ONLY tlM FEB TEAK IN ADVANCE The Franklin Times AS ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT BEINGS KESULTS A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager VOLUMN X liYIX THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION LOCISBUBG, N. C., FBIPAf, JI NK 11, 1920, TAl aV, j SUBSCRIPTION $1J>0 Per Tear M'JIBHI 1? COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Several Reports Received?No Busi ness oi importance Was Transact ed?School Budget Received. The Boara or County Commission ers met in regular session on Monday "With all present except Timberlake. J. D. Alston was elected Chairman pro tem. After the minutes of the previdtrs meeting was read and ap proved business as follows was dis posed of: M. C. Quptoni was before the Board in regard to paying part on building road across County Home property, which was deferred from May 1st meeting. The matter was deferred t ) the next meeting in order that a full meeting of the-Board might oe had. J. C. Jones, Superintendent of Pub lic Welfare, recommended to the Board that they remove Mrs. Griffin from County Home as she was able to bear her own\xpen8es. By order of Earle, aud seconded' by J. M. Sy ke8, It was ordered that she be in structed to leave the county home. Report of J. J. Holden, Superinten dent of the County Home, was receiv ed and filed. He reports 9 white and 9 colored inmates. Report of Dr. J. E. Malone, Health Officer, was received and filed. An election was called for July 3rd, 1920, in response to a petition of the Board of Education, to determine an increase in the boundaries of the Lo uisburg Graded School. It was ordered that the School bud get, as brought in by Supt. E. L. Best of the Board of Education, be receiv ed. After allowing a number of ac counts the Board adjourned to its next regular meeting. THE FRANKLIN TIMES II.BO Per Year In Advance. roocJCGK^-^KO 5. H & r 2. ^ c ^ = BC a A ^ 3 3 "1 g C?" ??<;*; r5 1 " * I i? i g- 3. tO t? ~~ en o* , _ _ CO -O g> Oi cn o >-? cn * -4 O J* CO >] Ol 9) A O tO tO _ -J g> O OO tO oi i. o ti * x t: v> 0) o tO !-? ?J W M CT 3 * w cc Overman Brooks Page Gardner Morrison Harding co t-* ^ t-t t-0 ?-??-' C-5 to toicojit'ytvtflciow ? ca u M a m o co qa Cooper ? i. Durham McDonald ?n u ?S ^'Btiya j cr. co en co fo co B ,ti 3j."M cJ i> W'dJ -J OB tp?^MiAicnoi->lcc t^uufr r n 0 > M tO _w CI o> ^ Lacy ??> o O tO O ?* tO ?_~J p" ? S t; w ct a a n w ^jReafrovs? 0 -*X to tO" M X a ^??5 .ft. Graham ^^nsoos-iitMC? i??I , > 9 2 ? fo *? ci m m ~ ?a^t-s Thompson -J >-* ^oo^t-atoicMCfl o ? g; ct 5; r-hipnuu? OO 4?. 4k 1 T3 c r? 5 irn X Dellinger V JI H C W 14 M ? 8>; I g cc "? m ;j - m m ^ j Wade M M ^ H ei W OJ W McClennaghan Underwood hwmmnm<|S!n o Hoke _co C7i g> O o ?u co oe Co tO ^3 ' 4>- ?? yi wen* a ^ en tt OO m us ?> Gulley Guioi* Rouse ?-? M A M M M M M _co en -' m o co oi to ? cn i ?-??-* m ci m co m'Adams ' *) 5" W ? O M 4k H OO Stacy 4*. w cj o to to co to J" m >?' oo_g> w oo oi H q> cn N i| *? o ^ * o m m ^ u u McKlnne ool to tO O *. ?-? *-* CO OO CO I Person CO ?? ?-? M M to tO '*/??_ _ O MaOCi-OOMOI-JCO * King tO H* to co tO O * to to cn ?O; tO t? t-* HtO'fWMMH'ltO* 00?>?1MI'5 000>H)?. Macon Newell o q? cn q> cn tO ?o tO M I- M ??> Ok cn O to -j -4 ^ ?3 oo cn cn co cn to cn t-*, Wilder Tlmberlake M M M tO to tO tO *OlCOCO?JCOfflHpik cn(fl?cocn09M?? K- h-? tO r/lC6?'-JWJ?OlCTAM co m Co to ife o? co to co to *--?-? m tO M M MutOO-lMUtOd* ?mM'igi-jMagiio cn I Alston op te oo to to ?*> oo as oo cn Boddle Parrish Kearney Meadows Byrd Winston Fuller tO H- M M H H tO cc ? ? w A tO 91 i: to oo -i je -o cn g> cn a. o Ear le Sykea tO ?-? tO to M tO K* M * o 0) 2r 3< < o >i cH z m n (D AL ^ w 2 ^ AMONG THE VISITORS SOME YOU KNOW AND SOME YOU DO NOT KNOW. Personal Items About Folks And Their Friends Who Tratel Here And There? Mr. W. M. Person visited New Y jrk the past week. Mr. W. B. Harris left Tuesday for a trip to New York. Mr. Courtney Egerton came home Friday for his vacation. Dr. D. T. Smlthwick went to Ral eigh Tuesday on business. Mr. R. W. Hudson visited Richmond I on business the past week. Mrs. J. M. Allen and Miss Mattie Al-! len visited Raleigh Monday. I Mr. W. W. Webb paid Norfolk business visit the past week. Mr. Will Collie spent a few days in the burg during the past week. 1 : Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Allsbrook re turned from Richmond Saturday. Messrs. J. P. Tlmberlake and S. C. Holden went to Raleigh Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth Turner, of Oxfo.-d, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. H. Ay cock. Miss Lucy Smithwick returned home the past week from a visit to Henderson. Miss Bettie MHdred Shearin le" Tuesday for a visit to relatives at Pe tersburg, Va. Mr. Joe Person, of Enfield, was -i visitor to Louisburg, his old hon e, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Person an i airs. Um H,- Ay locK TtrtWd Teta Uvea1 j I* Oxford Sunday. - Misses Ruth Hall and Florence Eg erton and Mr. Weldon Egerton went Mrs. W. W: Webb, who has been vls lting relatives in -South Hill, Va., re turned home Tuesday. tVTrs. Horace Henry, of Richmond, spc?U-gome time thfc< ?ccX with?hx?r" father. Mr. D. F. Cooke. Mr. John R. Perry, of Washington, D. cam? home the nast wcik to ?axe a pan m trio primaries. Miss Helen Smiihwick, woo? h-w [been spending some time at Bridge 'port, Conn., lias returned home. Rev. T. D. Collins is In Washing- j ton City, where he is assisting in a revival meeting in Hetworth Baptiet i Church. Governor T. W. Bickett and son-, W Bickett, of Raleigh were the gue-*t of Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Yarborough, Jr., Saturday. Mr. D. F. McKinne left Wednesd'j , the Governor's party to inspect a bat tleship. Messrs. F. B. McKinne. M. S. Clif ton and R. Y. McAden went to- Rock^ Mount Tuesday to attend the Bankers Convention. Misses Mattie Allen and Jewel Bry ant returned Thursday from Corv-* verse College, Spartanburg. S. C., where they have been In school for -the past session. Mayor L. L. Joyner and son. Morris, and Messrs. J. W. King, Geo. Holder and E. F. Thomas went to Raleigh Monday to witness the bp.11 game. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. McKinne, Mes dames D. F. and Malcolm McKinne went over to Lenoir County this week to attend the marriage of bis neice. Mrs. M. C. Pleasants, Mrs. E. F. Early, Mrs. Ivy Allen, Miss Mary Ex um Burt, Miss Mabel Davis and Miss Florence Egerton and Mr. Gerald Al len went over to Durham to attend Trinity Commencement this week f> resent at the graduation of Mioses ?l GARDNER LEADS BY 715. From the latest report* received yesterdny mornlrwc Lieutenant Gover nor O. Max Gardner was le.idlng Cam eron Morrison by 716 vote* for Gov ernor. It had been conceded earll. r in the week that Page had been elimi nated. The second primary to deter-* mine the question of who between Gardner and Morrison and posnibly for one Associate Justice of the Su preme Court will be held on July 3rd. The Governors vote 9tood yesterday, according to the News-Observer's, tab ulated score ns follows: Gardner 43,095; Morrison 47.380U Page 29 f.6i?. Congressman Small of the First District has conceded the nomination to his opponent, Hon. H. 8. Ward. It appears from reports that Jub tlce Hoke will receive the nomination in the first primary. ? HOME DEMONSTRATION ? ? DEPARTMENT* ? Health Alphabet for Children, A 48 for Apples and also for Air; Children need-both and we have them to sftare. B f Is for Butter and Beans and Brown Bread, also for Baths before Breakfast m* Bed. C' 1b for Cereals and Cocoa, too; contfder the Calories coming to you. Is for Dates, the kind that you eat, ^idelk-iously sweet and far cheaper thanr Meat. E ? 1? the Excellent Edible Egg, one daily at least, dear Children, we beg. F j Is for Fruits whether fresh, dri ed or stewed; dried, at the grocer's, you'll buy them, if shrewd. 0 is for Gaining, as every child coul$; a half-pound a month is the least that he should. H is for Height be as tall as you can, [Weight up to Height make a heal thy strong man. 1 'is for Iron in Spinach and Eggs. tullOB Red Blood and Sinews ror stroag arms and legs. J lis for Jam, and also for Joy. j whiqh spread on his bread it brings to a [boy. K ; is for Kitchen so spick and 30 spanL we all like our ?ood from a shin- j ing 41ean pan. Li i Is for Luncheon served hot in the Ichool; we wish all the teache'* cool# follow this rule. , M Ms for Milk which makes Mus cles fend Bone; nu?S is imf>ortaiit and the refore I hope you'll pardon my spec ially mwqniHg Sgftp. ?T -4s a Topic which Trouble be^i^r both Tea and Coffee for children are stnw;^ U ?Understanding the best way tr. liverynlted foE-Sprvirr mir CnunC^ u lLiHierbiana [VBT^Bnlted fot. Vege tn mimmm ? . - ?? egetable.?; If you're too Hm.-4hese vieiuah. are fuH?of Vigor and \ im. W?U-for-Water. the best thln'j to i drink between meals js often as ever we thiifk. X 1s for Xtras ot Soup or of Mill*, for a chin little girl tilj^ she's liner than si lit. V is for You, and 1 tell you the truth, learn to -be healthy ;#nd strong I in your youtbv I Now inarch Tor it. Children, wii'i Drum and with Fiie, 7. is the Zest which Health gives to iife. Mrs. Frederick Peterson, Child Health Organization. , A Toast 1?? Milk. Drink najlk. Drink more milk. Pure [ fresh. *rich milk i? a foon nt for the god:*. Babies cannot live with iit jir.rlk. and growing children grow the faster for it. It gives vitality to ^youiti. powec to middle life, and to old age it brings a goodly portion ot the health and strength of former yenrt. It should bemused more large ly hv people of all ag^s. classes, and ^conditions. Milk steadies the ne *ve "and adds to the health, physical stre ngth. and mental energy of those uho use it. It excels coffee, ?ll-to-*? Mrs. McBrayer played an instrumen tal solo. Mrs. Beam read a paper entitled "Great Britain on Wings." Mrs. Newell closed the program with a current topic on "Woman Suffrage." , Refreshments were served. MARRIAGE MCKXSKN. Register of Deed? Holdffl- -issued marriage licenses to the following couples during the month of May: WHITE?James M ?Strirklnnri mrl Blanchp Leone Hedrick. Ernest Sin cla4r Chesson and Katherliite Eger ton, Wm, R. Perry and Lillie Mao Leonard, Paul B. Murphy and . Ester Cone,"Bryant Gilliam ana Effie Dick ens, Q. K\ Gupton and Olive Cheves. Eugene Conn and Lettle Lee Leonard, ,W. Zollie Moon and Beatrice Jones, Chas. Rice and Myrtle Lee Perry. COLORED?All White and PerneJla Spivey, Ross Moore and Lizzie Park er, G. W. Debnam and Mallle A. Fer rell, Monk Collins and Henrietta Lee, Bud Coppedge and Irie Green; Willie Williams and Estelle Cooper, West Egerton and Ella Harris, Reddie Per ry and Alice Spivey, Lee Neal and Ii*n ita J. Person. Connie Privett Mc Knight and Lettle Floyd, Alex Evan* and Serma Eaton. Robt. Hayes and Bettle Lane Perry, X. W. Watkins and Martha Spivey, Geo. Allen and Mable Strickland. AJKEBIC'AX NATIONAL INSURANT K CO. BUYS CEDAR BOCK ACAD EMY' BONDS. Mr. E. IL Malone. Attorney for the County Board of Education, advises us that the bonds voted and issued by the Cedar Rock Academy School Dis trict No. 3, for the purpose of aiding | in the erection of the new school buil; ding in that district hnjf JmHTTTrii ill" livered ja-i^-AtrrelTcari National In ranee Co., of Galveston, Texas. In spite of the fact that there has been a decided slump in the bond market, these bonds, through the good offices of Mr. J. W. Mann, the local agent, were f&ld at a nice premium and in ; ...rting settlement for the bonds iliu Treasurer of the Insurance Com pany stated to Mr. Malone that he was glad of the opportunity to do a part towards helping the great cause of Education in the good old State '?f North Carolina. TO MEET IN ASHE VILLE. We are requested to state that the Nineteenth Annual meeting of *he North Carolina State Veterinary Med ical Association will meet in Ashevillo at the Langren Hotel, June 30th and July 1st. All wishing licenses will be given examinations at this meeting. KEARNEY WINS OVER BODDIE BY NEARLY 600 Only Two Old Commissioners Elected?New Board to Be Composed of Wilder, Joy f ner, Hudson, Timberlake And Fuller?Parrish Drops Out at Last Minute. Possibly one of tbe most interest ing primaries ever held in Franklin County came to a close on Saturday night with one of the largest votes re corded in the history of the County. There were several contests involved. In the beginning the Democratic par ty was assailed by former Senator W. M. Person who was contesting to succeed himself in tbe State Senate, while he was opposed by Mr. Frank B. McKlnne, who was upholding and endorsing the party and joining with it in the promise that the people should have equal justice in both val uations and taxes: nr "this contest McKinne _won_ out over Person with a majority ot 257, through which the people of the County have again asserted their confidence tn the party " that has done so much for them. How ever, had it not been tor the jolt jinuiXlht?about-in?the?Sheriff ~ cam paign whtch also reached to the Com mi'.Miiuu1& no doubt but that the majority would have been many times as great as it was. T ne -cuiUt>Hi;MW.eeu _the presatU Sheriff Henry A. Kearney and Maj. Samuel P. Doddle, was the one that attracted _nv*t interest and-attentfor. ^wev^^-Mitd rair-atoirg smoSlITlfun about a week before the prima 'v when quite a little additional inter est was stirred up. drawing the line "iips clearer and involved-the Coin- ? missioners which brought anout a re newed interest and vigorous work on both sides. As a result of this con test Sheriff Kearney won over his opponent by almost 600 majority. But the blow that stunned the public was the wlthdrawaLot E. D. Parris'i, also a contestant for Sheriff and his statements in regard thereto appear ing at the polling places on The mor ning of the primary. In the stir up three of the old Boar i T>T~Commissioners7 Messrs. John D. Alston. John R. Earle and J. Matthew Sykes, lost out, while William D. Ful ler and J. P. Timberlake were elected with safe majorities. Messrs. William C. Wilder, Albert J. Joyn^r and Cephus C. Hudson were the n2W members elected. While the interest was centering on the above offices Mr. John (Jack) B. King, of New Hope, Harris township, out ran both his opponents( Represen tative W. Henry Macon and former Representative $. Atwood Newell, with a score of 48 more votes than both of them and receiving the nomi nation by a majority of 24. The contest between Meadows and Byrd for Coroner wasr exceedingly dose. Byrd having a majority over Meadows of 12 votes. The local interestjyu-nu W. ""I the Statft-ticketTwasalmost lost sigl-t of, however the friends of Senator Overman, Judge Gulon and Cameron Morrrison made quite a neat show ing for them. .Prof. N. Y. Gulley lead the ticket for Associate Justices in the County. Only two townships had contests for Constable. In Cedar Rock Mr. Peter Dean won over his opponent, Mr. Roger Collins, by a large major ity, while in Gold Mine Mr. Clea-y Parrish beat his opponen# almost ov erwhelmingly. After the smoke of the primary had passed over everything resumed Its usual quiet and unity and both the losers and winners have Joined hands to roll up the biggest majority In the history of the County in November.