn>'?'l a:.-! '1' -v!:'.k aire i i. A; i:e is .rlr.ceJ at forty. The :e^e.".c mi', k la at ? j?.: i or-on- r v -r Tv^ rryiptnr'ly - i# ? irnV-ut ?. t'i.'iT.* JV'V have wired !?: |-..,v r : ? .vi*- o;i:y r ? ? ??1 the ' *.'? ) Will of : riiVy-.?fih t o;-r?. : ?* :? >r V.'i'i. ? - ,;nn t\. !<:?? i f- .-r .?? i. ? .?i i ?. i ?' i.i? rorn IMUiV*t?* '? e 'j- ?it:': i; C.ialr ar 11 11 ..r j ???t V:. it .ice t' r. } Vp - i;t IP?1 J. '-K ir. I'm- iozuffl ? The ccmbihatJor. of any of tIic*o wi;h milk or cheese or rf7trj? or meal ^ TTfioIoai. Cottage c!:?.'c** co itr.Ir.s a higher per coinage of pr .tola than niO-"i meats, aiul is chc;?p*;r. K. C*f.. ii beans arc .to he !ho source 'of protein, and ilr-r* is'r.o moat ::r fchivpe in t lie diet lin: <!:?>*. i* would be '.veil io dress t .c -.r ; with milk or cheese sauce. .Vaijy p.iple aro fond oi tt:e flavor of a-?rt do not :Vel satis fied without if: :V. ? ?!?tv roa sjR every efforr sl.*.\iu K r::".ic to vv-nl l!:o flavor mcfc \ Ti" C.iiic Scho >1 r.i- ("i'h ar.l I? f*ri'_' ! Vir.onM r:;rJ.*?, I ;l;eld ; t Loilfrbiirp < o {!;?? **H?n?id v.'?': in July. A!! nv ?.!.;> p. (*? v nt two or ? .!? lays, will p!r *?* notify mo ar n:-.. . *i. i t*?n ut 'ri'npe for ciiionalrn"*? ??*. s.vr;r:. Ho::i" Art: ii I I AT L Fill* VOU NTU Ts I UK iiai, Tr.AiNi Opportunity t ? piv.*?* ?-*? ?-~?r mar Selool Graduate v ? 1* ? ?. i ! >?>:*:?.? experience aluii-j r ?. :::' . I lir '?*.< an*i st.nii? np'itii'M : ? i:< :;;*v*e.*i wor'k. jo enlist rot I. .?t:I> !. 1 !? iS. lot* instruction- i r-'i . :i A. rii-.iltur.'i! College. ( " : ?*?. < .. ? ? An:-) Trn-ic-'n'.on lj!a . '.:ryr. t. ;v 212?rtrleian/ rj. K 1 ? > ?p., t'>rs. Only ul.itc m? r: i!;.. ?; i.?! it:*'i? for general tnil- .-i ?-.If - i i apply. . Phis Is it fino oppo?" ',:.y to r? ? -y m?T ?wMiio.il trninlnj.*' f. ":-r : fr,r ?work in j'fiei* life nr.-! ; * :? ? - ?.? xprvo tlie Nation ii : *? \rt.y. Vr>? " 'j four (^ualifiorl m?";*. ?'??.?? apply v. ill ..(f-oplod for this caP. Apply at 1 'he Local I*o;:r 1 fr^r Franklin i onn*y. .* :<t putting the ahov^ t?? type we aro iiifurmrd tUnt the a!-cr.*e :.anjl?er !':?vo already voluntterfl an;l will en liain July lath. WM. H. RUFFIX. C hairman. isF.RYHF.S AT ST. I'M !.'S SIMIVY NEXT. Rev. Alfred S. Lawrence. Arrhdea |ron of the Convocation of UaletRh, will '.hold services at St. Paul's Church i [Sunday at 11 A. M. All aro cordially I invited to attend. jacks'>n T!u ? ::!.<? :i .? .'iaeni Jr. J s!?ur? Tv.ir?du.. r. T i ?? ilvi.t: Li* Mrs. Dora J;.t v.idov ?i; i -. . William J: ' ksoj:. wltirh i . i-.jrtv! ut liw Jiomc. ?j: - ?-n. V/. II. Vzzell, .? w.;V ;i u' i: ;:?> ! ?sorrow t'? I t iiiJii./ Irion.*- J*u:k -? i! *vp- r.'O'.'.f ?.* v. .ii; ur rr.e lor. v ivu :. }}?. .V<?mrn/L. it, ?>: /p ;:::ri W. !) . J * j L ai. - J v \<>;: ii- '! ? * :.or I* : SMSt i;-.-: frir ? ? 1U"> of J* 1! ?I ? - ?r^\ ?' . C. M. ? i-:i<l V/. ? f:r. ?.??? !??:?.?..! d" v ! j?vr xvf.j-fi jj. .?????? ai ? i" ft. ? ? ) 1:1 < r a ?>artV ?>!" in.: ju ? >' -r ?* p:? i*i:-: fi ? ?.?v? ?'?! ?./i V> :i? ? v." ' ?r. T .?.? r.s ?? * i . i". H. Mc-K V/. H. '.turY... v;. ??... si. s. ? m. '>. Y. Y r... A. Ti 4-. . M. ,S': -.r : ? |>r. j[. y t, ; i;k- 1,1 \i< .-?r hair. i On r.i' ? ..T >> Lima- -v \ c*?t ? aro. ? ?ij ? to'h' in Ti .-.T i* I !. Aro'i!:-! :! fi.rii ro -till r- Id; I-j;y ? n hi?r l?< w?:n. pure r* s:v>w, T!h* Mwete*t !lcwt r-; iliat *rrow. Kiss h*r and leave her our hearts delight; Her n :Ii? is over. sh<* sleeps to nirl'*." T!h? b'*ro{ivo?l f.inilfv nnd relatives have the sympathy of the entire com munity. r. T>.' r. MKETI> G. Th^ Joppph J! Davis Chapter, U. D. C., will meet atjthe home of Mrs. J. A. Turner July the second, promptly at five o'clock in the-afternoon.

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