THE FRANKUN TIMES A. f. JOHXSOS, Edltsr t>4 Hum*' Oh Tear ll.&C Eight Months l.M Six I01U9 .7i Fsar Months U Forcin Advertising Repre?nUtl?? THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Entered at the Post Office at Louls barg, N. C., as second class matter. The population ot North Carolina, as given out by the Census Burear Is 2, 656, <86 representing an Increase ot 3E0.199 in the past ten Tears. President Wilson has branded an other republican falsehood In his flat denial that he had promised mil itary aid tq two foreign countries. We can differ on the question of the necessity of woman suffrage, bat now that It Is here It is oartalnly tlx duty ot every woman to register and vote. Attention ot the voters In Frank lin County is called to the notices In other columns announcing tlx chan ges of voting places In several of th^ townships. Cleveland defeated Brookly In a score ot 3 and 1 In the first game of the 1920 world series, bat Brooklyn got revenge in the second, game %y a score of 3 to 0. i . ? , The registration books are now op en and all who are entitled to regis ter and have not done so are reques ted to attend to same at.onct. The ladies are especially urged to ter. Night riders In Alabama burned it big store at Hancevllle, who tailed to heed their warnings at soqte 4pm ago when they demanded that all. stores close and remain closed until cotton went to 40 cents a pound. Hon. Pete Murphy, beloved in Fra* nklin County for his uncompromising Democracy, and his forceful presen tation ot It, will speak to Fraaklin County audiences on October 25th? the place and hour will be annoonced later . Hon. Clyde Hoey, considered by many as possibly the best speaker in the State, has been given a speaking date in Franklin County for October 27th ? the place ^xid- time will be an nounced later. Qet yourself ready to bear one ot the best addresses yoa have ever heard. With Cotton selling fun7 1-2 cents a pound* in Bremen. Germany, *mer ? Mu uiuiiij basis, will) ?1M IB 10 BI& ? me for- 20 cents cotton In America but me republican tjenate when it re _,luaed to ratlty the Pnam trusty so, that Germany could biy^ la-America* Mr. Voter this Is a question tor you r' to.decld*. ? The republicans' are ntlit explaining to the voters why It Is that Root, one of the biggest Republicans In the Lnuea stales. Is not taking an ac tive part In this campaign. The (act 1s he is in Europe assisting in per fecting the International Court which is 3 part of the league of nations, and which would be absolutely worthless without the league council. Every Democrat In Franklin Coun ty is Invited to contribute to the Co unty and National Campaign funds. Any amount you feel like giving will be appreciated. ^Th? ldS? la for ev erybody to give some amount. If no more than one dollar. - The Demo cratic party represents the people therefore it is desired that its cam paign fund be made up of contribu tion from the people ? not by large sums given by big interests. Mr. Pou states that it Is up to the voters to decide in November wheth er they want Peace or War. If they want peace they will vote the Demo cratic ticket and with It will come the ratification of the peace treaty and the league of nation* doing away with war. If they want war why of course they can vote the republican ticket and get ready for another wor ld conflict ? which is sure to come If I be league of nations don't Interfere. The Board of Education Is to be congratulated upon its action In per mitting the use of school houses for election purposes. Voting and edu cation are two things that shoqld be more closely associated and the bet ter accommodations for the ladles was a necessity. Those citizens who have been so generous In the put sis to inconvenience themselves in order to accommodate the election officials by giving the use of their buildings havt the warmest thanks of the entire co 'I flection I. The term food or food Stuffs as used in the regulations sh all mean and include any articles us ed tor human consumption as food or drink. The term food-handling es tablishment shall mean and Include any factory, stors, hotel, restaurant, lunch room, cats, soda fountain, les cream parlor, vehicle, cart, or other place where foods are manufactured, prspared, transported, handled, sold, * T sale or given away for II. Every budding or room as a food-handling sstahllah Town Of Lonisburg shall '~1 or rsooastnfetsd so to the following rsgu r j\. walls, or cell offered ft public coi ftsntlns lngs shall be of tight, sound ma terial, easily cleaned. b. All doors, windows, or o^h er openings which mfeftt pvrooJt the ingress o t Alts shall be cov ered throughout the year with tlght-Sttlng. sound wire screen ing ot Dot lees than IS meshes to the inch, art all screen door* shall be equipped with suitable self-closing devices. - ? e. Adequate washing faciliti es for the use oif employees shall be provided, including a lavatory, an abundant supply of rle-\n wa 'er ? running wherf -available ? sixip. 1 10 individual towels. N-: common .owel Khali be usoi ar be I c:icil!ed to be used io any foo$-hliaH unre. til for sale, or 'otherwise distribute in rotted, fermented, fllthy stuffs or food otherwise unfit for human con sumption, and the Superintendent of Health or his duly authorized agents shall be empowered to condemn arid destroy any such foods as may be fo und in any food handling establish ment. * Section VIII. Every Teasel, glass, cup, ^}l?h or other utensil used in tbe consumption of food or drink in any hotel, restaurant, cafe, lunch room, soda-water fountain, ice cream par iu i', stand, or other public eatlug pis* ce in the Town of Louisburg shall af ter each Individual service be thor oughly cleansed and then immersed in boiling water, or exposed to dry heat at 300 degrees P., or to live ste am for not less than three minutes: Provided, that in lieu of the above re quirement individual utensils tor one service only may be used. Section IX. No person suffering from any contagious disease shall work or be permitted to work In any food-handling establishment In the Town of Louisburg. Tbe Buperlnten dent of Health shall have the author ity to require a medical examination, by a regularly llaeoaed physician, of any person employed In a food-band ling establishment, whom be has rea son to bettered affected with a coir taglous disease, and It such employee shall refuse such examination be shall not work or be permitted to work In such estabilshjaent. Section x. The Superintendent of Health or bis duly authorised agents, shall have tbe authority to make , tho rough Inspections of any food-hand ling establishments In the Town of Louisburg at any reasonable times, and tbe said Superintendent of Hea lth shall prescribe such rales for tbe Inspection and control of sanitary conditions la such establishments as he may deem necessary to- protect the public health. Whenever the sani tary conditions of any food-handling (IWtiHUUIUHIL Mill, III UW JimoiDUl of tbe Superintendent of Health, be such a a .to render the establishment ? tmmnmmm tji tha piiHtUi >mil| mm tiv HBpgflftUM?M.6f Health ihall W %Bs_ajlh?i?f"ft farbtd the sale -e* as long aa such condition exiats. Section XI. All regulations or or dinances or parts of regulations or ordinances heretofore passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg in couilct with these regulations are hereby rapaalad. And any violation et sM rsgvla tieas er aay ef Uu* shall he pttalsh able Vy toe net exceeding fifty Dol lars er laiprlsenaieBt fer a period net easaaJW? Waab exeeeeiig mirty iHiyi. l By onur of the Board of Town Com . t. I,. JOYNER, Mayor. A. W. ALSTON, qjr*. 10-Vft the franklin $1.50 Per Year In Adv^aca, CONDENSED NEWS ROII IK OLD NORTH STATE ?Ma|n 8o.tojk.-Mrm. Hattle Roed Whlta ker of North Carolina, vu slanted president of the National Assoclatiaa of ftefeakah aaaembllea. : Lumber ton. ? A Joint meeting of tha koaa deftionatration clubs of Bobe a oounty la la aaaaloo I Wilmington. ? Ramaon Pop*, rev enue offloar. la la a aerlooa condition la a Fayettevllle hospital aa tha re auH ot b?li| shot from ambMh naar Cater Creek. ? 1 m ^ - I- Greensboro.? < The nnHHM aer ies to daclda the Piedmont league pennant Jaat concluded in ltolslgh waa wltneaaed bj RiU persons, bringing In $18,78* SO. Wadeeboro. t? ? Impreeaire (naial services for two aoldlera who fall victims to tha World War while la F"arnce war* held here. Theae aol dlera ware Charlea Jones and Mellon Till Tin niil aiiHiil of tha Surry County Teachers' Aseocla tloo waa held at Dobaon. More than an* hundred teachera from the town and rural echoola were In attsaidaaca. of tha baraa Narleatorli. "which broke loose naar Frying Pan abdala from tha tub Bascabal/diwlng the recent atorm, R. R, Stone, 'owner of the tag Blanche, which picked up and salvaged the barge, >n fal as admiralty suit for ? 100,000. New Bern. ? lira nomas ftDDrOXlm*t4l7 ADtBllftf. iff Mi , : THE SLUMP IK THE PRICE OF TOBACCO AND COTTON MEANS A FEARFUL LOSS TO THE FAR MER BUT WE Wlli. LIVE ANYHOWl UNTIL WE DIE. WHILE COSTS TO ME HAVE NOT BEEN REDUCED AND GOODS IN MANY LINES ARE r 3TILL HARD TO PROCURE, I AM WILLlNGr ip 4 HELP THE FARMER CARRY HIS LOSS AND WITH THIS END IN VIEW AM REDUCING PRI CES ON MY ENTIRE STOCK FROM TWENTY TO THIRTY-THREE AND ONE-THIRD PER CENT. MY STOCK IS FRESH, NEW AND THJE BEST IN ITS LINE AND THIS REDUCTION SIMPLY MEANS THE BIG OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH YOUR HOME. MY LOSS IS YOUR GAIN, BUT I Am willing to bear my share, come in ; AND SEE MY STOCK BEFORE IT IS PICKED OVER. . ^ . -r ;? . " ' Y. " " f Main Street i - Louisburg, N. C Don't Dream of Low Prices - - : . i - BUT COME TO C. C. HUDSON COS. i"V* * > s "" * -? ; : and take advantage of the real SAVINGS V ' fra " '-?* ? . ' ~ Tobacco may be low Jmt our prices are LOWER. L C. Hudson '? j ' ? .>? ? - " ' - *> p* ?- -j"' f-' ? ' -? r - ? -- ' ' .? r; a;-. J ? V". : . 'Mattel* m? : i.;.;*- i