Corns Peel Off Painlessly Thai?'* Only One Genuine"" Corn Peeler? That's " GeU-It" There's only ono happy- way to ff?t rid of any corn or callus, and that's tho painless-peel-off way. "Gsts-It" is the only corn remedy in drop? of 'G?t?-ir?Corn U doomed." the world that dit that way?ef fectively. thoroughly. Why get dowrf on the floor, tifyourself up Into a knot, and have/to fool with "pack* ?gey" planters, fereasy ointments that rub off. stlckp tape, and digging knlvec and scissors, when you can peel off your/corn or callus in ono complete piedb, peacefully and sure ly. with marfic. simple, easy "Gets ItT It takfs 2 or 3 seconds to ap ply "Gets-Itf; you use 2 or 3 drops, and that's nil. "Gets-It" does tno rest! Get rid of that corn-pain at once, so thjLt you can work and play without c6rn torture. Be sure to ON "GotsVlt." It never falls. "Gsts-II," the guaranteed, money back corn-remover, the only sure way, ooets but a trifle at any d run store. MTd by B. Lawrence & Co.. Chicago, 111. Sold ii} Louisburg and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by F. R. PLEASANTS. MITCHELL'S GARAGE 209 Salisbury Street RALEIGH, North Carolina Open for Storage ot curs. Repairs of aj^ kinds (or any model or mue ear. YftCAMZING IS OrR SPECIALTY and oar Work and price? are rlrht. krj us. All work fiaaranleed. Out of town work *c?lres prompt atten t lun. j J. C. MITCHELL PROPRIETOR -SAYJLMQNEY 1 Buying F?om Ma Having pat in a fall and complete stock of Heavy and Fancy (irocerles, Hay, (irnlnf Feed Stuffs, etc., I want your patronage this year...In order to get It I am going to make the prices represent a Hi? satlmr to you...I ex pect to give my customers the advan tage of the fact thnt Y have no hhrh fillfed clerks, drays, Hitnts, water or city taxes to mulntaln?a big item...I I vtill buy your country produce at the highest prices,. .Come to see me at the old J. A. SPEN( FR store at the Spen cer corner. Phone No. 1002 for ( hick ens, Eggs. Butter, etc. J. W. HARRIS Franklin (mint) >V. M. I'. Baptist Woman's Missionary Union -ot Franklin County mer at Sandy Creek March S. Quito u number ?af churchrs were represented, others sent in good reports by letter. It was the beginning of the>N'ew year so the election of ofTicern ror the com ing year. Mrs. Florence E. Under bill re-elected President, Mrs. Robt. A. Bobbltt elected Secretary. Farmers Union met in the school building. In the same grove at the noon hour all came together ana wore ser ved s bountiful dinner. After the 8umptious repast all ?vent to the churtf^and Rev. Mack Stamps preach ed a v^ry fine sermon. Botn meetings were/Well attended. Adjourned to ifceet with Wood Bap tist churph, Saturday. June'7, 1919. drtV^S Tasteless I vitality and eoerfy rfehtnff Ik? blood. Yoacaosooo oolni, InvlSoratlnA Effect Price -A - THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. V. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager One Year fl.iO Eight Months 1.00 Six Months 55 Four Months W Entered at the Post Office at Lx>ula bnrg, N. C.. as second class matter. FRIDAY, MARCH 14. 1919. U 0*01?1 AT ?*(>! We call your attention to i the importance of keeping j a watch on the date of your I ^?bel if you don't want to miss a copy of the Franklin Times. Under the Govern ment rulings we can't send a paper after the time it has been paid for expires, and there are many expiring each week. It is next to impossible for us to notify you bv letter. Therefore, we ask you to look after j this little matter before I your time is out. 0 0 The 30th Division is reported as hav ing sailed for home. The time announced for the 5th Vic tory Loan is April 21 to May 10th. The town election is receiving the attention of our citizens at this time. It is expected that the peace treaty will be ready to be signed about March 20th. Lets begin some plan to build and, equip a creditable institution for our Aged in Infirm. We understand the friends of Mr. B. N. Williamson will ran him for Mayor in the coding primary. If some of our politicians are accu rate in their statements there is going to be quite a change in the towo ad ministration this year. Hon. William Jennings Bryan has come across and publicly endorsed the League of Nations, but thinks the Mon roe doctrine should be maintained. If the ladies of Louisburg want a chicken law now is the time to start. No man would want to run for a town office knowing he h2d the ladies all against him. A plot to overthrow the Government of the United States by the Bolsheviki and I. W. W.'s was discovered recent ly and given over to the Senate Com mittee the past week. The Commissioners have indirectly been assured that they can improve the I aumy ?'jme ot ?imoat any reasonable cost with the hearty It might be remembered that the present town administration has made no effort to show you their receipts and expenditures, with tfie excepticTi* o? Mayor Joyner and the Street fund. The 113th Field Artillery, of which Col. Albert Cox is in command, will arrive at Newport News with+n the next few days, and will parade in Ral eigh on their way to Columbia, S. C.. for demobiliza'ion. Among the names being suggested for Town Commissioners aro M. S. Clifton. E. S. Ford, W. M. Freeman. F. B. McKinne, H. G. McBrayer. Quite a nice lot'of men and either or all would mak-?'excellent officials. The North Carolina General Assem bly came to an ?*nd Tuesday. It made a record, which if publish d in the sense of accomplishments would re quire only a small space, but if from a viewpoint of considerations of big measures it would takf volumes. The ladies can't vote in the coming town election. But they can exact a statement from the candidates that they will pass a law controlling the chickens. If elected, and assist them out or in according to their decision. If they take this action they should see that the New Board lives up to Its promises. Mr. Alphns Hinton l>ead. Mr. Alphus Hinton, of near Gibson ville, Guilford Co., N. C., died Feb. 19. of old age, ami was buried near his late home, the funeral services wore conducted by the Rev. 7. Von A Rise. Mr. Hinton .was in his 88th year. He was a member of the Missionary Bap tist church, and always wanted the word, Missionary, emphasized. He enjoyed the ministration of his pastor. and the consolation of tats church. No pastor of his faith being near when he died. The services were conducted by a Lutheran pastor. His Civil War record is good, he volunteered and fought through the entire war. In the quartermaster department. His rank whs Lieutenant, or 2nd Lieutenant. He leaves bis heart partner; the wife of his youth, and old age with whom he celebrated their Golden wed ding in 1917. This is the first death in the family. He had not had good health in several years. There are three sons, and two daughters surviving Iiim, besides a number of graisdchildre*. The child ren are as follows: G. H. Hinton, of A. Hinton. of Knightsdale, Mrs. T. F. Huffman, of Glbsonvllle. and Mrs. W. R. Boone, of Justice. N. c\ He was an honorable man. and had the respect and admiration of his hel- j ghbors. Now that he is gone his vir tues will shine more resplendent. His sons and grand sons neea never recall his memory with regret and would do well to follow in his foot steps. ?HIS PASTOR. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Information Concerning The Health of the People of Frank lin County, Worth 1'our Atten. tlon. ?--==^ By I)H. J. E .MALONE, Health Officer. The Quarantine Law was not made to especially protect tne sick person and that household as it is to protect the neighborhood. Some people have a false idea along this line, they feel or seem to feel that it is a punishment aimed at them, when it is intended for the greatest good to the greatest num bers of people. If ihe first suspicion of whoopfng cough in a; ramlly was im ported at once and quarantined it would end right there, see how mtich trouble, expense, suffering and death might be donte-away wtth. The life of a quarantine officer is not always a smooth and pleasant one*. I have had a woman to hold a hatchet in my face and tell me if I drove another tack in that quarantine paper on her house she would split my face open. A man came out of his nouse with a double barrel gun and told me if I didn't get out of his yard, he would blow my head off. A boss at a saw mill with forty rough hands (men) told me that these hands wouldn't allow me to quarantine three men all brokt en out with small pox. with a little pa tience and explanation. I went ahead and discharged my duty, we are all good friends again. Arectent ruling of the State Board of Health makes it necessary for a person or household to at once report a contagion at or on the first suspicion, to their family phy sician and he tbte physician, must at once fill out the report card and give or mail it to the Quarantine Officer. This officer records this in his quaran tine book and sends the card on to Raleigh. Now good people and good doctors, let us all be on guard, vratch. act promptly and prevent tne spread of disease. Your family pnyslcian has on hand a supply of report cards, hei will place a quarantine paper on your' house, give you all the instructions how to act in the premises and send the card to me. Some times out of the kindness of our hearts we hesitate aud postpone, this won't do, tet us all do our duty by accepting the health laws of our State and all will t>e well. 'CLEAN UP, CLEAN UP, CLEAN UP is the Slogan and watchword. ? WHAT OTHERS SAY OF MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY. ? Oxford. X C? March 3. 1917. ?m 'lllHJlil H Uniji i milium nn I have used Mrs. Joe Person's Rem edy from thirty to thirty-five years in my f?m4ly, ihi4-'I know?from- ^aetuai test and experience it has no super iorr-and few. if any. rqunln, it* wn ?'?p* petizer. Tonic. Blood Purifier, and builder of the system. It has never failed in my fapiily ror anything for which I have u?ed it. I know it will do what is claimed for it by the mak ers of it. j *' j W. N. CRITCHER. For Sale by All Druggists. PERSO.V REMEDY COMPANY. / Charlotte,' X. C. LIVE KlUTATIONAt \OTES Concerning the Public School System of Franklin I'onnty. L. BFST. Superintendent ? 1.- Once upon a time William A. McKcever sV.'i. "About th? oni> thing of permanent value which you can give your children is an education. Put enough into their stomachs to keep them healthy and growing, plough on their backs to keep them comely and respectable in appearance; and then, invest the major part of your fcNWI* Mumm*1 9 T1 The Centervllle School on Fri day raised $5.00 <?n the Armenian cam paign relief. 3. The following repairs have re cently been made at White Level: New door steps and new window shades for all the rooms. 4. During the past week the Maple ville school has ordered 44 new single desks. 5. The following is taken from the Progressive Farmer: "Teachers, committeemen and patrons ii> all school districts should make note of the following opportunities and take advantage of them: (a) If the patrons and friends of any schodl district will raise $5 CO or more (they should raise $10.00 if possible) for the pur chase of beautitui pictures from a selected list, the State department of Agriculture will give to ttie dis trict $5.00 for the same purpose. ib) If a teacher will eproll five or more pupils In any kihd of ag ricultural club work, the State De ( partment of Agriculture will give to the boy or girl making the best j record of anv pupil In me school, i an excellent book, the book to be p selected by the pupils from a care ' fully prepared list. (c) If a school will raise $5.00 or more Tor a school fair, it will receive $5.00 from the State De l partment of Agriculture for the [ same purpose." i 6. A section meeting of the Nation al Education Association was held in t Chicago In February. This Is one of i the most Important annual school I gatherings in America. President F. fS. Love, of the Louisburg College, ?was the only person from Franklin County that attended this meeting. In a let ter to me concerning this meeting. President Love expresses himself as i follows: "Some things are too big to be jilfscrlbed but must be felt to be ap Jpfreciatcd?duch was the meeting of the National Educational Association In 'Chicago. r There we^e more than seven thous and delegates and hundreds of lead jers of national reputation. The spir it was one of hard work and a definite rdpsire to meet the problems of a new age. |* .Perhaps no question raised more le&rnest consideration than that of the Democracy and the application of ibur schools to the same. This Democ racy is a thing of more than politics, tijjjs the principle that should permeate every-day life of the school system every county in every state in the rumon. r xfl is easy to believe in the tremen dous influence of the teachers of Am erica in great social retorms; such as Ofcild Labor, Prohibition, and Social B&te^HLent. As we looked upon that great body of earnest workers, it was Jdst as easy to realize, too, that the safety of Democracy is in their keep ing, and to them is naturally commit ted the great questions of Obedience, ortfer and patriotism. These leaders of our school life do not hesitate to extend their program into every field. Such questions as, Government Activities as thpv pffprr the schools - ami what tlw> W:ir xhm.M djktor our methods, in teaching, and to frf|s there was given a whole forenoon dents from ttte great schools ot Ampf ica; The problems of Training Pupils in the Question of Health; Sex Education, Normal Work; Com-1 munity Oervitr, and Americanization. > This will give some idea of th^ charac ter of work and the problems facing the schools of today. After following the work ot this' great assembly I would unhesitating-1 lv say ttat there is in It vital things for every teacher in America, and ev ery teacher should at once take steps to get the reports of this meeting, and in following them they would find in teachihg a new joy, and in the results more than they dreamed could be IT'S NOT YOUR HEART IT? YOUR KIDNEYS Kidney disease It no rwpecter ofp?r ?on*. A majority of the tils aOflctlng people today can be traced Irack to kidney trouble. / Tfce kidneys are the moat^mportant organa of the body. Th^ are the fllterers. the purifiers, ofyrour blood. Kidney disease Is usually Indicated by weariness, aleeplewanea*; nervousness, deepondancy. backaihy stomach trou ble. pain In loins any lower abdomen, yall atones, k ravel, riylumatlsm, sclattta and lumbago. / All tbaae deran^/menta are nature's OH Capaulea Irame dlately. The toothing, healing oil stim ulate? the Jcldney* relieves Inflamma tions an<l destroys the rerms whloh have causet) 1L Do not wait until to morrow. Go to your drufffflat today and Insist on gQL?> MKDAL Haarlem OU Capsules. In twenty-four hours yon shout 1 feel health and rlror return*? and will bleaa the day you first beard of GOLD >113 DAL Haarlem OIL After y$u feel that yoo have oared yourself. Continue to take one or two rwpaules each day, so as to keep In first-class condition and ward off the danger of other attaoka ABk f?r the Qrlglna.1 Ay ported QOLJ3 funded If they do not help 70a. Don't let: your old floors be eye-sores No longer is it necessary to hide old floor? with carpet or linoleum. That's an un necessary expense these days. Any wood floor, even though much worn, can be given a handsome, durable finish with The Guaranteed D\lu V vyL Varnish Floor Paint Long wear is assured by the fact that these , varnish paints are made with a hard-drying ? and elastic varnish. '< ii Just the thing for oM, discolored floor*. Devoe Varnish Floor Paint will not crack or chip. Will not twar, gives a hard, glossy surface, and resists severe wear and tear. Can be washed with ?aap and water. If you have any old floors to refinish, don't fail to come in and see how easily you can renew them. We guarantee your satisfac tion with Devoe Varnish Floor Paint. Ask for booklet?"Varnish Floor Paint." McKinne Brothers .Qpmpany . Hardware, Live Stock, Vehicles, Fertilizers LOUISBURG, N. C. PERUNA : FOR EFFECTS OF GRIPPE Mr. George K. Law, 13 H North Franklin St., Brazil, Indiana, has a word of chccr for sufferers from LaGrlppc and Its results. I'lqtrid or Tablet Form Sold Everywhere A Wonderful Remedy "I have suffered for the last two winters with that terrible dlseaae, LaGrlppe. Having often not now Have any bad effects from the Grippe as it has Just about entirely disappeared,' and my general health la good. I am satisfied that Peruna is a won derful remedy, and I do most heartily endorse and recommend it for LaGrippe." brought to pass in the brier time that the average tcacher is in vital toucfc with the school system." Piles Xurcd in 6 to 14 Days Dru&tists refuodVioney if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure Itching. Blmd. Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Instantly relieves itching Piles, and you can Set restful sleep after th* first application. Price 60c. Cotton Storage mm We can store and insure your cotton in the Franklin Fair Building for 50 cts. per bale a month. .The banks have agreed to-loan money on cotton thus stored. Get in line with Farmers of the South and hold your cotton for a FAIli PRICE. A. H^LEMING, Secretary FVanklin County Hair Association

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