Now Is the Time for That /"\URr^pleiidid assortment of^Fintei models is stili complete. The range of style and patterns, " however, is being reduced considerably, day by tiny/ Therefore, prompt action is advisable if you want to make a selection from our showing ot tii.1 Vinous > HIGH ART / CLOTHES Brother*. Made by Strouse & Briber?. Inc., Baltimore. Md. The desirable features of their style and tailoring. They are tailored as expertly as custom cloth ing of much higer price, and they will give you a? jaiuch satisfaction in service /. . We can't begin to tell you of the many becoming models, weaves and color combinations we have to show yen. To sec them is to waBt one.' So we fay again-?by all means see them NOW. Prices $15 to $40 The McBrayer Clothing Company Incorporated l'KESIl>E\T W.1MS DEMOCRATS >K.M TO SEW CONGRESS 1-mh's Appeal to I'eopie to Elect Wcnu i (Til! ?> If They Approve ol lib Course lu International Ai ?Belli parties l'a irio'.ic liut Kepobll 'a'ls A utl-Ail minUt ration \\;.s-in.;UTO.\, Oc;. z J.?i'lcsi ii ;Dt ' ? ? tc ii tuUuV jssUcU >il> u] 10 llie i'~ ! to return a Democratic Cou Kresu ... ,.ie .\uveuDer o .i. li III II H ?vL ca: period. i'fT'/ira ui'ra Republican majority in ouao:' Hoaie of liie ..Conors,* the President said '.\oulti be certainly 1x1 terprei^d on the oilier side ol the -waiur as a ropmlutuuii or ilv l^aUu: snip." . T Le* President said he would accent The country's VtfrdlCi wild oil t caVii bnt if it was adverse the power to ad i&ini;*ter rtfefreat truet assigned to l^lli nimbi \ v n