imCBIFTIQX $1.60 for Year VOLUME XLVIII LOUIS! ' ?<?, S. C< K HI I) A., J A WART 9, 1020. NUMBER 46 UNUSUAL INTEREST IN GATHERING OF DEMOCRATS TODAY Jackson Day Dinner Promises To Be Biggest Political Event of Many Years lMFOK'l'ANT FEATUKB.8 OK BIO PAHTY BANQUET What Will President Wilson Say In Hl? Message and Will William Jen nings Bryan Emerge As Formidable* Pow?r In Democratic Party Coun cils. Washington, D. C., Jan. 7.?On the ?ve' of the gathering tomorrow of the Democratic National committee to se lect a place and time for the next con vention and of the Jackson Day din ner which will follow thei't: lis upper most In the minds of hundreds of Dem ocrats already on the scene Jpst two questions: .... ' i ? 1j*t-WU1 President Wilson urge the party to make the peace treaty and feeagoe of NaMons the paramount, is sue in the cortuSg campaign, and 2?Will William Jennings Bryan emerge fr?m the grand pow-wow eith er as the most formidable contestant for the nomination or come through with enough supportto name the next candidate of the Democrats? Interest In Kvent TJnunnnl. Never in the history of "the party has t'.o Interest 'n a Jackson day dinner ? ?1 SB keen.?Thmn Pammrntn |n ' V '? irfgton tonight who are not on tip too rioting for their city-to \?'.n the cont t for the convention aro On edge for th* answer to the two questions. Arwl nrvpr hAfoiy lms tin'11 lloAn?ft gathering of political leaders about vrh'cfi so little can be forecast with a rcasonablo e'e'sree of assistance. The ond and the nin=t outstanding prophe sy that can- n mIo luirtglil, "wlthuut fnpr. of succo^sful contradiction** Is that the banquet tomorrovr night. orate the militant democracy of An drew Jackson, wilbe about "a boifj -_dry^^iffair_from cocktails to mints. .At the meeting of tire cc'nrmi^ec^W jrorrow a resolution will he passed, acccffftlflS^ aain b? Chairman Homer Cumm-ns tills after nooi>, commending Ihu Dumoerutlu Nu tional admin strntion al ti (.'?doming President Wilson's efforts to bring t>eace to the world. "nib not Tinricrtakr tn -n;)1V7c fee President's position." Mr. CumTn'ns said today. "The President has made j. tour of the country and set forth his ?att" ude.?rHe-faas been?BTlblected?_to misi'nterpretation and a deliberate cam pslgn nf slander which 1 think is one of 'the mostdisgraceful- inc-.denM >'n the history of American politics. If we lire another decade, those who have ^>posed K's efforts for a world peace ?will be ashamed." Mr. Cummins was asked about plat form work, whether or not the Demo crate will appoint a committee to do pre-conventlon drafting as did the Re publicans. He would riot hazard a guess as to this ti\lt When reminded of Republican Chairman Hays' qffer to the children to write a platform, said: "It Is an Insuperable task. Only -ex treme youth-would undertake it." Yfhat Will President Say! No one pretends to hare any Infor mation on what the President will say to Ms fellow Democrats tomorrow ??- r |-"tlni' ninny vers are surmising that he will take the opportttAlty' to declare his porftlon regarding a third term. Othe'r?~ha?? laterpreted the Tumulty announce . ment of "an Important message" '? as meaning thfc President would ask the Democrats to take up the treaty light and go Into the campaign for ratifica tion of the covenant without reserva tions. The last conjecture Is admit tedly far-fotchrc because Senator Hit chcock, in his Charlotte speech, an nounced the baa!s of a compromise and conferences have been going stead lly on with a compromise In view since that time.' . j" 5"a , ? o Kwfoiitt* . Mr. Bryan_h^d upt arrived In Wash . Ington tonight for tlve dinner and until he does fet her^ ^'jocal aggregation is in about the i?(M^tate qf elpectai> 97 as the hom# (own b#Ji team ^falsing for th? pitcher io o P Any suggeatlgn of the Jackson'day dln Ofir, nifulo anywher? ir> WnsMnnton. v .will raise a query about (he Commoner. It Is current gossip tonight that lead >7 'teoiti Iriued on i'Sg? Ten) NEW PLANT IN USE AT POWEB HOUSE BEGIUNING .LAST SATURDAY. Saving- Heti<heg Almost 7? Ter Cent With Kerosene For Fuel?Fine Piece Of Machinery. The Installation o f the Nm I'nwpr MacBIcery at the power fcouBe completed the past week and thrown Into service on Saturday with gratifying results to Supt. Hill and the City Commissioners. It is working fine and' Is working at present from 4 to 11 P. M. and 6 to T A.M. Supt. Hill told the TIMES man Tuesday that at present they were using Kerosene for fuel and figuring the cost at twen ty cents a gallon, the load of the old I plant was being carried at a cost of only $14.00 a day as compared with $05.00 wlth-the old <jteam plant,? Therms no question DUTthat Louis burg w ll have'one of the finest plants in the State when the electric pumps' are Installed, which have arrived and are helngtnatalledr ^ ?- ? In-answer to a request for a state ment In regard to the plajit Mr. Ma lone of the Board of Commissioners stated' that the Board would not at ' tempt to put on a twenty-four hour |%enCce at this time* on account of an embargo that is^now on against ship ments of fuel oil, but as" soon as this cleared up,twhich he has been inform ed, will be in about two weeks, and a supply of the cheaper fuel can be gotten here the full servicc will be gi rcp.. lull..??. it yuiv of Lctalsb can b^ pi be Interesting to the citizens isburg to learn that the fuel oil purchased for ? about 7 cr 9 cents delivered; which wslll again great lv rcrtnca tho mat nf With the other plant that the Com jmlssloners are contemplating buying, j Loulsburg w:il have ofle of the finest | and most cfflcic-it plants jn.the South. PEACH TSEF. CHURCH BURL'S; Losi of A.Wnt $12 000 00 With No In- ] surance?Thought To l4 (?"gndlary. . day were to the Effect that Peach Tree J3iy?l^,J[pqB^d>eiir E(r. .Ed wards- bcme place in Nasi! County was destroyed by flrn tho night boforo at a tew of about'jlSiOOO. 00. with no in-1 surance. The building was a new ] i cfructure hiving been just completed tVe day b"fora and .turned over to the ]Cen-mittec. There Is no knowledge rof the origin of tl.e Dre, however, it ''s I supposed by some to. have been the ? 'work of some illicit distill$rs -or their ! friends based upon the fact that a day ! beftye the revenue officer? had ! been in that section and destroyed sev j eral stills, and the report says, it is i thought that the moonshiners connec ted the church or.some of Its member ship with the visit of the revenue off! KENTUCKY JOINS RHODE ISLAJfD Ilf RATIFYING 8UFFBAGE AMEND ME NT Providence, i?The State lepiiKure ronaanjr Hwr?5ts5 "retina cayon of the Woman's Suffrage Amend nfenftoday. '? Frankfort, Ky.f Jan. Ratifica tion of the Federal Woman Suffrage amendment.was nompleted by th?'K?n tucky leglqlaiare late this afternoon. nia ffnmn nf BtfaaaaautttauataM?. Tir to 35 an<) the Senate 30 to 8 to rati! the amendment. There was littVale bste In the lower House but actiob la the Senate an,apt taken until an ata endment which would have submitted the question of ratification to ? State wide referendum was rejected by a vote of 23 to 15. F. A. BOTH A CO. Mr. F. A, Roth of tbe I. J. Delta C*. has purchased the interests of Mr. I. J. Dejtz, of Bast Downlngtown, Pa., to the I. 3. Dells Co., of Loulsburg, and will continue the business, which he has had full charge of, at the same place and under the iam? management, under the Ann name of F. A. Roth It ?#.- - ? ? ..V ? :r:- . tr.. x O" ? 1 THERMOMETER REGISTERS 4. IWftday morning registered the low. At' temperature seen In this ieetlon 'sln'fti# the wttttt of 1(1?. wheiv the GovftrAment thertnometef registered At above sero. : W" ???n AMERICAN OIL MEN KILLED IN MEXICO STATE DEPARTMENT "RECEIVES ADVICES OF MURDER OF TWO . MEN AT TAMFICO " Mexican Government Urged to -Take Steps?Brings Total .of - American ?Citizens Murdered In Tanpleo 1> To Nineteen Since April, 1917; Two Navy Bluejackets Under Two Months Sentence Tb Be Released. Washington, Jan. ?Receipt by the State Department late today of advice that two more American oil men, F. J. Roney and Earl Bowles, had been mur dered by Mexicans In the Tamplco dis trict of Mexico, was followed by In-, structlons to the American Embassy In Mexico City to urge the Mexican gov ernment to take every possible step to tjrtng-about ft? capture and punlsh Cn4 njcnt.of the murderers. First word-of the killing of the two' Americans, which brought the total of;' American citizens murdered in the TanipTes dtatKer.BtTie? April, tair, up to ' nineteen, reached Washington,! through private sources. Later thai State Department announced the re ceipt of similar advices. The State Department also was Cl formed during the day in a report frond the American consul at Mazatian, Mex ico, that Harry V. Leonard and Harrjr O. Martin, members ol the crew ol United States submarine tender Foco-. noke. arrested in Mazatian November 12, after a street Bght with a Mexican, had been sentenced to two months im prisonment. The report raid, Howev er,, that as the sentence dated back to j November 12 when the ivo bluejaok-^ | ets were arrested, their release Bhonld I bo ottooted Jnhnnry 1?. A ' S LEE AND JACKSON SERVICE, f In the Mothodist Church 011 Jam 18th at 7 o'clock P. M., serytcea In honor of L-ee arid Jackioa will-be held. We earnestly Pope that all who hold dear Southland will attend. A opeclal pro gram wll! be given, and we trust, the occasion nxiy uo reverently irtproa-; aft*. ? Historian; "THE ONLY OIRf. , ?Ciwe lu Hiul.ui y Ruuk Wednesdays iyght, Jaiif 14, 1920, to see "The Only i Girl." On this date the High School j pupils will preaenLane of the best showy, ever given by ametours. The entire play is a thrilling story of such things that really exist bolh of bad and of good. Come and be ready for the beginning at 7:00 ua we are' anx ious for everybody'to see lt'all. Re served seats 50c, general admission 25c school children. 15c. Don't forget the date January 14, Wednesday night at 7:30. The public cordially" itivited. YOUNG WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The Young Woman's Missionary So ciety met at the home ot Miss Sallie' Taylor Tuesday evening, Jan. ?, 1820. 7:30 o'clock ? This beting the first meeting In the year, -our new presKtant,. Mrs. J. M. Allen presided oyer the meeting. The Scripture lesson was taken from Romans 12th chapter fol lowed hy j>rayer by Mrs. M.0. Pleas ants. After which she read a Very In - teresilng paper, The New Tear.- and. Miss Lotile Kfeadows, Ring 6ut tfce AM journed to meet Tuesday erenlng, Jan. 11,1920; T:80 o'clock In a r?ff*lar study circle meeting. Tfeele prwent were Meadames M. C. Pleasants. J. M Al len, P. M. Puller, Misses Sue Alston, SaUfe Taylor and Lonte Meadows. METHODIST MISSIONARIES. Darlog the year 1919, thirty .new missionaries sailed for the various for eign Held? of th? Methodist Episcopal Church, Squth. Twenty-one have bee* sent out by the General Board and nine, by the Woman's Missionary Council. Mexico, our nearest neighbor on the South, was fortunate enough to hare ?Ix of this number as her share, while Braill and China have "fire each, Cuba four,-Congo Beige three, Japan # three, Belgium one, and Korea three. . 'Dr. David Sloan Ifaa the honor of be ing the first missionary to be sen* by the M. B. Chuck South t? Belgium. He will open ee*Ni llr?mli and em ploy his splendid gifts 1hjthe adminis tration of the work l>< Beltfam and northern Franc?. RAISES SALARY OF MISS SMITH A* H. COOKE ELECTED COTTON YYtlGK! K FBA3KLIKT0N Adopt Style of Bonds For Cedar Bock Township?Many Reports Beeelved lAnd Filed?Drang Jurors?To Meet At C?anly Home. ; Jl ;;The Board of County Commissioners In regular session on Monday with 1 members present-.-?Business was sacted as follows" after approving nutes of. previous^mecmcs: With the assistance of the Sheriff e Board drow the jury for t tie Keb ?ry term of Franklin Superior Court. '' Henry Griffin was placed on outside ,uper list at $4.00_jjpr pxmth, and as allowed to draw the past quarter's ^liowawnce. j ~J ----? The election of cotton weteher ter klinLon having been deferred at o request of. applicants and citizens om regular statutory time, Is on mo Ion. to be held, all applications and D. Alston and seconded by J. M. lykes, B. W. Long. J. p. Cooke and Iw. P. Edwards were placed in noml jpiatlon without prejudice, and on mo Bon it was ordered that a ballot be ta Jken,,wh'.ch resulted as follows: I Long 1, Cooke 4.' r Edwards 0. * . ? - t J. H. Cooke having received the lar gest number of votes was declared el ected, until November 1st. 1921. dent of County Home, was received and ordered filed. He reports 4 white wo men; 3 white men*; 3 colored women; [and 5 colord men, making a total of 15 Unmnton. S nee last 5p53 jEjjJBI ws 6een taken to Greensboro to a I children's home, and ?ne woman. Ma nerva Kelly, has died. He also sub j m'.ts iherewith" check for $121.45 to*co | vor $111.45 crops marketed since last I report, and. $10.00 rents paid by Ed. i Collins. - . . . " , j iLno ?onu oi j. ti. v, 0UKi'? weigher for Franklin too, *as received | ordered filed. _ - i Report nt Or J R. Y.rnTniir. Super in Undent jOf Health, was .received and. filed. * The bounty's portion of Miss Pau line Smith, Home demonstration Agent salary was increased from $500.00 to $900.00 per year. Upon order, the Aunty gave its note for a Truck "for tire Louisburg Town Louisburg township Road "Trustees when due, and it is^fhrther ordered that J. P% T!mberlako be and he is hereby appointed a committee with the Loulsburg -Township rfoad Trustees to purchase tmld Truck. -fr.? 1 The form of bonds for the Cedar Rock Township Roads was adopted and properly Bign-ed, , After allowing a-number of accounts the Board adjourned to meet at the County Home on Thursday* ^ ^ FIBE AT MB. M. C. PLEASANTS., ? ;,/ ' r The Ore alarm on Monday evening was caused from the packlng around tli? water pipes In the home of Mr. M. C. Pleasants on Nash Street, catching J fire. On account o f the smothered coalition ot the flames only slight damage was done. The lire depart ment answered promptly but the ftre was extinguished without the us? of tb%hose.. The damage was estimated ?* ?lotiti rtnilo fiillT lit sured. .... . ,? .... NEW YORK BET AN LEAGUE v swings toward cebabd New York, Jan. 6.?Tie Bryan I>ea cue of New York, resurrected a few days ago for the parpoae of booming William Jennings Bryan (or the Presi dency, today announced It bad swung around In support of James W. Gerard, former ambassador to Germany, who 'haa filed In South Dakota his forfria! notice of candidacy for the Democratic nomination. ' | PURCHASES AWOTftKB TTlftT. The Town Commissioner* "^a'meet ing Wednesday night purchased a du plicate one hundred and fifty horse ?owe* writ (Or the power house, of the awn? mtlct ae the new machinery now rUiuilotoi - This is, no doubt, wise' fui tlon o* tbe paT* of the Hoard ?? |IM preaetit plant has demonstrated a p sarin K. ? / *c|. AKONG THE VISITORS SOME YCI7 KNOW AND SOJIE YOU tto not: know. r Personal Items, About Folks And Their Friends Who Travel Here And There. Miss Ixirin? Turner. ol Oxford ^ visiting Mrs. W.JT. Person. Mr. G. Ij. Crowell Was a visitor to tioulsburg the past Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ruffln returned Saturday from a two weeks visit to Nc\v York. - Messrs. Claude Collins and P. J. Brown 16ft Monday for a trip to Ha vana, Cuba. ? ?? : : Mr. W. H. Yarboraugh has returned Mrs. E. F. Thomas left Tuesday for a visit to Raleigh. ? Mr. Clarence Btimpsony of-Statesvit le. visited his sisters, Mesdames F. B and D. F. McKinne the' past week. ?Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Crovrell, of Brockton, Mass., who have been visit ing hef son, Dr.-H. H. Johnson, have returned home. **--> ??.' . Mr. W. ,<C. Cooke; of^ Spartanburg, S. C.# was a visitor to tis people here this week. k. M-essrs." John D. Hirie^ and F. W. Hicks left Sunday for a visit to New York. r- Mr; W. E. White returned this week from $ visit to New York. J Mr. I. j! DeUz, of East. Downing - j'own, Pa.; was-a visitor to Loqisburg Sxluring tlio holidays. ?.Mi'i Fi A i Roth left MemV'\y for a. | burineSs vipit to Now YorX and other* i Northern Cities. MltZiWit!.. Toe returned Monday JF ^'sifr-to his people at Greens boro. Miv and R^s^-Gh-Ct Harris ami lit tle daughter returned Monday frer?> a visit to Mrs.* Harris' people rT""? ' Mrs. A. H. Wagstaff, of Roxboro. is visiting her sister, ivlrs. G. C. Har-. m. i " ? I>> 8mithvr1ok? or Philaflc^ phla, spent ths holidays with his peo ple here. ' ? A " V Mr. Macon G. Smithwiwrck left yes terday for Philadelphia to take a po sitioh with the PwWfrt Co. WEimiNG AT BUNN. Beautiful ia its simplicity was the* marriage ceremony performed in the presence of a few friends and Relatives at the home of the brides parents, at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Jan. 4th, when Miss Faber Gay became the bride of Mr. Robt. L. Seymore, resident of this town. The bifide and groom entered togeth er to th? strains of Lohengrin's wed ding march, played by MIbs Lanie Hbr ton. .Rev. T. D. Rollins, pastor of the Baptist Church, performed* the ceremony. ESCOBTS TICTOB BE BOER k-' ~ AWAY FB05 JERSEY CITY j Berger, rijjresentatlre-elect from the Hlfth Wisconsin District, was escorted out Qt Jersey City tonight by Chief of Police Hlchard 1". Batters by. His de parture followed promptly his arrival tn the scheduled role of principal ora tor at a widely advertised mass meet leg under the auspices of the Socialist Educational Club. The police refused to permit the mee ting to be held, announcing that those who dealred to pay dues, or transact business with the officers of the club could do so, but that speeches would be barred. ?- r? We appear to enjoy the rare dlstlnc tlon of being the only people on eartli who can put the finishing touche? to a war and then can not make peace after It 1? done. i. .<111 ;, 7 1 ;-.ii Ooabt Dame Faahlon haa tpM hiuv ding us another thrill. .Wqbm?'? ?kirta.' aha sayi, are to be shorter, than ever befor*. And now we know;, the price of necktlea will soar. PLANN1P.P TO nn-VKT.OP REVOLUTION OUT 01* ' TWO RECENT STRIKES Definite Program To' Expand Coal and Steel Strikes Into Movement Against Gov ernment, Tt Ti TWlarori BAQICALS BLAMED FOB EFFORT TO OVEBTTTBN - " ORGANIZED SOCIETY Evidence Gathered In Half ? Score Clt- , les In Hulds Against Communists Declared To Hare Shown That Butt flrmjn nf Party Awaited Opportune Moment To Invade dther ("lasses at ^Workers; Balds Disclosed Also That 'Slnsli' Finid Bad Been Gathered Movement Well Organized Along All Lines. / JEukln^Ujli, iljui^jL^Radlcal leaders planned to develop the recent liteel and coal strikes into a general strike and tOUfttately into a revolution to over-?7 throw the Government, according to in formation gathered by Federal agents in Friday night's wholesale round up of members of the communist and communist Jcbor parties;* A definite ? prograln to expand the two labor dis turbances for the purpos^of blotting out every semblance of organized gov ernment was disclosed in e^i^nce gath ered in half a score jal .cities. * Tfiis data, officials said, tended 10 prove that the Nation wide raids had nipped the * most menacing revolutionary , plot yet unearthed. ? * ? ? t\ ? Officials indicated that both groups of radicals, were oniv awaiting an op portune mo^>ent t (T c^irry among other rlflHSPS of wnteqrg tha samo oort of aei tation employed thqong the steel work ers and co^l miners!?qu>ng the foreign element of \hc^?ommunisVand commun ist labor partleXinformation described as conclusiveVr^aled fliat the pay? rolls had been utorted u-uiiVgitators to I be s&nt suddenlyS^ ev/fry \fertile field I in yuppurl uf u. ?Invade Mining ( oininur.ilics. During the last two wneVs of the coal atriltei oomrmwict agitntoir. wore dis covered to have penetrated practically every mining center east of the Misslss. lppT-River. Evidence showed that'in several Instances. where .minerhad vnled to return to work, the commun ists had spread their propaganda of destruction of the Government to such an extent. It was Sale'.\that few if any miners actually got 1 icK t? tneir jods. Attempts to incite the m:ne woikers I to violence were the most bold lh West ' Virgfnia, officials said, serious trouble being" narrowly averted there??But all soft coal regions w'ere infested and "much of the data leading up tu Fkday's Nation wide raids were gathered by se cret agents circulating amoilg the mine workers and coming in contact with the agitators themselves, It was dis closed. The raids also disclosed that a "slash fund" has b^en created by the two par ties against whom the Government moves "were directed. Much of tills money, said to run into several millions had been set aside for use in balling out Adherents of the doctrine in case rof arrest or sedition and the teaching ^f violence . . \ Movement Well Organlied. Woof si bo was Bald to hat? been ob talMd that In the case of agitators who went among the steel and mine strik ers, funds for bail were made available In every section frequented by the m/v? Wtmmm m 'M'"1 111 ganH ration of the .worker* In support of the Commnniat cause were pictured as more aomplet? than eren a political campaign. It was evident, official? declared, that the movement was "ripe" and that settlement of the coal strike had been a keen disappointment to the radical leaders. Assistant Attorney-General Oarran made public tonight the department's memorandum, submitted to the Bureau of Immigration, upon which Was bas ed tha government classification of the Communist and Communist Labor parties aa coming under the EsiMooac* Act. This disclosed that both group* wore pledger! to ilglif any sqUPMtlo'n of .military 'action by America against the Soviet Rusrfiari*. Membership ap plications rayeWeU that Mtk grtmpa were 4ndlrscily unide^, the control of thtf ftdsslan Communist Cornell. Principles at Party. ';lK amnnj Tft'i n i ?? the Communist Labor pariyls'dixit II. , <?' ?1 (Continued on Pag^ Ten)

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