OKLI 11.60 PEK 1'EAB IN ADVANCE The Franklin Times A* ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT BBING9 RESULTS " . ' A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager^ ? , THE COUNTY,.THB STATE, THE UNION SUBSCBlfcTION ?1.50 Per Year ? ? .- 'V% VOLUMN XLVIX L0U18BUBG, N. C? FBI?AS, APRIL 23, 1#80. NUMBER 9. HEAVY TOLL TAKEN AS TORNADOES CUT PATHS AQJtOSS THREE STATES MImhIknIppI, Alabama au?l Tennessee Are Hit, MORE THAN 140 ABE 1>KAI>. Score of Town, Villages and Ffrrms Swept With DlsastruuH Effect?Loss Reaches Millions?Tornadoes Sweep Down With Suddenness, Obliterat ing Everything in Their Path?Rose Hill, Miss., Believed Wiped Out. Birmingham, Ala., April 20?A death list which tonight Btood at more than 140 and a property loss of many mil lions of dollars was the toll exacted by a series of tornadoes which today swept a score of towns, villages and isolated farms in eastern Mississippi, northwestern Alabama and the south ern counties of Tennessee. Communication with many of the 8trk)keB-die*flct?-wafl-diffteuH-.but frag mentary report/ agreed that the tor nadoes swept uown with deadly sud denness, obliterating everything that lay In their path. In at leas?one case "??that of Rose Hill, Miss., practically tke entire town is believed to have been destroyed in several instances all numbers of a family were reported to 1 f e been caught in the debris of its homo. ti. riklng first apparently In Lauder dale- county, Mississippi, about 10 o'clock this morning, the storms swept a narrow path across the remainder of the state, carrying destruction to a dozen or more communities. About the same time effects of the same or similar disturbance were reported from counties in the northwestern cor ner of Alabama, the extreme force of the vrind being expended before the Tennessee line was reached, in Wlll mill Mmiry iTHTTTtlBff Meridian, Miss., the heart of a rich arming curding fanning district,heaviest, ac? " : tu lale Vypmis, wHurn ~ Alcorn _co.unty, numbered its dead at ~Y?\ Aberdeen 10; Ingomar 6; Egypt 5; Baker 5 and Bay Spring 7. A lumber camp near Philadelphia, Neshoba cou *nty. lost 12 workers killed and 30 were Injured, several of whom may die. In Alabama the rural, districts arou nd Sheffield, Gurley, Little Cove and Waco, sustaihed the full force of the storms and with some sections still cut off, a score of bodies .have been recovered. Across the Tennessee line 160 miles from Blasted Meridian, tornadoes cut a swath through forests ansamr size as the one at Stantonburg has been completed and garages for the trucks are being built. These two typical country schools Illustrates the plan for educating the country children In Wilson County. 27 trucks are now being used in the coun ty ind plans have been made for 65 to run in the fall. PUBLIC SPEAKING. Announcement has been made that ' Hon. W. M. Person, candidate for the j nomination for State Senate, will ad-, dress the voters of Franklin County in Sandy Creek township at Oupton. 1 (Alston's Store) on Saturday, April I 24th, 1920, at one o'clock followed with a barbecue dinner at two o'clock. Tho ' invitation extended is to all who are j interested In the political Issues of the day. (.'KHAR BOCK NEWS. /This is the first time you've heard W? us but we shine Instead of shoot. ?The school Is progressing nicely and ?e kope to have the commencement the latter part of this .month which ?lir bo announced later. Attorney J. Ml Broughton, from Raleigh, will mftke the address. , T^e teachers spent the week end of M?flMth at Bunn, the home .of the in tartpdiate teacher. pepple of the community have preparations for both a new building and church. They to have both completed by 1320; j plays, "Axln Her" Father," and Jum" were given at Cedar Ved. April 7th. The proceeds tied to |52 which goes to help for the piano which has beet> during this school year. Lillian Jones, Gladys Peace ttessrs. Zollle Horton and Hay I White from Bunn attended these Idne Richardson spent Easter isboro. Lanie Horton and Eunice spent Easter at Smlthfleld, te of the letter. Ises Eunice Wellons, lone Rlch V, Lanie Horton and Eula Dean, lessrs. Willie Dean, Spencer Edward "Dean, and *L. D. Brown t^ok a flying trip to Clayton and Smi " 'Id a few Sundays ago. Fnlghum who has been ilt the past two months seems very ImBtt; $ ? . les Mjrrtle Parrlsh, Lnclle In id Claudileen Sykes who are at Meredith College spent East it?ome. aes Mary Smith and Eleanor ttoin Red Oak were at home Eas one Sykes who has taken a ; course at Richmond, has re .fcooke who has been tea Pe^rce School is at home. ' , Inscoe from A. & EL .home.Easter, /k#?*** ' Boone, Rlx Dean called at Mr. Jeff _eB8day night. an ice cream supper glv ?ROCk Friday evening, Ap* Tluf primary children of Cedar Rock v ill give their commencement on Tues (lav evening, April 27th, at 8:30 o'clock The program is very Interesting and we expect everybody to come. Ad misslon (ree. we hopo lii can again soun. ROCK SPRING ITEMS. i Mr. Rjetiardso'n and ? family spent | As you didn't hear from us last week i we will let you know we are still on the .living list. ? A large crowd attended Sunday Schoof Sunday afternoon. I School closed Tuesday* having had a successful session. j Miss Effie Tharrington left Wednes I day for her home. j Miss Cathleen, Bettie and Mr. Rob | eri Moore spent Saturday night at Mr. ; II. H. Place s. i Mr. Leon Timberlake spent Satur Idav night at home. | Misses Mustian. Arisen Geoghegan ^ulHl Mr. Charlie Geoghegan came for. Miss Viola Geoghegan Sunday P. M. I Messrs: Rufus Strickland and Ed j wartTBtrickland went to Seven Path's ! Thursday night Sunday with his sifter Mrss. J. B. Wilder. * ' Miss Kate Clifton and Lily Perry | spent :the past week at Mrs. Milton .Strickland's. i Miss Josephine Timberlake. Messrs. I Leon Timberlake and Luther Young |spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. J. W. Cards. Mr and Mrs. J. B. Wilder and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wilder went to Louis burg preaching Sunday night. Miss Lillian Young spent the week end at Wakefield. Mr. Rufus Harris and Misses tteta and Musa Harris went to preaching at mmmmmrn mm* day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Card. Miss EfTIe Tharrington spent Sunday evening with Miss Dennie Card. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Harris went to Piney Grove Sunday. We are sorry that Mrs. Bryant Strick land is at the Mary Elizabeth hospital, hope she will soon recover. "Three Broken Hearts." BRYAN LOST IN OMAHA. ' Omaha, Neb., April 20.?Returns 'from the first twenty-five precincts? twelve In Douglas county (Omaha) | and thirteen outside of Douglas coun ity?out of 1849, show William J. Bry ,an running last among the eight can didates for delegate-at-large on the j Democratic ballot. Those returns show the four Hitchcock delegates leading with two of the Bryan delegat es only twenty votes behind. | The first twenty-one precinctg In Nebraska, twelve in Douglas county (Omaha) and nine outside of Douglas county, to report in today's, primary, give: Johnsfcn, 805; Wood, 636; Per shing, 320, and Ross, 32. HEALTH DEPABTMENT Information Concerning The Health of the People of Franklin C'ountj, Worth Your Attention. Dr. i. E. Malone, Health Officer. wc nave just returned from Char lotte at which place we attenlel a I large enthusiastic and interesting m* etlng of N- C- Association of rt>e| County Health officers. It was '.he largest attended meeting we ever li.id. We heard of more good health work and more money raised for the work than ever before in the history of the society. It made us long ror 'lome ot this good work in Franklin and more money to do it with. The Health Of ficers from all over the State were pre sent. Most' of them with splendid re ports of their wwork aldng all health lines. I want my people and especial ly the Women all over the county, to join me in a renewed effort to keep franklin County up at the head in Public Health work. We are going to get the women to help me put in some | good hard work at once with this ob ject In view. So look out for me to call utfon you. CHE880N-EGERT0N. Invitations reading as follows have been received by friends in Loulsburg: "Mr. Prank Nicholas Egerton * re quests tha.pleamirn of ynur mm pan y at the marriage of his daughter; Kath leen to Mr. Ernest Sinclair Chesson, junior, oii Wednesday, the fifth of May, at nine o'clock in the evening at his residence in Louisburg, North Car olina. Enclosed are cards .reading: "Will be at home after the-eighteenth of May, at Two hundred and seven Church St., Elizabeth City, North Carolina." The bride is on? of Louisburg's most charming apd accomplished young la and Is t$e younger "daughter of oUr townflm^it Mr. F. N. Egerton, for mer Presided* of the Farmers and i?)rcfrant8 Bank. She is especially Wd deservingly popular among her hosts of friends and admirers. The groom is one of Elizabeth City's i most promising and popular young business men* The many friends of the contracting ?ties wlU look forward to the com '"The Senior Class of Justice Higl School request the honor of your pres ence at their Graduating Exercises April twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred i and twenty, ten-thirty A. M." -j?CLA99 ROLL?Joe Mann Whele^s Jamo? Klijah WheleKS,?Clara?G**} Hayes, Monnie Webb Stallings. Mar> Edith Howard. Ethel Greene Delbrldge Kelley Lucile Wrheless, Vivian Mac Wrheless, Carrie Belle Hayes. PROGRAM Friday, April 23rd, 8:30 P. M.?Op eretta, Primary Department. Sunday. April 25th. S:30 P. M.?Bac calaureate Sermon. Rev. Frank K. Poole. Wednesday. April 25th, 8:30 P. M.? Exercises by the Grammar Grades., and Lower High School. Thursday. April 29th, 10:30 A. M.? Class Day Exercises. Thursday. April 29th. 8:30 P. M.? Senior Plav. Clouds. Class. Marshals?Bernard Stallings ami Ola Hayes. The preliminary arrangements have "Been mt*do ror the Democratic TCation al Convention at San Francisco. With summer con>lng along the cost of living surely wlH begin to decline Grass is cheap. MICKIE SAYS f \p Nt*, u? o? ojr t>(?pc? i -ruv-fe -wo voftNs vovi \ <3UO\U UV?M K?E\U SSR TO.PC? \HUEM r& DOE VMVtW ouT vwA\-nv?* pw /v sta-tevaeht?. W W(V DO "TUtfT, hoo'u. at tv J BC&UVR Uv- OUX?A fcO?TtR. yg Read. ' Otup Raper Dihale? -35?? Pay your Poll Tax on or before MoJ j 1 st?Saturday one week?If yon want to yote for your choice In the primary. MOVING PEOPLE SOME YOlt KNOW AND SOME YOU DO JiOT KNOW. Personal Item? About Folks And Their Friends Who Trayei Here And There^ Mrs. T. D. Collins went to Richmond Monday. Mr. ami Mrs. Edward Egerton* and t>ab_y,.of Rockingham, are visiting his tatheV, Mr. F. N. Egerton. Eg. S. P. Burt and Dr. J. E. Ma lone left Sunday for Charlotte to at tend the Medical Convention. Mrs. N. B. Allsbrook left this week for Scotland Neck, where she will at tend the Rlddlck-Whltehead wedding. Mrs. William Person and little dau ghters, Mary and Josephine, of Bir mingham, Ala., ie visiting her brother, Mr.'W. M. Person. Mrs. Ben W. Brown and children, of Petersburg, Va.t after visiting her mo ther, Mrs. Caddie V. Strickland, retur ned to her home on Tuesday. Mrs. .L S. Lancaster, of Newton, Is visiting relatives In and near Louis bUrS TRIED FOR ARSON. Johni^e Leonard, of Cedar Rock township, was given a preliminary hearing before Esq. >V B. Morton on Tuesday under a charge of Arson, for burning the home of Mrs. Qeorgle Griffin. After hearing the Evidence he was required to give a bond of $2,000. The warrant was sworn out before Esq. T. W. Stokes and remov ed to Dr. Morton. Immediately after giving the above bond he was arrested on a warrant to keep the Peace, sworn out before Esq. G. S. Earp. This case was also re moved and sent before Esq. T. W. Sto kes who set the trial for Friday after noon at 1 o'ol&ck and allowed the de fendant to siv? a VSOObond for hls ap pearance. - 1 i? ' - i' a ii some are i joicing. There was quit^ a large crowd at Mr? J. W. Cards Tuesday night. Miss Effie Tharrlngton went home Wednesday. Misses Dennie Card and Winnie Cheaves and Messrs. Wlllard and Jam cs cheaves and J. B. Wilder went to Flat Rock Friday night to a play. They report a joyful time. Miss Dennie Carde spent Friday night with Miss Winnie Cheaves. I Miss Hazel Wilder spent Saturday night with Miss Winnie Cheaves. | Mr. Leon Timberlake came home Saturday and went back Sunday. i There was quite a large crowd at Mr. Place's Saturday night we all had ;a flne time. Mesrs* Rufus Place. Willard Cheaves and Mr. J. B. Wilder were callers at Mr. J. W. Card Sunday morning. Mr. Richard Baker spent Saturday night with Mr. Rufus Placer j Misses Edna Byron and Laura Lypo?"" j Harris and Mr. Karl Byron went to ; Wilton Saturday to visit some of their ; relatives. Mrs. G. W. Poythress spent the week end with her sister near Zebulon. Remember girls thin is leap year why don't you come to see us. We get tired of going all the time. Tell B. F. W. to bet again and lose another five dollars. X. Y. Z. BUSX HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCE MENT. Dr. John A. Ellis pastor of Pullen Me mortal Church, Raleigh. N. C., preach ed an excellent sermon Sunday P. M. to the Seniors and their friends. He took for his text Math. 20-26. The Primary and Intermediate gra des will have their program April 22, 8:15 o'clock. Friday, April 23, Commencement day. The final exercise Friday night, HtiHMlifirtum e given. Come to all these exercises. If you want a good dinner and plenty of it, come for dinner Friday 23rd. BOARD OF FLECTIONS. The Board of Elections for Frank lin County met in LoulsJ)urg on last [Saturday with Messrs. B. W. Ballard/ |and A. F. Johnson present for organ ization. A. Fi Johnson was elected {Chairman and J. M. Lamm was elect ed Secretary. | The Board will meet Again Satur day for the purposq of appointing the Registrars and poll holders for the va rious voting precincts in Franklin county. LOUISIANA DEMOCRATIC BY US UAL LARGE MAJORITIES. y>\r Orleans. I41., April 20.?Th? OemrrratJc ticket headed by Joiiu M. P?:*kcr. for Governor, was carried Into office In the genera1, election ri*lt?er*J to-day throughout the State. The Re publican candidates for Governor antf lieutenant, governor polled the unuu Republican vote. 4 ^ ? ,