"K SPLENDID TONIC" 8oyi Hixiod Lady Who, On Doc tar'* Advice, Took Car dm And 1? Now Well. Hlxson, Tenn.?''About 10 years ago I M7i Mn. J. B. Gadd, of this place, "I suffered with a pain In my left side, could not sleep at night ,aft My doctor told me to use Cydut I took on* bottle, which helped Zie and after my baby came, I was Stronger and better, but the pain /was still there. \ / I at first let ltyo, but Jlgan to get weak and In a ruo-dowi condition, ao I decided to trj\ some/nore Cardul. which I did. I 7 This last CanJol Whtfh I took made me much better, lm fact, cured me. It haa been a numbeV/jf years, still I have no return of tips trouble. I feel It was CarAii that cured me. and I recommend/ltlas a splendid fa male tonic." / 1 Don't allow/you? elf to bocoma weak and ru^downl from womanly troubles. Takar Cardui It should sure ly help you, As it hal so many thou sands of (Mkt women In the past 40 years. ?Headache, backache, Bldeache, nervousness, sleeplessness, tired-out feeling, are all signs of womanly trou ble. Other women get relief by taking CarduL Why not you T All druggists. NC-132 J. 0. NEWELL, M. K Loulsburg, N. 0 / Offices noxt door to White d Malone Will be at Loulsburg regularly. Day Phol^e 329 ? Night p/one 292-J 1>HL W. B. MOHTOr be Specialist Office tb Hotel Building lioulsburk. NorthADaroli3.< S. ATW(fol> JEWELL. Attorn?\-Jrt-I,nw. Louisburg Y Franklinton Offices over AjAck Drug Co. General /Frtactlce OK. ABTHCItyHTWEB TLEKOTR Surge/n Denting IxiuisburRf North Carolina Oia?e ovor P. Sf & K. K. AllAn'o Store. dr/ii. g. peb?* physician and Surgeon Loo^Murg. North/Carolina ? "? i NexWDoor to Aycock Drug Co. Phon? Connections 287. DR. At!. MA LOSE. Loulsburi^^orth Carolina ?rtBce In Aycflck^Drua 8tore, Market Street. Office l\actlce Surgery and consultation. dbJd. *. sniWrics. I Deatlst. H. C.X Office ti the First National Bank Bulldog on Main and Nash Sts. w. hNpehsoh. attorney-at-law Lonlsbnrg^iJoVth Carolina Practice in all courtA Office on Main Stnsft / \ *. F. H? CONTRACTOR/fend fltJILDSR Vrullng agenti/ for ?II kind* of fcoUdlng supplies/ artistic Mantle? and Wile?, Architectural deslfms suh B. White"/ E. H. J|alotw WHfTE A JLA10TTE LAWYERS Loalgburg, North Carolina ?eneral practlcf. settlement of te* fonda lnvesti.3 'H mticher of ,? firm always la the olflce. Win, H. Rttffln, j Thos. W. Ruffln WJt. H. JNTHOS. W. BUFFIN Attorfa^s-ai-Law Loulsborg, / s \ North Carolina General praetlae, botnvclvtt and crim inal, In Frank/in and adjoining conn ties, Supreme! and FedeVal Courts. Offices In First NatlonaPBank I Building. \ I)H. J. B. DAVIS Physician and Surgeon LeulBburg, 5. C. Formerly laterne St Agnes Hospital Office next door to Durrell Davis Blacksmith Shop Phone Connections 64. DIUT. B. HENDERSON, of "H?n<iertj?>n, N. C. Will be in LOOTSJBURQ every FIRST and THIRQ Monday of each motfth at tft? offioe of Dr. Herbert Perry from 10:00 to 1(00 o'clock. Practice limited to the EYE, EAR, NOSTE and THROAT. STEG^ALL BROS. rb?r/ Loulsturj/N. C. We have purchkRafl the shop former ly occupied by oi/ar Stegall and will run same at the^ame stand, Zollle Wllklns will bo/wlth us, and satlafnc tlon and cleanlfnew shall be our mot to. Plenty ol hot'running water <^id clean towels/ nunc!. Vtei yon Insurance take It with T. W.ittTSOH. He taMws b?w. 7-fl-U. dmVt Tutdew chill Ton k' rei?m vitality and wtjj by pRrifytaJ and ?n rlchlng th? blooAYarf^n >000 feci ft* Strcntfib ftclnjj. Iavlior^J^fEfleet Price SOo Mask Against Influenza Am a mfflw of preventing the BjTreiul of influenza th? North OaruliiuL Stat? BoanLnf Health strongly urges that doctors, nurses and others attending patients sick with this dine?o ww] a Book over the mouth and nose. The manner of wearing b ihowii in the above picture. The mask should be made aooord iiig to Bed Croes directions, in size about eight by five iaahen, consisting of four layers of fine mesh gauze, or buttercioth. Do Bot use coarse mesh gauze, as experiments have shown thai pro tection is not given even when as many as eight layer* of tiu coarse mesh are used. The mask may be sterilized by placing in boiling water for a few minutes and used over and over again. Tk same side should alway* be worn next the face and for this purpose one aide should be marked, say with a black thread. The prtKsaution is simple, costs almost nothing, and is qiokI effective. PLACE A MASK OVER YOUR MOUTH AND NOSE AND Help THE SICK OF YOUR COMMUNITY, CAREFULLY WASHING YOUR HANDS AFTER ATTEND ING EACH PERSON. IN DO) NG THIS ^riE CHANCES OF DEFECTION ABE PRACTICALL Y N< >Y& Somebody's Dollars Will Do It? I Wonder if They'll Be Yours By Bruce Barton I WILL tell^ou what will happen some night this winter in France. Some night when its cold and dark. There will be a rustling through the front line trench, where our boys stand guard. And a heavy ladened Secretary will make his way along. In his hands will be great steaming pots: in his pocket chocolate and ciga rettes. From one man to another he will go, passing a cup fall of hot coffee to hands that tremble with the cold; bringing the comfort of a bit of sweet and a smoke. Men Will hail him cheerily, slapping him on the back; and when he has gone things will be a little easier in that trench because he has passed that way. How much will it cost to make that the ciga rettes and all? Five dollars? Twenty-five dollars? I do not know. But whether it is five dollars or twgnty-flve, I'd like to think that It is my five or twenty-five?wouldn't you ? That some night when it's cold and lone some, my money and youra might send a Secretary out along that frontlinetrench. Let's make up oar minds that wo are going to pay for a score 01 those trips. A score of the nights this winter shall be our nights ?nights when the boys greet joy ously the chocolate and cigarettes that our money provided; and are happier because our representative has passed. United War Work Campaign For the Boys the Service The Strong Withstand/ the Heat of Summer Better\ftaa the Weak r Old people who ar? feetla/and younger people who are weak, will be strenaneoed and enabled tu go through the depressing hiht of summer by tak ing GROVES TASTELESytll TONIC. It purifies and enriches the blood ai^ tftiilds up the whole sys tem. You can soon feel Its Strengthening. Invigor ating Effect. 80c. New Store for Sale or Rent at Wood, If. C. This store Is BuUtabfe for both Dry Qoods and O^pcerv/tnislness; is well covered and flushed Inside, has largo aide room withS/door opening into it. Will rrnt at per month or wlh 8ell store andr adjoining Tot at $1500.00 with satisfactory ti CANDLER-CR&WELL CO. 11-1-tf Louisburg, N. C. AUTOMOBILE FOB SALE SIxNCyliylr Chandler. This auto\p>fn perfect running or der. Has nepf Kelly-Sprlngfleld tires never had pynctuxe. Self starter new top./nowly\painted, cAn be seen at CANDLER-\ROWELL CO. 11-1-tf ? If yon want llJa^Thauranca aee J. A. TURNER; , 7-26-tf 66G cures Cattis and Fever. Administratrix Notic? to Creditors. HaVing qualified an administratrix of the estate of J. W. Daniels, deceas ed, late of Franklin County, N. C., this Is to notify all persons having claims agatast said estates to pre^nt them to the umlerslgnedVon QF^efore the 1st day of Novembei\j?l9, or this notice will be plead of their recovery. All persons ijxlebterao the said estate will pleawt<make immediate payment. This November 1st, 19 MRS. ELIZ. M DA>JLELS, Admrx. Wm. H. & Thofl. W. Ruffin, Attys. Notice. Having qualified ..a administratrix of the estate of J. H/Timberlake, deceas ed, late of Frankllir^ounty, this 1% to notify all persons Nholdlng against the said ?state 60 presptft them to the undersigned on V^tfefore the 1st day of November, lMflCor this no tlce will be plead df their re covery. All persoir indebtell to said estate will pleasp^nake mmeotye set tlement. ThlfurooY. 1st, 1918. MARY W. TIMBE^RLAKE, Admrx. ll-l-6t For Sal A deslrobleV resldancc and lot on Church 8treetp\imnjfdiate possession? Apply to ~D. JACKSON, at Firgf ^qtlonal Bank :0-4>tf Why Pay More When you can buy it Here Cheaper? The buying public in Franklin and adjoining counties are beginning to appreciate the fact that we have the cheapest store in town, when quality is considered, and are coming here to make their purchases. VSee the wonderful prices below: Extrp Specials Children's Black 25c Hose, pair Mcli's liuf Hose pair Ladies' 25c Hose, pair Pearl Buttons, card Men's and Boys' 50c Caps. . Me n's Hats, $i.00 Men's 25c Suspenders, ..... Men's 50c Neckwear, Cult 1 .inks, 25c value Ladies' "While Hemstitclii ilandkerehicfs, .... Dress I'iiis, per package, . teiiureau Scarfs, ?2.">c*}J*4<miih Powder. can . . Canviiss?SiU)Ves,)-t pair .. Spool Men's 25e BoUs iN- Corset ( 'ovel'.S MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING All-Wool Blue Serge Suits, $18 today's value t > go nt . .$11.98 Men's Suits, $11 to $12.50 values, in sale at $6.85 Men's $l(i.50 Suits, High Grade, merchant tailoring ... .811.25 Men's Suits, values $!) and $10.00 $5.80 Men's Overcoats, $11.90 and $10.40 down to $6 98 Men's Dress Shirts, choice dollar value ? 59c The very best Work Shirts, the strongest $1.25 kind 98c Boys' 75c Sweaters. 35c Boys' 35c Blouses," 33c Men's $1.00 Dress Gloves 49c Men's 15c Garters, per pair t. : 9c $5.00 Boys' Suits of Blue Serge $3.98 $4.00 Boys' Suits $2.98 - $6.00 Blue Serge Suits, the new Norfolk $3.95 Boys' Pants. 85c Value 48c .Tnvenile Suits- worth $3.00, now $1.93 Finct Suits made, high grade worsteds, $7.50 value,... $4.68 Men's, Women and Children's Underwear. Boys* Fleeced Ribbed PnloR StlltB n-aur ?#.? ??. * i?u.m ? *39c Men's $1.25 Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers .... *.89c \ Boys' Heavy Fleecea Shirts ' and Drawers, ^ .. 7 5c Ladles' Fleecefl Ribbed 69c Union Suits 89c Ladles' Fleeced Ribbed 76c Shirts and Drawers ...89c * Girls Ribbed $1.25 Union / Suit a... .... ..J. ..lie Girls' Ultra Heavy Fleece' 75a"' Shirts an,j Drawars 29c DRESS GOODS FOR THE LADIES. Good Slieetins, 25c value, per yW 17% ")<)!? Mattress Ticking, per vnrri A.. . . vf. , . . . .. 25c Turkish Towels, each .y(. 15c 25c Apron Gingliam, per yard ... .\S 17V2 25c Outing Flannel, per yard .. 18c 35c Dress Gingliam, per yard . . \ 21c Wool Serge, 75c value, per yara \ . 49c . 25c Curtain Scrim per yanz . V 14% New Fall 1917 Dress Goojis, value 58c tcrcfcl.OO yard . .59 and 23c "De Lux" Hats tor Bdys ..' 25c Men's $1.50 Sweater/. \. . -75c Our lines of Coats, Suits, Shirtwaists, Skirts, Millinery and Sweaters are complete and are being sold at bargain prices. Come in and see our lines. See our line of Men's Women and Children's Shoes before you purchase your winters footwear. I. J. DEITZ & COMP'Y * W " 1 Louisburg, North Carolina "The House That Always Sells It Cheaper"

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