J I % 9 Look - Read - Then Act! 60 MEN'S ALL WOOL SCKftE SUITS Our regular 926.00 grad??. The entire lot now on gale, per suit 117.50 \ Louisburg's Greatest Store Puts On A Great CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL FALL GOODS 100 BOY8' SUITS These salts were carried oTer lrom lu year, and we offer at last rear's price* per suit ?8.95 to $?.*5 Candler - CrowefS Company's STOCK ?K-:? jpr.-3tk *?? f ? I' S* .. l^?_il SasKi.^ tl.*set S&Wi*U -UUl"iHNi i Hib I v IflllllllH i * v? H T: ? ? ~ STATEMENT IN hLC-ARD TO 1^11 S SALE Louisburg and its surro?nding country, has never had, and possiblynfevc4s of goods earned over Irom" last year, such as Shirtings, Domestics, of all kinds, Wool Serge and Dress Goods7~wiU be put i"to this sale at less than today's factory cost. Hundreds of men's all wool suits in Serge and hard ntn?]ied Worsteds.* thaX sold last year at $25 will be offered at $17.50 per suit. Boys suits at less than wholisnie prjB^toJhy, as we bro"ght them over from last year. Men's heav/ Work Shoes, hundreds of pairs of them^i all standard makes, now offered at $2.95 per pair. All of this is possible because of the fact that we bought these goods last year^nd at a great saving in price at that time, and can now offer at prices less than .our competitors. Evriyjtifmg will b sold for cash <]u ing this sale. L AMIES SlITS AM) COATS Those suits aitd coats are all this fall's newest anil hesf n'odels, In scr* tfes. l>?i>lin anil broadclotli, >Vo have the lnrsest assortment of *!iitv :i:nl?coats In l'rnirn.ni CuiuKy, sinil iift'er at l?.ss price than sitae goods could he bought nw at nho'eitili?. 1:very Lady's suit slnvu m all wool, silk-lined, anif in lite l)e.?5 CANDLER-CROWELL CO. \ ' LOHISBURG. M. C.