DON'T FAIL TO COME Even Though You Live 100 Miles Away. No Such Sale No Such Saving Was Ever Offered Here or Away. BE READY! NOW ON i A GIGANTIC STOCK READY CLOTHING FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN, SHOES, DRY GOODS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY. IN TACT EVERYTHING THE FAMILY NEEDS IN OUR LINE, AND EVERYTHING AT AN ENORMOUS SAVING. THE STOCK S BRILLIANTLY NEW, JUST UNPACKED. CAME FROM .THE BEST SO " ? ?> V URCES OF PRODUCTION, AS STANDARD AS COINS FROM THE MINT. TlTfS GREAT SALE IS THE MOST INSPIRING, AND WITHOUT DOUBT, THE MOST MONEY SAVING EVENT EVER UNFOLDED IN THIS SECTION OF~ THE STXTlT COME EVEN IF YOU LI\ E A HUNDRED MILES OFF. LET !!SWAY. ? V" , " ' - - ~ HERE IS A FEW OF THE GREAT BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING: DRY GOODsV - : Good Sheeting, 30c value per yard 10c 50c }!attress Ticking, per yard 2Sc 35c Certain Scrim . . . 10c ;>-^c Aprong ,Gingham. per yard 10c L5c Outing Flanireb per yard 17c f.&c Dress Gingham, per yard . . 2oC Xtest Shirting goods, 35c value per yard 23c 25c Cotton Plaids, per yard 19c 50c Heavy Canton Flannel, per yard 23c 50c yard-wide Percales, per yard .... 23c '"Best Bleaching, 35c value ysr yard 21c Wool Serge 75c value per yard 49c $1 75 value all wool Serge per yard 9Sc 25c Calico, all colors, per yard 10c BOY'S CLOTHING. in. 00 Blue Serge suits $5.9?j S13.50 Worsted Suits $8.98 $15.00 All Wool suits *9.9$ $22.50 All Wool Blue Serge suits $11.98 Finest SuitB made of high grade Worsteds $25.00 value ^ $15.00 MEN'S AND BOYS' EXTRA TROUSERS Boys pants, 85c value special 48c Boys pants half wool $1.50 value ..., 98c Boys extra fine Worsted pants $3 value $1.98 Mens $5.00 part wool Trousers $2.98 Mens $6.00 Worsted Trousers $3.98 Mens extra heavy genuine Dickey Kersey Trousers $r.50 value $4.?8 .\7ens heavy Corduroy Trousers $7.50 value.. $4. 9ft Mens all wool Blue and Black Serge Trousers, $WJ ^value^. $7.98 UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT, 08c Boys heeced ribbed union suits ti$c Mens $1.75 heavy fleeced shirts and drawers.. $1.29 Boys $1.00 heavy fleeced Bhlrts and drawers ....75c Ladies fleeced ribbed $1.25 shirts and drawers. .98c LadieB $1.50 fleeced ribbed union suits ft8c Girls ribbed $1.25 union suits .7?c Girls extra heavy fleece 75c shirty ami drawers. 49c Babys all wool 75c ahlrta . . . . r.-. 48c j R bys 50c heavy fleeced shirts * 25c Mens heavy ribbed $2.50 union suits $1.98 WOMEN'S DRESS SKIRTS AND SHIRTWAISTS. A Beautiful Assortment. All wool Serge sl^rts, 7.50 value . ..$o. 98 ?ilk Poplin skirts >6.08 value $4.98, All wool Poplin Bkirts $10 value $7.98 Wool plaid skirts, regular $8.50 value $o.98 S'lk Taffeta skirts marked special at $6.50 Ladies Crepe de Chene all beautiful waists at . .$3.98 "$4 00 China Silk waists all colors only .... $2.49 | $7.98 Ladies Georgette Waists special $5 98 $1.98 Black Swarsette waists $1.39 FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, SUITS AND WRAPS. Most marveious value brought to public notice. We omit prices purposely because of the charming Lcauty and value of each model. No price in print v.culd be just. You must call anU see them. MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDRENS SWEATERS. Womens $1.50 heavy sweaters .. Mens heavy $1.50 sweaters special Womens all vrool sweaters, all colors Men 8 heavy all wool sweaters $7.50 value Children** heavy $2 sweaters ..98c . .9.>c .**.98 $3.98 . $1 .2o CHILDREN'S COATS. Great Bargains. ChMdrens Chlncella Coats $2.98 value .. $1.49 Children* $3 50 wool mixed coats $1.98 Very stylish $4.50 coats $3.89 baby white all wool Serge Capes and Coats regular $7 value, they are beauties only $4.98 EXTRA SPECIALS 10c Cake Toilet Soap .Sc Newest style Velvet Hats, 300 to select from' ..$1.49 20c Hair Combs, each . . ? ..5c nrottQ Ping, pgr paring a . , . ^ . lC 25c Can Talcum Powder, can .... ;?? ? ? ^ 5c Spool Cotton, spool ? - . 'fi l-2c 50c Corset Covers 35c Ladies White Memstitched Handkerchiefs ...... 5c 5c Pearl Buttons, a card '. 2 l-2c 10c Writing Tablets 13c Mens White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs "7 l-2c 25c Towels, large- size MEN'S CLOTHING AT ENORMOUS SAVINGS. All wool Blue Serge suits, $18 vaL to go at... $11.98 >Jen's $26 suits, high grade merchant tailoring $18.50 Men's all wool heavy Dickey Kersey suits $18.00 value ;... $11.98 y n's heavy Corduroy suits $19.50 value .... $12.00 ?40 young Men's suits irT" the latest models ..$22.50 Men's Black Overcoats with astrogan collars, $25 value. Special $11.98 Men's and Young Men's Overcoats In the latest mo dels values $40 our low price $18.00 MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Dress Shirts, choice dollar value ...... 75c Tbe very best workshlrts, the strongest $1.50 kind 98c The heaviest $;2.50 Overalls $1.75 $1.00 Dress Gloves ..... * 49c 50c Belts .... ; ..25c 50c Neckwear 23c uigii Done] . Wljreaa Hats, all'coUTrs 4 . . ."fB . 1.50 Capg . 49c uaS'aaiar* .7.. ..." ..T" ."tTTL'TTucT I H.60 Praia H?f ' --- MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. The newest and best, tta^ very essence of Millinery. Beauty at money saving prices. ? SIMPLY GREAT. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT Chlldrens 35c hose, per pair T> 23c^ Womens 35c hose, per pair 10c LadieB heavy everyday hose, per pair ... . .23e Mens 35c dress hdse, per pair .10c Mens 35c Grey work hose per pair WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S DRESSES. Womenn $1.50 Gittgham dresses .[???? ?^c Womens }1 . 98 Percale dresses ...? j.. $1.85 A'omens Silk Poplin dresses $15 val. Price.. $?.9S Woraens Silk Messaline dresses, worth $25 .. $11.98 Womens Silk Taffeta dresses $13.98 C'hildrens $1.98 Gingham dresses $1.25 Chiidrens $2.50 Gingham dresses $1.75 Ohildrens Gingham dresses sizes 1 to 6 .... 98o SHOE DEPARTMENT. Mens work shoes $4.50 value at $2.98 $4.00 Gun -Metal Dress shoes $2.49 "Weyenberg's, the best all leather shoe made ..$2.98 Mens regular Army shoe $10 value $7.50 Mens waterproof heavy Blue Chrome leather, $7.50 value $4.99 Men '8 W. L. Douglas Guaranteed Dress Shoes. Plack lace $10 value .. Black button $10 value $7.45 $7.45 w I?ark Tan Chocolate English $12 value .... $8.50 Tourem! Black lace Gun Metal shoes $4 value $2 .50 I Old LfLdlgfTTTomTorts shoes $3.50 value $1.98 ? Womens dark Chocolate High Boot $8 value ..$5.98 Womens Field Mouse high cut Boot $8.50 val... $7. 49 Chlldrens Black Button shoes size 8 1-2 to 11 1-2 $1.98 Chiidrens Button or Lace shoes Bize 12 to 2 ..$2.49 Chlldrens lace and button size 5 to 8 $1.49 Xhildrens button or lace Bize 1 to 5 98c F. A. ROTH COMPANY "The Store That Always Sells It Cheapest" LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA