THE FRANKLIN TIMES A y JOHNSON, KilJtor >???* Mniiaucr O. J. HALE Assist..:il Manage* ~ ?TAP. DRJP >? Mr. G. A. Hicks lgft Tu ? ? :* .? Bal I timore. Mr. J. D. Hlnea, of Wilmington, was a visitor to Louiburg Monday. Mr. R. G. Allen, of Ralef?r'i. was a visitor to Louteburg Tue: 'lay. Miss Louise Thomas, 01 lt', is visiting relatives in Louisbur;*. To Move to Louhburtr. r apt. f . D *;V.iio!'\ ? ;?.r cn the Loulsbur;; ir: In ia! u*:.* . :?e will move his family to Louinhurg In the near future. He Bucceedj ( apt^Brad lay. who <s won* rcriM-t' ? rapt. Elmore came from fjeni" r. o:: where ?i" '.i-, 've'i '??' .. ... ? train from i!onder#or, to 'Jurli.:.; evoral venf*. He !.;* a broil, r-' *-ito Deputy Sheriff R. 0. Bissettr Mrs. Waller f. Huizie* iloiuL The liome-of Mr. Walter C. H?^mes? about live miles south of ixniisburg^ was sorrow stricken on Monday night when his wKe succumbed to ??? at ta"1? of pneumonia following the influenza. She was about 35 years of a$e and Uei sides her husband leaves six children? one an infant of less than a week old. Before her marriage Mrs. Holmes was Miss Swannie Rudd, daughter of Mr. W. H. Rudd. Slie was a good woman much loved in her community and by all her acquaintance. She was a devoted christian and was a mem ber of Leach's Methodist church. The funeral was held from Leach's church on Wednesday evening and the inter ment made in the cemetery adjoining Quite a large iti umber of friends and relatives were present to pay their last sad tribute of love. The floral tribute was beautiful. Mrs. J. B. Thomas Passes Away, Quite a heavy veil of sorrow fell over Louisburg Friday afternon when the announcement was made that Mrs. J. B. Tromas, wife of Maj. J. B. Thomas one of Louisburg's most prominent cit izens and one of the Tobacco Markets mstanftial buyert, had snccuml> ed to an attack of pneumonia following influenza, if . . ? tie * <r *t ''eath from the epidemic experienced in Louis burg. Mrs. Thomas, before her marriage, was Misc Virginia Tinnin, of Hills boro, and besides her husband and mother, she leaves one caughter, Miss Virginia Fuller Thomas. She wa8 in lifci -Put yerr of age. Siie was a true christian woman and took great inter est in tne Baptist church, in which she hold her membsrshi;). She was a true friend, and her devotion to *hose she loved would make a brlgtit chapter in life. While she has gone from the scenes. the conflict^, the sorrows and pleasures of life, she will still liive in the hearts of those who knew her best. Her retiring nature led her to hide her best Qualities, but they were reveal ed to those who enjoyed her acquain tance. y< t it was in ?-or home that her true worth wa8 most conspicuous. She was a kind and loving mother, and her devotion to the family c?rcle had no limtit. Tte funeral service?; were held from th? l*onig_oa_Kenmcnre Avi r.ue on Sat conducted by Revs. T. D. Collins, W. B. Morton and N. H. I). Wilson. T,ie remains were tenderly laid to rest in Ookl wn cemetery, where a large num ber of friends had gathered to pay a la*t tribute of lov?> *ml respect. The "pallbearers were as follows. Honorary?Messrs S. S. Meadows. F. B. McKinne. W. H. Allen. F. N. Egar ton, M. S. Clifton. T. W. Watson. G. L. Aycocke, ?. ?. Spaulding, S. T. Wil der, C. T. Stokes. R. P. Taylor. Hugh Hight, D. F. Cooke. J. J. nirrow. R. W. Hudson. L. L. Joynor. James Collier. D C High, Bennett Perry, - Active?S. M. Washington, O. W. I^ierpont It. O. Bissett, Malcolm Mc Kinne, W. H. Ruffin, J. M. Allen . The floral tribute was profuse and spoke in most beautiful terms of the love and esteem in which she was held. Official Text of the Latest German Note Sent to Sectfy Lansing. Washington, Oct. 8.?Secretary Lan slug today issued this announcement: "Department of State, October 28, 1918. "Tlio Secretary of State makes pub lic the following: "Frofn the Charge d'AfTalres. a. i. of Switzerland to the Secretary of Slate: "Sir: "I am Instructed by my-government and have the honor to submit to your Excellency the original German text of a communication from the German government, dated October 27, 1918. which has today been received from the Swiss Foreign Office. "I heg leave also to enclose an En glish translation of Hie above-men tioned communications the German text of which, is alone to be consider- | ed airt horitative. "Acoept, Sir, the renewed assuran? ces of my highest consideration. (SSgnecU "F. OEDHRLIN, "Charge d'AffairS." a, i. of Switzerland. His Excellency. Robert Lansing. Secretary of State, Washington.. Translation of a communication from the German government, dated October 27, 1*18, as transmitted by the--Charge d'Affairs a. i. of Switz erland, October 28, 1918. The German government hag taken cognizance of the reply of the Presi dent of the United States. The Pres ident knows the far reaching changes Which have taken place and are being carried out in the German constitution al structure. The peace negotiations j of the people in whose hands rests/ the authority to make decision?. The ; military powers are also subject to thHs authority. The German govern- ' men t now awaits the proposals for an armistice, which 1b the first to? ward peace of Justice, as described by the President in his "pronounce ments. (Signed) ? SOLF, State Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Berlin, October 27, 1918. Lett?? From Soldiers In France. Continued from page one and the KaiBer 1b wiring to the Presi dent of the United States that he will accept an honorable peace, he has his men on high seas sinking ships, mur dering men, wemen and-chlldren. No mun can be made to believe that Ger many wants an honorable peace so report may cme out that the Kaiser has abdicated but the American sol dier has to know for himself. It may be one, two, or three years before the Khaki boys eai a Christmas dinner at home (but I think one will be the limit) with their friends but every one is willing to remain In or der to bring back home honor and na tional peace. Germany has been flirting for many years, is still flirting with Japan and probably others, but when the Khaki boys be^n to sing " where do wc go from here, boys?" on the other side of the Rhine there will be uo more flirting with the Kaiser, and he cannot look back and say "I have fought a good fight." but he can say. "i have r wished my course." Message from London. Oct. 14th, reads: No tmeporary armistice ,nor i'.ry armistice at nil. unless accompan ied by Germany's unconditional sur render. This is the dominant note from the commeuts of Wilson and Lan sing. The leaders of all peace loving people, can see in Germany's endeav ors to open peace negotiations merely an attempt to avoid disaster and to save her military reputations. Wilson understands the people "with whom he is dealing. Germany is try ing to plead now that the Allied lead orrf and Wilson does not understand them In their conditions, but Wilson says you do not want to be under stood when you are pleading with me for peace and that you hare war enough, then in, the meantime compel your men, against thtfir will, to de stroy cargo, burn homes, sink ships, I and murder innocent women and chil Idren. Dropping bombs on Red Cross buildings ad hospitals the like of whicli ' no other nation ever did before in ,time of w*r or peace. The American boys are all in it tc i the Inst unit nd backed up by the Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., and the others left behfind and they will not be sat isfied until every Hun is in want ol some hiding place and then with a cr> to >V'ilson "go to" and don't let go un til they are satisfied of war, then lei every Khaki boy have ttvree more rounds each. Then the boys will beglt to sing "pack up your troubles ir your old kit bag and smile" and end vUli "the Stars and Stripes will wave years to come." Bonnie B nn TI^b following letters are from Mes srs Grady and Joseph (Pete) Bunn from somewhere in France. My Deai? Father: I wonder what you. all are doing tonight. I am thinking of you all tonight. Grady and I are getting or. very nicely in the front lines. Give our love to all. and tell them that wc will have lots to say when have re turned from Europe. Everybody seem: i m )m iniiii infl van' ?nt1 you may know we are glad to do oui bit which we are making every at tempt possible. Wejl I am hopung you are havinp the best of sutcess in the harvest in? of your crop. Vom?loving jen. JOSEPH. who always thinks of father and the rest of yotr. August 4. 1918. Somewhere in France. My dearest Daddy: Our letter?; came vejterdav Had two letters from you and two from Mary atid I must say I was more than glad to hecr from home and so glad to kno*- that you all are getting alone so nicely. I am well and eeling good Just got back from the front line and vpu know I am real glad to be back for a rest. I must say I am real lucky to be back Daddy, you see things there that are different from anything I ever saw or heiird of. I have heard Grandfather talk about war and when I got up thero I saw things that lie told me of. Only they are much worse than he said. I did not know I could stand so much. Prt. Grady P. Bunn. , Co. B. 120 inf A. E. F. via New York: i I went across a railroad aad five minutes before I crossed there w?-s a boy killed. I tell you it sure does change a boy's life from bad to good. I dont care how rough a boy is when he once goes up there he is changed to .a better one. Daddy. I am a run ner, 'cajrry messages from one place to another, and guiding people that do not know the way. Anyway war is no joke. But I hope I will be as lucky as I was before, because I want to come home when this war M over and I am trusting the good Father to bring me back. Daddy i m real gto are going to write me every week Bo cause I am always gird to hear from home. I am writing yoa every chance I get. Tell J. P. Bunn I am all right, but h:?ving a wonderful time. War is no joke. I am going to write him so .n, ^'so. Give Miss Lucy all the irowl things for me. Daddy I am real .rlad van ;?ro getting the chocks all O. K. >oi will get" the Liberty Bond some.";-, soon. I hope, as I have : -!y signed for it. Hope so anyway : -i if you nred any rff It don't mind spending It. It is yours if you want It. Tell Lee to write me sniefnie. Joe was. all right the last time I eaw him. Dinner Is ready so I must "line up" for my bread and goat Be good. From the one that loves you best of all. GRADY nU?\N TiVk for pSe. One ^-ton CorTHtt T/fock. Apply to P. A. rULVVIS, CO. Store for oijKent at Wood, | Tala store is swtajne fot.both Dry Goods and GroceryVBusiuess; is well j covered and finish- .fcnaide, has large | elde room with dots'Vpentng into it. I Will rent at $12.50 I>cXpionth or will | t-ell store and adjoilJ'.ifc >ut at $1500.00 with satisfactory tfrms. CAN DLER-CHO WELL CO. 11-1-tf . Louisburg, N. C. Six CylIndeWu|(andler. This car Ha in perfMt running order. Has new Kell?SpryfgT^ld tiros, never hud a puncture, aelf Sorter, new top. newly painted. OCn be st^n at ' CANDLEK-CROWELL CO. A oNi Number Lost. No. 39639 n*f an automobile, lost Oct. 30. 1918. Ffeder^nll return same ' to me and recelTO^reward. B*/R>iiJ3RRY, 11-1-tf Mapleville, N. C. Administratrix Notice to Creditors. , Having qualified a9 ?ttfmlnlstratrix of the estate of J. W. Daniels, deceaar | ed, late of FraWklin CojHfty, N. C., this ; i. to notify allVersprfs having claims ( "??knjst >a|(l^Ftnyrto present them to ? the undersignet^bn or before the 1st i day of Xovem(fer,\l919l or this notice I will be ploaa in'Tjakof tnelr recovery. ( All persons indebtecfyo tne said estate ' !l nfense mr ke Immediate paymor.t. ' 1 .:i??\ovpmber l~t. 191 s. MRS. ELIZ. M. DANIELS, Admrx. Wm. H. & Thos- W. Ruffin, Attys. Notice. Having qualified ...s administratrix of the estate of J. H. Titnborlake, deceas ed. late of FraiMdin County, thia Is to j notify all persons* holding claims against the said gktatet* present them to the undersign&ptfn or before tho 1st day of Xovemjra, 1919 or this no tice will be pjpttd w bar of their re covery. Al^persoiAlndehted to said estate m&ie mmedlate set tlement. This Nov. ?ljf, 1918. MARY W. TIMBF*RLAKE, Admrx. ll-l-6t Harness, Bicycles, Automobile Tires Our line of the above goodf i a compete ana cheap. Sp them. Harness, tflcycle and Auto mobile tires \paired ./juick We make a spccWUy o_* re pairing men's, 2hi! drena tine shoes/ yuf Mr. Elkinn is an e^pertVp this work. / \ EVERYTHING AT ,I>iST YEAR? PRICES. I \ Six biey(fles for Bale at A, bargain/ some are almost* new. 3urs to serve. : v> repair shop J. atn;an. Prop'r i ??? e. North ('aroliaa AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE Six Cylinder ChalKUer. This auto it in perfeat? running or der. Has new KelqMwrlngfleld tires, never had a punctu.i*T Self starter. new top. newly palme\L can be seen CANDLER-CROWEJVpL CO. li-i-tf / v ACTOMOBUE FOB SXtB WAREHOUSE !! Wll I RKftPFN ; j 11,1918 \ Louisb^g, N. C., Oct 29,1918. Dear Sir: It is with much satisfactioik that we are able to announEe to you that the health authorities of the the State have deemed the influenza situation sufficiently decreasing and under control to.allow the tobacco markets to rasume their resular sales on Monday, November 11, 1918. Therefore on that date I will re open the Union Warehouse for youi accommodation and hope to have the pleasure of selling a load'of tobacco for you. When we closed clown for the epidemic of influenza, the prices were good, some of which we give below. Baker and Hall, 592 lbs. $265.74, average $44.88. Baker andDunston, 704 lbs. $300.80, average $55.50. A. It. NicHolson, 724 lbs. $352.00, average $48.G2. Crudnp and Morgan, 838 lbs. $386.20, average $46.10. G. W. Poythress, 784 lbs. $387.22, average $49.40. W. E. Brewer, 432 lbs. $217.58, average $50.36. Washington and Yarboro, 412 lbs. $212.36, average $51.54. J. L, Byron, 876 lbs. $407.38, average $46.50 Wilson and B:, 534 lbs. $271.84, average $50.90. S. W. Fuller, 1216 lbs. $527.26, average $43.36. B. B. Earerton, 264 lbs. $134.04. average $50.77. The indications arc that tho prices will he equally as good or better wften the sales resume on Nov. 4tli, especially so if the market is not too badly crowded at once. Again we will call your attention to the fact that you can't afford to sell your to hacco at home, the priees are so high and advancing so fast that yon can't help but lose. Strip it and bring it to us. We have always served you to the best advantage-mid we will continue to do so. The Union Warehouse is the farmers friend?in fact it is his house, and we want tolmake its business true to the house. Conic and let Sam Meadows get you" the highest dollar for your tobacco. Tts yours and you are entitled to it. Remember that, we will reopen Monday, Nov* 11, 1918. Conic to see us. UNION WAREHOUSE S.S.-MEADOWS, Proprietor. lic careful! DoiTt expose youioeii to any one who has the " Flu.'' .Upiftt cousli unless you use a hand kerchief. / \ BUT?there iib a greater evil than the Influenza acing us. If we fail toWin this war aginst the Hun it will be far wpvse for us. Public gathereings have been discontinued for a wrnle, but this should not keep you from buying LIBERT^ BONDS. "We are taking subscriptions/just the same Vs if there was a speaking iu every sclyhol and church\in the county. Send us your application. Bonds sdJd in $50, $100, $500, or $1,000. denominations. Senck 10 per cent with appli cation. Balance may be paid \n instalments. If you have bought Bonds, then BUT MORE BONDS. "We wd gladly give any information you may wish, and do all the work in connectionWith your purchases. Yours to serve\ Farmers and Merchants Bank== "Safest Foi Savings'1 Louisburg, No. Carolina Tlie time is lirort. Saturday the 19th is the last clay the FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN. Dr. NESS' DISINFECTANT ?^General Uses There Is scarcely any place about ths home where If cannot ba '''advantaglously used. / The danger of (contagious diseases can reduced to a mini mum by its thorough use aboift the premises. v It being a powerful dtoderizer and germ destrlyei* it should bo used freely on all articles used by patients afflicted wif^ infectious . diseases. V An uncqualed disinfectant for Indoor and outdoor closets, cess pools, e-wer pipe?, drains, garbage cans and breeding places of mis quitoes. i ? .Ti.r? v.v/j: L. P. HICKS On The Corner Louisburg, N. C.

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