"TAKE ADVANTAGE: OR THE: ,FR?E ONLY ?l-40 PEB YEAB nr ADVANCE The Fran F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager arge num bers of ntflk cows are to be brought to Germany.'* Hesolnte Wins In Final Yacht Race With Shamrock IV. Sandy Hook, K. J., July 27.? Defen der Resolute Rave the British challen ger, Shamrock IV, the worst drubbing of the 1920 regatta In the final race of the series today, winning boat for boat by thirteen minutes and 45 sec unds and* the America's famous ya clitlng cup_remaitta American proper ty. Overcoming a 40 second lead and the advantage of a winward, which Shamrock IV had taken at the start, the fleet defender held a lead of four minutes and 8 seconds at the half way stake of the 30 mile course, and crosssed the finish line thirteen minu tes and five seconds ahead. Includ ing her hadlcap of six minutes and 40 seconds, which she did not need, Re solute won by 19 minutes and 45 sec onds. Three Straight Victories. In capturing the series and retain 'fig possession of the America's tro phy. Resolute had taken two races and won out by registering three str aight and impressive victories. Sham rock IV won the initial race when the defender was forced out by an acci dent to her rigging and- captured the second in a ficlfle wind that left _Res olute won the third by her time al lowance of seven mimxtes and one second, running a dead head with the challenger. Her other two victories were won bo?t for boat. Sir Thomas Llpton, owner of the green challenger, voiced what Ap peared to be the unanimous verdict of yachtsman who had seen the five ra ces, when he declared tonight that r'the boat woi>." Shamrock Mile Behind. I men Resolute flashed across t>i? I golden finish line that the setting sun (had laid down on the rippling water. ; Shamrock was a mile or nirirp h? ;hind, her own great sails bellying j broadly, when the white signal ball of -the committee boat Barryion drop ped and the shrieking of whistles and [sirens fpom the little fleet of specta | tors craft proclaimed Resolute'g vlc The beaten Shamrock swent qnirk ly down the course, striving to shor ten the Intervening gap ancLsalve? as tmucii as she- emmranr WTECTiTSsS ? ol | her defeat. I - rifllllty In SAonllght. = I But as It to emphasize the greai Hif. TTeieuce In itfte between the two fin ishes, the flaming sun dropped like < "fa pal*-- Sod'HT'whfcn "l!e?n ^Bnt to? ly traced against the sky when Reso j lute finished, stood out with increas ing ? radiance ? wfaon Shamrock got ov |er the llue. j Resolute "by this time had described la great circle, and had come back to I the mark to see her riVal finish. As !the challenger crossed the mark her ? British crew let out three ringing : cheers Tor the victor, and the conquer ors responded with lusty cheers for ! Shamrock and her crew. _ Sir liionian Congratulate*. Sir Thomas Lipton, who built the challenger in lais fourth effort to lift I the bottomless old pewter mug thai jis the America's cup Mid take it back ito its original home in England, turn ed away Croni his humble sailing beau ity and sent his steam yacht Victoria full speed ahead to overtake and con gratulate Resolute's crew. He re turned just In time to see Shamrock cross the line. The aged sportman's gameness as he drew away from his own sloop to congratulate the winner elicited a salve of cheers from those on1 board the spectator craft and Sir Thomas responded as jauntily as If he had not seen his own fondest hope once more baffled. o All men see a few of their own faults. Their friends sec the rest. MICKIE SAYS U STOP -rMMM' >oou*ct\n? so6?cb\pt\ovi vxourr OC?T *.? SOON M THtS ?TMKf I OWIMO A\N6sN P&t>tA'>4 \VtVC. Putt w* NUTH\W V. THREE WARE HOUSES TO RUN WAREHOUSEMEN HAVE ORDERS FOR WEED. Pfenent Arrangement* Promises Lire ljr Market ? Indications Point To tiood Prices and (Jood ?Crop8 For Franklin. Loulsburg Tobacco Interests are preparing tor quite a lively tobacco market for 1920. From reports all three warehouses will be run this season and a good crop with high pri ces is expected. The general opinion of the tobacco men seems to be that the better grades, will be just as high or higher than last year but the com mon grades will not average quite as high as the past season. The open ing date has not been decided upon yet but is expected to be about Sep tember 8th or 9th ? about the same time as last year. What will no dou bt add interest to the sales in Louia burg this fall is that in addition to the regular buyers Messrs. Meadows & Harris, and Allen & ^Wtllfamson, proprietors of the Union and Planters Warehouses respectively have given out . the information that they have large orders for tobacco and have rented prizeries in order to handle these orders, and that they expect to go on the sales as buyers, .through which they propose to make all piles of tobacco bring jusft a little more at Louisburg than anywhere else. The Union Warehouse will be oper ated by Messrs. S. S.- Meadows and G. C. Harris, who are known to all to bacco growers of this nn _**? pert, experienced warehouse men. '.They will be assisted by Messrs. Karl Pearce, auctioneer, and Lewis Wag j staff, bookkeeper. Our information is that the Union will be fitted and | equipped equal to any house in the [State: J The Planters Warehouse will be j operated in 1920 by Messrs. W. H. | Allen and B. N. Williamson._two of EQg BW88 must pupulai fBBHWByl men, who will be assisted by Messrs. . Kf*-1 niMtlnnnrr, mill W ? Fuller, bookkeeper. The management JpinformB us thaLJUicy? cx-pecf lu inahn the sales at the Planters lively this 'season, that the house will be in tip _ ? u?wssi-lUHi: .Eaw* lent nelp will be found in all depart ments. ?j ? 2tr this writlfig'we were unable to get detailed information concerning jthe Riverside, although we are* "in formed that it. is certain that it will ' run. \ The present indications are to the [effect that Louisburg will regain its :Own in the tobacco sales trade this 1 year and it will be to tfhe interest* t?> 2 all growers to visit the market. ? o To American Legion Members. I Daniel W. Terry, Publicity Officer ? of the American Legion in North Car olina, is calling to the attention of members of the Legion in this State I the opportunity offered them for an inexpensive vacation trip of two 'weeks at Morehead City in August. - The Government has offered the Xor Jth Carolina Department of the Legion | the -use of Camp Glenn, near More head City, for a summer camp for members of the local posts and their lady relatives. The camp will open on August 15 for members of local posts who may wish to take advantage of the oppor tunity to spend two weeks at the sea shore and escape the high rates being charged by resort hotels. Barracks and cots will be furnished free, and the campers are asked to provide bed linen unless they wish to stay at the hotels. Barracks rooms, screened and provided with ample shower ba ths, will be free to all who wish to go. Board will be furnished on a cost ba sis, but it is expected that the board will not cost more than one to one and a half dollars per day. Requests have been made for reduced rates on the railroads, but the request has not yet been heard from. However, even if the reduced rates are not secured the outing will be an exceedingly cheap one. The encampment will begin Sunday August 15, and continue for two wee ks, but thoso going need not remain the full time unless they desire to do so. They will pay board only for the Hmj mmmin 111 UUlip. The Local Post Comrmrndem are ask ed to bring this matter to the atten .tionof their post immediately and as certain how many of their member** rettrttYTOTttitr 16 05 CffffiTJ.' All who expect to attend are asked to bring along mess kits and bod clo thes. They are also asked to forward to C. A. Gosney, Treasurer Encamp ment Committee, Raleigh, N. C., five dollars to b6 applied to the mess fu nd, for which credit will be given when the cost of the board is figured It would tye a simple matter to cre ate a spirit of harmony and co-opera tion In this town. All that is neces sary Is for each person, to be harmo nious and co-operative. Energy and thrift wfll accomplish many things, provided common sense hold the reins.