Here If the best place In the world to get suggestions. tor Xmas, wedding, birthday or other gifts, (jur stock Is com ? plete, the prices so varied, that every taste and pocket book i* sure to be suited. We have many inexpensive but dainty little noveltletf here, which make excellent gifts. Your selection Is made easy here. WE SELL FOR CASH To My Friends and Customers ?; ; -e: '? -?'*?> v ' ' ? < I an offering erery thing In my stock at REDUCED PRICES ? Rome things at less than cost ? so when In need of anything In my I line come to sec me I will do the rest. Haye a\splendld line of Men and Boys shoes. I atn going to sell at ^profit If I can, If not, at a loss. Hare got to sell them, so come U see me when In town and' lets talk It orer. I think we tan get together. ^ ? - ^ >v . YOURS TRULY, J. W. PERRY BANKING AND BUSINESS GO HAND IN HAND 7 ? % . . # ' A Business Man can hardly make a move without in some way coming in contact with a Bank. Therefore, our advice to Young Men just starting in business is this: ? ' -> Open a Checking Accoun ? HERE ? SOON? not only for the convenience ' "Service we render and to establish a , Credit that will be useful whon yon need it. Mrs. JOE PERSON'S HEMEftY ALCOHOL, 20* (ITMUIHtO 1ST*. RCCOMMCNDCD>OH L BLOOD DISEASES l USED AS A General Tonic, Alterative all a Ptrfier of the Blood. Recommended for Totter, Eruptions and Diseases thficome from lmpuritie* of the Blood, also Indigestion and Stomach Troubles. Tkaiia'iilj mm mill ifcs P?. }?io .1 3^s#?. PlicUr /U. s?^p?au Pir, sad PaSw phrllis.Thc pltoto ire plhndlli? iaimilfirtwit while a efrwlx, grteo toodibow. mm omly iihw^i port s^i4il> iddtd lo prevent iiwatabM, PRICE ?1.28 ^ MAN1/FACTURSD BY PERSON REMEDY CO. CHARLOTTE, N . C. mm PiMtw rmntmi WW sms PAOCAOB AOOTTtD NOV. 1 ADMlNI8TRATRIXrTJf the estate of Grady- Oooyers do cinifrl. late of Fv.nklin C< unty, N. , Dun la to notify all perilous Lov ing claims aga'ist said .ebtata to pre sent the aame to the undersigned on or before October 15, 1921, or this no tice .will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said' estate will please make immediate payment.- This Oct. IE, 1920 N MR8. L. G. CONYERS, Admr'x. 10rl5-6t Frankllnton, N. C. R. S. \ SALE OF TOWN LOT By vlrute of an order of re-sale, made by the Superior Court of Frank - 41n County- In -that Special Proceed ings entitled In the matter of Mrs. L. Rook Hatch, Guardian for C. R. Hatch, lnnaflr, Bxparte, the under signed will on Tuesday, December 7th, " 1920, at about the hour of 11 A. M., on the premises. In the Town of ~ Youngsvflle. offer for skit; a.t public auction, to the highest bidder, that lot situate on the corner of Cross and 'Persimmon Tree streets In the town of Youngsvllle, having a frontage of about 84 feet on Cross Street and a > /depth of about 75 feet on Persimmon Tree street, having thereon a small L dwelling and a garage. Terms of Sale: One third cash, one third in six months and one third in twelve months from date of sale, the deferred payments to b?ar (J per ccnt per annum interest from date of sule. V WM. H. RtJFFJN. il-5-St ? - ? ; Commln-'ltrttTrr TO THE PUBLIC. Having decided to leave Loulsburg tor a larger work I take this method of Informing my friends and the public that I have turned wver all my prac tice to Dr. H. H. Johnson, my form er associate, and I sincerely hope you will 8hQW him the same courtesy and good will you have been so generous with to me. All who owe me are re quested to make settlement at once so that I may close my business affairs at Loulsburg. These accounts can be paid at my former office in Louls burg to Dr. H. H, Johnson or to Mr. H. W. Perry. Thanking you for your past patron age and for your promppt attention to thlB request, I am Yours truly, 6-13-tf H. G. PERRY, M. D. NOTICE! J. D. Davis and A. Z. Johnson The well known barbers, for colored people of Loulsburg, N. O. are ntjw prepared to give the very best service In the barber line. We straighten the crooked hair and make smooth the straight. U yon want the finest and best hair cut and shave give us a tri al and it we fail yon need not pay for It. Respectfully, J. D. DAVIS & A. Z. JOHNSON. 10-?-tf. , The DAVIS-GATLING DRUG Lopisburg, N. C. Para Dross are essential to Pure health. We carry a tall line of choice tollt articles, rubber goods and sundries. 'Our loe cream la of the velvet variety and conceded to be the beet for the price in the city. It j is our Intention to satisfy the pub lic. We seek inly a reasonable profit. Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded. THE DAVia-tiATLIXS DRUG CO. T. R. Qatltng, Ph.D., . ' y Registered Pharmacist _ Manager. LOUISBURO, > North Carolina Wemre a new corporation and will "be under the man agement|of Mr. O. M. Hobbs who comes to live and do business in Louisburg. The offices are in the First - ' # ? ? v , ' ^ National Bank|building on the second floor. * , -