w Visit our Clothing Department. Be fitted ?jii an up-to-date suit and over i I T Id f ? at 1.1 FV HHPS An English inventor's Interlocking concrete piling is said to be strong?.* than sheet piling made of wood. Bottled PERUNA i .Gave Relief so Writes _ M. VnoUnmu Engln^or, Q. 5" }J ElRlilandSt^Qrand Rap Iti?. Mich. Entirely Free from w Catarrh of the Stomach "Perona ha* positively done for IT? m**y doctor? failed to do. I have been time and atraln compelled to take to my bed for days. The; first bottle of Peruna Eave relief and while I always eep It In the houoe for emerg encies, I consider myaelf entirely free from catarrfc of tke ?comacb. the trouble from which I suf fered for so Ionic before takin? this remedy." Uqvfd or Tablet Form Sold Krerywfcere . Aak Yoar Dealer 1 Thai new suit. coat, dresu, or hut is here anil it is just the thing you are looking for. THE ALLEN BROTH K H a I^MPU-V . TO RECEIVE BIDS. Competitive Bids will be received on Saturday. Sept. 13th. 1919. at 4 P. M. at the office of Supt. E. L. Best. Lou isburg. X. C. for a 3-room Wood School Building to be erected in what is kr??*\n as the Moulton-Hnyes Con solidated sctiool District. Cans ?nd speciflcatk ns are open for inspection in t ho office of Supt. E. L. Best. Lou isbur*. N. C. This 3rd day of Sep tember. 1919. HUGH HAYES. W. H. BLEDSOE. J. B. SMITH. FERREL PARRISH. ERNEST ROWE. JOHN PERDUE. 9-5-2t Buildfag Committee. EVERYBODY ATTENTION! Our Hardware Department. We are trying to satisfy everyone by keeping an up-to-date line of: Oil Stoves that cook well, and cost little. Cooking Ranges and Cook Stoves that compel your admiration and approval at a reasonable price. Wnshing machines that save time, health and life. Churns that make butter in a Hnrry. Pumps that requires bat Little Pumping. Farm Machinery that you can Make Money by using. Wagons and Buggies of the very Best Make. Fencing and Wire that will keep.your Stock Where You Want It. Building Material to build Your Home, and paint to make it Beautiful. And ANYTHING els*- you .ant,.and at the PRICE that won't scare vou. you BET WE SELL 'EM COME AIND SEE The Allen Brothers Company OPENING ?AT Uflieit ^areheuse Louisburg, IN. C. Will Be- Held TUESDAY, SEPT. 9th, 1919 ft XV* takt* pleasure in announcing to the tobacco farmer* In Franklin and Tr. (irover < . Harris will be u?%ociated with aies of the farmer?* on tlie floor, by paying th.ni what the tobacco is worth. For (hi* ran jletotp our every effort and item of expense to seeing that ali onr customers get the highest prices. Our experience in the business is well known by you. and we can save you money by making your tobacco sell for more mone). Remember that after hating taken ail the risk in making and saving your tobacco crop the best plan to sell It Is on the warehouse lloor. There Is where you get the full talue of your tobacco and you will need it all tills year and should haw It. Come and sell with us and get all that your crop is worth. Ke% member tlie Hay and the date, Tuesday, September 9th. 1919. Union Warehouse 'Meadows and Harris, Prop's. LOUISBURG, N. C. Sam Meadows ' Grover Harris THE FRANKLIN TIMES 1. Ft JOHNSON, Editor and Manager One Year #1.W Right Months 1.00 Six Months .. <5 Four Months 20 Entered at the Post Office at Louis burg. N. C., as second class matter-: We learn there i** being object ion made on the part of some citizens to the Idea of moving the post office. XJuite * number of telegrutns and per titions have been or are being sent in opposition to the move. Evidently those gentlemen iu this section who send in the crop reports to the government from which the cot ton crop estimate is made up, eitlfer don't know what the conditions are or they se? the crops through magni fying glasses. We don't want to be a pessimist but we feel confident the cotton crop in Franklin won't aver age SO per cent and the estimate has been placed as low as 30 per cent, by some of the best farmers and citizens in the county. These reporters, who ever they are, should be a little more exact in their estimates as it |s the re ports made from their figures that has a great influence on the market prices. The fact that North Carolina ha? 70 per cent of a normal crop of cotton, so far as Franklin is concern ed. is a huge joke. GOOD JUDGE. Viewed from a standpoint of results Judge Guion, of Newberne. who has been holding Court here for the past two weeks is the best Judge Franklin 4ias had in years. He has the knack "of knowing what should be done, and possesses the courage to flo It. We ar.> informed that he completed five jury trials and settled a targe number of other cases in one day. Although son. * of the jurors seemed liurt at his remarks Saturday, it >s evident he .get results. We understand he told a jury Saturday that was tied on a case, that he was going to let them go j-home that night but when they lett home Monday morning to kiss their wives and babies goodbye as they would stay here until they got togeth er on that verdict. As a result the jury decided on Monday morning soon after Court convened. We under stand that he threw out about seventy cases on Saturday, with instructions to the Clerk that unless they were .]pade ready for trial at the November Court to put them off trie docket en tirely. This is the kind of Judge that Vorth Carolina needs. One who real izes 'hat the Courts were instituted to i settle disputes rather tha> to compli : --ate and encourage the lasting feature i of bad will. In the term that came I to a close on Wednesday he settled some of the biggest cases on the dock I et. and put the docket in shape where j It is possible to clear It in Novemot r. I With all of his firmness r.e !s charita ble, having ojily for his object Justice done 3. manner that Insures a settU racnt i n1 ! It is gratifying ro know that Judge Galon will return to Franklin County agjiin soon. FM'TT JARS. S:e our prices in ? 'he business local column In another part of this paper before huyihz '-Ise i where. THE ALLEN BROS. CO. T H K KK-YALl ATION. The following letter hn? Wn r?reiv ed for publication: August 27, 1M?. Editor Franklin Times. As tfcc ]M*opIe ?">* the country _valuest. So you see that ouT taxational? pends not upon our worth but upon our pub lie debt?, and the prudent manage ment of State and County affairs. Trusting that our citizens nviy give ?his matter a Iittl?- careful thought. I am. ?-' Yours truly, J JOHN ALI.KN. - FIRST TIM K IN 4'01'KT 1101 SK. \Ir. Flummcr (xiipton. who is in his 172nd year and lives in th?- Wood sec Ition. was a visitor to l?uishurK Wed nesday for his first time in twenty i years. While here he visited the {Court room for the first time In his j life and on account of the fact that Court had Just adjourned he failed to I hear the trial of n case for ihe first I time. He lives only about IS miles fiom Lotilshurg but says the first time |he ever.saw a train was when the ,train went to Wood's Store the first i tinta only a few years ago. He no jtices ?|jiiti- a bin improvement In I?u isburg and exprcscs ?much interest in I his trip. "Old Prices" Still Hold Good on Merchandise Bought Long Ago SOME CON* IM'IMJ l'ROOKS \ ou ought to be mighty grind thnt Iona: before prices advanced we bought In tremendous <11111111 it los. While man) other stores lime to rcbuy at tlie advanced prices, we are still able to draw from our large surplus stock and give you the benefit of Krnu inn 1) itr CASH savin its which nre absolutely Impossible In most any other store. We don't want you to take our word (or It entirely, or, rather we'd prefer you to be vrinly convinced by a personal comparison. Don't fail to see us when In town, we can save you money. 35c value. 36-inch L. L. Sea Island Sheeting Priced 25c yd. 35?f value Hvavy Chambray suitable for shirts and dresses, extra heavy weight ' Priced 2.1c yd. 39e value Dress Ginghams, beautiful patterns, extra good quality, Priced , _ 2?c yd. 39c value. 36-inch Percales, best grade in all designs, light and dark for house-dresses Priced 29c yd, 65c value Fancy Plaid suiting for skirts, beautiful patterns . ,49c yd. We have a full line of Comforts and Blankets in many ditfereut de signs, all sizes, worth from $3.00 to $16.50, we bad placed or ders long.ago. . ....I Special Priced ?2.15 to $12.45 $1.25 value Men's Blue workshirts all sizes Priced 98c $2.50 value Mens good work pants all sizes Priced $1.48 Our Millinery Department is complete with all new Fall Mjjdels. Come in and see our new Hats we will be? glad to show you arouud. L. KLINE & COMP'Y LOUISBURG, : NORTH CAROLINA When seen or advertised elsewhere its always cheapest here. COME IX ASU L K T'S (iET ACQUAINTED. "Who Steals My Purse Steals Trash11-? The man who can truly say this is to be envied. YOU can say it, and with TRUTH, if you 6 GET THE BANKING HABIT When your money is in the Bank it is SAFE? safe from the sneak thief, from the coin man, from the bum?SAFE. Then it's so handy for YOU to reach it when you want it. Let the thief have the purse if he wants it. Keep your MONEY in the Bank. Farmers and Merchants Bank "Safest for Savings" LOUISBLRG, Nor tli Carolina