. . ,.ora A. F. John,OB, Editor and MftU*er. ? ? THE COUNTY, THE oTATE, THE UNION ' SrtbsetipUoa 91.60 Fu Teat VOLUME XL VII. L LOCISBUBG, N. C, KKIDAV. DKCEMltKB 13, 1818 -i_ : : ?! S ' j, KUMBEB ta PEBSH1NG AND BLISS WILL BE I?i RECEPTION PARTY Col House ?'ill Hoard the Liner and Bring President and Mrs. Wilson Ashore* Brest', France, Dec. 10.?The steam ship George Washington, carrying President Wilson and the American delegates to th ^cace congress at Par is, was reported by the naval wireless as passing die Azores at one o'clock this afternoon. All on board were well after the stormy weather through which the Presidential liner passed. ALL IN READINESS Preparations for receiving Presi dent Wi'son here Vnve been completed. The progre?^ of each step taken by ti e American visitors is followed with e.tger in.'j.v.. The l.r.j? plan of send ing vcn American d.caduauglit fleet seaward has been change*}. Accord-' ing to the new plvi fee: will go out early Friday ?; ; K .Mu^rican party r siiort dW'.aiice fit" t-io co:??t. French warslvp* wlii i;-Ke For eign Mini '.er i'; -T of Ma rine Leygi:e3 nnrl An arc Tardieu,' French' High Commissioner.' to Amer ica for-the firs': greetings by an ex change of salutes. French officers l ave arrived from Par!c to make final reception arrange ments. Tije George Washing;^: d;aws loo liiuc-i water v j enter the i tier fcartyor, s;o it vili r. lit', i of about a mile off shore. < Tin: a:ii?UJcax party An American rar?,y. consisting of Generals Pe^hHg : nil lJ-iss, Admir al Benson, .\dnvrul H??.ry 11. Wilson, 'and Cot. 12. M. iic.'uso m -ii will board i.>? liner a?t. the iTerideni* and rs. Wihsoii a.roro aboard r. naval . ne French* ministers will extend . . ^mal welcome to the American i .lent cs lie set'* loot on French. ? bl/i.. Mc.Vdto for President Club Formally Organized. Aslieville, Dec. 10.?With over 1,000 charter members the "McAdco I or Pres ident" Club has been formally organ ized to work for the nomination of the Presidents son-in-law for his fatlicr.-in-law's job. J. G. S.'ikeleather is president of the new organization; H. H. Sullivan, vice-president; Gray C'uhan, secretary; B. L. Lydu. treasur er. The organisation was perfected a: r. nueting held at tue courthouse last i:igiit, a.' which various speeches were made. The club intends to dis tricut; propaganda anc hopes to see sJn.ilar clubs organized in every cit> iltlj. I'hristsiSs *heer. The following appeal liar, been re cived from John L. Weber, General Camp Secreary Y. M. C. a. TO THE GOOD PEOi'LL Or NORTH CAROLINA: - Christmas Is cqmuig aiiu will find a "J II) II iiiiiii Jrck: on, mr.ny of whom .-.-ill be lone some and unhappy. Now, ii is my wish to do-everything po.-.-ible to gi\<g these men a tas.'e of real Christinas joy .-4 ft hi tti?P^?l?iMs te-Me-fimnr pwple o" 1..1 fc'.aic i o :cri. lei" '.."in. i'.ioii'.rli me. whatever they feel il?.?t il:cy <an coirvibute to the auccc?? a happy C hristnias day. I will be glad to have smokes. good things to cat, and money i o be applied to t no purchase of fresh- ffr.i'.; and othy?r delicacies.- ? In addition to t hear urtrt: rrt catnj) ve have between five ami six l-undred Red Cross nurses, the finest in i"?ie whole world, and 1 v.to see that they have a happy Christmas, so I am also making an appeal IV: th?m. Whatever is sent by any friend of our great citizen army will bo used for the T)enelit of the men ami will contribute much towards giving them a joyous occasion. Address all communications and packages to Dr. John L, Weber, (fen eral Camp Secretary, \. .Vi. C. A., Camp Jackson. S. C. Young Woman s Missionary Society. The Young Womans Missionary So ciety mej at the home or Mrs. M. C. Pleasants Dec. 11th iif a study cir cle. Our leader not being present, t'??e meeting was conducted by Miss Ne va Rowland. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Neva Rowland, .taken from I Corinthians. 13th chapter, fol lowed by a prayer by Mrs. M. C. Pleas ants. ^After a very interesting lesson was discussed the Socie *y adjourned to meet with Miss Lillian High Wed nesday evening. Dec. 18, 1918, in a study circle. Those present were Misses Sue and Hodgle Alston, Susie Meadows, Neva Rowland and Mrs. M. C. Pleasants. Mrs. Pleasants served delicious re freshments. * LETTERS FROM FRAME * * ** ? ? * * * Somewhere In France, November 3, 1918. Dear Mother and Father: Will try Ho write yot? Just a few lines to let you know that I am well and in good healh. Listen, Mamma, just tfilnk I haven't heard a word from home since the 1st of August. 1 am so anxious to hear from you all. I have gotten one letter from a girl since I left the States. I have written home several times since I landed in France. ? I don^know any hews, no more than I am on the front now and of course ' re going to win lllia war, guess have already learned that. rui afraid you and papa are griev i . about me. Now listen, it is 1101 . c 1 of that, ?."hat will shorten your ? f. Don't worry about me for you! ! .c ; Grandpa was in the war four , . and he came "Home safe. Why, ? ^ t I do the same, duly I will bo ' k so much hk?iu r it will surprise you. We are K re Jo win the war 1 mid be done with it; then I will come j back to you aim stay at home as I have done until I came into vhe army. [ I would be glad to get just one line from home. Will close .From YOUR BOY. I Private J. T. Finch. C. Battery. 21sf F. A. American Ex. Forces, via New York. I Somev*he re 'r. France, Oc.ober 25, 1918. My DeaY Daddy Well, Daddy, iiow are you i ll to-1 night': I am feeding very good ivmight. i 1 have been in the hospital. Now on ? my way back to my Co., and think I ? will go back tomorrow. Hope so; I j want to get back and get my mail as ; I haw nov had any for almost thirty j days.. 1 am ?ure 1 will havc a letter from home when I pet back. I wrote ! you while at the hospital have you gotten it? Well' Daddy I hav* been "in! one of -:.:q .largest ilglUs in this war and T sure do feel lucky to be living. 1 sure do thank my Go.! that h? lias rated me this long, and 1 am still liv ing in hope that som^ bright day I will come back to Home, Sweet Home again* J can see >'<>u all just as plain and I Mil always thinking of you all at home. I have not se?n Joe for thirty day-, bat the last 1 heard.of him lie was all right, and jutfl' as soon as 1 get bat..: \ will find out about him and let you know just how he is. Daddy what is Lee and Mary doing? I sure would be glad to see you all, aaid hcres hoping it wont be long be fore this war will close and we boys can come back vo the good old U. S. A. , We have lost lots of our boys and they all were good boys, and our Company will never sec-m lilie the same old Company. It seems so sad so many of the boys killed and lots wounded so that iliey will nov come back any more. We are getting lots of new men from the States now to .'o till up age in < ud i bey have just been in the army about three months una *.ve will have vo train them some too. but wc don t luiac* fi.is as we get to sruy cat of the 5in<?? le do so. With all my love "o all at home. Your loving son, DICK. i.Trp. Grady F. Dunn. Co. i>. 120th IafoAftierican E. !?'. ? Niti New York. Abroad Somev.iior j Oct\?hcr 26. 19iS. Dear Papa: "Have bon ttriing a Jew lot "m ' i. ?f <?( urae can never reTuso l^o ?vrlu* a few lines to yc*? nil. So will begiy by saying have just taken a hearty laugh av a feliow tilling his exi>tiiience-4i.s an orderly lor 0112 of ? mi- limn man.*.?aImj lm-u Jum n'.ul the program of t ?e PuUe Memorial Day you sent. Tell i-apa lo- be sure and cpntribuve some to this cause for ni-. <!ia any of you go? Also read t lie other clippings. including the little funny jokes. They appeal to me so ;i;?? :i i,< ilit?y.Bin'no <>?.? ti.'nl-: ?ii" ? lit liappy uioiiicuu_wa Jipei., io?u;'u?r'by *.:? fireside reading tneiii. Well, i am glad 10 hear you all are r 1 i L i <!nhir* so fine. Am exporting to in.a* of you all pat chasing an auto, tK.igs aie selling so high. You spoke of reading tl;;- work of :'i o Americans. Yoa bc-i yrur life, ?fvfuar.g has been a ????. men thing wit'.i *t's lately. And wo.iie.ful exper iences no human being vua explain. Have bees* right* over after the Hoche several times, and we showed him ilie meaning of mrr mission hero. And Mother the Lord has so ?.onderfully cared for me. * ?' It seems Ait American dough boys ] are quite a fright to the Boclie as the ' Kaiser's children are continually drift ing toward home, and at home we hope he w'll soon be. And a glo.loue peace will be extended tofall the world once more. Mamma I hope /ne Lord's will is for me to return and oh. what a happy time it will be. .We regret ..'he loss of our comrades, which has occurred. -However, we realize we are in war. Sherrod is doing fine too. He and Johnnie Pearce were around to see me yesterday. Have seen Johnnie Bowden? Hubert Bergeron and a good many oth er Criends liately, all were well and Jol ly. Haven"t seen any of .'ho other boys around there who left this spring yet, but am going to try and ?write them. I Say. what is Johnnie having to say now? They say he is Just a grand sport. Had a letter from L . said lie was sporting & ha! wonder if lie is driving old Bude. Well hope they will have a good school this time. As I am sure choy have some good teachers. Guess bid Charlie D. is laughing some now. Have Just' been wondering which one him or Roger, will get the most cot ton picked by the girls. * Think the way the children started oUv* picking was very good. Tell them to be smart, maybe I can Join them again some day. * Tell Papa I would like for him to write me how he came oul" this year, as prices I hear are real high, Hope - tS?U CALL >N ?~'-1 By courtesy of H. C. Temple, Cleveland Plain Deal?<^ "OO! GRAN'PA, WE FORGOT SOMPIN'!" you are in good condition now flnah cia'.ly. also vent to know If any allot ments art* coming in ag.vn. , Am glad Linda went 'Sown to Oou tsin Andrews. Mailii- wrcie me about it ult-o. Now i guess I r)? :tev begin stop ping *or ihi> tinir- :?> i .??us.n have to licp ve erday. Nov 1 want you all tc give my best love r.r.d good wishes to all relatives, neighbors and friend.-, and tell the families il-.a* !;:?*?>? .'h- r ? R*?-wiwr-? T wish them the very ue?t surrey pos sible. v-.;t:l our bh)ipy return. And nope i: wont bo Ions ho fore ve crn have n not her noichborhood reunion. '!*??'. Henry ! ale some rabbit toda}. (Ti ?p'ncli li'.Je Wlllard Al len's io;-j* b'fcr on?'j? i'-r me. Te l ? tt:t: rnrr*~trrr rr*in, and r IlfUIJ'Ur llu ja ail." '.?? ??jii ?. j !i' "mtr !??%?:?/ hov. i.r.O.\ Si'FX JJi Co. F.. 11 In h Inf.. A. ??;. F. A. i\ O. 74:?. P. S. I forgot last night. You re member the picture you sent, where the soldier boys were watching the children play. .Well th&ts something to our experience. . We are out now on I suppose a good long rest. And we boys are having a nice, JoKing and jolly time. Mamma the sweetest experiences we have had yet were to see the dear old women and men shou-'ing ami rejoic ing as the American douga boys pars ed by. And they realize the fact that they once more are living on the Al lied side of the lines. Don't you know if was beautiful? Bye bye. L. S. France. Nov. 191X. Dear Home Folks: Just wrote you all a long letter the ' other day, but have gotten two from j you since then stating you haven"|t' been getting any from me. Well, moth" er, please rlon't be troubled, as you will understand, when we are in the lines, It is very inconvenient to wriue. there fore I had t? neglert writing in the past for a week or two, I guess is why .the long slip vame in. Hope they' are coming in again now. So I beg. while I'm here, making the greatest of sacrifices, you- all, will share with me, and Continue to write often. I Shalt be sure to wri'Je you often, at every chance possible. Was very sorry to hear in your let ter today the influenza was raging, and of the serious cases, but hope it is checked and >#oti all will ntfl get* iti I'm afraid L/ena was sick, as her writ- , ing was like Krama'?, it was not natur al. Know you will be glad to hear I'm getting on fine and am almost as fleshy as I \\as when at home in- Feb ruary. Had a letter from Tommle today al- j so. He reports everything going on ..no 111 ;!?o chnrcli. which Founds kockI ?? mo. Am in ?>;.?! t*.T hope no v.* of re ':uii:iup back to the dear work than ever. as Turkay and ?.u?.:'.*ia have fall "M. Ani aaTTn hope by ?l:c time y :"U ?:.'t ihi? Germany will be the ?uino thing. rei-t. ns 1 staled before. ami are located near each other, which ei.ablc- u* to ??ee each other every day or two. We ad a divisional Held meet in s the otuar rir.y I'-j-Pi voro ur'nrn 1 fur ' in..? ? in ra-. e.-?. relay, horse, and nnilf rhtincr. boxing and n good in;.::y ^tl:tr 'i? 'i < aii Imagine iife day wan o>ed by seeing ail ibi/. 'i<: hyir ih*.% band5 play, followed by l!:c pootl he v ?* t-iat Turkey r.n<: A'.:sirl.i v en- v New spirit seems v? be greatly in r-rtfttfc tbroiitfiimit ah tne-utii;-'. You Icnow 1 can almost acts tiic ^ i! dren playing that mu?k'. Uei\ ami Impe I will be there before long A) jest: ''?e , band. Tell Linda, Lena, anrl Jack.. ?vm would liki to write them separate let ters but. it.would require ninth more writing and don't believe "hev will think hard of me for writing al to gether. Their letters are dear to me. and let */.iem continue to write. Well. I started the letter last-night, but didn't finish. So ronight will be gin againv Say. 1 saw Sherrod again today, al so Moses Inscoe and El wood Sykes 'and (Jrady Hunn. CJee. we have some ; lovely chats when wc meet you bet. I Tell Linda was glad to hear of-the Red C. organization at t tie Paths. Be ;sure to do a lot for it, also hope she gave Mary Etta my address. And to be sure to write Bertie a few words for me. I Now. kg I wrote a great (leal in the other letter, will make this one short. I Am still feeling fine tonight. Now the 'conclusion of my letter is this: "A PRAYER FOR HOME * Dear Heavenly Father, listen to the pleadings of ThytSrild. grve ear to my prayer. Lonely am 1 in a distant country. away from my beloved home, away from those whom l love and who are near and dear to me* Loiuiy. Tf.it. Heavenly Father, not -forsaken. Fcr Thou hast said: "Lo, I nm with yo.: always even unto the end of the world." '"If I amend up into Heaven, Thou art there. If I tak< wings of the morn ing and dwell in the uppermost pnrts of the sea even there shall Thy hand lead me. and /Thy right hand shall hold me." For this I thu.uk and praise Thee, for if Thou art wttn me I shall not want. Therefore I commend my loved ones. Bless all I left at home, send Thy Holy &ng<>lp to guard and ptotect them, keep them, I pra> Thee In true faith, give them power and strength to resist the temptations of the sinful world and to abide with The?. ' # ?? And. Lord, If Tnou will, spare me and my.' -ed ones, and grant me a !:i?ppy re?urn boric. above nil bring TV.-}. ?-.itI; t hi m 10 the home .?ltich Vlio': ';:is 1? prepare for Tliln^ own. Lord Heaven \v Ha Mi or. ;tciK nie. for ?jesiis* .?ak,'. A men. I r? ni- tni- r y?-i :t'.\ -lail;'. Good Your \c\ 'up: > and brotlur ?'orpr.M Leon :s. Gay. ? w ( :!2l ??? Followir?>r ?!??'. net ion* ? r ?hp I'uel n?imiinstr.r. :r vVa^iinrfon :!?? lol lo-.vmts .cb'ur.iin i is '? ? ??? sent to ;ill ? #i -Tri:? p-%?-... i ;n;v...: onllnuing <l v i iv December .'.Mirth: I al* <?u* re qmsi'. It.'i.-* .*-uv?. ????? on? t Mid <?*?..? la t ; i i? ilo.is i\\ a: iMr Notify i! operators i' ti jol.bers that shipments ma -e on requisitions fr?>m this office to all ot'uT clas&es of consumers will be cnQrd}* at ri^k of shipper." On i?ud after this d:r.'e all North Car olina industries will lace t;te neces sity ?>f depending ontreiy. upon their own I'i'iorts in sec uring coal. All deal er;*, public uiilltlies, hosj.ivals, schools Male and municipal apre:.eles will like wise depend upon their own efforts in sofar .uu it i& possible for them to do so. only calling upon the Fuel Admin istration for assistance when their own efforts are entirely unavailing. Conditions h;ive so nearly approach ed normal with respect to movement of Bituminous coal that it* should not longer be necessary /or consumers to call on the Local or State Fuel Ad ministration for assistance in meeting their requirements. However, in emer gency cares the Fuel Administration will gladlyrender assistance as for merly. In ''his connection it seems advis-1 able to state that conditions with res pect to Anthracite have not improved. From present indications there will be1 no change in Anthracite allotments, j and dealers and consumers should not.i therefore, entertain the nope of secur- J ing this grade of coal. In view of press reports Dr. Gar-1 find's resignation you will be in ,? rested in the following telegram ; m Hr. Garfield's office: "Dr. Garfield will continue in direct charge of Fuel Administration as long as there is work to be done and to discharge fully his duty to the pub lic. Relies on your assistance through tlje win'.vr at least." Dr. Garflelds^lecision will doubtless find a ready response in the hearts of the patriotic men who have given them selves without reserve l"o the call of Country, and this office confidently hopes that every memner-of the State Organization will stand by the Colors until the F.i-1 Adminlstr.V ion comes to a final close. -Yours very truly, ft. C. NORFLEET, State Fuel ?Administrator. A BAR TO BOLSHEVISM?A CHRIS TIAN SCHOOL Governor Rlckctt's Address at Char lotte. Raleigh, Dec 10.?"The best antidote for Bolshevism is an odueaved Christ ianized citizenship,'* declared Govern or T. W. Blckett last Sunday after noon in a big mar 3 meeting in Char lotte in the interes.' of the Million Dollar Campaign for the Baptist Schools of the State. Con tinuing. Governor Birkett s aid, "Ignorance is the mother of poverty, nnd the handmaiden 0? crime. Anar chy and atheism walk hand in "Vand. 1 want the men <>t mean* to lot this statement soak in?<. 1?^ down either the'churches or the ycUoois, u .i.i your property w * *? \ *?v ;?ie lo you p. .. ?!i;v instead of an u.-srl. It; Russia today the naked fact v?.?t a o\?n.- pr-op erty makes i:im"r? mark for a tiring squad." Referring to the Million Doiii.r Cam paign tile Governor t-'aid. ""i"!?!- i?v lion dollars will mean mur!; to tt:e S.cto of 1X or Vis Carol In*, and i c.*? iiot kp.. ; now I con!d at this tin: j &e: ve :: e S'.aic bd ite.* than by urging the people Vo re spond to tills call in the sam. .>irit ot' gcncv^-Siy and :?clf-dcnial i!.j? lias cl.a/u -A-T.:^^ tliu;r itu;>?ver to '.very i:pi>e.;l for tho winning o. tho r_. i? ;10 room lor reason." the iv ?. i.-?r a", erred, "tor ?-nitttty belv.oen ti:e State and the Cit.uiv> ttchool. It v. on Id be ilie acme ofN^nwis<l'>m for the i^iaie to undertake the work of jtlie Hiurcli sc.I cols. it wciald to the !'.?eighth oi .folly for i'ie ciuiK -y to a^ume i*iie obligation 10 edutaie all ,pcopl". The tvo nyKiantg aple :ment ea? h cthex and ht.th are v.t.il ne 'cess i 11?, s to a well ortiered, w bal anced 'civilization. Tiaining iho ?.three h's. jep:M:'g. ' ting and <mc |tic is well. Init Jjie lourtn It c igbt jecu:. U* suitiCft to ?. .?? a )Hne niul Jinn 1 motion lor a 1 ..kt juus aiul happy Miug." ; On account of the inlluenz* ltua Ition in Greensboro, the Bapti >tate 1 Convention, which was to ha met there Dec. 3-4. has been pu oned 1 until Jan. 14-17, and tne tin .imit for completing the million dol. i. JxiVe for the Bapt'ist Schools has It., ex l tend t d to that time. The cam ;u is 'going at a good rate now. Tilt i.. inifl icent gift last* week of .5-o.OOt- tho Albritton family, of Calypso, . the $10.000 gift of Hon. J. P. Al . ider, of .Fore "t city, and the many ? ches that* are oversubscribing the Jlot ments have given a grea*. mi. js to the movcm- Jit. \VA i.TiiK :.i. (J!l.A. : / inhheitv Uh. jK I.N! .'! Lnivr}^ The a Lhft of I niuini;:^ k; ... i/k-:; offke ?? mis ?I- r ???; I " I I ?!? I in. IMS: MIhi? Aniui* .* rrinja'on, M ilius Collins. iS.: ?? Davis. M illie Dhke.rson. -Vr*. ... L. iteiih, .A. mes H. Tc-?. >1' ' Ti 'j'., ;?m. < 1, in Powell. Mr<. t l arliv Wiidvr. Al j,.(% \vm Mv.ri*. ?:v-! for in tier Persons railing any of 1 >ove letters v.*:ll 'ia> :!s:r :uiw til*. ?W adv.. .*; ! ' It M. DAV.S ' M. hi Atlfilijil r oi 'K. ii*<CT Wound*. Akaji Milo I'ioVviJ i(, ? Lonun. Dec. lu. \V)?::aiii ;?t?n irollern 'jit' ;'.? ? i?i. r C.osniau rcr, lius aiLemjiUi' o coin ml t siy fol lowing mental depression, a ling to the Leipsic Tagchlatt. t ? is .(|noted in a Copenhagen di.- i tio tho Exchange Tcleglaph Con y. A member of tlio former "timpe ret inue who prevented Herr I. ixol len from tarrying out Ills >. "ion, rccalvod a wound^-H i* said.? American Troops Arrive nt N% York I New York, Dec. 10. -The .-.Muh transport. Empress of flrltain, a rived here I'oday with 2.450 American sol diers on hoard, of wiiom 40.? were ,wo?r:led. i The wounderl Included men "of the 27th, 30th, 33rd, and 37l1i divisions. Some had lofct urniH^ITr legs. The other troops were from train ing campH In EfiKluna and included men of the 307th, 3fllsV, 140th. 357th. 256th and 834th. aero squadrons. and the 10th. 13tli, 14th, and 17 ill nlr ser vice const ruction companies. iniltod, But President Will Not Visit I Paris, Dec. 10.?According to a wireless dispatch from llie U. S. S. George Washington, says Marcel Hu tin, in the Echo de Paris, Presu'.ent Wilson has been informed that Pre mier Ehert and Foreign 8cy;r??.*ry Hr.sr of the Berlin governm ' r*nd Premier Eisner, of Bavaria, w? >out to ma!;e an effort to get bin isit Germany. Tlie President \z q ? '1 as having made this reply. "Only by long years of rcpvi." incc can Germany a"one for 4ier c'ljies, and show sincerity. No trua /msri can could think of visiting Germany unless force ! to do so by atrit/ of ficial obligations. % "That is to nay I decline In a i ance to consider any suggestion of the kind.'* Its Kind. "I would li]<e to have a swell lun cheon " ?Why not try one of dried i)lea and water?**

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