Economy Fuel Kerosene Oil is the economical fuel? easily obtained, stored and used. , Used in a portable Perfection Htfater it does the work of furnace coaJ dur ing Autumn, and supplement it in Winter. odorless?burns ten hours of kerosene. Easily wicked. Aladcjin_ Security Oil suits. At your dealif's. STANDARD OlL COMPANY (N?p Jersey) Washington.D.C. BALt^MORE, MD. Charlott?. N.C. Norfolk, V?. / ChifltH&n.W.Vn. Richmon J, V?. / Charleston. S C. Use Aladdin uif PERFECTION . i Oil Heaters STATEMENT Southern Lumber Underwriters New Orleans, Condition December 31, 191S. as shown by Statement Filed. Income?From Policyhol ders, $95,984.51; Mis cellaneous, $4.577.14.. 100,^61.65 Disbursements?To Policy holders. I56.26S.04; Mis cellaneous, $28,25S.47.. 84,526.51 ASSETS Value of Ileal Estate 6,500.00 Deposited in Trust Com panies and ~ Banks not on interest 2,986.21 Deposited in Trust Com panies and Banks on interest 16.042.02 Agents' balances, repre senting business written subsequent to October 1. 10? 36,515.42 All other Assets, as de tailed in statement .. 23.6S0.83 Total admitted Ass< LIABILITIES "Nil amount of inrpaTcI losses and claims .... S6.S73.97 -Lui^ir^l premiums .... 60,995.29 Total amount of all Lia bilities except Capital $67,S69.26 Surplus as regards Pol icyholders 517,855.22 Total Liabilities $S5.724.4S BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1918. 1'iru. Ri*kfe-written TTT. 326.500.00 Premiums received ... 7,374.99 Losses incurrod-^Fire, paid 282.32 ?President R.~ E. Courtin. Atty. Home office. New Orleans. La. At+orney for service: JAS.?Rr YOUNG, Insurance' Commission ?r, Raleigl). N. C. Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Raleigh. Oct. 12. 1919. !. JAMES R. YOUNG, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that I lie above is a tru^ and correct ab stract of the statement of the Southern Lumber Underwriters, of New Orleans, La., filed with this Department, show ing the condition of said Company on the 31st day of December. 1918. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. JAMES R. YOUNG. Insurance Commissioner. NOTICE. North Carolina, In Superior Court Franklin County. Before the Clerk. Anna Justice. Vs. ? Edgar Justice. ^ , The defendant above imftwd will take notice that an artiqif entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Frankjtn County for a divorce on statutory, groumls and ab andonment; and tU?- said defendant further tak.- notice,that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of Frankliu County on the 6th Monday before the 1st Monday- in March, 1920 at the Court House in said county, and answer or demur to the complaint m said action or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. 'DISCARDED AS-BANGED Calomel salivates! It's mercury. Calomel a?ts like/djawmit ? u:iji sluggish Jiver. When calomel/ conies into contact with sour bile it crashes'into ft, causing cramping and nausea. Take "Dodsc^'s Liver Tone" Instead I ( If you feel bilious, headachy. con artipated and all knocked out. just go to your droggi*%-?ad-pit- a boU^. of Dodson's Liver Tone for .\_fe3; rents, -which i? a harmless Vegetable sub stitute for dangfirous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't start your "Tirer and straighten you up 1 better and quicker than r.n?ty calomel j .nr.-.. without making, you sick, you just go back and got your money. If JOU tako calomel todays you'll be.?clc and nauseated tomorrow; be sides. it may salivate you, while if you take Dod*on\? I/.ver Tone you will wake up feeling ?reat, full of amb:t;on and ready for work or play. It is harmless, pleasant an 1 safe to ?ir^ to children; they like it. QUARANTEB If. affer urina en lir? content? of the can according to di rections, 70a urn not *ttt?fied in every respect, your grocer will refund t Hp money you paid for II. every POUND BOLD IN AN AIR TIOHT TfN CAN D Make no mistake.? At whatever price you pay, you cannot get a bet ter coffee value than Luzianne. fllf it doesn't go farther and taste etter than any coP fee you ever had,go to the merchant who sold it to you. andget your monqy Dack.fl Our guai* an tee lajour protection coffee The R^ily-Taylor Company I A/ew Orleans MILLINERY SUPERB Including the most choice hats of the noted New York Milliners and original ones from our own work room. Embracing Sports Hats, Tailored Hats, Hats for formal and informal wear, Rich Brocaded Metal Cloth, Duve tyn. Suede Cloth. Beaver, and Panne Velvet. re/gular VEILS in all the leading shades for the present and winter sea sons, in plain liose veils, banded and bordered effects. The Allen Brotheis Compan EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY" LOUISBURG, North Caolina "FIDDLE-FIT". ? i / Liver and Bowels Clean and / Active with "Ca$carets" | Sick headache. biliousness, coaled j tongue, sour, gassy/ stomach?always j trace this to torpid liver; delayed, fer 1 mating food in tiyb bowels. | Poisonous matter clogged in the in testines, instead at being cast out of the system is re/absorbed into the blood. When ihi$ poison reaches the delicate brain ti^ue it causes conges tion and dull, /throbbing, sickening headache. Cascarets immediately cleause the stomach, remove-the sour, undigested food and foul gas*. take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the cdii?tTpriTprt vsa^te unmet and poi- - sons in i he bowels.? A Casta ret tonight will have you feeling clear, rosy and as lit as a fiddle bymori>ing. They work while you sleep. f Power of will is a mighty force and j can be fanned into a terrific gale. But : -?*tihoul JK-i s?*v< i ance it becomos but : a transient of win?*. Living in the past but dims the glo ries of Hi.' .future aiul renders futile [ th?- conquests 01 ioday. ?to-4 life! To speak fluently in public is a rare gift, but to say the correct thing at the right time is one of the most precious of all heritages. They uTi usTTiaT t made. From which, no doubt, we are to assume that some had soap boxes and jackasses for progenitors. Only One Corn Peeler, "Gets-It" Stop Corn Pains; See Corn Peel Off. It 19 Just when a corn hurt9 that you wnnt to ft-el surest, about getting rid of It. Why tak? chances of keeping the com and having tho pain grow worse? < You'll use "Gets The Oni, Pe.Mt-Off W., I. "G.U-lL" anyhow, sooner of later; might a8~~w^N use It floonflr. Then you aro absolutely euro that the corn will loosen from your toe so that you ran peel the *hol? thing off pain lessly with your fingers. In one com plete piece?JuBt like peellrtg a ba nana. It takes a sccond or two to npply "Oets-It." Ther?*'? no fussing or puttering. Corn-palna will van ish?that'll kirp you sweet whllo , the "Gets-lt" Aorg the rest. Nothing , new for corn? has been discovered since "Gets-Ii" was born. Follow th? judgment of tho millions; uso "Gets-It and bo euro to be corn and pain free You'll Bay It's matric. ( "Gets:ft," t ??'guaranteed. money back torn-rekno ver, tho only Hure ( way. costs but h trlflo at any dru* Ptorf*. MTd by K. Lawrcnce A Co., Chleajo. IU. j Sold fn LoufsHurg and recommended , as the world's -best corn remedy by P. R. PLEASANTS. Desirable Proper' FOR SALE One nico residence on Konmoro Avenue, newly i od and equipped witlyall eonvenienoes.ftUVill giv session .Jail. 1st, 1!)2()/ Two vacant lots ofi Smith Main Street, 63.foot 75 foot deep. Splomlid lots for building. One brick Garajo- oil Xash Street adjoining < Ford & Son, with till fixtures and about $3,500 This is a good pamng pwG+?-of property, receipts ing around $4,0(l(i/per month. This is all dosii)fible property and will bear inv r? is I (l\ | jed I 10 Ulove I. iiiond, \'a. A special discount will be given fo: or terms will be given good party. R. W. HJJDSC Farmers- Attcntk Tli K Kllll\ REAL F STATU CO, Is buying and selling itny, W hctlier you want to buy a farm, or sell one, we c;: and Milt Jon i|uick. We arc dolntr business because >ve business. We van! fo IH'V any ainoiint of LAM) In Franklin < or time prices, Also any amount of TIMBER. We have for SALE, lifleen or twenty farms, rjinu'ir . I'rom 50 to .'inn. nnit^rirtnir prnrtirrrttj- rrpry fownshh ?? lin t oiinty. We especially call your attention to the JA1. * at r?? farm near Intrl?f^i?le. in Loulsburir Township, a lilt: eVln?re Thorp's 11 Bub)' On Farnly^oep Rat-Snap. Hats nro on nwst farms. Oiiio they Rut inside tlx* house?look o\if. Hat? kill/ infanta?biting them is not unirs ual. Nu rs Ing hi rats. Brake a cako of H ?. > throw it around, ft w ii*l you of rats ami mico. : :'.V, "?Or, $1.00. Sold am ? 1 J.y Allon Bros. Co.