ONLY ?1.M PElt YEAH IS ADVANCE The Fran*lin-Times : _ county, t ?' ?' '.V1 * _ i,orTSBcKa*.\?j, ?or ^ '9R AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT BKINGS BESCLTS A. V. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager ..?j ? -Jjl'HE COUNTY, THI SAATE, THB UNION ?*- ^ suBSCBirrtOK ti^* Per T* . i ft ?j YOLUMN XLYIX - - MinSBDW, IBH. 9, 19M. V : ' NUMBM 7 ? |l( ? ? ? 't li ??? HQLMf At Democratic-County invention Saturday. ELECTS DELEGATES TO STATE CONVENTION. v- - A Most Harmonious Meeting?Both County, State and National A d minis, trat Ions Endorsed?Hon. Ben. T. Holden Endorsed For Delegate To National Contention and Alao For Delegate it Large. In pursuance of a call of the State Democratic Executive Commltte the Democratic ' County Convention for Franklin Cowty met in the Court House in Loulaburg on Saturday at 12 o'clock. Chairman E. H. Malone, of the County Executive Committee call ed the convention to ohier, arid after I announcing the object of the meetlg 1 called Hon. Ben. T. Holden to% the j Chair and Mr. O. B. West as Secretary as temporary officers. These gentle men came forward and took charge of the meeting. The first business be ing the election of permanent ofTicers such action was ai.-nounced by the chair. Wpon motion of Williams, of Sandy Creek and seconded by several delegations the temporary organiza tion was made permanent by a unani mous vote. Chairman Holden- accep ted the honor ih a most beautiful and well delivered address, which rang true to the high principals of Democ racy and was enjoyed by all who heard it The Seccretary was instructed to cull the roll, which resulted in the. fol .^A-lnp delegates being handed in i. :n each township: ''-iins?A. A. Perry. H. H. Bedding lic.-. Charley Johnson, Mack Mullen, Hiuy i'rivett. J. M. Stalling?, J. B. HON. BFNJAtflTV T. HOLDEN Who presided over the County Con vention in Louisburg Saturday, and who was endorsed by the Convention both for Delegate to the National Democratic Convention tn hp hMri in San Francisco and for Elector-at Large from Lhis-District. ? Privctt, G. Williams, W. H. Williams, Sid Mullin. Harris?C. Chamblee, P J. King, VanCe Prazier, Sylvanus Pearcc, R. R. Perry, J. J. Young, A. W. H Ar nold. Youngsville?D. W. Spivey, C. C. Winston, J. R. Tharrington, H. W, Allen. C. A. Underwood. W. C. Rob erts, R. E. Underwood, Edward Win ston. J. W. Perry, B. L. Pearce. Franklinton?J. H. Cooke, A. S. Joyner, Hay Taylor, J. D. Speed, H. F. Fuller, E. H. Evans, I. H. Kearney, J. H. McGhee, K. J. Perry, J. S. Yarbor ough, J. A. Mitchlner, F. G. Banks. Alternates?B. W. Ballard, B. T. Green, J. Raymond MitcMner, C. L. McGhee, W. A. Cooke, T. J. Evans. T. B. Thomas, Lee Hayes, J. S. Pruitt, A. T. Mitchlner, Walton Mitchiner, J. S. Layton. Sandy ^freeTc?C. F. Faulkner, Wal lace Smith. W. F. Leonard, C. E. Gup ton. G. B. West. C. B. Kearney, A. T. Wilson. E. N. Williams. Gold Mine?None present. Cedar Rock?J. J. Lancaster, A. W Wilson. Jr.. Redding Bobbitt, J. O. Sledge. G. S. Earp, Spencer Boone, J. Pete Davis, Spencer Dean, J. T. In scoe. Cypress Creek?E. D. Moore, E. S. * Wilder, J. M. Sykes. Louisburg?B. N. Williamson-,** E. S. Ford. W. K. Massenburg. D. G. Pearce, H. W. Perry, Ren T. HOlden, W. D. Egerton. M. S. Clifton, H. C. Gupton. A. W. Macon, W. H. Allei>, W. E. Tucker, D. T. Smith wick. J. H. Best. S. S. Meadows. C. C. Hudson. Finding all townships represented but Gold Mine. Williams of Sandy Creek offered a motion that the Chair appoint a committee to escort Capt. P. G. Alston, a former Gold Mine resi dent to the front ty be appointed the official delegate to represent Gold Mine townshsip. The motion met with many seconds and was carried with great enthusiasm. The Chair ap- I pointed Messrs. E. H. Malone, of L6u isbur?. E. N. Williams ot 8?mdy i "Creek, and A. A. Perry, of Dunns, to | escort Capt. Alston to the front where he was Tested with the power contain. ] ed in the motion. Capt. Alston ex pressed his deep appreciations for the honor the convention placed upon him. The organization being perfected I the usual routine of business wa? an nounced in order. First the convention went into the selection of Delegates to the Btate Convention, delegates and alfern&tee I being elected as follows: Dunns?A. A. Perfy, H. H. Badding fleld; G. W. Williams, S. B. Mullen. Harris?J. B>, King; {I. R. Perry. Youngsville?Earl Underwood. D. I W. Splvey; C. W. Roberts, H. W. Allen Frankiinton?I. H. Kearney, A. S. Joyner; H. F. Fuller, J. H. Cooke. Hayesvllle?R. L. Stokes; T. H. Medli n. / Sandy Creek?E. N. Williams; J. E. Collins. Gold Mine?Capt. P. G. Alston; W. D. Fuller. Cedar Rock?J. J. Lancaster, J. O. Sledge; J. B. Sturdivant. Spencer Dean. Cypress Creek?J. M. Sykes; Ar thur Strickland. Loulsburg?E. H. Malone, B. T. Holden, J. H Best; C. C. Hudson, S. S. Meadows, A. F. Johnson. Perry of Louisburg, made a motion that the Voting strength of each town ship from Franklin in the State Con vention be divided equally between the delegates and alternates attend ing. The motion being seconded by Dr. D. T. Smithwi<jk also of Louis burg,. was put am'J carried unanimous ly. A motion was made by Hudson, of Louisburg, that the Convention en dorse Hon. Ben T. Holden as a dele gate to the National Convention at San Francisco, to"be elected at .the State Convention in Raleigh from this ?Confiro-qpiona4- 4)iBtriet. The motion carried by an enthusiastic and unani IIvotf, ,Mr. Holden offered hia thanks for the honor li> a very pretty impromptu speech. Williams,-of Sandy Creek, being re cognized by CHe Chair, and in prcpar atldi Tor a motion "Up was to make la stated that, thore-awas quite a- dif ference between now and-twenty years ^so. *fheil we met in this convention and bestowed the honor of the noml itHiiQii upon those vrv thought best fOT tl'p prTiHc nffiraa.?Today it ia differ out. Just as radical changes has come about in all lines, times in all particulars have changed, but the trrmifl old- Democratic principles [which arc alwayss true to the ppeople, have not. "Mr. Chairman,"- he con-^ Itinued. "I move that you appopint a committee to retire ami draft resolu tions endorsing the Democratic ad ministration. County, State, and their part in- the National Government. The motion was discussed at length by many, the only question arising however was the way in which to get at the same end. All were agreed on the endorsement. As a result the iro tlon was so amended thnt the cnmirlt.. tee was to draft the resolution, whose action was unanimously endorsed by the convention. The Chairman ap pointed the following committee: E. N. Williams. Sandy Creek, Earl Un derwood, Youngsville, I. H. Kearney, Fran klin ton, R. L. Stokes, Hayesville, J. M. Sykes, Cypress Creek, Dr. D. T. Smithwick, Louisburg, J. B. King, Harris, B. M. tl. Mullen. Dunns, J. O. Sledge, Cedar Rock, P. G. Alston,?Gold Mine. The resolution adopted was as fal lows: Bejt resolved: That we the loyal Democrats of Franklin County, in Convention duly called and assembled, viewing with pride' the achievements of our party, do hereby most heartily endorse the present Administration of our party In both State and Nation, and with full confidence in the wis dom and integrity of our party leaders do hereby pledge to them our full and loyal support uurlng the coming cam paign. Tin aiNiniD iiii on. Raleigh, being present and recqg nized by the Chair offered a motion that the present Chairman be endors ed as Elector at Large from this Con gressional District. In the discussion of thtfr morion the question of Wom an's Suffrage came out and resulted in showing that there was a difference of opinion on . the part of Franklin's delegation. In the discussions the motion received many seconds and when put to a vote by Mr. E. H. Ma lone, who was asked to preside, the ayes were all in favor of the endorse ment with enthusiasm mingled all through. Mr. Holden with much em-* otion and the greatest appreciation thanked tLe convention for bestowing upon him the double honor of being fcndoresd both fdr Delegate to the Na tional Conventlpn and for Elector at large, a thing that.seldom ever hap pens to any one individual at t&a same time. ? ^ ??? Upon call the following township executive committees wore handed in, the first named being Chairman: Dunns?A. A. Perry, H. H. Bedding- j fleld, J. B. Privett, J. M. Stallings. I ?klATrtm?-J? Ktag. J. O/*,' N. M. RoC^ W R. Roger*?,1 Whelees. *^1"' Tt ? Youngsvilie?J. B4. Perry, C, Wlmton. R. C. Underwood", EL Green, J. R. Tharrlngton. , Frankiloton?A- S. Joyner, I. H. Kearney. J. H. Cooke, B. W. Ballard, K. J. Perry. Hayesvllle?Rv L. Stokes, A. A- Med Hp, W. P. Wilson, R. n Winn WHm HiwKlllfc. -* Sandy Creek?E. N. Williams, H. D. Bgorton, W. F. Leonard, C. F. Faulkner. K. E. Oupton. Gold Mine?J. H. Wobd, C. C. Mur phy, J. ? J? Lancaster, R. C. Oupton, W. D. Fuller. Cedar Rock?J. O. Wilson, W. D. Bowden. E. D. Parrlsh, J. T. Inscoe, T. 8. Dean. Cypress Creek?J. M. Sykes, Arthur Strickland, R. kL. Harris, Ermon Wil der, E. B. Moore. Loulsburg?W. E. Tucker, J. M. i Allen, D. G. Pearce. N. M. Perry, J. H. Best. ?- ? I Thh completing the work __of the Convention a motion to adjourn pre | vailed. E. H. MALONE RE ELECTED CHAIRMAN DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COM MITTEE FRANKLIN COUNTY C. E.H (lathers Elected Member Dunns 1 Township Committee?Resolution to Enforce Primary Law Passed?A. F. .lol.n son Re-elected Secretary. At a meeting of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee of Franklin Coun ty held immediately after the adjourn ment of the County Convention for the purpose of reorganization, held in the court house in Loulsburg Satur day. Mr. Edwin H. Malone^who has so well and faithftfily served the com mittee as its Chairman for the past four years was re-elected Chairman for the ensuing two years by a unani mous rising vote. Editor A. F. Johnson was unanimously re-elected j Secretary to th?LXommlttee. The -or jganlzation beinp; ?buolncas was in order.? Upon motion C. E. Weat^<*r^ p? elected j wuillDUF il?T llie liunn-s town ship .Executive Committee to QU the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. JZ. H. MuIImv -The quosUoa-^f-Ute-gpp1tcgtI6n ot^ the primary la + in the coming prima HON. EDWIN H. MALONE Re-elected Chairman of the Demo cratic Executive Committee of Frank lin County on last Saturday. ry vas discuisei at length a fid resul ??sr1. ir t'*o iiassaso of the rr~oh:tlc:i: ?*Vh?rnTs. it is the scnrc of the Dem ocratic. Executive Committee of Frank lin that only democrats should partic ipate in the Democratic primary. Bo it resolved that this committee recom mend to the Board of Elections that the Registrars and Poll holders of the various voting precincts be instructed to demand of every proposed voted presenting himself to participate in j the Democratic primary that he de failure of said proposed voted to de clare his affiliation with the Demo cratic party h)p be denied the right to vote in said daiuocratic primary. Those present at the meeting were A. A. Perry, Dunns; J. B. King. Har ris; R. C. Underwood, Youngsvllle; I. H. Kearney. Frankllnton; R. L. Sto kes. Hayesville; E. N. Williams. San dy Creek; J. M. Sykes. Cypress Creek; W. E. Tucker. Louisburg. Adjournment was taken subject to the call of the Chairman?* TAKES GENERAL AGENCY. Mr. T. W. Watson informs us that he has recently taken the general agency for the George Washington Life Insurance Co. for the counties of Wake. Granville. Vance, Franklin, Warren, Halifax, Nash, Wilson and Jrfhnston Mr. Watson*ls one of the States best insurance men and will no doubt, do well with his new busi ness. Subscribe to The Franklin Time? ING PEOPLE _ j"' lOt ?lOff AKD SOME YOC -.?.t 1 D0 ?OT KNOW. .?35S? ? * _ rwumai Items About Folks And Friends Who Travel Here there. T. rfolden went to Wilson o& business. incls Egerton has returned honSevlrtSm Baltimore. S. Foster Irf visiting Mrs. ? at Beaufort. /C. Beck left Tuesday for a fip to Charlotte. ttise Thomas, of Raleigh, Hives here Sunday. rry came over from Wake a short visit Easter. J. Edens left Wednesday f?r v1w to Roanoke Rapids. ___ .isabeth Allen Is at home | from fixity for tbe Easter holidays. irboro came home Easter d berry Park lor a few days. fit an Crudup, ot Henderson, | her sister, Mrs. R. P. Tay V. Watson returned the past ) a business trip to Greens Mix Mattie Allen came home from ConTanirt College to spend the Easter holiday*. Mr. ju?4 Mrs. W. T. Person and Mr. and MrsAE. F. Thomas visited Ral eigfi M*ifeiy.v MIb* JUlha Leah Hose, of Hender son, visltq! at the home of Mr. E. C. Perry i??^past week. ?f. ii. Misses |*ynn and Grace Hall spent the EaatejK holidays with Miss Kate Furmea *"?? ~ ~~ L. Mies Beku m Dullmik and ElimitelK i Bragg, ot Qjtford, spent Easter at the home o% Mr. CL P*rry. f Joseph Harris^ and Eugene Wilson 'came -down--from A. & E. College to spenfl Fast e r with their people. ^ Mr. ? nd Mrs. B F. Hayes, of Ral eigh. at <l Miss Clara Hayes, of Greens boro. l aid a short visit to their sis ter. Mr -. T. D. Collins during the hol idays. Miss I'.essie Strange. Mrs. Wingate Underbill, and Mrs. John Mitchlner are ;iilending the State meeting of the Baptist Woman's Missionary Un ion at Shelby this week. Among other school boys at home for Easter were P. A. Reavis. Jr.. Wfl liam Xoal, James Massenburg.-W. F, Gattis. Jones Par ham. William White, IWry EU|lir. Willi-imc ami V?. pier Williamson and William King, from Compel Hi117"? Mr. S. C. Holden arid Mrs. J, J. Holden went to Raleigh Tuesday to consult Dr. Wright about Joe Ben, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Holden, who swallowed some box lyo some time ago. The many friends of the family will be glad to learn that the little fellow is getting along nice ly. ! FRIDAY'S STORM IHD MUCH DAM AGE. 1 Blew l"p Trees, Took Roofs Off Hons? on. And Fin ved Havoc Generally. I The heavy wind storms that visited j Franklin County on Friday did coiv Islderable damage to standing timber i houses, etc. From all sections we ; leari> of more or less damage espec ially tob&ccQ barns.^Iiit]i|L?$|&^ffl??( th^ it :?^^S^P-FrSravebeen at its worst. Or Ithe farm of Mr. J. J. Lancaster it blew dowi* around 20.000 feet of tim ber. twisted tops of -two barns I blew a new pack house that was al 'most completed, almost entirely ofl its foundation, blew down a log pack ! house, upset a large double stable .building, blew down a two story log house occupied by Jordan Williams . tore down a rock chimney, and took the tops off of strip room and barn . 'At the home of MY. T. W. Whcless it did considerable damage to several barns and blew down a frame stable building. No injuries were sustain ed by persons or stock. The wind j blew very hard In most all sections, . hut slight damage has been reported at other places. r. i>. c. The Joseph J. Davis Chapter will meet with Mrs. O. M. Beam on Tues day afternoon, April 13th, at four o'clock. Mrs. W. E. White, Pres. Mrs. O. M. Beam, Sec'y. A UNION REVI VAL MEETING TO BEGI!? IN LOIISBIRG SUNDAY MORNING. The First Week Will be Held at the Baptist Church, Bev. F. 8. Lot? Pre aching, Second* Week at Methodist Church, Ser. T. D. Collins, Preach ing:?E. L. Wolslagel Singing The Union* Revival Services to be gin in Louieburg Sunday, April 11th, will be commenced at the Baptist Church at 11 o'clock. Mr. E? L. Wolslagel the noted solo ist and choral director in charge of the music. Dr. F. S. Love who is an unusually earnest and forceful Gos pel preacher will preach. T. Col lins pastor of the Baptist Church will preach the second week. Rev. Q. F. Smith pastor of the Methodist church will have charge of prayer meetings and personal work. The members of all the churches are uniting In this campaign. With all these forces thoroughly consecrated to the Master we should be able to go over the top Into "No Man's Land" of sin and rescue num bers of lost spuls. Though the struggle had been rag ing for many months, the enemy was still strongly entrenched and seem ingly undaunted. The attacking for ce had lacked unity of command and endeavour. A Generalissimo was ap E. L. WOLSLAGEL i Wbo will conduct the singing in the Union Revival to start in Louisburg Sunday. Mr. Wolslagel has been to Louisburg before and our people are j familiar with and appreciate his sing ing. pointed, concerted actioiy-was brought to bear upon the foe. and his defense soon crumbled and an armistice was called for. . In UNITY was found strength. It Is to be hoped that the christian for ces of Louisburg and vicinity mnv be come a unit under the direct command .of Christ iho cnpinht of uui salvation," and go into action with the big idea :t*f"brh*ginB every TTist soul back into J the camp of the Saviour. i The Devil is never happier than when he can get God's people conten ding against each other, and unno ticed he gets away with the swag. For the time being the community should be divided into two classes the IN's and the OUT's the Have's and the Hfctfe.'Not'?. U* Saved and the JjhwaV .<*?- Rje accep^PXact that the** la i)?#-wayH*r6und. ?e*ardl*ss of psrstftial profession or opinion of othefe J** afUat-b* one or tSe^kher. ?i , It is to be hopad taS SShf. chris tian may be more deeply <grouafl?d in rthn love of Christ, Ufa fiVery. unnaved person may at least tiVN ,tbe claims of Jesus faithfully preiaokoa to them. In comparison to the ?ll Important subject of salvation, everything else takes second place. Therefore let the meetings take their proper place and. all other claims be held In the back? ground for these two weeks. Let homes and business be conducted so as to get most out of this great har vesting season. "For what doth It profit a man if he gain the whole world and loose his own soul." To prevent sickness and death the health department speaks of "Clean Up Week". For the same reason in a spiritual realm such a campaign is badly needed. When any citizen falls to conform to the law of sanita tion the health of his neighbor is en dangered. Just so we should be very careful of our influence uppon others. Let every?christian be present at all services, standing at attention ready to obey the command of the great leader. ? ? BUNIC HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCE i MENT, APRIX 18, 22, AND 23, 1920. ? Buan High School commencement^ ?will begin by a baccalaureate sermon by Rev. John A. Ellis, pastor of Pul len Memorial Baptist church, Raleigh, N. C., April 18, 1920, 3:00 P. M. | Thursday evening, April 22, 8:15 P. M. the Elementary department will have their exercises. , Friday morning, April 23, the ad-: dress by Prof. J. W. Fen-ell, dean of Meredith College. Followed by th? graduating exercises. Then a big pic nic dinner on the grounds. At 2:00 P. M. the class day exercls ies. followed by a ball game. At 8:30 the annual High School Play, "Prairie Rose", one of Edith Palntonr's comedy dramas of the Kap-' sas Prairies in four acts. This Is an unusually good play. There Tire six Seniors thta YPnr* Misses -Asmte-Dli,kGrBob>>"Met& Horton and Lucy Moore, and Messrs. Edward rilAVOfl ]Yf>.l?lr? Mll.ll ?? ?????i auimui" Teuy. ?RoeSSr Mullen finishing ex cept one-half unit oL Latin. ! The public is Invited to attend all T^hese yjtei'Clbes. - " Not long ago our school was vlsit ied by Col. Fred A. Olds itkl Mr^Croa jby, the movie man, of h|s a t?I*s. -Thomas. It was a rare treat Tfor us. bealdetf mattyng~~a~~movie- reel Pf ^nr if hnni i in j inlil ifnnrn, tnnrrhr games, and gave us as good movie shw as you see any place. Our peo ple were delighted. 441 person pre sent. Why not follow the other pro presnive counties, and put on mivies for Franklin- County Schools? The Senior Class enjoyed a picnic Thursday P. M. April 1, at Clifton's Pond. They wore the guests of the High School faculty and Misses Gill. Peace ami Stell other members of the faculty. Everyone admits that if it was "all fools day," they would like to have the dose repeated except "Lucy".?ask her. Mr. and Mrs. G. II. McGrady. of Ral eigh. visited her people here Sunday. Some folks say "politics is" and others say "politics -are." but so lon-g as they are both connected with poli tics one is as bad as the other. Yes. the "world do move." but just now it appears to be t lie tail that is doing the wagging. ?? BET. F. S. LOTE . President Loulsburg Female College, who will preach at the beginning of the Union Revival at the Baptist Church begltmlng Sunday.

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