ANNUAL STATEMENT For HU>KUN COINTY Hhonlni; the Amount of Orders Issued Again*! the Treasurer From Deeember 1*t, 11116 to Heeember 1st, 1917. Continued from last week. Coul & N i'-CUs, ???al i'or court H'Tmi"IU< ?--?llpt '? ccui. aud mllcr.gc 12. fjt>uisbiirg Water Co. water for courj house ami JSnii . . 2. Lguislvurg* Light .Co. liglit foi court house umi J; i I 2. ^llen Bros. Co. a m t act llle.i 1. H. A. Kearney pint ;?.? t tiled for May court 4S.: H. A. Kearney an; net tiled J>.i J. I). Alston 1 ?lay com and mileage 4.1 W. II. UulTin aiut *paid for old soldiers to Washing ton. D. C as?.! Jim Kvnns IS m o v out si ?le pau per 4.! CJeo. Kt41y-:< mo,?, outride p.v.: pur 6.( J. I). Craprel bal. on bridge act l.( O. U. 11. Stalling? building bridge 504. ( I.ouisburg Military Co. an nual . appropriation 200.1 Franklinton Military Co. an nual appropriation . . .. 200.t Franklin Times publishing an nual statement 175.( J. 'H. Smith repairing brdgs 12.( O. (VHiicks timber for Mil ford roJhis,^. l.S John B. SmiTHv timber and work on briifee* Sandy Creek >>% ?" 40.: J. B. Yarborough salary ami clerk hire 2U5.f J. J. Barrow Hilary and clerk biro 216. ( Mrs. Geo. L. Shear in a nit for # Immediate relief ?10.C J. C. Tucker board of prison ers 14.7 Louisburg Water Co. water for rourt house and jail .. 2.2 Louis bur k Light Co. liglit for court house and jail 3.6 H. L. Stokes 3 days finance com. and mileage ........ 12.6 K. T. Alford conveying prls*-. oners to jail and grand jury V to County Home 9.6 Mies Pauline Smith demon stration work : r .. 40.t) S. B. Mullen 1 day holding road election Dunns T. S... 2.0 G. B. H. Stalling"? building ~ bTttlE? Cedar Rock T. S... 400.0 L. P. Hicks amt act filed ., 6.6 Hospital Goldsboro conveying Bias McKinght to same.. 13.0 H. A.-Kearney salary and hire of clerk 262.5 H. A. Kearney amt for post age if, 5.0 J. D. Alston 2 days finance committee and mileage .... S.4 P. S. & K. K. Allen amt act fil ed ' 5.4 July 9th 1917. Worrell Mfg. Co. amt act filed 30.00 ? Board of Education rent for room 50.00 ( Dr. J. E. Malone amt of act filed ; 9.00 1 St. W. Hudson conveying pris . Louisburg bridge 2.t)0 C. P. Lathrop gravel for Louisburg bridge 79.09 | J. M. PmU poll ta? 101? 7, 3 fif) | M. L. Cooke taking tax list Dunns township, 1917.... 64.40 J. J. Young taking tax Ust Harris township ,. 55.05 Geo.- X. Stell taking tax list Youngsville T. S 73.30 J. D. Speed taking tax list Pranklinton T.?Si?rrr:?tt?lgfi.flQ A. A. Medlfo taking tax list Havesville T. S 56.00 G. C. Parrish taking tax list Sandy Crjeek T. S ?. 58.45 T. J. Ricks taking tax list Gold Mine T. S. 56.?0 H. S. Boone taking tux list Cedar Rock T. S... 71.25 W. H. M&con taking tax list.* Louisbprg T. S 14^.40 Sterling Store Co. building ?Die k?r&on_ bridge .... l.Qll.S^ August titli, 1917. / Geo. L. Cooke repairing / four bridges 1.. 31.25 J. S. "Howell coffin for Char- / lie Littlejohn !... .... '10.00 C. P. Harris building bnlge/./ at Jackson's Mill J 130.50 | S. B. Mullen lumber anf work on four bridges.. J. 3.00 A. 13. Hollings worth palat ing Andersons bridge ./.. 30.00 G. B. H. Stallings timber for Wolf Pitt Bridge ./.... 33.00 C. M.Ayscue repairing^rdge across Edwards Creejt 7.0C J. L. Smith work ory Hunts Mill Bridge .7 12.0C Louisburg Water Cat. water for court house And jail.. 2.20 ^?uisburg Ligui LF light for court house anty jail 3.00 11 S. Sforr re?*iJrr on ad ding machine .L 26.05 R. B. Harris taking tax list for Cypress Creek T. S. .. 50.00 H. 8. Storr am t act for Sheriff office 24.92 J. B. Yarborough Salary and clerk hire .... 216.67 J. J. Barrow galary and clerk hire 216.6"; H. A. Kearney salary and clerk hire 262.5( Miss Pauline Smith Demon stration work July 40.0< W. D. Upchurch building bridge at Watson Br, ?... 30.0' E. W., Oupton ^?conveying Lindsey, to Jail and mileage 2.1 Walker, Erans & C'ogwell amt met filed .... .. 8.9 8outhern Stamp Co. amt act ?* M ^..,7:..T;. 2.C Sr. J. E. Malone amt act ?BUd /... ? ...A. 18.*3 J. C. Tucker board of pris oiler?* .... 29.50 ili 1 li 1 ? and stumps 2.50 Jerry Williams fixing butt niciit to bridge 1.50 AyciH'ko Drug Co. nmt net tiled S.20 Daniel Harris coiTin outside pauper .~7~. ^... 4.00 I*. U. A*stou part pay War ren und Franklin line .... 5.00 It. L. Stokes 3 days tlnance eom and mileage 12.60 J. D. Alston 2 days finance com. and mileage S.50 Edwards and 1*~ ought on amt act filed 10S.75 i J. 13. Yarborough part pay ' rnent making out tax list.. 125.00 I September 3rd, 1917. , J. I). Alston salary 3rd quar ter and 145 miles 3S.50 I John Karle salary 3rd quar ter and 132 miles 31.60 ; J. W. Winsttm, salary 3rd I quarter and 168 miles .... 33.40 'J. 11. Hal lent ine salary 3rd | quarter and 156 miles .... 32.SO ?It. L. StokesjuUary 3rd quar ter and 132 miles 31.60 Three Months Outside Pauper. Mary Jane Alston 4.50 Louisa Urodie 3.00 iMIttie Bartholomew -TT* 9.00 [Alice Dunn , *9.00 Quilla Baker 6.00 "Sitllie Drodie ' '4.501 Ma?>4iranton 6.00 NatlmntH^nelliouse wife .... 3.00 John C*atlett?^Ki(e 6.00 i Albert Da%is . 4.50 Louisa Davis ?>?*.. 6.00 Priselila Dorsey 3.00 r.'.a Denton 4.50 .Gilbert Dickens .... 3.00 Bedie Flood 4.50 Mary Ann Foster 4.50 Allen Green 3.00 Helen Gupton 3.00 Henry Griffin .... ? 12.00 Louzana Grady * 3.00 Stephen Gupton 4.50 Jim Huey 6.00 Bill Hawkins ; 6.00 Angeline-Hendricks .... .... 7.50 Tom Harris 77" 6.00 Isaac Harrison 3.00 Mittie Johnson 6.00 Mit Joyner 4.50 Winnie King 6.00 Dennis Kearney 6.00 Manerva Kelly 6.00 George Kelly 6.00 Su4an Laws children 6.00 Mildred Lince 4.50 Mourning May 4.50 Clacy Massenburg . . j-. .... 6.00 Xeal Medlin 3.00 Sallie Martin . 6.00 Julia Massenburg 4.50 Pete Manning 4.50 Susftn Pearce 3.00 Ellen Perry 6.00 W. A. Perrys and 3 children 18.00 Eli Pearce 4.50 Arnica Ferry Jordan Perry Mrs. Mary Thurston Elizabeth Thorpe ... Andrew Williams ... W. P. Wilson 2 children .... Jordan Moore Sr.'.... .... Mary Mayo Anderson Yarboro John Yarboro Henry Young ^ .... Dr. J. E. Malone salary 3rd -quarter 3upt. of Health .. 125.0* Hence Hazlewood salard 3rd quarter janitor 25.0' State Hospital Gold*boro amr act filed 19.3 J. C. Tucker board of prison er? for Aug SI.2 Panline Smith Demonstra tion work and cleaning up 7 office 42.6 "Rector Ballentine repairs on four bridges 1.5 Jolia-H. Pern* buiTdfaz bdge 20.0 J. I). Land work on ~F>r re'.s bridka '1S41 Louisburg Water Co., water* for court house and jail .. 2.2 Louisburg Ligt Co. light for court house and iail 3.S W. H. Hill 1 day with pen sion, board 2.t A. S. Strother 1 day with p<m ?ion board : 2.< D. C. Tharrington 1 day with. pension board 2 J G. B<. H. S tailings timber and building bridge Syca more ("reek 365. H Stalling.?* timber building bridge Cripple Cr. 94.49 R. G. Lassiter repairs on bridge 7.04 Franklin Times amt art filed 49 69 Thomas Harris outside pau per immediate relief 5.00 B. Yarborough salary and hire of Clark 216.67 H. A. Kearney salary and hire of clerk 262.50 J. J. Barrow salary, and hire of Clerk 216.67 W. E. White Fur. O*. amt act filed 19.50 J. D. Alston 2 days finance com. and mileage 8.50 R. L. Stokes 4 days finance com. and mileage 16.80 J. C. Tucker timber for jail .. 1.28 H. A. Kearney stamper for office - 2. R. W. Hudson conveying 3 prisoners to jail .... .... 4. Dr. J. E. Malone amt act fi led .... .. 19. fcome Telephone Co. phone for 8heriff Office 3. 8. N. Nelms 1715 foet tlm- ? ber for Sandy Cr. bridge.. .. 51. Continued to next week. Hooray for Baoana - PooM'Ooh-lt" Only Real Way to Get Rid of Corn*. Which do you prefer ? ? oorn thai pall* or a corn that peel?? Butchery or blesaednessT Only "Gets-It" can gel rid of your com the peel-off way, the blessed way. You don t need a pull. "Corns Nettr TVouP? M?, I Um " I Why hump swrsclf up on the floor and with you/ Jnws set and eyoa pop I pin? from /Vin, Jerk and gougo I and cut younrcArns? Why Irritate your i Iocs with a/nni salve/) r wrap your too Into a bly pulhfnl 4Jundle with some 1 sticky tan? or pfesterT Llfo la too short. 1 Use Gefa-It"?It takes a few seconds to appl/ and t hire's no fussing. Corn pain* /o. Wearnew ?hoes If you want. Peel o?B the corowllh your Angers? the i who? thing, rex* ana all. clear and m .... ^,ne| only "Gets-It" no chances, guaranteed, money ' bntk rom.rpmoAr, the only sure b at any drug store. MTd by E. Law re net A Co., Chicago, 111. Sold in Louislitiri? >un?; rveowniendrcl as the world*!* l?e*t cum remedy 1?) F R. l'lcasnnt*. nl m. Kf: \.H, PhyjiJhirtRd Surgeon \ydov?NN. flee?. ' \Vcn> I)ri:e Cm Oft If you have anAfanns for sale that you wish to subdivjc^ see J. A. TUR NER at once as VuV -all datlngs are filling up fast / \ 7-26-tf Lost nr Stolcny One black ami tan nia)C hound with white streams, in faceyfnd one white male-hound with bus^y -ail both been gone several motathaf Also one white and brown fema^Vbeen gone about three weeks and^u? light blue male hound with blaclr e^rs. Will give give IdO for any infanuatoouhat enables me to find eithery " {LLEN. 9-13tf ( LouistJurg, X. C IF YOUR HEAD ACHES YOUR EYES ACHE YOUR EYES TIRE YOUR EYES BURN YOUR EYES WATER YOUR EYES SQUINT It Is A Case Fori Glasses SABLES MOVED I herewith ann customers and al b( the services </ livery stable, that . .law m?red mj business from the ?tablet on Jiash Street to aeeoniinoda< tlon at the rear of my residence on Main Street, where I will be blad to serve jon at all Ume? with the beat personal service. J. C. Tucker LoaUtmrg, N. C. Announcement! The Fanners Mutual Warehouse of Rocky Mount, N. C., ?will reopen 011 MONDAY,, NOV. 11th, 1918 We take pleasure In advising our many friends and custo mers of Franklin County that the terrible Influenza Epidemic has sufficiently siibsidqd that our State and County Boards r>f Health will permit the reopening of our market.011 the al. '2 date. The market closed for tobacco we look for BEST WAKEHOUSE strong and with ourhjpwS^all anxious high prices^^-'"''^ BtfST SERVICE BEST PRICES R. P. HOLT, W. T. CLEMEN I 1 J Managers Jim Yarboro AUCTIONEER l ast a tife Time The BEST}1"wagon we know of: ! It? strength and durability h a v J kejst it foremost for. over years. ~ J have earned this repntatit/n because of their sturdy/trength and durable construction^ Let us show you a wego/i adapted to your needs. / Wagons That Are Built to Last The harder service your wagon hta to stand, the more reason to buy a wkich will be left for your acta to ' wear ont. The years will prove its quality. \ (L W. FORD & SON

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