r3&f's ?iiMi'NI __ ^ ? r . ?. ? , JL F. JotaMw jWWr and . THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION Subscription tlM fv Tm? ; <8 aaaw.iv THE BRITISH ATTACK AT ST. QUINT1N Village of Holnon, Three Miles West of St. Quintin ( Captured; field Mar hal Haig Reports. ADVANCE IS MACEDONIA i ^ Allied Forces Have Penetrated to a Depth of Oyer Four Miles on a FIf- . leen Mile Front. Field Marshal Haig, two months from the day of the allied offensive on the Marne, ha? begun a closer Invest ment of St Quentin. His troops; are attacking north we a t of the city with the evident intention of outflanking it, on the north. The new operations against this bastion of the Hlndenburg line follow the British capture of Hol non. village on high ground three miles northwest of St. Quentin Tuesday night. Holnon is on a h#l, as! is Mais semy, captured late Saturday. These ?hill positions, dominate the terrain north of St. Quentin and the road con necting the city with Cambrai. From these favorable 'Jumping off' points the British are moving ih to ward the city. Full deetalls of the oper lions still are lacking but undoubtedly the British will meet with stiff oppo sition. The Germans here are on or near the Hlndenburg posltioss and captured documents show the enemy troopsi have been ordered to maintain their positions. To the north the Germans are us ing their big guna actively against the BritiBh lines. Tuesday evening the Germans attacked Mouvrear, west of Cambrai and pressed the British back io the wejtern outskirts. Apparently i.:e enemy is determined to hold his 1 i'wAnd on the line between the Ssorpe * v.L*. the Oise. t.u-hwest of Metz the Germans have attempted to strike back at the Amer icans west of the Moselle river. The - American artillerymen, however, smfothered the enemy effort and the Germans were driven back with lostoes. The attempt to attack was made Tues .y \y evening and the enemy did not - . ^Alow up the repulse with any further moveniculb toward the American line. in Macedonia the allied drive is pro gressing. Serbian and French troops, after taking the important Sakol Ridge have pressed on nearly five miles on a front cf more than fifteen miles. The prisoners taken have reached 4,000 and thirty guns also have been cap tured. The early success of the allied troops may leiad to a general offensive in this area with the purpose o? cut ting off Turkey. A movement of this crush Bulgaria and free Serbia and a large part of the oppressed national ities of tho Balkans. London, Sept. 18.?British forces a.t =_taeked-^hlH~=mornThg north vTest of St. Quentin, according to an oiicial report from Field Marshal Haig, received at the war office this moring. The village of Holnon, three miles captured" by tho British, the field mar shal reported. _._A- German attack laiit evening at Mnnvroa, iinripr hPBvy nrHUnnv ppntftf tion resulted in the Britisn being push ed back to the western outskirts of the village. The statement reads: "Ag a result of our operations yes . terday on the southern portion of the ? battle front wo gained possession of ( Holnon village with several prisoners. "Thia morning our troops attacked northwest of St. Quentin. MYesterday evening the enemy at- . tacked at Bouvres under cover of a heavy artillery barrage and pressed qur troops to the outskirts of the vil lage. "By several local operations carried t out during the night wo pushed our , line shortly immediately north of La Basse Canal. r* ? * Paris, TUG8day? Sept. 17.?Allied forces on the Macedonian front have penetrated to a depth of nearly four and a half miles on a front of fifteen and one half mlle^ and have captured four thousand prisoners, according to a* official statement issued tonight by the war office. "Operations on the Macedonian front continued very successfully. The front through Sokola, Dobropolje and Vetren lk has been widened to twenty-five kilometers and the Allied forces have penetrated to a depth of seven kilo meters. ; tisonera to the numbeer of four thv ?and, Including a staff colonel, have been captured. Thirty guns, nu merous mine throwers, and machine guns and considerable booty have been taken. "The Siberian forces are die ing with i the French in courage and spirit." R*d Cross Work. The Lonlsbyrg Chapter of the Amer L lean Red Crosa had representatives oV [the local tobacco market last Friday Land again Tuesday, soliciting tobacco tfrom the farmers. Their efTorts were (wonderfully su^pessful from a finan *al standpoint, but even better from a tnerai.Reeling of satisfaction. This due to more than one reason. Not tly were the warehousemen cour ous and considerate themselves, and be buyers a splendid help and lnspl on, but the spirit that the- farpie^s owed vm a revelation. They gave gladly, And liberally, Cls & whole. Of course there were a few who did not respond fend for these we have no 111 |Will, only a hope that before this hor rible war is over none of their trtends or lored ones may: sufTer and die bec cauite they and others lika them, have 'not supported the Red Cross as they should. It is a blessed privilege far mers of Franklin County that the Red Crosls is giving you to* help send doc tors, nurses, medicine, surgical dress ings, hospital garments and hundreds of other necessities to our wounded men. Every uound of tobacco you give will g toward buying the articles that will save the lives of our soldiers and sailors, We deeply appreciate every thing that you have done to help this work whether you are a warehouse man, buyer, farmer, or just a well wisher; a sympathetic -understanding means' much. ./LOUISBURG CHAPTER, A. R. C. Revival Services. i The public is cordially Invited to Methodist Church in Louisburg. Rev. I A. L. Stanford one of the ablest and most successful minister In North Caro j lina, will conduct the service. The morning service ^fWl commence promp tly at ten o'clock and close promptly at eleven. The evening service will i be at 8:30 o'clock. There will be in spiring music, splendid preaching and | a gracious,1 opportunity. We invite i you to come and receive a blessing. N. H. D. WILSON, Pastor. Are You at Work! The following letter from Dr. a. C. ? Ford, Chairman of Committee on Em ploymcnt for Franklin County ex : plaind itself: | Mr. A. F. Johnson, Louisburg, N.C. Dear Sir:? ' Will you please announce . through your paper, thai In compll ance with the duties assigned the com mittee on Employment, of the Frank lin County Branch of the N. C. Council of Defense, I request that all County, and .City officer^, Employers, Farmers and all other patriotic citizens, fur nish me with a list of the following classes of men who live in our Coun lty:" 1. Men who have some income who are not working. I" i. immmmmmmmrnrnrnp ,40 hours a* weok. 3. Men who are not working at I all. ?^Thanking yon- lnfaavance r am ?- Yours truly, S. C. FORD. Chairman of Committee on Employ ment. o^TJefense. A Card of Thanks. i?The Loiial 14 c>A F d express^ gratcrui acknowledgment of the valued ?.nd j indespensable services of all the la dies and gentlemen of the town who so generously gave their Ir.bor Fridey, Friday night, Saturday and Sat urday night and Sunday in the accomplishment of the stupendous task of numbering, listing and copy ing the registration cards of the 2735 registrants of the County. An order wa?J preemptory to have the serial or red ink numbers assigned and lists made in offices of the Provost Marshal in the offices of the Provost Marshal General and State Adjutant General by Monday the 16th. Thanks to the unremitting labors of all, the Chair man was enabled to accomplish the task in the schedule time by driving over to Hendersbn Sunday night- so as to get the lists off in the night mail I which Is not taken up at Loulsburg or jFranklnton. I rPhere *,e repeated calls! for , volunteer work, but none can be more generously responded to than was the first in the man power Jjive now on In our country to hac* uj the boys on the other side in accordance with the War Department plans. Shearln?Walk?V. The following item was! taken from the Raleigh Times: .? Mr. and Mrs. John K. Walker, of 321 West Lane street, announce the marriage of their daughter Louallle P. Walker, to Bruc? C. Shearin, on September 13th, at Franklinton. The bride Is one of Raleigh's at tractive young ladies, while the groom is the popular young drug clerk at F. R. Pleasants. Both have many friends who extend congratulations. List of Letters. -37le following Is a list, of letters re malning in the post office at Loulsburg N. C., not called for Sept. 20, 1918. Mr. Lewis Allen, Mrs. Blanch Dunn, Mr. Brysle Frazer, Miss Iber Gills, Mr. W. F. Hill, Mrs. Josephine Hof kins, Mr. J. I. McKnlght, Mrs. Edna Perry, (2) Miss India Richardson, (2) Miss Martha Wood, Adftr Yarboro, * Persons calling for/iny of ^he above letterswlll please state that they s^w them, advertised. R. H. DAVIS, P. M. EXPIRED SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE DISCON TINUED By order of the War Industries Board all newspapers must on and after October 1st; discontinue all subscrip tions immediately upon expiration, unless in the mean time the subscriber shall have renewed and paid his subscription in advance of another, term. No choice is left to the publishers as to what they will do about it. They must obey the order of the Government in War Times^ike these. It makes no difference how good the subscriber's credit irfJTy be, nor how good he or she may have been to pay in the past. Unless their subscription shall have been renewed and paid in advance, before the date of expiration, for another term, it must be promptly discontinued at the end of the term for which it is actual-; ly paid. The time of expiration Of a subscription is the end of the period or term for which it is actually paid. This is the ruling of the Government. This paper does not want to discontinue a single sub scription for lack of full compliance with the order on the part of the subscriber. But as explained above, no choice is left with us as to what we will do about it. Compliance on our part must be full and complete. While the greater part of our list is always paid in advance, just at this par ticular season of the year and for the next few months to come a great many yearly subscriptions are expiring every week. Your subscription, dear reader, may be one of them. Look up the date on the little label which ap pears on your paper. It shows the exact (late to which your subscription is paid. Our admonition; is to govern yourself accordingly if you would not like to miss at least a few copies of the paper. If you have any reason to believe there is any error in your account take it up with us before October 1st that it may be adjusted. But don't forget- that so far as we know the label on your paper bears the correct date and that will be the determining factor with us on October 1st. May tbtre be ooo* upcnlMted"?Woodrow Wilson SEPTEMBER 21HOHOR HAB M) Counties That Have Received War Savings Honor Flag* Requested to Raise Them September 21 Count to? that have reoe+veit fhelr War S*rtnf? Honor Flags, or will have received them by September 21, ara requested to celebrate the oocar ?Ion by holding a patriotic rally on that day at the oounty seat. Ool. W. H. Flies, State War Savings Dtreotor, ?rte? the chairmen of every oooaty ?which will bay? on mat day a 10? per cent War Savin*? record,?? rec ord that the d tirnem of the oounty harv* pledged themselves to bny their CuU quota of War Saving? Stamps be fore January 1, lilt?to emphasis? tkte eertdence ef their patriotism- for the Inspiration it will havs for a con tinued and even greater service through the War Savings campaign. While tiio chairmen of each county win make the plana for his oounty'i celebration. Colonel Pries suggests that patriotic spseohee, music, pa -ade? and a ptcalo dinner be made mu of the feature?, and that every patriotic clttsen at tka oounty be In rtted to attend. As the War Savin?? Honor Flag rep resents a? ys* o air tb? pledged vic tory of any oounty. ta the War Sav ings Oainp?lgn. Jfc* occasion of rale in? the ooantjr's Honor Flag should bo used to Impress upon tho mind? of the people the Importance and vaiue of their redeeming theflr pledge? m soon as possible and increasing them to the full extent of their abiMtf to buy. lit Is beliered that oeunty cinUr men oaa turn to good aocoant ttita ooc?a>aa acid should Ion no Um? la making ti Mr plana for tta suoces* The Honor Tal? It sigfet f?et krtiW bT feet vide kad to similar t? d? Rlsrn to the National Sarrloe Kal g. In the large wfclta center t? pteco of tho stara are the blue letters and figure? "W. 3.i8. 100%". TMa ftac should b? j raised either on th? flag pole Just W- j neath Old Glory, or on a separate lag I pole erected on th* Court House or j the Court House grounds (or tki* I purpose. To date sixteen oountles have *? i certred their War Savings Honor j Dace. These are Wtloon, Martla, j Oreene, Pitt, Jones, Psrqnimaofc Rdgeoomhe. Nash. Lejiotr jVankltti Forsyth. Cabarrus. U"*4wlt. tTutoa, Henderson and Oaten, oAp oonntles are expectldf ta rati? Am fall quotas and pledgee and to receflfe thedr Honor Ma* by September H. ' PRICES STILL HIGH )n the Loulsburg Tobacco Market Demand Remains Good. The sales on the local tobaco mar ket the paBt week have been especlal y good. with a good strong demand or all grades. On Wednesday the ndtcatlona were that the prices had aken a drop, but the sales yesterday ailed to conflrmjhese conditions. Th6 Rrarehousemen as wejl as the farmers v ho were on the sales seemed to be nore than well pleased. Try Louisburg with your next load. Veteran* Reunion. The annual reunion of the K. M. Mc Kinney Camp of the Conrederate Veter ins was held at the Court House Tuesday. The os. J. Davis Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy ' spread a most bountiful dinner which ill enjoyed. The Camp held its busi nesv meeting in which suitable reso lutions were passed concerning the death of the Chaplain and other com rades; Rev. Charles Malone, was elec ted Chaplain to fill the vacancy, trhd arrangements were made for those who plan to attend the Reunion at Tulsa, Oka., and the secretary waa instruc ted to undertake the organization of a chapter of Sons of Veterans for Frank lin County. Rev. N. H. D. Wilson then read a beautiful paper which had been pre pared by Mrs. J. E. Malone memorial of Rev. Geo. M. Duke and paid a feel ing tribute to the courage, skill and heroic struggles of the men of the Sixties. In the fciagnlficent daring and almost marvelous accomplish ments of the American soldiers1 in Europe she saw a reproduction of the spirit of the olde^day, they are worthy sons of noble sires. A prayer was offered by tho new Chaplain. The splendid dinner enjoy ed and then followed a Reason of broth erhood in which hands clasped hands in memory of the days long gone. At the request of Commander Alston brief but inspiring talks were made by W. H. Ruffin, Esq., Capt. T S. Collie, Com rade J. J. Allen and Chaplain Malone. Though every heart was sad because of absent facest it was a time of rich comradeship and high joy. What the Red Cross Is Doing. Kipling, N. C., Sept. 10. Mr. M. N. Matthews has received the following letter from his son. Murphy N. Matthews, who was seriously woun ded in action August 1st: "August 8, 1918. "My Dear Father: "I am now in the hospital suffering from a wound received the morning of "Tell mother not to worry about me, | for I have a mother over here, the I Red Croks. I can never say enough iif i Its behalf. The nurses are as kind to ?ub as any mothe could be to her^own | son. They go day and night to com fort ns. I cannot aee how they can do so much work. They seem to be tireless workers. As to the medical attention I do not think we could get better anywhere and everybody is 30 kiud to us. "Your affectionate son, "MURPHY." The above is an extract taken from a letter from a soldier in France show ing -what the Red Cross isf doing. Lets make the work stronger. MRS. J. A. TURNER, Pre*. Louisburg Chapter, A. R. C. Special Notice. On account of the memorial ser vices to be held at Maple Springs Sept. 29, The Franklin Union will be post poned to a later date. C. C. WILLIAMS, Moderator. Services at St. Paul's Church Rev. Alfred O. Lawrence, Archdea con of the Convocation of Raleigh, will hold services at St. Pauls Church Sunday next morning and evening; j evening service at 8:30. The congre gation of St. Paul's are greatly disap I pointed that Rev. Mr.' Nugent, of Mary j land who had been called and accepted j the call Is unable to come because of j the refusal of his bishop to allow him to leave the diocese. In Memorlum. In the work and whirl of the present ay events, when demands on theheart? and brains ofour people aro most im portunate, when we grow 3ick with horror at the atrocfc>us crimes in the world, and utterly weary of its deadly strife, it is mete and right that we should sometimes let our memories drift back to the days of the past. (There was a time when our own be ! loved land was rent and torn by a -fratricidal war. We would not recall rlie bitterness of those days. On the .vtie-fields of far-away France there are brave .Khakl-clad boys of the North and South. Those r.re fighting side by side under the same flag and for the tjame great Cause, and for the sake of these boys, we would remem bfcr the big things in the years of the Sixties. We would dwell only on the bravery and "allegiance to duty on one ftide, and .the invincible courage, the heroic self-cacriflce and sublime endur ance of the other. It is to sho^r you, the survivors! of those hard, bloody days that we do remember youx gal lant deeds, and do love you for what you suffered and bravely bore, and hon or you for your rfteacJTast fidelity through the. 7earsi that have passed since then, ' that -we have met to-day. It la wltTS' saxT hearts we note the ab - V ? . Bence of some who, from year to 76^r, have been wont to gather with ua here, T key have answered the "Last Roll Call?they have passed over the river to rest Inthe shade of the trees. Tie life of Rev. Geo. M. Duke, the Chaplain of this Camp, was so full of the real beauty of work and so rich in its har vest of sheaves, that a memory of him will .rest like a benediction on us all. The strength of his youth and ear-\ ly manhood was heroically offered to his home and counry, and when to our gallant men in gray, the command w