On Hari'] :22?j 9 Te Order Tru? Abi'omlnol Suppotcr*, Elastic Uockir./,.i?Hc;.a! Limbs, Cru'.chet, Canes, Invalid C.ii'rs, Bracts, Etc. Open Satur days Till 9 P. M. Sun days, t to 3 P. M. Thou & Pentz HON:i 8158. 310 City Hall Ave., Norfolk, V?. The Strength of a Bank Depends upon the eonservativeness and good judgment of its officers and Directors. An investigation "should convince you that this Bank takes no chances when handling the money of its depos itors. For that reason it is a safe place to bank your funds. Vv'e jjppi'c ci.itc small as well as largo accounts. Let us help you to sucoess. ~ ? Bunn Banking Co. R. F. Fuller 50 Horse* and Voles. .Also l(8y and Oats. Bnggle and Harness (or sale, of the right kind and at the right prices Will sell for cash or part cash or oi approved security. If yonr horse or mule dees not salt yon come In and see If you conld not Bake a trade jet what jon want. Come and see whether job huy orf not. R. F. FULLER Lonlshnrg, H. C. . Horses and Mules .. Wo ;\ro hotter prepared to Rorv? you now than over before* and invite you to come tn and see our new drove of hor ses and mules. Perry & Pcarccv Youngsville, N. 0. , BemoTlng Ink Statu. To remove black Ink (Ulna, tit* ar ticle should be washed immediately In aereral water* and then In milk, let ting it BO&k In the milk (or. several houra; the stain will disappear. Wash ing the article Immediately In vinegar and water, then in soap and water will remove all ordinary ink stains. . Life's Jesters. "It seems very strange," obaerjj the almost-phllosopher, "that sons who regard this lite aa huge Jok? are the ones who no point to it." Yes I Everybody Takes Cascarets Only 10 cents I Harmless cathartic for sluggish liver and bowels Feel bully! Cheer up! Take Cas carets to liven your liver and clean the bowels and stop headaches, bilious ness, bad breath, coated tongue, sal lowness, sour stomach and gases. To night take C as carets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel clean sing you ever experienced. Wake up feeling grand?Everybody's doing It. Cascarets best laxative for children. They gladly take this pleasant candy cathartic because It never gripes or sickens like other things. Jilffht Seqaeiee. A Denver doctor says that taking a sip of lemoa Juice before a kiss will render the germs hannlsto. First ths lemon, then the sugar, eh??Baston Transcript. LABOR'S PROPOSAL TO FEAC1 council. Submitted By U. a Mhphi on Con mission of Labor Legislation. Paris, Feb. 8.?The American dele gates on the oommlsslon of interna tional labor legislation of the peace conference, has submitted the follow ing proposals to the commission: "We declare that the following fun damental principles should underlie and be incorporated In the peace treaty: LEAGUE OF FREE PEOPLES. "A league of the free peoples of the world In a common covenant for genu ine and practical co-operation to se cure Justice and, therefore, peace In the relations between nations; "The entrance of any free nation In to the league of free peoples of the world shall bo Inherent; "No reprisals based upon purely vin dictive purposes, or deliberate desire to injure, but to right manifest wrong* "Recognition of the rights of na^ tlons and of the principle no .people mUBt be forced under a sovereignty un der which It does not wish to live; "No territorial changes or adjust ments of power except in the further ance of the welfare of the peoples af fected and In the furtherance of world peace; HUMAN LABOR NOT A COMMODITY "That In law and in practice the principle shall be recognized that the labor of a human being Is not a com modity or an article of commerce; "Involuntary servitude shall not ex ist except In a punishment for crime of which the party shall have been du ly convicted; "Trials by Jury should be establish ed. ? NO ABRIDGEMENT OF FREEDOM. __ "Xhfi_right of free association, free assemblage, free speech and the pruss shall not be denied or abridged; "That the seamen of the merchant ui leaving' r aro in a safe harbor. "No article or commodity shall be shipped or delivered in international commerce-in the production of which children under the age of sixteen years ' have been employed or permitted to work; FOR BAN ON CONVICT LABOR " Noartlcle or commodity shaH be shipped or delivered m international commerce in the production of which convict labor has been employed or permitted; "It shall be declared that the work day In industry and commerce Bhall not exceed eight hours per day except In case of extraordinary emergency, such as danger to life or property; "The sale or use for commercial pur poses of articles made or manufactur ed In private homes shall be prohibi ted; ?MJt shall be declared that an ade quate wage shall be paid for labor per formed?a wage based upon and com mensurate with tl^e standards of pay conforming to the civilization of the tlme> "That equal wages shall be paid to women as Is paid to me* for equal work performed; "Tho incorporation of the point? laid down by President Wilsoa " Protects Tour Chickens and sure enough It does. A rat will leave all other food to get RAT-SNAP and lt'fl the last he eata. HAT-SNAP chemically cremates the carcaas. Doesn't have to be mixed with other food. Won't blow away, dry up, sodl or decay. Surest, quickest, cleanest, safest to kill rats, mice and roaches. Three sizes, 25c, 60c, $1.00. and $3.00. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Annie Williamson, de ceased. late of Franklin county, all persons holding claims against said estate are notl#ed to present them to the andersigned on or before .the 14th day of February, 1920, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebte* M her estate will please come forwai4 and make Imme diate settlement Th s Feb. 13, 1919. 2-14-6t J. B. DAVIS. Adm'r. Subscribe to The V&nklln Times heartburn or heaviness after meals are ??*t annoying manifestations t* ado-dyspepsia. pieawnt to take, neutralize aclditu &tid help restore DormaJ digestion. NADS BY SCOTT * BOWNB KAKEM OP SCOTTS Mx5oM Poetic Geography. At a recent examination for entry to the central officers' training school one o t the men was given a mental test. The first question was answered cor rectly, as was the second! then the lieutenant In charge asked the man If he knew where the Su^uiee river was. The candidate thought*for a minute and then with a self-satisfied smile answered: "Far, far away."?Corporal William R. Black, In Judge. Attack the Bolshevist? In the Archan gel Regloa; Result Is Hot Tet Known. Archangel, Friday, Feb. 7.?British and Russian troops, supported by Am erican machine gunners and i trench mortar unit h , began an attack at 10 o'clock this morning against tho Bol shevlkl on the Pettograd road south of < Kadlsh. There hVveJreen no final re ports on the result otTEff-fighting. The Infantry went forward after TTff* Canadian artillery had silenced the ar I my artillery In a bombardment of sev eral hours. Vhe attack was mad* for the purposb ?i protecting the Ameri can positions at Sredmakrenga, about 30 miles eutward o< a flank attack. The BMstytslkt are shelling the Am erican positions on the Vaga sector continuously. BAD COLD! HEADACHY A5D 508E STUFFED "Pap?'? Cold Compound** ends colds and grippe In a few hours. Take "Pape's Cold Compound" every two hours until yo? hare taken three doses, then all grippe misery goes and your cold will be broken. It prompt ly opens your clogged-up nostrils mid the air passages of the head; steps nasty discharge or nose running; re lieves the headache, dullness, fever ishness, sore throat, sneezing, sore ness and Btiffness. Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blowing and snuffling. Ease your throbbing head?nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound", which costs only a few cents at any drug store. It acts with out assistance, tastes'THce, "ancTcauses no inconvenience. Accept no substi tute. All Should Know the Bible. No man can be wholly uneducated who really knows the Bible, nor can anyono be considered a truly educated man who is Ignorant of It.?Exchange. EVERY HELPS We pay 4 per cent interest com pound quarterly on savings de posits, and IT HELPS. That is safer and more profita ble than hiding it under the mattress or carrying it around J 1 Mint i i. Wise people deposit when they have it. Foolish ones always expect to when they get it. The First National Bank j LOUISBURG, North Carolina W. H. RUFFIN. President F. B. McKINNE Cashier W. D. JACKSON, Assistant-Cashier Marvelous Clearance Sale ? Of All Winter ? Suits, Coots and 400 Coats? ??? ?300 Tailored Suits Rich Wool Velours, Plushes, Pom Pons, Broadcloths and other Materials The Highest Grade Garments at Wonder ful Reductions Low-Prices on Underwear for Women and Children Womtn's Bltachad Vest and Pants, good quality ?Oc each Women's Heavy Fleectd Vest and Pants $1.00 each Children's Union Suits, ? 50c, 75c and $1.00 Women's Union Suits, $1.50 and $2;00 New Dress Ginghams All staple Ginghams, best quality, now 2cc yard 32-inch fine dress Ginghams, all the new plaids, 35c yard 36-inch Druid L. L. Brown sheeting, now 25c yard Heavy Plaids and sheetings, now 30c yard 36-inch Bldacbing, good qunlity. now 20c yard F. w. Whelcss Dry Goods Co. F.W.WHILESS J.D.HINES