WELD SEVEN WAR WORK AGEROIES INTO RELIEF JY Helping to Keep Up tr, karale of Fighting Millicn*. U 3 in Campaign fcr $17"" ...GO. With millions of Ann*!'. m, i... n <>? war fronts, in traln'.tm <...? ? s :md on t lit* ?en* >11.<1 Willi lliOUtt.. : : of Amori cnn won Iv u on foreign ? ugaged 1 in the sli:|iviulo\y :n?,k o. ? ? ? the | world safe for dA^u-rii".", duly ! devolves^ upon ilio.-r w j. in in the rnili-ti S i a i "s,?? Iv? i srn rt in;: Homo to tli use who ha v?- po: Homo behind litem 1"?'f tin1 j i ' 1 >? ' " wur." Tliv a i : *;fr?>!?f:l: -..its oai: bo aiv.m:i?ii>'. w .uro J? Im -.l in tliv United Wiir V?'or k Campaign. l'*l*oin. bf'ing givou the clgi.rKt? or. choeolnto bur,"with which ho slays hi*, hunger in i!.>- of I nttlo; to I'.io theatrnvl c;?: "T:i.j*-nt or the ath letic lianii'S, wl:.. Ii relax hitn into nor ma! tvmiiiii r u.'c;.; < ?: terrltie vomhar, the Anit'dcnn li i ?r i.s de pendent upon tin- continued efforts *?f t ho Y. >!. ?\ A . t lit* V. \V. f. A., the Xatio.ial, r ;l. ?[;. \* ar Council ami K. of |In? War t'amp Con li; iniiy Serv ice, llie Jrwish \\VIfaro l!??ard, tin* American l.ihrnry Association mul tin' i>:\lv:iil??n Army. To carry on H1I5 work the combined welfare o r.'n nida tions are sccl:!ng a fund of SlTO.SOi), 000. The Y. M. C. A. provides. 53S huts in American training camps and more ihan* 8(X> in the war .zone as centres which the lighters cnn use us clubs, schools, tlicutivs, stores, chnrchcs. li braries ft!}'l writing rooms. More than 7,000 nu n ami women liml been scut overseas or approved for overseas work by early autumn ar.d 3,3li2 were serving In Ameri'uu camps at home. Y. M. C. A. huts are the canteens of the American l?.\peditlounry Force und t^re the theatres where the American entertainers, sent over by th^rMY," ap ppur. .Noted American public men and clergymen speak in the huts. Classes are conducted there. Millions of letters are written there on paper provided .free by the "Y." Physical directors of the "Y" teach and spread mass ath letics, using material furnished free by the organization. The Y. W. C. A. does similar work for the thousands of American women in war work overseas?signal c^rps telephone operators, nurses ^apd French munition workers. It provides cafeterias, rest and recreation centres, entertainment and reading for these women and girls. The Y. W. C. A.'s outstanding con tribution to soldier welfare work In training camps was the establishment of Hostess Houses, where the soldier or sailor may receive his mother, wife, ar homes. The National Catholic War Council co-ordinates all Catholic welfare work In support of the government arfc through'the K. of C. provides club houses for our fighters In all Anferl can training camps, as well as having seventy-five centres In France and thren In Fnglnnd In their huts the K. of C. provides entertainlngment, movies, boxing bouts, educational work, religious services, free station- : ery, reading mntter rfnd writing rooms. In France their rolling canteen ac companies the American army, their secretaries march with the troops, glv-1 lng away cigarettes, cookies, choco lates, soap and towels. The K. of C. had 300 workers In France at the beginning of autumn. I with 450 more passed by the govern ment and 200 others signed up. At the same date they had 409 secretaries In American training camps, 150 build-, ings, flfty-six more in the course of erection and contracts let for fifty more. War Camp Community' Service functions exclusively In America, its' special mission being to "surround the j : camps with hospitality." In place of, ? leaving the soldier or sailor to the i promiscuous companions and diver- j sions formerly his lot, the organiza tion obtains for him the best to be had In communities adjoining camps or through which ho passes. ^ W. C. C. S. obtains for him Invita tions to dine, bathe or spend the day ,In the best homes. It Introduces him to the best women and girls at social gatherings, church entertainments, theatre parties. It arouses communi ties to provide concerts, athletic con tests and other wholesome diversions .for the soldier, and to drive out or discourage the vicious elements which have been historic camp followers. The Jewish Welfare Board is corre lating the strength and purposes of 100,WOO Jewish soldiers, sailors and marines with that of the Gentile sol ? dlers. The bonrd teaches the English lahgunge, American civics and idoijl* to thousands of j*?ung Jewish men who were Inducted Into service after only a few years' residence in tills country. While safeguarding his re-, ligious rites, tho board assists in^the process of welding the Jewish soldWr , , Into the solid American unit and in bridging over the differences between , him and the others. The American Library Association la f providing reading matter for every . American soldier, sailor, marine and prisoner of war. In addition to gath- ? - erltyj and forwarding three million books contributed by the American 1'eopk* the association bought 500,271 book*, mostly technical, of which 19S, 2iJ7 v.onj sent overseas. More than 1,600,0 J!) books of aii kinds huve been assigned to libraries in Y. M. C. A., K. of (_\ or Salvation Army huts in the war zriio, a similar number being ills ?rlbut'od in American training camps. *.*Ve half n million are 011 warships or tni:is;ior.s. The as.*;eciailoi) h;:s nlhlings. The n Army, with 1,210 j w. '.vu:.n?n. ovrrsoas, lia-; " itn? of iht? lighters. I lis roi i m i >, list ..:.d n?:nl?n'jf rooms [ an* popiiitir guiliering i>?:iees for the ? N'fi-li.Ts. ?'he cl?m; Hiut> I'rled by Sal- | *m1i u las.;>s iii huts or trenches and vp -i ? t:j? ?; li' iniiic fa;nous >' tT??t:nrt tiie T ?? Salvation ' y j.'ave for - :r anJ uhinres to , tfc ? .\::i?*r!?n:i : : Allies' armies and la t:;;!i:.v ? Imt wnys gives constant mi sel Ush service. ?Dr. Tliacher's Liver <?. Bloc d Syru will do all that calomel wil! J. j wit'hfltt the "after effects." Yearsa^c, when peoplewevebiUotif.. when the liver got la*y and failed to <!? its work or the stomach was out o. condition, calomel was the standby. By and by the users of calomel found that the "aU(:r eflects" of taking thi drug were as bad and more often worse than the ailment for which it was taken. Dr. Tkachor, in seeking 3 midicinc to take flio place of calomcl-^cne tha! would da all the good thj(B calomel would doXcmd yet leave no*; of its evil effects per Acted Dr.Thacber's Liver & Blood Syruto. Thiswaapn 1S52, and each year si rice has ad<WU to the confi dence of thos&who Ikl/c used it. ' Miss Susie Brcwejj cf Chattanooga, Tenn., tried calkmgf. She was suffer ing with a very \arious cold and grippe and had no apnftite whatever. After the calomel faJPcishe tried Dr. Thach er's Liver juVmd Syrup. She felt better after snkiugYhree doses and she soon got enprely vfell. ?'I think Dr. Thacher'at-iver anekBlood Syrup is a wonderful medicine,Vshe said, "and I am venr thankful I tried it." ForJiearly thrcequarters of aeentory this stcrlii.' preparationNjias been an "old s^and-by" in thousands of homes in treating rheumatism, dyspepsia, in digestion and other stomach and liver complaints. It isa powerful tonic and blood puritier and can be used with the utmost confidence. Write Thacher Medicine Co., Chat tanooga/Term. for a copy of "Thacher's Family Doctor," a book giving cause, symptoms and treatment of 47 com mon diseases. ? Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup for sale bj dealere in medicines every where. FOK SALE BY ' <3C0GGIN DRUG STORE Come to Sec Me (.'ume to see me wwu iu town. Always Klad to see you. mno a full line of everything In Feed Staff, and Iley Groceries. TVIll bandfe jour In exchange for merer Cash. Give mo a trial, rest.1" j w. mm THE mm REAL ESTATE ANO LOAN CO T. W. RUFFli'i, General Manager Offices: First Nat.'i Rank . - ^?ui^urg, N. C. Farm lands bought and sold, money loaned, tim ber a. specialty. ATTENTION FARMERS: buy that farm while prices are high, and before you. spend all your'hai^. vest money. Dollars have wings; don't waiu over our lists of fakms. A small cashpa^ment; we lend you the rest.\ Take advant^g<<of our loan department. Farms for sale in eVery ty^nsbip id Franklin county. WANTED?Six smaU-*{arnls near Louisburg, N. C. Let us lend yout>/money fbr you on first lien land mortgages; /utles guaranra^d on all loans. We have j-laced/xhousands of dolla^for others du ring the past m^nth. ,CAR READY AT ALL TIMES TO SHOW YOU FARMS There's a \ Cold Wave Coming We Have a Good Stock of Don't tfait t^ll the last minute. Buy! one now f * and be prepared for cold weather. iVIcKinne Bros. Co. Inc. 9 _ Satisfaction Or Your Money Back " Louisburg, N. C. 11 -fi- TL T . itn ? sfwv d Many of-our wealthiest roen^vet*.' uni'e poor boys ?itut they starte?! right. r!joy began ju yluth to sav<0 Antl they kept it up. The"'result? 'Tin y now have all that money &'.?i b*iy. It!? but II ? j-avi-n fltait t v <-oniplJsh t? \vv\- \vonrt t1o ji. Star? ?'p. n a Savings Accnuiit ay; j.\i rulllvfr it. Stay with It. Add to it. In the .y&ncfl^o come y*;Uj^ -h'.p- ?' 'i e iVipuls*^ that causcd you to start it. r? Wo help you'to snve'r pay ymij p v cm \t oh your pavings. T!r firsfc National' Barsk LOUISBURG, North Carolina W. H. RUFFIN, Preski-.'.t F. E. McKINNE Cashier W. D. JACKSON. Assistant-Cashier Furniture VS. "fLU" Owing to the epidemic Vx Influenza we rave had more time t^ go though and inspect our stock ancV K doing this we Snd that there are man* Ttems on oijr floors tp offer you t^iat \t\fill bo Impossible fr you or us* to g & at any price after these aro sold. AM we aro abl to again replace sami it wHJ be at a much hgher dt/ce. / \ COME I>- AM) SEE TOTTRSfLF Yours to serve, ~ J* S Howell Louisburg, - North Carolina.

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