-WHEN IN NEED Of Horses, Mules, Buggies, Wagons, harness and Robes See YARBORO & PEARCE ? 0 ... /' FOR CLOSE PRICES OR ON TIME EAST NASH STREET ( ^ LOUISBURG, N. C. TRY US ""??with yd&Miext Prescription. It shall have our 1 MOST CAREFUL ATTENTION. " ^ t We use only Pure and Fresh Drugs and rhemicals. We also carry a full line of the Best Toilet Articles to be Aycock Drug Co. Phone No. 329 "" Louisburg, N. C. 1920 Model Fords yI now have several 1920 Model F : Automobiles with self starters and dimmers, and have nrrangements for a good supply. I haveUicense to sell anywhere in the State and tailoring. We have No Below Cost Sales Neither Has The Other Fellow Uobody works 18 hours per day and not live. We ? Have at-our store a complete-line of everything priced i liiiiinlfi pt.%]Hiin(r naa&U4itoai^fapa ility is for yourself if our^pric.es for goods of same quality not a saving to you. We have no Pet's, ojir prices are sanieJto_all. Every body's doHarh?s lOCTcents value with us. We do not use the saying, "Just Because It Is You." We carry at all times, Groceries, Shoes, Hats, Cloth ing, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Furniture, Bug gies, Wagons. Harness and all other things. If you want anything not carried by general merchant* we can get it for you "At Once If Not Sooner." We are stUl ahead in ginning cotton, buying seed, cot ton, and other produce, ?? Come to see us and let us show you our appreciation. You must be satisfied if you get it from us Cash or 10 per cent on time. SANTA CLAUS . .It gives us pleasure to be able to say to you that we have on hand one of the biggest stocks of toys, presents anil CliristmaR requirements ever seen in this section before. Come in and see tlieni and let us save you mon ey. w. D. FULLER & COMPANY Wood, > - North Carolina