ONLY $1.50 PKK YD Alt IN ADVANCE .. ~ The Franklin Times AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT liitlNGS A. V. Johnson, Editor an.t Manager. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNIOK Subs^ Subscription 6tJiQ !Vr Year voi.ume xlvii. , , \ loitsbubg, n. c., tRiDAVJAM AMv in 1?^. N I'M BE It 4? WILSON PRAISES KOOSKVEI/rs WORK In Proclamation 4he President Pay* Clue Tribute to His Predecosor Washington. Jan. 7.?The follow I f.: proclamation on the death of Theo dore Roosevelt was cabled from Pari* today by President Wilson and is sued at Che State ^Department:: "Woodroftv Wilson, President of the t'nitel Sluten nf Apiorinn "A pm^JaillUlion. To i!:e people of , the Uluted Statues: "it/ becomes my sad j duty to an-; T7.n?sovo!t, President or the Uni'.Vd from Sppt'.'in5)rr 14 1901. io M- 4. 1909, which occurred at his : i ?liie :it Sagcmore IUH. Oyster Bay *j N K\ t'cprU. : v. fo; r-fiK. oV.ock iii { t'.p of Janu:M'%v 6' 1910. In i 'lo.ith the United S?t?-<* hrf* lost I oil- o i its moat distinguished nd pa- I f. iotw citizens, wiio :2utf ? endeared himself to the people by ,>;> strenuous d"V<j(ion to their interr -s and to the | in<??rev.U of his fiuntv.". t TRUE TO LINK 01 DUTY r 'Aa President cf the Police Board I of his native city, as member of the: Legislature and Governor of'his State j as Civil Service Commlss?"uier as As sistant Secre tary of the Navv. a?* Vice ' PiVjidciit and as President of th'e ? Ujiit -d St? : ?s. lie disph-j. i'tl adm'nistra t i v.- cowers of a sienal orc'.er and con duced .'no affairs o? .ar{oti< of fer* v.ill a concentratloi- of elYort unci a watchful c:?re whii r^rmlti'ti no ??' 'rv.i*' 'rom t!:.- t:n. * f cluiy ho !.?d i!' }?? *'fo:* Ulm.-elf i'i tl ..i?r with Spain lie displayed 'rtul.t ; ?m nne1 . mkv and ?!'? lih-' It' nci '. u" the c.4U-| ?lei ? ;* ?.*" ?,'niy K-'ld. As ? r. v -Ve tl ^ a* ion to the . : f rrivalo cent'. ?' w'iP h lurl; o'.ir Sl'ia'icljil an- ir.d'.ic.MMnl ;. It wa* by tus at rest ing the im<\ ?timulnim^ :W> progrc-s ; . s- m try that he op? n- ?i ti:e way . ? qucnt bctv* f r. farms. '*V<::.1Y oy r...iV!. AT*.:> ' . * p'*;Vfte J'fe wjs c lir-r Sr. A .' ?IV. Jl virf! M M'' ? ? *.??. .n".? ? all avr.iita lai; . i;d ? m ? i ".-:j ,'te people ut Anitf.'ich. i .1 vUiii.i-' Of ?jlif - '} - it'. v. .i\ , M.a Ti* >ry is Veld ? v ? .v g v ii- .* j nc. i\c people oi \iw l"'l ' d - ? '?veby (tin t ?na;, .a-* o?* '!i?' \v hite I! a*iu t!'c Aevev vi ?; . ..'iu:cnt huilclujs bu dis|i*a>vd n:.,:! ?or a jver Tod o i lairiy. ? - iitl KUltn**le r?:fl;uiry an*I ?;?A i UlidiT ard-T:'? \ii iilO S*.'.' ???i..' , * r? Wcr nnd of the Navy be ? ? i d ? .! t!?; ?'.ay oi t'?? ? f'.iiir* ! ? . . ir .-is Ttii cay ?.i* .'.?.liiaiy. I".*. -pr-?. I1! fill1 iii'lil < " ? ?????? %. ,.iin.!i*cd : i.'1 " iielVi- ? r.ti'.l i t lil?! ,) a-'.iiu. o" th" Unii 'd f . !? M':cat the one htji'dr ^l and 1?-WfXVrtHfiW WM SUV?__ President: i iwANK L. POLK. Ac.'.air Set .e .. v of state.** ? ? j "rr.Ks i 3j*sm * i Jewilv'i \~i. Ji" 1 v i.?:.rnllii.!'!? i ? SLii.lL my arri'.al if. t v .i;':oic_ ( :?>* < t lOV." L*'.Iti : \!!~ r . :?'? ! by ti:r >???!* i iiitr.iU'ialid \\r. ;."it . .. p:vs*i'?il.? of lhI-* v.ori: ' ,:n:t tliN country beautiful. Tinte tiru o axain have I si-i ??*. ?.-?l this L but tl:i* ^hing or i st;i? tnin.c: i.d d h and ! nov.rt- JlnUi:^, nil.hi I am -**5?m I .'eve* till da*?-! ;? pri-iiy long clay l'or ;? %. I?; v i ryhody works in ihJ" Look in.; through tiu* of sun.-hine on ilio m>r::t,,.?; ? day of Juno, i found in;. George AVnshin^oii, gliding smoothly and safely past the cl.anin-l ligh;*. up the watery boulevard, between two gn>at peaks of Riven and saw France. It was at the port of Brest. Nearly six months have elapsed since that' tinn\ and only day before yesterday, President Wilson, stood on the same , deck of the same ship and saw the < same sight a-> I did. From the prom- | menadc deck of the George Washing ton Hirst saw France. I landed here wi:".i the June Re placement draft of Railroad men. and * being a casual :it that time I have been nearly everything sla? e. 1 have often I'oi' HtH i-l'tm-r!, Wp fcTTvc . ? >).? :j placed ;md replaced. ! was . ? ? t i ,f acting I ? s it. ;Ti'' ? a II:? ? oi* ?h:il j<>!? vas ? a* 'v<?rk on ? i. ? ? '? ?*. ? plitC ?1 ir?'in ?.* ?? i?:!t*_ :rot:? ni' ? ? ?i i. ir? in ? ' ? ^ t "TV- .I :? Mjjly 1 . ;? ? r?i 11'? pi -t t !n . *1. Ji.- s I liloUKtll tij.'.t i .! ' :,t\ h.?-l i>?r.-;?kfii those i'wn <har.uT"is f. :: was il. For my pU;.\ I i!i.!n't lu.riK of much af nicM {>??<+.. but ... busy thinking whirl: \\%iy to run ... mi- ?>i? af* well as my mind w-ib iV.I' ??? I'liostH and spirits. On oncl ii. > i'.riili'i* ore a ion F remember very1 will *!-*??ui i? K i? my inlnil a pi act*. ?id f!u' plui-M wan not a v?jry pleUaant , i?ne. editor You.ran imagine where lliis place was when I tell you that J | was up in nn aeroplane at the time. " '* .* when you siro several thousnnd | ? the air you thin k o? inoai any I thought of home, of you. of . string my friends again, of the ? have held in the army, the sta ? luster and the owl, and i thought^ ; " .d. too. fit fact. He \va.< about r.iy , ?bought," cxcept?except?'Where i e Kelly would I go if 1 roll?" riling from the ridiculous to flu fiimu mere 1b much to admire in i in:* country and there is much to eliti:;! <c. As the best comes last I "Aiir make tin* criticisms firs?. Thj people ere slow and old tlmey. The?*o ! is absolutely no modern methods used in farming. thoi^ implements are oltf a ad v o nt. They have yet to ie.irri how ;c> treat mother eartlf io g?M the ic.uus. if France was firmed systematically they would never have \ii import u 1 of wheat or any food Muffs .hat i neccssary to t!i. subsistence of num. oreat :roliing I ????Ids spread out before the eye .cut i ti'? in little plots, with a little cabbag* patch here, a row of trees vheiv. and a little shrubbery in ttie next place! and so on. It makes the heart sick to ; look at this when a very little work . would transform it iuio great ?harvest of golden corn or bearded wheat. In a commercial way. Trance is a5 j far behind Anjerica, as America is ahead of Africa. She is just begin ning to lea?ii the value of modern commercialism. There u.v wry low , facilities, ever? of trave?. _li the rail-t r jr.ds of France had-been able to ; y the r.eee>f ury mater ial to hc-i* .jphtin? forces through its ivanspor* ion ilepurtmvnt as fas* as n. ede ' t'ie war would have bee.. i'.ni>?ied t;.* thii .l year cf cotiibu.. Her rc.iU ?re n .t ir. a position Uo this. ?1 was unable to grapp:c mcces.-.full with tei* problem, therefore she ecu orly tig'..i ? defensive v. -. . ;.:itil Am;. ieu. w" ii her giuut t-y^lfciu- of trav aided lvr ir t very- -bratu a <?I this sei vice. llxcept in P:*rii. all Ae larg title* are still complexly devoid c?* taxis, the liorse drawn will tie being is? use.. The street cai sys^.ti. also vt:y voo/ and :n..uequau. ol I otit-of-tlcie traile.' is s in use. jJraiue Js ve:y r.n =/ iIta:y. 'i .?a.titttry tor?' ?-.rt i-la-'LUiirr i;.u :r:?htiul. Willi :;*> drainage ???id nv ?? ? o -sy ;? :n tbf pvpb* sti1! . v ;? :r a.;? v v.:it/r in tre street*, it ; ? /i..i.KJi. sight lo set i:r-- navn. it ? at- 'the* tiilche.i' and cess r.:#.v : .... .? ? nil i. . t j *>or. 'fir rcosiiutto na < a rpacious play ground :i:i-.i i hi* Hies and insects nave a liani tnue i:i finding proper hnbiratfon s * ::ir... rt.-us are ihey. This is'ni.vv tin* oi ti;e cootie. t ho li'tie bug mat:-* i tir.o.n ;y tin* ?var. ;; ?? uv.hor ?/ S r. .' of these days iitth bug i* j-'oi.i^ io ge: yo.i,-' ecr;uiiiiy ?:itiei;..> ?U. n ' i.-?war. . :rt 1 ? " l?i? V. i!?i. ??vil'i tivcr n?e." fallows wi'.h .. ! -e? otid. ?. i-..:.?-e * n? ???; ??. ;?d a great uiinr. in fruiu Amet'i ,i. and ek^H^ug ?r1 ;? I .a.u o Ail1 ? ?? ?>???' of is:- ki iu ?? us of th' wc. Id. and wiil at*. T*. pa? for many larger than -he. I '.r/u' is cM, ilrcr'jforo'Hiu' i ; ;.r* ? hi*v Ik' j: poured inio . ;K- *V?- ; v ?. le.-rftii ? . I Li.i: ? : t .?-?fasurc-. In a'.1. ? in sou;', .itid. most sacred, II luS'j. Pi.II.II t-t''HI *jk: lygasp. ilci, urc:niL>'ri.cuo is un iitirp;.ss-'o ? 1 l?ie <i;.*!:iiin? splondev ?i' l.-r . ? ?: t. ,. tlnvr ?1 i?y their in. i?y i'lieir \.y by their i-riyed and f.assed deati*. i . A oiir ;. , :;mn.J.i ni..-;. * .?v :'iii? be ?ri'.iripg <?f the * I / dani and 'lv. ;!? ? . .; ?io ser |>e!,.,.< -av lriri. txpv i.- u\.r ... i murder, isiah. herded ?luep David, trem bled in the in us ii- ...i., cf Solomon, wept at the b u ru i r. g of ;>odon and Go morrah. entered the i:rx ..'itii Noah, perished in the flood of sin, and awoke a thousand years latrr in the stable with ^'hrist, gathered with the dis ciples, fed with the multi-Aide, placed flowers in the path of Jesus, saw breath enter the dead and the wither ed hand strc.vh out again in power,, ?ho bolievers worship and the liypo erites kcoIT. earned the cross to Cal vary, i", h tile crown of thorn* on my |,: !id thr I'Sii?'!' on the crogy^ thru ( <'i spear, heard the eoek ?? ;:'i<i ?-3oy-.l my ? ;.t-. 1 passed u:i ;-i .! b iii**d : rnti .1!t..tI ?n ui." the ' . > d r -'i I mC . i ?? \4. iu iinter of ? i .? ? ?? II . ; !he*?. .'3d J * ? ? ? ? ' ? i .m. 1 i i?.: . 'v ? ? . . ll iT ? -? L,I. .??.-?L- , -J\ ? : I ,?> ?v. d/ de ?'??ribed i' ? > i ,t. ! u* ^ni -* i havt* learned niaiiy in.eri siiiii; f i. ts e.on it illing 't.heiii. The explanation h> so long liim I haven't time to go into details, la fart I V.Ave sp?ur so much time on this letter- tiiat my eyes are getting heavy and i must soon hit the straw. ' I hope all at home are wqll and | MP, JAM K*5 A. STRM*.!? HKAD Passed Away at His Home in Louis-1 Jiurtr Friday Mornlrir. ! "Jim Turner i'- dead." w;:s .m an I nounccment thy* spivt"? ver ?k-iU?s- ? | burg early Friciuy r i ving i swro-,v on every he ir.. He v.a? r.i?.n ' v. hos<- jovial natlvv nr. .It of ' im a : f.ivoriie ccmrcnio". for .il" !?!? ?;u.?ntunces and irk:ris his; . u-^ociatc*. TW t*>u ':r.nv? ?-.?1:1? i.r me 1 a:: M. i". .^troet just a nil?it:t?n p a ? 1 ?;k Ti:i'i "'d'.r* .'.i?'.!* only u few du>> tlhicyr v, kh r*vv Jh\ James A. Turner vw\-'- y:rs old. ii'.id 1'aves a wifp pin- rtv - ? art:-. MHsos H-iiiriv.? and .\b?yy Tur 4?v?. .??r. Harris . 7*.;raer !irM? . VS. .'?is:v?rw ar.d Krai-: :.' Tv.rr >r. ? ? Loci's! vs* r.>rd . . v1 i..? :3 io i)%giu ill ? ca *\er e .* oiti.g man. enrorinp tli?? ??? <!?<?: ..?? Afn* nearer iu be n 'i'.iod vitfc *.ho tobacco* *?:?!. \ *h?>r. while a?ier?<ls ho Iirctm.. i?; tlio ;n nance ! basiiu-s dev.-l t!..? n.u i ? n ?>? Vvin..* of the >i- ' insurant* havir.rr .ill ? hich rccorj* wit a In? compati :: ': .".iv.i? many special premium*. ?. : t? ?[?lita.* vi?h ?a>me pre';?!?? ;? ? ? ?*??*?: ? ] terms a- n.ay : He represented i:is OfV.u'.r in vhe State Legislature v. - -. r. ;t-on^ Mipporier of the O'.d *? , s Hoiur. nf Kayettevilk*. comic * oi his death Secret ?y ? ?> ;ho Udarci oi Trustees of thai instl ? t n !??? was a member of ti.o !'?d < f Trustee* <>:* t!ir L:r.:l :jv.rg ?J-??>?f rrrr* vtth?. ..., -? *:d ii lit- interi-sieu m . v or k* ? f ".i.Iii .:ator.? For pa-: i ? j s \v :i :ir:ca .'t. rft ^ r,r I W a ? . S?U Mil'. iinCl ? *????; ! i <V-*no a nrct? r"/. *:i t!.w* ^ \. h.-?nieiit of his County. I!o -s one of t')e mo?.' r.;c:u ??)?? Methmli.* (f:ur-5\ serv . ". trv.ard r ?? a ! : e ? . - .S r of :? . . .? a* u > ? r mi" ? ; > ). ^ . II-f. it.? c ?*? i ::i .iie military woia his ?c it** i"M'- nu-Ua^ ?; V: ' ?la.!or from Illat or* :i.j,*rlvuio ? : aeld till!I! 11*?* .'.. '?on::! . ' * ? km ov..r W Icr; \ tlt::*'n:.- :.e - - ? . !ia .M . Vur:1 ? i.f til ?ia-e .Josiah whoso ir.llui-iiee tlm'iiiK the dit^k period or reconstruc ??>;* v.i, , -i. groal factor in restoitns *? ?!":? JHi'i justice :ti Ncrth rnrollnn. !?? v. ;- ; ;? cjcvii -. htis!);'inl and a ?M ??ij f?iher. , He pos . -..?1 ;? sympaihei^c heart that jitad* ... him ihq triend iM' t:io needy, ana. ? a ? nbvuy; .ires -'pt ami -rrady Ir" >< !::? .? |iiUimwy-!t:m"?l in times of (lis "lie belie\*fcl that tfte imi!i who t scatters flowers in th.? paviiways of | !iis fellowmen. who lets ln;o rise dark ; p):;cts Im'o the sunshine of human sympathy and human happiness, is ; following in the footsteps of his Mr.s i ter. j The funeral services were held from t ho home on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock and were conducted by kev. ti. F. Smith, his pastor, whoso remarks wore both appropriate and worthy. The remains were taken from (there to Oak lawn cemetery, where j they were laid i'o rest in the c ity of the lend. . A large number of friends I atli'iided each servicec to say "fare ' f?i sliuuhcv?. A choir snmr sevt ral oi his ^^^^ollil^? l.> mn<. bo.'ii ai lh ? i.o'i^o 1 ?I %? . ?. > ' li:i >:?. N. V ill. I . u t:|!{4iu. I',. L. 1?? I. ?ami. T. XV. \Vai:ou. .sei* you soo.i. ti'iii. K..i l?'>i. lej'i.rds to all my Iriviuis r.ail 'ols of love to uiy sweet old niotiier, i yin, | Loving^-. LUTHER. Martin L. I'ittman. X. t'o. .83 Trans Corps. A. r. O. V IT, Camp do Grassc, American K. F.. I tr ril ti liallie* to ?telit tli?* I'ro-Bol. ? licv 1st Mobs. Wrlin, Monday. Jan. A govern- J_ ru m of'ir'aj has Informed the cor- * rortv-Oiitietr that the cabinet has rul- [ lied -i?l agencies to Ui ? support of law ' and on!or act) defense or the govern ment. ! "li tl!e Spaftacaa* attack us." said . t Tic official, '"vhey will nnd us pre- i pared. We have all the troops needed 10 assort .our authority. Xatuinlly 1 v.*e ere anxious to avoid a conflict, j but* ?" t c:nies it will r.ot be of our; c lioo. :.i.~ TI*e t * * :* ? i: ndent Iia-i been inform cd !!? idi . '-oni quarters tl.r.: the ! 1: iVi iurricij; mob-. Izli.v ' all avriKr !c* d -fcr.*:vc forces. The Spp.nuca* ateo are armrng and n.;?K-; &;,? the I'.yu! '-fabl ? ;::e!r fiouc?; ' ters. A -?{.udii]urtme:r ir. ;he ?forn; "* ( ' .i". ? r.'jj. 's i>j:;4?.c ? ci: c^iiipreU a- lit i ."r.?*-? room Mrs. Julia M. Slrickland Head. jlra. Julia M. St; it K?and. >v4dovF~ cf t h? late y\. RStri'l'.land. who was killed ill i1:?r civil war. died at itae ' heme of her'ioi. Mr. K. Strickland on Easi1 Nash street, on Thursday i night of iaU week. in her 35 year. She 1 have* three sons, G. A. ?crickland, of Raleigh. L. V. Strickland. of_Hj?nder-! son aird"RrH. Strickland of this city, j Mrs, Strickland was a consecrated christian lady whose life radiated such religious cheer that it was a pleasure i*:? be in her company. Her lau year 5.; were spent in rfflictien. but she bore her troubles with christian fortitude. She was -a meiuberTif I'oplar Sprin gs l;aptist church. The funeral was con ducted from the Lo.r.i- and the in.vr ment wav made in Oaklawn comet ev.v.. the services Being conducted by Rev. T. D. Collins. The pr 11 bearers were V 15. Griffin, \V N. Fuller. F. W. Whe l?*ss. J. J. Barrow, J. S. Howell. W 11 Perdue. I The ft oval tribute was iieaTlfu!. Price Pu .licatio t I'lK:- DhCiinlinuott. Raleigh. Jan. 7.?Th?? publication of ? Fair Pric& Lists'" in North Carolina wilj be oijfcdntinned immediately at announcement from the tate Food Administrator [p. "today. The pubi!ea lists, giving mnxi at inighi' be cbar./et! for stajjte food cr.tnmooiTi?'*. wa< tn ; li'.utd 8e't ! 11:011*11.* wi.'4? m. r 'fIns ol prt-tit had ot'ta lived by tne i "ood Administration on only two or ;'ar;e commodities. During the last few months margins have been fixed on most of the staple foo.l ami ft*ed pro duets and these margins have become ?o well known that i? is deemed uu n?M*essiiry any ior.^-T 10 publish fair f?r?er II. Is. *i? ? : .a^d t!u.r 1 l?o ?..?? p" 1 ? . *i ? ? ITT! !i ?vlit oc rt-r present dreams: ;m e* conduce 11? pi ofit wring 01; 41 conut t i the differ ent of tl. batic J).i< ? <?' food pro du-U iti di ? r 'tu. _?>. ur on itir' T V.--V' - Pippin. v About. 2 o'clock, Sunday. Dee. 2lhh, .. ? Ansel nf Deatl ..ame lit o the j. nic of Mr. an ' (' l'ippin. -. ' inr, N. ( .. aii'l [f^5X tl :? only ? i.os-'ie ?v ' .'i.J.t. Invab1 hiid h ?mini: u: ? ? ? :r.i::;ir it :*? ? wif-t -?rfcmn-??Mt-e?tme nt 4^ ?A flovor rare itey b??4*n plio-k-H t ... 1 ? Make it neur-r am! ?!*?;??? ? * v-.'d on.%s r-rd m lure ilti-rr- ?01 p? mid.t ami giviter usefulness. V\V can hut look up through our fears, and wonder what a life so beautiful here. nms" ht? when shining at its full sphmdor in that beautiful home above where there is 110 more suffering or sorrow, but one eternal round of j' ;rt.l happlrens. During her suffer ing wh- n t)ie te; rs would well .up in jJliLihin .crwy?", Kb" would lminu1>' ??it her on htr che?'k a* muc as t:? say. Pun i ;ri?*y.' mofher." So.- v.a.* The \. I !e c; her .'.i11 ? ? r. t!?? joy. and cnr.i - of h^t lour bfoihr who a**e . It*:* behind to mourn their ios*. Wh'lc their hearts are made sad by the sep ,n.atirti. tey can look forward vi'f rOnfffleiil' l.f p-* that they will ril inei t h&r again ere long in that beat tiful |h~ine ebove. "Dearent loved one. thou hast lefi' us.* We thy loss must deeply fee]^ But 'tis God who has be He c:in all our sorrows heal. We extend I'o the f.imilv our sin- 1 cerent sympathy in this sad hour, and commend them to our Heavenly Kath-I cr who never makes a mistake. Our ? - ?"> ?? 1' m )w; 111 :'"i t ''in ' 11.11 ? 1 o:'i:iu t' i f ii'tn who sa?d."I h !f i, ;.-)' !? mr tors.ike ? i . 1 . . jo. ? ?a.. ? l">i.\ - ' yjni.1 ?)av? . M.'s. 1 , .1 V.. r . H.c.f'.i-' Mr. \r*.< Kugt'iiia Lhuc.ia i.-: ,\i >. .Ic'in'e Nowt ll. Mrs. G?-o. II. IN ari.. Nj ss P ie* iViH'ce. ?Miss Ada Uit.h Pearstui. Miss Ityne Kfltikln. Mi*, and Mrs. t\ O. Sprinkle, Mr. Win. l> Strickland. * . ? J'er.-ons calling for any of the above letters will please state I'liat. they sjiw them adv??rti9cd , ?11. II. DAVIS, P. M. LITTLE ADELAIDE 1'ORD HEAD 1 or I'ust Ft ? Days "Flu" Sit nut lor. lias Bten (<*riminy W ?rse at Frank % ? iiiUoi), Prunklinti'ti. Jan. 4t?Little Aelaide ? the Z year old child of L)r. and Mrs. S. <'. Fonl. died" at vhe home of her puivnis last night about midnight with double pneumonia which follow- , ed influenza. Dr. Ford is mayor of the j town"?nd was one of the uardest work | ers in checking the epidemic of in- I fluenza which raged hare earlier in the fall. He. himself. feh a victim, and it I eft hi tu .?! bad sns;j;e. His hear; bcuTt?* v.-weak ? :.v A lie was^Tom pelled to-'pti i > a Hp?'(bli?i in thv city c.f HaMinic:'. . vestment of m?i" . A !v ? t* ill?- r.ti.t'; of hi-* t!u'.v p'.r!. ?? v.: ir, a .sanatorium for t! ? atru'ir? ?, p ...siblHtlo.; ar?? h w'.W i.'V. 1?.- able to a M end th?> funeral v.'hlcli will held on Sun day afttrnco'.i at 1 at the local cenie "TOry. )y Rev. T. A. tfikc.? pastor of i)r. at.d Mrs. Ford For tpasi several days the situation has beei growing more ser ious hertv. For severa: weeks the place was free of the disease. BuV during ihe past week or so several i new cases have appeured and it is now thought that tfiere are mure tan two dozen < ases here, but k* doe? not ap pear so serious as it rtiu. and there ' are none at present who are consid ered in a critical condition. t*p * > the present it has not been deemed wise put a quarantine, ?ko ? ff?' hence the city schools, picture show . churches and other pla:-r> of ga.iier-* injr are open, and " p??>l*:IlitI* .-t a ? ? I hut* the discas?- "? be ? i.- ? k *tl ?>??? fore TT Mcomes s i j ^.-ue cloning v?:lor< aga. . (ill I <41 Ui^i1 i ti L- War !u?". l{~. ,i!< In * * i: iiiji *?Tttehp . 1111*??? !>?>11 ; - V **:v' ? -ntoi! 1?1> \^IV Slf. i L N?#rt h < t ??i*;:? V* ir.stoii-Si Umu. J. 0; 1918: (Jo?vriv>r Goorg: J. Sony o? tne Federal ifoperv?* B.i::k. Richmond, V;i. under v.l.os?' jurisdaV.on the Wai Savings Cii'iip.iig? of 1*19 H to be lojuluelod. lias just wired Stalo Director Frlw /.lat 1H1S War Savings riled?ey outstanding on January first. iuli?. maybe rod coined .by the pnr criUl ;t' ??*" 1!?19 ;*tuoip* but that 101.'? Stamp? ir.'Kt te aflixid to 1U1;? ter iftcuti'.) only. lit-ports from the several counties in North Carolina show there an* about twelve million dollars in War Savings pledge* outstanding and un redeemed on January 1. 1919. This iarg.* amout o? unredeemed pledges is d;:e fnst-to the drop in the price? ->~i??. mi??p.mnui-i?rt*-+ht- -?t*t .vl;ici\ ruu.,ul t;u;"?y of the farmers io witnold tli.'ir crops from the market and. ?vcoiid. o the :ltor'.j:gc of supply of Stamps on ho lust day of the year. i waited until? ?'< ' IM I j! 4 11' iiTfri* imd laiui i'..?i!id '.hat fi*evc .? iv no Stamps to had at th?r p->s? ?uice or other agen cy. ??? view i'f tho-e r..<: < the govern )???*!?? f p*V.' In ;? :Yfl ph?'!vtr^ all (V? i i? ???p'tlieiv word of I'onor ? r! . . . ?' ?. ;0:l "-1/1c * ??- ... : 1' ??' nr.x*. u* (Iovci.iim?' t ?>' i.i. ali 'i.iis .iiiniii'. 4 ~ iJoii...; i*?- v\i;r. i>.?. i;* e:il,y e^i'ing J'tJic i- : . i* .. il/c*'.. lvilion dollars uill be ne?;; ?!. llurir-r tlie past six months tile (Jov'i ..aim Jit has ^pent ten ami a half billion dnl? lars, rnd la now spending two bil lion dollars a month. Secretary (Jlnss said recently that the wtir Is not over as far as the Treasury IK pa r.inl is c?jiirurn<"l and that it x- i!I '\o\ >?e over i:tui: tlif rn.M'.i ^-.i. . j>.._^ h? tr r. Mv VisKhs'.rgcd .evcy c??mmft iju'!?. ii made <jii en' iluring the war. ' SKKIiKANT >!?i H. MMi!i Franklin 'on, Dec. 20.?A letter re ceivwl the day before Christmas from the Matron of si British hoitpiuJ in Kranccc, where he was w,ounded in action, conveyed the ?act intelligence 'to his parents, /hat Sergeant Shem JUackley Cook, of this place, had died loll^lMfcmber 31st, from the wounds he hiiAttooivcd. ? . 8e:K?aiin^yivvj.!4 the son or Mr. and Airs. Alher^^L Cook. an.I was horn here 011 July his child hood aim young nm ilnvlrt^ays w. re alt *peut uere, and ironi lie had ?'l) ev. . t.*ni$ et .i;. I n..i . i\ in il ly disposed. Skorly nfi " 'In ?*. t'.u n t.'tv.l lie v . its v ?? ? ? ? "-Mii -I I?:., l.; ?.le*.i : ... :.r. ? r *? ?. .? - v'l buvv:.*! r, .i . \vnuudin** botli i.ue ih;? i- \ i.i ? ?? '??? amputa ted. I'iir.'ic . of 1:1-^ t'.ealh have not I. .sn receive I "Vat. it U supposed that eithi r pn<1;nion[.i or blood -pois oning was the direct, eause of the dentil of t'his popular young map. Early. 4? life Sergeant Cook joined the Methodist church r.ere. and was i true to the tows he assumed. IL' has beon remarked agail and again that | he wrote the best lettens home of any theFraPk'totsn V-oyj. Every letter wa3 almost a classic. His going; away is resrelted by t lie whole community aurl everybody sympathizes with t/he .jrief stricken p::roiHs In tbo \iss of their only child. PROFITS U\ I'EKltS CO*. TKOLLEll Ken^t>\ tl of Detiiiite Margins Does .Not * Mean Tliat Profiteering *Y11I lie Allowed. Drclar?* Mr. i'aitz Raleigh. Jan. 7.?Profiteering in mill feeds will he punished just a? sov**?'<?!y hefoatter i-.*. \[ was before the c.?i?t:lru liUti'^ns were removed som* dav ? ago. The definite margin: were removed i?ecause under s >roe, rlrcum unnces ??iydM not r!ve vrs a re::. lu'blu lii'ui ;|i?? . ;i th; i,- I-.; rirt?ru_ s ill. t b ?:? ? I?t ; . ;? eds uU* i 'w w??ek>i "i l.e ?u-cneral provis ion of the IV..* Control Act which l'or bids the exaction of more than r rea sonable profit on food or f^u.i oro ducts is s ?.?ill in fnrr^ and also fe cial nrulations which prohibit the dealer making a margin of more *nan 6 per ceut annually on the sa:o,i of any class of feeds. The highest mar gin allowed on any. feeiLis JJi per rent and any merchant who exceeds 10 to 15 per cent uiargiu on mill feed will be liable o discipline. The definite margins of profit on Hour were likewise removed, but pro fiteering on flou. will not be allowed. The sever;.! inspectors travelling from ? e Ual-i,"'1 office I.avo neon directed : y y,r. Page t;> report, promptly every 'instance of profiteering >ir. Page ; ? doalir.g rather drax<icaiiy mer chants who h;ive n an inclina tion to presume th;* since the war i? elided the food emery ncy also is at an end. _>t,i>o:iL i 'tn*.^r\ 1'CjR? ??? jn.err<t i' r >ch?')l ic.;. j?rr-. o) l-'rallkiill CdUui)* cr> inty mans . ,u-r IllSat' il? - rn..:'ion :ten * 15: K. 11K ST. Siiiiorinli'iuloril * ? ? ?? * * ?. * 1. Tl;*. Scli.*.*ji Column v.ill appear i:; TLj Krauikliii Tiinas each '.Mick un it'. :ho tirat or April. The office has r.o clerks; c.r; i? is thort-fci'e w y lor ? I?! {? {><!? {?;: Ji.iJH v . ? .i. a:. n: *, will-' " ? :? s?i:r .-Wik ; authorities. Notic? linn ill'il . . 'I . :*hti'*| to 1; r, i">I)!l!T" V-'Tl daiwv "I'?-!-: ??. V"; 'riiii?i' ? -*la lions : n,i :?! i,ii |n .-chlHlI Villi: <v"J j... t'lll.Ml !" tills .11 till' ? '. pi i?U. !'?r i!ln<". ration. i v.:n I. iv'e u FUcVe>?;'n1 .??fh'ioi farm <t y >ur ?c-kooi h(f ? h ?* iio-.n I'ih* ' 1 v :> ;nt d. or y \i !r.v?? p* riVi t ??? ?? ? ,nce. ??;? r'~' - '? i1TtTr ilu . __LHxi "^1?* ?: -TT : r"TmT~ '?i frro i ;i ? ?:? ? i. ? ?. liIntra- l- ? jod I tiiJii?.-' t '? .* ;|jv ? " *il? ??:? ?? ? ? ;.y rr. ? zl im ???? ? ? ? : ?/jn . tli ? ? '?* H h?: ' . \.eml UirourH ' v-r fopfct-u.'iva r.ioti:-- -. A srrc.tip meeting tor *i,e crs in UjM'ri-' :.:ul t<>vvi?.,hip.4 hu; liceu ?{"'?v I'YMuv J.inuurv l'tlt. .-It litnr. rt !: !?> ' m. Th'n < ?nutiy 2i; . I,?.- i <M?'i''?.; ?nv> .?'our - "'?' : _ )\ilio i??? Im"I'll1 j,;v* \u I. r.i-:=t iiM i. . .. iii :<>.: i-'.-i.nk 1 tmon :i!: ! ^ oun lie. i.. iNr.'.on. 1*".*:.5:! :%i ? -v. instruct';"; }' v v?!!c S?n<ly Cii-ik iiinl I-'J'.ii \,\ R* Mi IN. l.:?u?i!mrg. fnxtriirior; Gold .Mino. t'rdar Itoek uiiri CypV<'ss ( reek, J. (\ SpiiiiR Hopr 11. No. 2, Insmietbf. For ?ny Informui'o'h conciininp these Ktoup Tiioei'ings a teacher may write to the Instructor of her section or directly to the office. There will be five meetings' for each group. 4. There will be a meeting of the colored teachers in Loulslnirg, Sat urday, at**10:50, January 18th. I't'iTj M Ikon Die*. In Kruirc The sympathy of the enfirr cnmnulli ty oil1 h Mr A. T. Wilson, l'uthcr I' I II M 1 c oi v r?-r :vf.J in hntthv reived the foil .el iiuiloif:!? *-v, n i? iiv: ?'] IfTT; ii. I ? .. . ' U e ? t*\i : > |> m , i;! ' i . > iv, :st. hos to l.wv l<ui Lr lo pr.u tiro his p"crfe.'i i>n. I:;? >'? uriMl otYices In tho iv : lull inkling. ? ? ' Klemen Above. I According to the government ther mometer the temperature in Tx>ui*?? burp Friday night and Saturday njght propped t'O e^ven above^zero a Tho/ weather moderated Sunday ni#?t with a record of fourteen. ? X- .<? , .. ' * ?

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