ONLY #1.5? PEK V K A It IN ADVANCE ] The Franklin *? '? """ "* ? THE COUNTY, THE STATB^HEUHIOH _ r? VOLUME XLYII. LOUISBl'KG, N. C., K1MI1AY, OCTOHKK M 1JMS ? ? ? MMKK] AN ADVEBTX?DWf;" MEDIUM THAflf BEINGS RESULTS o GERM?U>EACE OiTET PROMPTLY REJECTS Text of Note By German Chanc*,!? ? ; (ti President 1'nifi*ii t ? States Amsterdam. Oct. G.?Tlio text of i' o note wfo.r varded by the i trt per i al Gvr . man ? hanc-Uor, Prince Maxlniillian, lo Vre. iclent Wilson through the Swi:*s rovvTiiinent follows: ? * T11 o German Government request-; i lie i'rc.>ident of the United States to take in lian,i the restoration of peace, iicquriut a'l the belligerent states of t!:!;. and Invite them to send plenipotentiaries for the purpose of o\ c'A*ri negotiation,*. "Jt iu"opT.f. the proc?T?m tiot forth by t lie 1 iOoidcnt of the United States in his message to Congres on January 8 and in hi later pronouncement:'?, es pecially his speech of September 27, as a basis for peace negotiation5. "Wflli a view <o avoiding further bloodshed* the tit rman isovernment re C|i fc.-ts the imniedfc'e end .tsion of a:i armistice on land and water and iu the air* It is announced that Turkey will tefc?* a similar step. Tiais- iN Proclamation to the fiorm Army an(i Nary. TV.R.LIN. Oct. G.? (Via Rasel. Swit ze.rlj'nd).?Emperor William today is sued a proclamation to the German ar m" and Navy in which, after announc ing that the Macedonian front had crumbled, he declared that he had de cidrd in ac cord with his allies, to again offer peacj to the enemy. The text of ilie Emperor's procla v..-*.;ion reads: ? "or months past the enemy with '.mom exertions an(* almost with ? vuse in the fighting has stormed y t. your lines. In weeks of strug g':. -en without repose, you have had t.> ] and resist a numerically fis* . :p. rior enemy. Therein lies the grc -'nevB of the task which has been v you and wliiih you are fulfill in Troop? of all 'he German, states a:v :*o'ng th^ir part ard arc heroically! <k. -idtng tl"? fatherland on foreign' 1 Hard Is the task. !j'y. naSy is helping its ov. n against, t/.-^***'trd rr--my naval forccs unwaveringly supporting tile army in it ;? ii 'Icult rtm.TRle. "7h?? eye-, cf tl.ose at home rest with rrv.. nd a dm i rati j :i on tr.e deed.: of t-e and navy. I express to you t'-.o 1 ank i of myself and the father land." fcOnly An Honorable Pea-re.** "Yhe collapse of the Macedonian front has occurred in the midst of the hardest strugale. In accord with our allies I have resolved once more to offer pe?ce to the enemy, but I will r-1- ex'-end m v for an honorrble who -have Ia!il downtt.eir lives for th". iaiherland. nnd we make that our duty Lo our children. Whether arms win ne uwend i* e ruerticti. Until then "o must no* slacken. We must, as hitherto, oxen ail our rer.viv. jarily to hold our r;rotr. d against the onslaught of our enemies. "Thq^hour is grave hut. trusting in your .atrrngftli and in God's gracious v. n f p<irs>--lves strong enough to defend our beloved fatlieriand. (Signed) "W1LH Ef^I" It*8 the Next Step of a Losing Trader Each Tlmr Coming Nearer to Meet the Demands of IIis Adversary WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.?German's newest peace ofTer?propositi!; an arir. iatlco while President Wilson consid ers and conveys to the Allies a propo3 al on the basis of terms laid down by the President himself?had not reach ed Washington in official form tonight and there was therefore no authorized statement of how it was regarded by , the Unites States. EFFORTS TO SAVE SOMETHING, FROM THE WRECKAGE Plainly, however it was recognized as the next step in the continung ef .forts of the German statesmefl to sav^ something from the wreckage of their j dream of world domination, .the step : which might he expected trtjm a los | ing trade r who makes his proposition has it rejectee and offers his next best each time coming nearer to' the de j mands of his adversary, meanwhile en deavoring to hold out In the hopes of getting the hest. terms he can. NO COUNCIL TABLE QUIBBLING. I It hardly is taking a position in ad ; vcnce of the American government to say that If the present proposition ^tenlfles Germany's unqualfled aceep I Jlice of tho four principles of peace laid down by Pres. Wilson in his | Fourth of July speech at the tomb of | Washington, it will be considered. If It doesn't; if an acceptance "In prin | ciplo" with savng diplomatic language j p;r. npr the way for quibbling around i a - . uncil table, it will not be consider, ed. IT IS NOT GERMANY'S DEAL Those terras accepted by all the Al I lies ah their own, the President com 1 pressed into a single sentence. "Reign of law based upon the con I sent of the governed and sustained by the organized opinion of mankind." They provided for the destruction or reduction to virtual Impotence, or any arbitrary power capable of dis turbing the peace of the world; the settlement of every question on the basis of the interest of the people con cerned, and in effect a league of na i tO eJilOIVG pcuco. CCL'i'T WILSON TERMS MEANS ? i > 1S A R M A M KXT In the offer of Prince Maximii . . :,e non* Imperial Chancellor Co/ wii!5r, - to accept loose term ) .'liii'iruU ,* of t!lo world is .-cr I- s-p^alis not alone. bv? .. mll.iary muter* v? Germany 'tonco, the next logi? al . ten ? mild he the withdrawal of every Cor man from ov>,i? too; of oc*".p!o'l t ?I.ory. l*ro:u -tlrat point the Allies might begin to test t lie sincerity of Grcmany's willingness t?> conform* to ilio world peace preserving program WASHINGTON SCORNS SCGGIIS T ION OP ARMISTICE No 5m TVashinrtnn. even v* m'icb gives a though? to any proposal that the victorious troops of Great Lritaln. France. It?'y and the United | Siates should halt in an armistice | while a "discussion" is conducted.: There might be an armistice of the same nature as .v..* given to Bulgaria.i an armistice of unconditional ' der. When Austria proposed a peace no gotiation the official vie,v was sum med up this way: "Austria Is breaking; that is the time to hit her hardest, not the time to talk peace." ALL PTHACIl OFFERS MUST STAND I THE ACID TEST There is nothing to indicate that 1 the view ha:j been changed. No one here doubts that sooner or later Ger ! many is going to make a peace offer that may be worth considering. (None 1 of the Allies wishes to ar-sirme the responsibility erf"prolonging the w?r a- day longer than is necessary to in sure the future peace of the wori.: Therefore, it is realize,i that offers of peace .are not to be rejected "before they are examined. Prince Maximi! lian's offer with those said to be com ing simultaneously from Austria and Turkey will go under the sarao aci test which has been applied to p.'l t', others. If it fails to stand the test it will go the way of all the others. THE LAST TRY - AT DIPLOMATIC DISCUSSION Germany h?r-elf fr. nartlciprtine for mally now for the first time ill an open ?"d direct proposal of peace. The move is believe^ to mark the be Tinning of the last phrase of the effort to substitute* diplomatic discussion for military operations before the Allied and American armies crojs the Rhine and give German soil a taste of what has happened to Belgium and North cr:i trance The proposals even may be a little more specific than of ficials o? the American government had expected as a sequel to President Wilson's flat rojection of Austria's request for secret and non binding discussions, but apparently no one her<? is ready to conclude that the Kaiser's ?ow rnv>ve;ii has reached Kthe point n::: ling tTic only terms upon which lheir enemies are willing to lay down i heir arms. :;<) REAL CHANGE TV GERMANY, DESPITE MAXIMILL1AN Officials, who informally say tfcoy find no reason fort hinking peace will he brought appreciably nearer by the latest developments, point to the pre* cut situation in Germany and at ihe battle fronts. They say there has been t.unreal change in control in Germany ttre call <>f Miniimir.;*.:> ' ti e chancellorship with r. cabinet eluding social democrats and cler Ichls; that reverses on the we -t fr?>nt and tie defection of Ru:?aria brought :vbos:t t!?e?e suporfieal (har.ges but t'.iN t f'ttal power still lies with the Katrf.' -id hi.* war lords who will keep env* iirom'.^s made on paper or around the council table only so long ::s they ?rc forced by superior military power. They emphasize the fact that the German .?till p.ra following their old Hun like churics destroying cities an:] towns in tlic^ir retreat more ruthlessly than fhey d iT in their, ad vancc. and showing no evidence of a realization that the day of reckoning is at had. Text of President Wilson's Communi cation h? (Jerman Chancellor Wax! m 111 Ian, Washington, Oct. 8.?The text of the communication handed to the Charge of Switzerland here follows: Sir:?I have the honor to acknowl edge on behalf of the President, ?our note of Octobe.r 6th, enclosing the com munication from the German govern- ; ment to the President, and I am in- i structed l>y the President to request J you to make this communication to I the Imperial German Chancellor: | " 'Before making reply to the re-; quest of the Imperial German Gov ernment, and in order that the reply shall be as candid and straightforward ? as the momentous interest Involved I require, the President of the United I Slates deems it necessary to assure! himself of the exact, meaning of the note of the Imperial Chancellor. Does the .Imperial Chancellor mean that the Imperial German Government accepts the terms laid down by the President in his adtress to the Congress of the United States on the 8th of January last and and in subsequent addresses and that its object in entering into dis cussions would only be to agree upon the practical details of theft- applica tion? Enemy Most FJrat Withdraw From All Invaded Territory. "She President feels bound to say with regard to the suggestion of an armistice that tye woflrld not-feel at / S T- TST. :>A!T workers of franklin .. .: v '-v. Lir. r:.;lu and ,.rc 'IEit, boys .-?.Tj are inters jied in ?. J F. '.'/HO ARE CF~3?.'";J3 .. "..:vl::;fcru3. : ;i' ; iiU\ .? *: 1! i::..d;* i ur. I i 10 IT UUIl!] i. i J, r ti V | .oau v ...j .. :.i jI . . ...... i :my; publip sj.u- r-.n-> had been it; ?'??'.i;, 'i i? i ' > i:. iip. J 'or till' piv u;i .ins caiuli iuiif.ii. :hiih>i n; . i i', i. i.iti as iiic B^feril <>i on lit?? 11: i o! '.i. ! .'i : u oidcr prolii; puhlic .-i ,.si ki.l.l; ..lis was ilOli? as a lilt of the n .pid spread ?>;' ;.-><? i . .iutts diseasiL Spai i -'i Inll'vnza. "\Ve 1:? Ml !:i:V. Vvl' .?How this cjffldition preVCllt Ur.r v i.: kih;: will; inot eilefgy ihan : cv. . in ic;'ttiii;< Franklin C'<"T::?1 - v> pir*< i>:isc* its share of 1! =?? Iminh. Wc iveoiniuend and 't.fteiii!/ request the \v< ??!<<? rs in each township to lamx'-h a house to house canvass. Do not let your people be d-.-c; i ! by the pea&j mow 011 .lie part of tlic Kaiser or 1 the. idea that the end of tin- war is at hand and the necessity of providing for our soldiers will soon cease. >J| Til your house to 1m.canvass appeal to vonr people voin two standpoints: 1. The value of the inves?tm<iit. 2. Our boys in France miist have tliis help. Remember every time we b?y a bond "we are niuking it more possible for our bovs to come bajwc to us at an early date and whole in body. To make tb% loan a success is as much our duty as is the success orlour arms in the threat conflict that is now waging. Tnere will certainly be no let 1171 in F'-nnco and Flanders s&wc must not per* mit any let up at home. Please write the First National Ban^j Louisburg, N. O. tlie result of your house to house campaign.' A CALL TO SERVICE. The prevalence oi' the disease known a&frpaiiish Influen ;:a has createu a very nrzent need for ndjidB in our Coun ty. The services of trained-mrrses aTt^infrtieSflyTmnb-* tainable at thi ? lime on account of the many call.s upon tliis prof<:-si;n, but there- are many good and competent woiu> n in every community who can render service that will save lives and relieve great distress. Competent persons who are willing to serve as volun teer nurses or who are willing to accept employment as nurs'-s should notify the ladies in charge of their local hi?.neh of the Ked Cross or Mr. E. L. Best, Chairman of the Civilian Relief Committee, or Mrs. S. P. Burt, at Louisburg- X. C. Arrangements will be made for special instruction to etv stands ready to render such aid as may be in it's power. E. H. MALONE, Chairman, Executive Board, T.ouis bnrg Chapter- American Tied Cross. -j r., . j. j c ".?.r w'?h ?*i-h 1'?? rnvc'%n*^rt '-f t' i? 1'nlt <? State? *? rr ?r;-*a?o;l P^ninst tir* ( Po^r? -i !i?T? a* ih^! .rn'Vf nt 4' o o pc/er :?T(> uoon tl.olr soli. TI e tiood o( a*'y dlfcu" a1o:i would n]^nifp*t!y 'c npor * consent of t h? Ccrtr.l Pfuv:i.. r&tt to *vith-,raw forces tvcrywherj from invaded t-rr'.toxy. "Mv,Tl:e President also feels that he fs Justified In asking wl ether the Im perial Chancellor is speaking merely for the constitute^ authorities of the Empire who have so far conducted the war. He deems the answer to these questions vital from every point c view. " 'Accept, sir, the renewed assur ances of my high consideration.' "ROBERT LANSING." v Red Cross Contributions for Last Week. Again it becomes our privilege to thank our farmer friends for their lihoral contributions of tobacco. Your gifts will help to win the war. and wc must win it in a way that will enable us to look our heroes in the eye when they return, .and say, "we were T*r4th you to the end." When a Hun yellf^ "Kamerad" with a grenade in one han<j and a gun Tn the other, our boys stick him with a beyonet. When he throws up his empty hands, they accept his surrender. The Kaiser Is yelling Kamerad while he burns Camhrai and deports the French inhabitant* of Metz. A few weeks d<May will put hi ar mies back in shape to kill more of our boys. We must not give him a chance. Don't fall for that 'Kamerad stuff. Help while help counts. Give the way our boys are fighting?to the limit. Contributions received last week were as follows: Union Warehouse 622 lbs, $191.4ft Riverside " 473 lbs. 134.50 Planters " 540 lbs, 177.141 Total ' % 1535 lbs. $503.04 Yours for winning the war. j Louisburg Red Cross Chapter. MRS. O. F. Y.rKIXXE, Chairman. Ttr.' t m** t ii> Mu Pilrfcfl?e*. i T!v Lo:iM>t?r?* ReV. Cross Chapt?! jha* receive1 |be irfjrmatlon. from , I'/.n'n.irriprs. that plana have benn i f'*i mult *.ed l;y the War Department, ; iVvtr.l Authorities. a\d H??l Cro:^, ,w!ioi\hy e*? *ry man |u the American |l)xpP(iitio!'j i y l'cnefl will receive a irlir!cima4 package from homo. As the R'd < rt:ss is to furnish boxes of J standard si'c for these packages and j is to ntteuti to the inrpecting. wrap ]p:ng an^ mailing of each one. and a* [November lath is the last date on ' which any package may he'mailed, j yon can readily see that prompt ac tion will be necessary for this task. Before anything else can be done, it is absolutely necessary that an ac curate estimate be made of the num ber of boxes needed in each Chapter's Jurisdiction. It is very important that not a sinnle soldier be overlooked. All Chapter estimates must be in the Division office by October 20th at the very latest, and the standard boxes will be shipper not later than No vember 1st. This is a tremendous opportunity j for service that the Government has j given the Hod Cross, and it is impor tant that the Loulsburg Chiipter Just i i ties by its efficiency in handling this matter the trust that has been placed tin us. Will you heelp by sending the | name of any member of your family 11 hat is now overseas, or who will bo by Christmas: and In order that not lone Franklin County boy may I ?? lef lout, or made to feel he has been fo - 'gotten send his name and address at to -^TRR. J A. TURNER. Chalrrfian Louisburg Chapter. A. R C Canton. Ohio. |s stirred ovrr the dis appearance ?'f a candidate for '":iyor. The strange feature of the case fs that he disappeared before the elec tion. I Anyhow. Iloston sjioufd worry. The i bean crop is a recoTd one. The new French minister of foreign! mi**sioifj i? niyned Ytoulllon. Sounds | good. i:\sh;n john nkal K ml CuilJo While oil ltattlc*llip IVriu sylvanla Sunday liody Arrived in Lou!:>hi)n? Last Night? Funcr::! 'Mils Afternoon. . T! i* r.e\f.- of the death, of Cn-fgn Jthii W. \e?;: tvu hero ou Monday c: i a gloom o < r the <. ntiro commun iiy. Ho was o::o ot l/ouisburg's must popular young men. whose ffentleman ly eouduvt and genial nature made him a favorite among all his acquain tames. T':e telegram r,tated that he died ; t, sva from pneumonia on Sun day... 1 Ur? 'remains were landed at Norfolk and shipped to LouJshurg yes tcrday, arriving here In ,t nl??ht, and were taken lo tl\? me of his moth r on Main street. The deceased v.-a 3 a son of the late W. I*. Ne-1. and Mrs. Ann?e W. Neal. ? and is survived by Ills mother, on. i brother, Mr. "William Xeal, a member j of the Naval Aviation Section, an,! two sisters, Misses Fannie Xeal and Annie Perry Xeal. He was twenty two years , old, and was graduated from the Naval Academy at Annapolis in June, and immediately wm aaaigned tcrtfrt" Bnt tleship Pennsylvania. i The funeral services will be held at the cemetery leaving the home on Main ?treat r.t 3 o'clock. an,i will be conducted by Bishop J. B. ?'? o.' lialeigh. The remains wil t erred in the family plot at Oaklawn cemetery. The pallbearers will be Messrs J. M. Allen, 1"'. B. McKinne. W. M. Person. E. H. Malone, E. L. Best. \V. H. Uuffin. Among those from out of town were Governor T. W. Bickett, of Raleigh. All business houses ill Loufsburj; doped durics the funeral In respeit " 1 11 his SLA I KKW (I3y Miss Falicr Gay) Klnki I:* the color. Khaki is the atyle Khaki is what every boy should wear. When iiis country is in despair. Vnele Sam lias a job for you i So take jt and work like you ought to do. G!rU If .your Jw?au ??< a nlaeker !'?>. not ?Mit??;i*m any more. ? U-.* h r.'it a ro-pociabfe man Sv- In li :n use h's o v n plan. \o (Virf Ne\l Week. 1 S'u r!T H A. Kearney is in receipt of !et!er .Yoiu Judge Calvert sta:iu^ sla t after n r. Ici**ring the health con 'ditior.s of tn? County it '.?as been de cided to continue nil rases and .10 (Tift wil' be ? eld. except for niakiig | t!i^prop'*.' uHrles in all continued curcs. A3- ?'t? ndants should bo o'jre Itn attend i?i order to renew bonds He has be?*n instructed to notify the jj'irors they need not attend. . . This act.oa .? no doubt made at ?h? [request of the County Board of Health which ordered all public gatherings (closed and also asked that the Court 1 next we"ek In? continued. Voluntary Inductions Into S. A. T. i The Local Board for Franklin Conn ty has given out the names of the foT lowing young men who have voluntar ily been inducted into the Students Ar my Training Corps, at the several col leges in the State. , 1 Arch Perry. j _ Norman Hedgepeth. ! Frank I^essle* F'erry. Fontaine Murray Cralle. William Haywood Ruffin. Jr. Kenneth Clark Hawkins. William Kearney Alston William?, f'urtis L. Weathers. ? lyde Peebles Harris. Jr.. seed over thoroughly that all the 'seed Is moistened, then shovel the see,i into a pile and cover with sacks for four to ten hours. Sow at once or I spread the seed out to dry. !COPPER Sl'I,PHATE TREATMENT FOR STICKING SMUT OF WHEAT Dissolve one pound of copper sul ' phate, blue vitriol or blue stone, in i four gallons of water. Either , dip tho seed in this solution or sprinkle, using the same methods as indicated for the I formaldehyde treatment. It Is, how ever, unnecessary to cover* the seed after treatment; instead, sprea^ it out at oncfe to dry o^ sow immediately. t M *. I I ULIC (?ATHtHlNOS Jliuutes 01 Mtietliiir of Count* Hoard o:' iii'iiSth ol* t i ;iii k I iii Count)'. -.1 u meeting o:" the County Board of Health held in Luuisburg Monday an oi\L?.r ivas pj-sed clo.;;?ig ali pubiic ij prevent an a possible t lie sprea.i of Spanisa luiluvii >::i. Tiic Kfsolulioii, A; u ??i 1;l4| iiicoiinK of tile County Hoard of Health of Franklin County, Ij'.'ld at Lcui; bv.rx, N. C%. .Monday, Or to'.*er A. 'D. lt?is the following jres oluiion .Nva-j paaiiod by said Hoard, a quorum being present and voting liiereon. to wit:? " Whereas the prevalence In the Coun ty and State of the disease known as Spanish Influenza, in the opinion of the health authorities of the State con . titu'.ea a menace to the public health and welfare of the County aud State: . And whereas upon the advice and council of the Stale Board of Health .and the County Superintendent of Health it is deemed necessary for tho interests .of the public kcaltji and wel fare to prevent all public gatherings of any nature in t lie county: i Therefore be It resolved and it fs hereby ordered that all public gather .ings of any kind be an,i the same is hereby prohibited until such time as in.the opinion of this Hoard the epi dcmic of Spanish Influenza shall have abated to such an extent as to const! lute no menace to the public health and to this end the schools of the County are ordered ciose^ to public attendance and all church gatherings theatrical entertainments, moving pic ture shows, carnivals, fairs, circuses, or any other public gathering of any (kind be an,t ahe same are hereby pro i hiblted. It is further ordered by the Board (that these minutes be published in the 'Franklin Times and that the proper ? County and Town Officials be directed 'to put said order into effect and to I enforce such penalties as are by law 1 provided for any violation of said ! order. JOHN D, ALSTON. |Chairman. o( County. Board of Health. | Attest: Treatment for Seed Wheat The following; bulletin has been is sued by the United Stales -Food Ad , ministration regarding the treatment of seed wheat: It is moat desirable that the farmers be eauiioned against sowing wheat that has any smut contamination, with out treating it. The method is-simple and inexpensive. Following is a ver ihatim copy of a bulletin on the sub ject by a College of^Agrlculture of tiie State of Missouri: '??v m\j Wheat heads affected with cohered : show the jinnies <>r flight? ly pushed apart with a dark colored ?grain between. T!ie grain is really a smut ball, which on being crushed, Ircaks up into a large number of min nte dust liko particles, tho smut t-po/es. These have a very disagree al l? odrr. The pores, when the smut ball Ishroken, get on the soun(t grain sir.d produce infection when the latter i-^ planted in th?i noil. To prevent t -'.it lii-1?po <? ? <-'i ti* ? r! m be? k .led. All oi the >n\ut balls mu t be ,r mow-.!, for the pores in these are . i.-'t killed by t ie treatment.?. They a"cfl' My broken In drilling opera-fons j.':*! lisico !!vn* contaminate tho led. | Do li'.t confuse tli?? covered or stink ? ink smut of wheat with the loose J t ruU. The loose smut destroys the ? .vheat bend at flowering time At ihnivest time only a naked stalk U j found. Loose >mut cannot be controll .?".1 by the tot miildebyd- or copp'-r puI I phate trcuiim ats. i TORMAJ J)EH V D1C TRKAT M UN V b Hv STINKING SMUT OF A H K AT Th<* solution of formaldehyde used I for treating stinking smut of wheat is ; made by using one pint or one pound I of commercial formalin (guaranteed ]40 per cent solution of formaldehyde) j to forty gallons of water. Use either the dippinp o?. sprinkling method. One ? gallon of solution is sufficient to treat 'one bushefl of grain by either method. CAUTION?Do not put treated seed on a smutted floor or in smutted sacks .nor sow with a smutted drill. Smut l*od s.irks should be soaked for thirty j min ite? in a strong solution made by | putting one pint of formalin in ten gallons of water. Bins, floors and [drills may be scrubbed with this I strong solution. 1. DIPPING?Take two half barrels or tubs with holes and plugs near tho bottom. Place one tub on two saw ? horse* and fill two thirds full with the solution of fi i maldehydt Pour slo?v bushel of wheat seed, stirring tlior oughly for five to ten minutes so that the smut balls, trash, etc., will reach the surface. Skim this "material off, then drain the solution into the sec ond tub. * Pour the seed into a pile on tho floor. Kxchange position of tubs and repeat the operation. Cover the treated seed with sacks for four to ten hours. Sow at once or spread the seed out to dry. 2. SPRINKLING?Remove smut balls, trash etc., from the see^ by thorough fanning. Spread the seed out on the floor or wagon bed in a lay er four to six inohes deep. Sprinkle the solution of -formaldehyde, using a watering can, on the seed. 8W>vel the . - /? v

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