L. Ill in e A G o: m pany. * Loulsburg'a OfMtMt D?|?rtm?nt Ctor* " Zt to^ th^ CbthS. U UIkln* ?bout ?"? MMational sale. Price, of ertr>thi?* in the convince yourself ofthe hundreds of big bargains offered. LUtef Mow arTa few. "* *" ' to W*r *v?rythln*- W* 70u big money. Come and S H 0?S 8H O ES Farewell Prices on all Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. Shoes that will stand the test of hard wear. A Size for every foot They most go. $(.00 Endl cot t- Johnson Shoe* . .(>.(6 16.50 Fairfield Brown Blucher *4.(6 $8.00 Broadway Tan Blucher .94.(8 *8.98 Fairfield Black Blnchar ..ft. (8 (11.00 Druid Hill Pilot, Tan Ens MJ6 (?.50 Standard. Tan, Bin En* HJ8 (10. SO Conrad, Tan, En* .... $7.(6 (11.60 Beacon. Tan. Bin. Ens t7.Mv (12. SO Edmonds Form Fitter ..97.16 woMiirs *5.00 Odds and End. all ilM 11.48' IS. 00 Credential ..... (t.M |6.? Qodman. button or lao* .ft.M $5.60 CJodman M.M IC.SO Walton ..M.M $10.00 Star Brand .... M.4S 111.00 Star Brand M.M $15.60 QUEEN** QUALITY KISSES' tt.n Qotau, kirn 11 1-1 to i tt.m H N Walton, Hm 11 1-1 to * tt.48 LMkt Mil It?7 ?k|f| it?? la Uw k*M*t SMriM at . auiluiinrt mt. I?t m* Mm rnMil Uw market CMk Chm id r*t tko Huui ati* Marvelous Bargains Offend Throughout Our Pieoe Goods Qep&rtment. 35c 27-ln. Dress Ginghams yd ..l?e 39c 27-ln. Dress Gingham yd. ..Me 4#c 32-ln Antler Gingham yd. . .Me 66c 32-ln Bates O Ingham yd. .. Me 66c 32-ln. Rentbo Gingham yd. Be 66c Lad Laaale Cloth yd He Mc 36-in Per odes yd Mo 45c U-lB Book F\>ld PirolM yd We 39c Hettj Shirting yd Me 48c Southern Chariots yd Me 53c Klmoni Crepe yd 48c 65c Pmnta goods yd Mc Values That Will Create a Sensation in Our Domestic Department. 39c SC-ln Sllrer Crest Bleechlng yd lte 45c S6-in Mayflower Bleechlng yd 2t$ 35c Outing, dark colors yd. ... 18e 45c Outings, striped yd 2ic 49c Shamrock Twill Outing ydv . .2#c .; 14 1-te 29c 3?-ln Durham L L Sheeting yd ? 17 l-?e 39c 36-ln Curtain Scrim yd .... Me $1.00 White Dunaak yfl. 0C *1.00 Window Shades yd Me BBAUTirUL D&SSSSS SEDUCED 1W ted Mt. M pM all .Draaaw at fraat Willi. ImW be ssi?rtse4l Al Mri a ?ira i?|. hOltuUt Bmns el SaUm, Taffeta, 80k raplla, Senk Tricatlae ul tttmarkable Bargalms! 111 M BUk Poplin Dresses, all colon U.m Ili.M SUk Taffeta and Messaltn Dnw ?a M.W 119.60 Extra Ad* Taffeta and Msaaalla Draaaaa 911.48 $56 Very flnemt Charmeuse Draaaaa nui IIS. 6* Sere* Draaaaa, bis raise ....tU.W 114. 60 Sam ill Trlcotlne Dresses 114. W Look orer the above prices again ? than coma and amalaa the dresses. Tea, Ms dam. yoa will apta that they are all splen didly marts, handsomely trimmed, la teat stylea AJTB BIG HA*CA1>S MTU fcAMAlKl W OLOTHWO DEPART*?* II. M ?oy'? Wool nuiil ??lt^ I to t 110. M Bojrt All Wool OuiBMJ, J $15.00 Bora' All Wool 8?rc*l. Dpuble vup fr.. (14.00 Boy?' All Wool Ktraajr* 17. W MSN; A SENSATIONAL REDUCTION IH.M Ital Mil Now $14. t6 m.M Mwl Suits, Nov (19. M IM.W Mm'* SutU. iUMl, MM and brown, Now CM. 96 KI M Mot Suits, bluo Bsrtss, all wool. Now * . (MM |U.M Hwl Salts. Laatsrs Worstsds, Now W.M ?-?? ,.hn W.H 1 - - PAHTS W.98 K?r?jr? .... |1.W K.N Dtck*7'a Ktmjri $?.48 $4.60 Worsteds U K 18.00 Extra Quality .... U.tS LADIES' OOAT SUITS AlfD WINTER GOATS Prfces of tbsae Salts and Coats slashed. Handsomely trimmed, finely tailored, exquisite Silk llnln?s. ~ MS- 00 Serge SuIU .... .... 114.96 $85.00 Sere* Salts ...., .... 119. ? E*?|T TrlcoHn*. Velour and Broad oJethrolti on aale at Bl?R?ductlon?. Slashed to coat. COATS $U 60 Thibet Coata. fur collars ....... ...... . . $11.16 $20.00 Velvet Coata, fur trimmed V $29.60. Short Plash CoaU, black only .... :... $19. ?S $34.60 Broad Cloth Coata *84.96 $37.60 Short Plush Coats, large collars .-. #23.?s $60.00 Short Plush Coats, Sh&wl collars ...... M4.4S M OO HOUSE DBESSZS Pretty Patterns and Stripes * $1.?6 ?1.?8 KBITS WORK SHIBTS Heavy Quality tl.*i B:* KBITS OTUAIXS Heary Bine Daabn w.w DRUID L L SHEETING The famous Brand SPECIAL 1? l-2c Yard tl.SO BED SHEETS 72 x 90 BARGAIN AT 88c S#c MATTRESS TICKING Extra heavy quality SALE PRIClf Ut Yard the puce Louisburg, N. C. THERE ASS TWO ROADS TO PROSPERITY j One by increasing the income above expenses, T " the other by decreasing the expense* below the income. Both lead to the same end, and if we cannot follow the one, it is wise to try to follow the otiw. ^ A. systematic savings account with THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, will help yon on both roads. Ten shonld SAVE NOW AS NEVER BEFORE. Est INDIGESTION QUICK RELIEF! 8COTT-S EMULSION ul ^ Mike?* Idea. __**rs- Catey (with fashion paper) ? What are aifferettea, Mike? x Casey ? Weren't yez ever in saasie ^wcma"? Share, lt> what ye aent) when ye can't ga.? Boston Trans cript. /* - i NOT iCKl ? ? All who want Fireworks call a* Walter Alston's Store on Sooth side of the rirer. Lmliburg, N. C. I have a plenty on hand. 11-19 Pretty HUary. 1 saw the stlngest man recently In Peoria. He read the headlines In a newspaper he had refused to buy of a blind newsboy. ? Pekln (IU.) Times. .NOTICE ~T*~ Having qualified as administrator of the" estate of Era Belle Pearce, de ceased. late at Franklin County, no i Hoe Is given all persons holding elm 1ms against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of November, 1921, or this notice will be plead In bar of their re covery . ? All pesons Indebted tn said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. - This November' 4th, 1920. 11-5-Ct J. H. PEARCE, Adm'r. NOTICE U_ ? l I hereby (orbld anyone hiring or otherwise' harboring my son, Hay wood Harris, a minor, and who left my home and care without cause. Anyone so violating this notice will be prosecuted as provided by the sta tutes. This November 3rd. 1920. n-5-4t ? . jqhn Harris. ? FOR SALE? FORD TOORINO CAR, 1117 model, In good condition. S. A NFTWTET ,T T.m.l.Wg, M C IfUK-tf ? ' fat a Healthy Child All chBdm troubled with worms Uvt an un healthy color, which indicatee poor blood, and as a rale, there is more or 1cm stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chUl TONIC fthran regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, fan pcov* the dlieetioo, and set as a General Strength ening Toole to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be In perfect health. Pleasant to take. 00c perhottle. The THORNHIEL, ? has every advantage | fniTnd in nrnr prnnri 1 wagon and many - .Rprrial features found ? only in the l HOKJN HILL. HAVE JL'ST 1BCIIT1D A SHIP. MKT OF THE GOOD 01. D SODTI. I RS STANDARD ?f TRACK WAS. ? ? ? ? - - jLv-- , . -r i-4g. 1< I J The W. ft Griffin Company Sarin or TTnna w r