ms r? A.NKLIIT TIMES % A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager 4. J. IIALE, As>istaiit Manager Hon Ytar Si.;>0 f.orht Mo n t lis t.0<> m* ? * - ?.r *i?i? th?? .50 Kntcrcd it t'.i? IV-i C.Tice at L.vjlt tuirg. N. C., .t.-4 ?* ??r?si *. uwtn r. I. O. *iivl!LA. Died at his ''oir.o noar Franklinton. N. I".. at '< o'clock Sv/iway m^rn'.ns Oc tober -7. Uii. Jo.-cph O. Green, lie was :: 0 >. * totsV:"*" au : he dfciiniT1.? -villi sor more th n ; r. >!'.!rmc ti'.at time he ha i a - tr.:'erer. ttrous'.i 1'. all. He ? ^ (.;?.? It:.: anil uncomplaining. Ho Wv. ir h. f. o. He loved-his friend* He iiiat' a'./.. ccn*Wcra:e of 1-1? Btl?Ui.orr wm not or. ly i.<- m w'ap live S n.xi door to ? bu-. tis*' fellow'vi - wa- down ~r.: cat Mr G7" u joined '!i' 1 -'t- i vrlien a boy. He was r. su ward of t h? cliuri li ? -' r'rankluiton. an(^ a district steward for many years. He paid liber illy of hi. n-.o.trs to the support of hi* ehuriii. and responded to ail her colli upon him He was one of the best and m" t sv.oics Jul farmers in our County He v .i< a member of the Farmers Un ion He had ao political ambition, but h? too'* creat interest in the political issues in Ills st.,To and na:i. :i..- Ho was a :ruc Democrat-. He was a member of t'.ie Dvniooratlc Executive Committee of his county. Was a mem oer . many year? of School Commi' Cee. The writer- o.teemed it a pleas ure ;'.nd a prlvi' - e t11?*.' classed s m on J Jr.'s trier, is r-. m bis early boy 94)Cil. I i-vas a i .ir?-*! ii.i? s?v.* nT..?i..> and pio >? without oste..tat!on. II? ex fre^--d r.o fear pi Ueath. T'.e -tpa #ation from loved one.-* was .thv oue ?toD>:dera::on. 7*'Vhere is no dca:'.i. what s > ik transition, this ;::*e of mortal i>r a: : is hut ti e -uViirK of ;l:e'Iife Ki portals v.*e ca!! dea'.h." ?The service? were conducted frcm ^is residence. \ y h\a pastor. Kev. T. Sikes assisted by Rev. L\ L. DowtU. at the Baptist church. Franklinton. N. \ and Rev. N. H. D. Wilson, pasto: j Methodist church at I-ouisburs;. N. C.' fJThe intermen; was at Fair View tmetcrv at Franklinton. N. C. The tendance was large. The flowers . profuse and beautiful, besptak-1 the higli esteem in which Mr. Green Vbls lteld by his large number o~ ttends. ri : TIip nail bearers were all his nfp'.i ur f lini ii i, ^pynor. M. M. Green, J. Oank Mitchell. F. >lj^chiner. M. G. Smith. Garland aith. Lv G. alid V. O. Juiiih ^;The honorary pall bearers were. C. Si Williams. J. H. Cooke, S. C. Vann, jL B. Wester. Jason Goswick. Felix ttuDks. Moses Neal, J. R. Jones. F. B. llcKinne. Elmore Speed. B. W. Ballard, jioctor* R. B. Henderson, J. H. Harris, sJMr. Green leave?-to mourn his death j wife, (Nee Miss Carrie Brodie) one bn. J. O. Green, Jr.. one daughter, Mrs. poGhee. whose husband Lieutenant 4onel Claude L. McGhee is with the ^editionarv forces in France and five and Children. Three sisters, Mr3 ^Jestia Smith, of Raleigh, Mrs. E. J. ? er and Miss Siddie Green of Frank fton, one brother Mr. Andrew H. en, of Raleigh. Their respective tes are eighty three, eighty two, sev pty eight and eighty years, a very re rkable record of longevity. B. W. BALLAHTT? HEADACHY AND >OSE STIFFED ipe's Cold ComponndV^nds cold* and grippe in a fejf hours. ake "Papo's t old Compound" every hours until wouAave taken three 8. then all groDpe misery goes and r cold will tMyprokejj. It promptly ns your clogjfel-up nostrils and tttfe passages of tfi\ head; stops na-;ty harge orXose running, relieves the klache. dullness,Veverishness. sore >at, sneaking, soreness and stifTncBs on't sdray stuffed i*>! Quit blowing sntffTling. EaseXyour throbbing .?jfothing elso in \he world given rompt relief as "Pape's Cold uhd." which costs only a few ts'at any drug store. It acts with assistance, tastes nice, and pauses lnconveniehce. Accept no suhsti kfter a long retirement from the eral view Monastic is again mak lts bow to the public. Yes I Eveiybody TakeyCascarets Only lQr cents ! - Harmless cathartic fo\ sluggish iver and towels ocl J?u>ly! Cheer \ip! -Take Caa eta/to liven your liver and clean ownes*. sour stomach and Rases, ight take Caacareta and ef.Joy the it. fullest liver *nd bowel clean /00 ever experienced. Wake up iff -?rand?Every body'? dolng It. Iiaearata beet laxative'for children, toy (tadly take this (>leaeant caady thartlc becaua* It never gitpea or :koua like otfc?r thlng?. UNITED WAR WORK DRIVE STAGED AT WILSON'S REQUEST (By L. Porter Moore.) agencies ure consolidating their efforts in the United W;.r Work Campaign of November 11-1* to raise $170.500.000 to be ust. J in i rr.! inning the activities of these organizations. In a letter to Raymond L\ Fosdick. chairman of t'.o C emission cr\ Train ing Cuiv.p A' tivities. the president in dicated i:i ;. xiJijire that the seven or-. ganizAtkns conit:n? thefr c;;;":aigns and thus sccuri greatest possible dogrce rf co-operaucn. ?*It i try ? ?-:r?x*u," i-atd'thi- presi dent. "tl.;:* ?. -nil secure '\\w best results -i:. ? :. oi -i:.*r?rt o? these ajp.v. . ecieties will u^ite fcr funds, In order . il' ? . rit of the .cur.,:;. ill is ill. . r i;:.:y be ex pr^sed v/itl:c\:T d:.r* r.. ?.ic" ci race or religion* opinion in .-. .: -rt ci what is really a commot' s-vv:o<-. "At the same time I wci::.i bo oblig ed If you would convey to them from i..- a very warm expression of the gov ernment's appreciation of the splen did .-ervice they have-rend^red in min istering -*o the trcops at Home and overseas in their leisure time." The $170.50 VW budgets realized from the coming campaign will be ap portioned as follow?: Y. M. C- A.. SIOO.OOO.OM)'. Y W. C. A . $15.000,' CJ: Knights of Colum bus. C-2-'.OOC\OOd: .lewish Welfare 'Board* ?>.3? 3.00): American Library Association, ?3.500 *400; War Commun ity Service. $13.0 j\ .000; Salvation Army. $3*500,000. SOUTHERN CLERGYMAN HOLDS VI0T3RY SERVICE IN CAPTURED VILLAGES Knights Of C:!unbja Worker PrttiflM At Meeting In Ruined Chapel J In France Had ft not been for-Either James Korton. formerly principal of 'he Mar ist College in Atlanta, Ga., but how a volunteer chaplain with the Knights of Columbus overseas, there wouW have been no senrices in the libtte ruined chapel of St. Crepin in the shell-torn town of Chateau Thierry when the Van.* poured inTo the city and drove the Huns back toward the Rhine. The Knights of Columbus are one of vhe seven war work agencies to join in the United Wark Work Campaign, November 11-18, to raise $170,500,000. ?n .1 TT ,rtnn irsn rlrht nn: with the vanguard ef the onmsning Amen^ cans and, after t hp Germans had been I mi I nf thnlr nollnra r>nH chine gun ambushes, the old Cure, who had emerged from some unknown hiding place, insisted on holding serv ice in St, Crepin'a chapel to celebrate the liberation of the city. There were no vestments, no can dles, no sacred vaasels. But Father Horton rode a motorcycle ^bdek to the headquarters of the Knights of Co 1 umbos, secured the supplies needed by the Cura?and?th?>m by automobile. The services were held and no more fervent Te Deums ever were uttered than those that went up from that lit tle shell-wrecked chapel in devastated, but liberated. Chateau Thierry. EVANGELINE BOOTH, com mander of the Salvation Army In the United States, who ia now devoting all her time to the United War Work Cam paign. November 11-18. I Ajb the brad of tlx Mhrmtlon Array of die United States, Bvangellne B00O1 la (hiding many dude* In connection with the United War Wot* Drive, which le to be mahnil November 1U8, the Salvation Krtnj being one of the ?even orpnlMfl? Is the drive. The workmn of the Salvation Amy ?re active St home nod abroad aad, under the general direction of Mtsa Booth, the; are mending clothes, arc tag soldiers to write home, providing tneoaent games, mu&lc and other whotasome forme of amnsament (a the hota, and are doing their work with ' a troa Christian viru.s ' ? Berttm the allies on the wasters front the SshraOse Astny is malntsto tnc iie hots, hustsls and rest Poofna. The BslraUan krmj entered apofl Its ?OtiM an International organization wtthln 14 days after Germany Invaded VORTH CAROLINIAN HIVES TESTIMONY I Mr*. Walstou IK-cUf^ ller Troubles Are CJone ami She Has UaJued Twenty-two Pounds. Since Taking Tunlac. Among the thousands of wellknown |pov>ple who are daily testifying to th? 1 remarkable* merits of Tanlac. no one more enthusiastic over the benefits kv.roiina. . Vcording to her own suitement Mrs. ] \\ .'.-ion trained twonty-txmj puuiuls and e-.'n reMwoil of a salons and ag .? -vatln^ 2iioum;rtk' cfcinlition thru -o i*V:::;Iao\fu?r cfther treatment .. i.tsie.i t.? '.iolp \er. Jkr unsolicited u:':er 'heutuatism and me ?rr ;iw V r \ry T.::!.v >oU i: di?*. The ? ? rtli-'ve !i. >o ?.ml! ( \?v-. re r.ov.* 1 ftel ?: ? : .keh or.l> *:gUt e tiier'.ii .no I 'l U'j L -Hi 1. " 1 .vutiil r:.*! 1 o trrot *,;> too ?t Tanlac .? public. 11'.s v >'s witirrii mus. t-, r. wanton. ? %:!;ic Is .-old in !.rti:isbtirg by Scog Prug Store. , '/ or L:-/:d Dljiciciv. . t-'. . M ado and ?.?.-'?rat^TtVje ?VtT.c >*?/ Prr's Medi ????, C:\,of L:.".at:vc B;pcno s. ..'..'.is and Cr^vcp ^>.^!n.l Tonic. curesf Headaches, Bilious ness, Losi oJ>ApBetU2* or that *-!red achingfeelin? due to Ma :.rrip. cy^C Secretary McAdoo has lad time to. run the Treasury a-'d *1:7 railroad*" a!!?' ?yv ai: for the F'Uftfc liberty Loan 160. Where did the gentlinan find so much more tfme than ' -ie rest or* : ? bave had? AC1!>S IN STOMACH SOUR TIIF FOOD AMI CAUSE IMUtiESTlOX "Fapes IMnpepsin fixe? sour, w^jr, upset stomachs In five mlnut**s. # You don't know wh?t upset your stomach?which portion of the food J did the damage?do you? Well, don't bother. If your stomach is inya re vel' : if sick. ?nc*y and cyj:t. sy6. what, you just ate has fftrmented and turned sour, head dizzy anM achesyttelch gas es ahd acids and eVictayr undigested food; breath foul, tomgue coated?just? take a little Pape's EMpepsin to neu* ^ral^e^arl^ty and iiy^ve minutes you and distress. Millions of mei/ toda^ know that It, is needless to irarr dyr-rp^* a uak. Diapepsin occasionally k&ps the stom ach sweeteney and they jsat their fa vorite foods Vithout fear. If your slfcmach doesnlt take care of your liberal limit Without re hellion; \y your, food is a Damage in1 stead of a help, rememfyqAthe quick est, surest and most harmless anti-acid is Pape's Diapepsin, which costs only JUty cents far a large case at drug I ?StnrftS If? *rnlv wonderful?it. stopaj ?i"id souring and sets thing s straight, j so gently and easily that It is really aston.'-hing. Your stomach will di-j. gest your meals if you keep acids neu- j v?rali7ed. i ? The War In Europe It at an End. i But a war Is goinp; on among the | buyers ttn Ro^ky MoUnt market for tobacco. Prices are higher tnan evert known in tna history of the tobacco business. We t*ad ory'our floor Tues- , c'ay. Nov. 12th o\96V.lbs.e which sold ? for $33.345.38. avroiging $49.06 pen* ' hune'red. The breftks are small and now is a good, time to sell. Bring ua I the m>xt load a^d we will send you ' home* happy. / \ Younf to please. FARMERS yl'TUAL TOBA^HO | WAREHOUSE COMPANY, yTlocky MotflfC N. C. ? R. P. Holf | j , Managers . W. T. UVement, Jim Y&rboro, Auctioneer. Noflre ol Sale. '..I'nder and by Tlrtue of the pTiwer mid authority conferred me by tt cer tain deed of trust executed by Bet tie Dickersou Maynard. <\nd beating i date July . 25th. 1917, and duly re corded In book 221 of mortages at page 77 and 78. in the office of Reg ister of Deeds of Franklin county. North Carolina; and because o". de fault it! the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured yd ^at the re sell for cash at publii auction in Ju* CUy of I.ouisburjc, x/rtli Carolina i?r? Saturday. Letvinberf the 14th. it*IS. at 1- M.. thV fcllowing land l-ci'.r; 1:1 Frankli'.UtiD A Tonwship. Kra?:'.:li:t County, and b\i:idcfl and described ..s uulo\v> to-wit: \ AUie of iSiJko'^ Cre./*:; rum*, thetve Xo. AV" ^ l^I *take in Joyue? B \ut : thetuv . . l . deg.. E. 25 poles/> li\U.< t j . d ? ?' corner iu ioyudr'e ikie: then. S. decree* E. 57 A>oles y> links i ; r.ovver cornvrf the. .V X. 1'2 dti;. Or- pole# to slake. ?;! Un'i>s South *?:' el CreeA* nivi** " 11* . i :>r.nev,^ u.ado Nowni/cr S.-'ltHK1. Ilxii'p iiii,- uviu the a'.ovo acre ? t dvd : * Si>viuer Ver.rce l?y Uettie i *51 \ei'. ca Xlaytiaru ::i u deed mad.* September 15. 1017 and recorded i:. tl:e cifice t?f tile Register of Deeds of Fr^nk'.Jn county. '? This the 14t.i tlay of XorembelY li?lS. K M GANTT. Trustee. 11-13-41 If you wh? life insurance see J. A. Tl*KXER./\ 7-26-tf j (Vrflticato o? llisM?lutIo:i. Tx> all to whom these prestats may? leme?Gieeting. Whereas, it appears to my sati?fac lion. by duly authenticated record ot the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous (?on* sent of nil the stockholders deposite i in my office, that tite M< Kinpe Bro thers Company, a corporation of this . State, whose princijlil office Jk situate ! at Main Street, in tVe tow/ of Louis urg. county ot ^t/te ol .\ort \ Caro!ir.a. M?:!colm ^uViiyfie being the. apen* t*, ere in and in ojfarste i hereof, upon wi.oin process ny(V be-served >. has complied with ihe/cqVirenicnts of Chapter -1. Revlsal /f nV>. entitled orptT. tiotis, * preMniin;.r\ t^ the ixsulnr o? this Cer/licatc o\l)issolu-i tion: / \ Nor, therefore.^. J. DryanVSrimcs* i Secretary of State 'A North Carolina, lo li^/eby certify that the said corpwr-. tioft did, on the l> uay ot November l.'la/flle iii my office a\duly executed and alest.d consent in wrftin* to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by ;'ll the .stockholders there of. which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now i orr file in tny said office as provided by la*f. In testimony whereof. I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 9 day of November .i n W'VbiuL. wiAiwi. Secretary of State. t Commissioners Sale of Lond. Under-^njl by virtue of the authority vested in us by a decree of the Super ior Court of Franklin County, in that action entitled M. T. Hawkins vb Del la Wright, Administratrix et als., we the usdersigned commissioners will, on Monday, th 9th day of December, 1918, j at or about the l^our of nooh, at the Court. House door in Louisburg, N. C., | ufTur for Hale at public auction to the? highest bidder for cash the following described! real estate, to-wlt:/ Situate lying amltoeing in the (Tount^of Frank lin. State Af Nor Carolinay&nd bound ed as foUo^e: Beginning at a Locust tree on the P^aysville nrfad, comer for M. T. Hawking, thence about south to a point about tVreeieet west of a pine -hi- S. Y. Mncon^ylinej thence about east to a stake./*wmer for S. V. Macon and M. T. Haw)nns;\hence about north to a rock oil the sa\l Haysville road, corner for S. Y. Macbn; thence In a northwesterly directiorfyalong the said Hayynllfc road to the point of the be ginjnng. containing by estimate about tyenty (20) acres. more j or less. It being the trad of land known as the B. F. Wright Home Place. This the 8th day of November 1918. W If YARBOROUGH. Com'rs. E H. MALONE, ll-i:,-4t FAIR PRICES The following prices have been set by the Fair Price Committee for Franklin County: Week ending Nov. 10, 1918. Commodity Low | High Low J Wheat flour, per 1-16 hbl. bag, ..(12% lbs.) ..$11.70 $12.20 $ .85 Cornmeal (bulk) (per lb.) 4.40 4.60 .06 Victory bread (pri^e per loaf) (16 oz) .08 .10 Oatmeal or rolled oatu (package) (per lb.) 11.00 .15 .15 Rice, unbroken, standard quality (per lb.) .12% .15 Hominy or hominy grits (per lb.) ?4 .05% 08 Potatoes, whit or Irish (per pk ) 47% Onions (p?r lb.) .03% .06 Raiains, seeded (per 16 oz pkg.) 12% .20 Casned tomatoes, standard gradde per 20 oz re*iiu them to V r ; ?. '?J ' n Zit\ i > ? *5 ?;* . '? j< J o v.- - vy ii3 Airu': ufill iv- r*?dy -'i^Ciew over ... i\ -M Cat .. !? ir>m the '.d ??ffir ;s in- Diu ' ? .v Catalog ?v n - ;s not on !'i ?- -,':i receive . Crder your PAIi?gAS.2-G3EENWC0D CO. Inc. '? r;^c?t J?*vcl?rs Sou;!im ?-h by St vet, Cor at r 7.1a! i Ave. Coal Profits? Swift & Company has frequently stated that its profit on beef averages' only one fourth oflgr cent a pound, and hence has practically no effect on the priced ComMTison has been made by the Federal Trade Commission of this profit with the profit pri ooal, and it has pointed out that anthmcitelcoal operators are content with a profit of E5 cents a ton, whereas the beef profit of ore-fourth of a cent a pound means a profit of ?5.00 a ton. /The comparison does not point out that anthracite qaal at the seaboard is worth at Wholesale about $7.00 a ton, whereas a ton of beef of fair quality is worth about $400.00 wholesale. --To carry the comparison further, the 25 cent profit on coal is 3% per cent of the $7.00 value. The $5.00 profit on beef is only 1'/^ per cent of the $400.00 value. > The prefit has little effect on price in either case, bat has less effect on the price of beef than on the price of coal. Coal may be stored in the open air indefinitely; beef most be kept in expensive coolers because it is highly perishable end must be refrigerated. Coal is handled by the carload or ton; beef is deliv ered to retailers by the pound or hundred weight. Methods of handling are vastly different. Coal is handled in open cats; beef mart" be shipped in refrigerator cars at an even temperature. Fairness to the public, fairhess to Swift ft Company, fairness to the parking industry, demands that these Indisputable tacts be considered. It is impossible to disprove Swift & Company's state ment, that its profits on beef are so small aa to have practically no effect on prices. M Swift & Company, U. S. A.