FRANKLIN TIMES Cbristmaa, U will toon be here? -Possibly the biggest break of to :o of 'tile season was in Louisburg 'teriluy. ^ -There will" be a bo* party at In ?Me on Monday night, November i twenty-second. Everybody lnvtt MISS JEN Jilt AYCOCKK DEAD. ' ? Her many friends In Louisburg will learn with much regret of the death of Miss Jennie Aycocke, which occurred at her tome on Spring afr eet lost before 8 o'clock Tuesday night. She was 53 years ot age" and Reaves a brother, Mr. John Ayoocke, of Florida, and' lister, Miss Clara Ay cocke of this place. The funeral services were held from the home at J: JO o'clock WMftoaday afternoon and wire conducted by Rev. W. B. Morton, and t? Inter ment waa made In Oak lawn H'lWXiry In the presence ot unite a large num ber of sympathising friends. Every dear lady, young or old, has ? right to expect that Santa Clans Will bring her a pretty sew breakfast cap. Three of this year's models, all easy to make, are ah own In the pic ture and tliey employ ribbons, - net laces and flowers, as usual. THE FRANKLIN TIMES Furbelows for Maids Man? a fair maid. wlU n0otee In saeb new and mart furbelows of (lb ban as an pictured bent wbeo Cbrlat maa brings bar remembren??. Stan la a collar, veatae afid girdle with a' bag to match that arc lrreelatlbla. TUa garniture for tbe waist to made af atrlpad Kb boo ehowlng tha |lwm color* tn Roman strlpee. - ' The girdle la knotted at Cbe Ml and banc* In tw pointed enia, bag la drawn vp and aaepended by narrow aattn ribbon, baa a aOk ornament, like those oo tba ooUar. at tba bottom. ? ?? ' Q r. ? - ** Win Hare to Wo Some. Our Idea of a smart girl la one who can make her complexion taste aa 'good as it looks. ? Livingston (Ky.) Enterprise. ? ONE BLACK MARE 5 YEARS OLD, 1 Top Buggy for sale the 6th of Deo. 1920. H. E. PERNELL. 11-19-lt NOTICE Pursuant to the power contained In a certain mortgage executed to me by Jake Nowell, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder at auction at the Court House ?&oor in Loulaburg, N. C., on Saturday, December 11th, 1920 at about the hour of noon, the follow ing described property: One 4ne mule, two suns, one flue tmiuw: L This Nov. 18th, 1920. - 11-19- 2t H. ? - HARRIS, Mtg. FARM TOR 8AUS CONTAINING *XF ty ?cmi near Looiiburg on public road all necessary building raoafh wood on It to par for It. Addres* Loulsburg, N. C., R. F. D. No. 4, . Bo* 98. ll-19-2t ; $160,000.00 TOWN OF FRANI OjH TON, N. C. GOLD BONDS. ? - Sealed proposal! will be received nntll 2:00 o'clock P. If.. November 80th. 1920. by the urfdsrstsmd Clerk at the Town Hall In aalfl Town, for the purchase of ail'or any part of the following Issue of bond* of said Town. $160,000.00 Water and Sewer bonds maturing annually April aa fol lows: Two bonds 1912 to 1926, both Inclusive, Three bonds 1927 to MSI. both inclusive. Four bonds 19J4 to 1944, both inclusive, and Five bonds 1945 to 1961, both in elusive. The Issue 1* dated April 1st, 1920. Denomination $1,000.00, Interest at the rate of Six per centum per an num. Principal 'and semi -annual In terest (A. & O. 1,) payable in New York In gold at the office of the Unit ed States Mortgage * Tmst Company. The bonds are to be prepared under the supervision of the United States Mortgage A. Trust Company of New fork City, "which win certify as to the genuineness of the signature* of the city officials and the seal impres sed thereon. Legality will be sjk proved by Mr. Chester B. Msss11 T- 3 V* 5- Y?