? ONLY tlM FM YEA B DTADYAHCB AN ADYEBTISnrG medium that BRises nmi? ? ? ? A. P. JOHHSON, Ell tor ui Kmilt THE COUNTY, THE MkTE. THE UNION subscription tuejtelE VOLOTDT XL Til LOPIBBUBO, H. O, FU9A1, SEPTEKBE# 24, 1W0. wtkbejb4> MORGAN BANKING CO. BLOWN UP 05 THIB8DAY OF LAST WEEK WITH BO KB. French High Commhdon Waraed May Before That Catastrophe Wai A boat t? 0?ear? Warned to Vacate office* to Save Lire* ? ClerX in W flee of J. P. Korgma Killed. Wag on CoatahUaf a Bomb Timed to Go 0|fl fct Rm Lett la Front el 8ab Trrasnry Is Olt TkaNf ? la*j Wo men Among Victim*. 'New York, Sept? 16. ? A mysterious 'explosion In. Wall" Street, near Broad, believed by trained Department of -Justice afcd police JnvasttgtOor; to hare 'been caused by an Infernal ma chine, rocked the heart of Merer York's financial dlstgjct at noon today, leav ing death and destination ln.lts wake. At least 35 persons were killed, ?vmore than 200 were injured, the bank ing house of J.. P. Morgan & Co. r the subtreasury ahd the assay office we ,#e partially wrecked and , property damage estimated In excess of 11,000, ?000 was caused by the blast. Thomas W. LaraontPJo( the J. P. Morgan firm, expressed the belief, however, that tba explosion was pu rely an accident caused by a collision between an explosive-laden wagon and another vehicle.- The firm had received no threats of any kind, he f Id, and there was no real reason for the nlantlng of a bomb outside the office. Blast Comes at Soon Hour The noon hour had struck and aji endless stream of office workers had just started pouring Into the streets ftom buildings in the neighborhood. 'Suddenly, a cloud of yellowish, black 'smoke and a piercing Jet of flame leaped from the street, outside the ? Morgan eftfce. : ? V " Then came a deafening blast. - A moment later lu^ias uf muu, nuuurn anST Vhfl financial pulse of the world, had closed. Panic and confuslpn reign ed In the heart of New York's nnan clal district. ? - 7 ? TliousiUidsTVee' In Terror Thousands of clerks and stenogra phers fled In terror from adjoining structures. Scores fainted, fell . a nd ? were trampled ?n-4i? the ruehr -Mean while, the noise of the explosion whi ch was heard throughout lower Man hattan and across the river in Brpok lyn brought thousands of th^ curious to the scene. The few police on duty in the dis trict were unable to cope with the crowds and g. hurry call for police re serves was sent, to all downtown po lice stations. Subtreasury officials, fearing that an attempt might be made to rob the building, all the windows of wt\lch were broken, requested assistance o( the military authorities at Governor! Island and a company of soldiers was sent to guard the institution. Harry Calls Sent to Hospitals. Hurry calls were sept to all hospi tals ln>the downtown section of New Nork and . scores of ambulances were soon speeding through the narrow streets. Dressing stations were es tablished in the lobbies of the build-* ings nearby where the less seriously injured were given immediate treat ment. Evidence' tending to confirm the theory that the explosion was .Caused by a bomb or some other Internal ma chine came from several sources. Evidence Justifies Bomb Theory. Chief Police Inspector Lahey repor Bf?iyit^odjjj^hatheha4^2andevl (lenSe tojustir^Tn^TBfiHfliWI^SflEP the exp] oslonwas caused by a huge ? hf>mh yith T. N. ~T. ? IHnl-" ? ? > iwt ri 1 1 1 n I mrffttBlOICa'L.w.lAh . I r?n slugrf fashlpned from window weight bars. Pieces of these slugs were found In several adjacent structures. This type of weight bars, a close Inspec tion by police and Department ot Justice agents disclosed, Is not used In any building within a radius of several hundred feet from the scene of the explosion. Warning ot Hadleal Plot ? Warning that radicals planned a re newal of bombli* outrages were sent less than a month ago to all Eastern ATTENTION KEBCHAITS. All Merctaurta to FrttMto Couaty trt iqN to ?aet wfik the OmMe* #1 Um rraaUtar toaatjr Trt?a> Cr*??i Aa ?orlstloi to Vtmrntmg 4m FM. day aoraMg: at H AM Oe t?b<-r Int, MM. Matters ?< Im potence to everybody are to he dlscunsed. ?, clients of the William 9. Burns D? t'octlvo Agcncy, acoordlng to m ata Ce ment by Mr. Burna. who said he was convinced that today's explosion wa? a premeditated attach and w%# not ac cldental. ' ?; ' . _ *? > ? , v _ . - ? Os'* *? ? . -I * ' List of jinn.' \ ? The following Is a list of drawn for October terja .Ffaaklto Su perior Court ? Criminal Tqrm: Dunns ? E. P. Dodd, J. w. Baker, E. L. Pippin, A. T. Bsddingfleld, O. W. Wilder, N. C. Mullin, J. B. Har ris, W. I. Phillips. S . Harris? KT J. CrenshaV, P. T. Cllfton,_W,_JS.- Currln, J. H. Cjrrua, J. W.' Clements. Youngsvllle ? B, O. King. FranklTnton ? E. H-, Sawyer, J. C. Oreen . Hayesvllle ? J..C. Lassiter, J. M. Finch, A. A. Pernell.' , Sandy Creek ? P. W ? Pernell, T. L. Hunt, 'jr., Geo. Ball. H. G. jCo nn, W. F. Hunt. y Gold Minp ? Bryant Kfng, Joe Wood. Cedar Rock ? W. J. Shearin. T. A. Collie, W. R. Dean, *>ee Holldway, p. A. Long. Cypress Creak ? J. A. Boone, J -b. Bowden, A? C. 8 tailings. ^ ? ? i i Loulsburg ? B. B. Maasenburg, E. B. Foster, W. N. Fuller. ? ' ? ? Wood Items. The Wood Banking & Trust Co. nler. ' jj"." , - Mrs. W. D. 'Puller Is spending le veral days with her people In Hen derson. Mr. Morris. Griffin, .of Castalia, ca me over Sunday afternoon . Mr. Raymond Shearrn spent last week with relatives In Rocky Mount. Messrs. R. D_ Griffin and S. . , Guston and Misses Llllaatld B^ulah Lanier motored to Raleigh Sunday night. ?_ Rev. W. Conn Ball Is attending the Trinity Park Training school In ?Durham. ? Miss Ethel Dorsey left last Monday to attend high school in Holllster. Miss Irene Gupton is attending the Loulsburg Female College this term. Miss lima Headpearth spent last week with relatives here. Mr. Herbert Jenkins, of near Rck cky Mount, spent last Friday night with his parents. Miss Beulah May, of Castalia, and Miss Laney Horton and Miss Lillian Jones, of Bunn, made a short visit he re last week. Mr. Jim Gupton attended the open ing tobacco sales in Warrenton Mon day. Miss Robbie Harris, -of Embro, -vis ited Miss Daisy, Ball 1 art 'Friday night Mrs. Billy Hayes spent' last w?ek with her people In HoHlster'. v '? * * ;v ' v . JPEfT ME. .' ? i -J * . . New York Assembly Vet** Te L'nteatj Three Socialist Members, Be ?>. cently Elected. Albany, N. Y?, 8ept. 21. ? Three a} the Ave Socialists in the New York ? * ? wnn rmn"',rt Bjj for the second time this year when th? assembly declared vacant, the sea rf T "n_ f John Wesley Qrudup, colored, of Dunn* township, and Wiley Pearce, w?lte, were painfully hurt in an auto ipobjle wrack Tuesday evenjifg at the creating on the Raleigh road and the nilftaail,, Jftbn ran his car Into the L?a(a6arg^ train wntie ..both he an4 tbe.JLraln Was attempting to ma ke (he c&yring at*the,stme time. The Mr was practfoali#' demolished and |t Is a ml**cle"that^ the occupants got but of the Weflt alive." W? under ctand John jdut? d' that r>e wis lays. Do not put It oft. ?f Mrs. Garland Ricks, fh'mn. .of R?R. Com. for Franklin County. v ' .it'. AVERAGE OF 23 GEHTS OPJWISG 8 A Life TClSDJtT. kaqt Market Coaeederf ?o Be idCT of All Surrounding Mark Small Quantity Offered ? ' Well Pleased. he most prominently outstanding Eres of tbe opening sales ot the burg Tobacco Market, which we ?Id on Tuesday, was the generar ction ot the farmers and the ror. * . ' prices paid were Conceded to ? highest seen .this ncfaaon on any at and brought much jjatlsfac f to the farmers, from a compara K Standpoint. The second sale S^at the tjnlon giving the third at c "tlverside at each of which hous i rales were conducted and lar ?rds attending. * Itc a number of visitors from nth untiea and other markets were ! sales to witness the first offer l from Loulsburg. M sales since Tuesday have been f the farmers carrying out their nlnation to market slowly, but ?been bringing fair, iSWces as Vred with .the conditions throu the tobacco sections. tea will continue everyday, with fcoepttori of Saturdays, from now growers Bre PTtpndrri a e to visit Louls W&mnotiaemen, the the Loulsburg Qliain FRANKLIN COUNTY ? The Census Bureau of Wash ? ington, D. C., gives out the fol ? lowing oglcial figures for Frank *,lln County: , ? Cedar Rock, 2,377?2.168. ? ' Cypress Creek, 1,511 ? 1,186. Dunn, Including Gunn town, ? 2,3(6?2,114. ^ ? /*% ? Franklinton, Including JEYank ? linton, 4,236 ? 4.430 . ? Gold Mine, Including Wood, 1, ? 671?1.449. " ? Hacrls, 2,445?2,097. . ? Hsyesville, 1,920?1,862'. ? Loulsburg, Including Loulsburg ? 5,151?4,533. ? Sandy Creek. 2,159?2,021. ? Youngsville, including Youngs ? vllle, 2,342?2,822. ? Incorporated places: ? Dunn, 150 ? blank; Franklinton ? 1 ,058?809 ; Loulsburg,. 1.954 ? 1, ? 775; Wood, 1*93 ? 000; Youngsville1 ? 370^31: . ? t Twr Hirer Association. The Tar River Association wlU meet. jrtth the Cedar Rock ctrurch. Franklin County, Wednesday after flrst Sunday In October. Delegates expecting to come by railroad will please notify Mr. H, G. Ruth. Chair man, R 2, Loulsburg, N. C? of the entertainment committee of the time they expect to reach "Loulsburg and they ?ill be met .there. J. LOUIS PRICE, Pastor. been received by friends here^. " \frH.""VRaVieii cnswrtmr SimasjrStuest the hdhor ot your pres cnae at,th"e marriage ot their daugh ter. Margaret May? John?on, to Mr. Reuel fiteon J?nklije, on Tueeday nlor nlng, October the twelfth, nineteen huodrad and twenty,' at ' elffven-thlrty o'clock, Church of the Good Shepherd Rocky M6unt. North Carolina. ''At Home; after October twenty flrirt, JI1 Lexington Street, Rocky Mount, North Carolina." ' V . MASONIC SERMON Her. t. W. Mtn, who in ??w here. linhuliif the Lojis BUf Nl< Mgc, win prea ?? 11 ?'d&r: , The public Is tordtally iaTlt *4 Jw . Patto* and g?t ? Insight Into masonrj. . - ' * S. t?. BODDIE, Worshipful Master . CONDITION. OF JTSWINEY .. . REPORTED VERY BAD Still Conscious But Prostrate Say*. Bulletin Isnued by League* London** Sept.1 21. ? Mrs. MacSwi ney, who visited her husband this ev ening said that his condition was ve ry bad^ Indeed. He was In great pain and had not spoken all day. He was still conscious, however. A late bulletin issued by the Irish Self- Determination League, said. "The Lord Mayor's condition Is unchanged Ho Is still in a very prostrate condi tion, but conscious," A bulletin issued at 10 o'clock to night says: "The doctor, after visiting the Loud Mayor said he was in a very weak condition and advised n:s relatives not to speak to him or give him the slighte?t exertion." The Phlla-Stewards Sorlety. Justice, Sept. 20 ? Miss Mary Stal llngs was hostess to the Phila-Stew ards Society Friday afternoon, Sept ember the 17th. On account of there being so much business to attend to we didn't carry out a