-7~ ONLY ?1.50 FEB YEAR IS ADVANCE The Frankun Times AN ADVERTISING MEBII/M THAT BRINGS KESCLTS A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager 1 THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION VOLUMN XXVII SUBSCRIPTION $1.S0 Per Y?u TWELVE PAGES LOUISBCRG, N. C,, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1820 NUMBER 40 WAKE FARMERS SHOOT TO DEATH THEIR WIVES FOR UNKNOWN REASON S. P. Shadrick Is In Jail a Gib bering Maniac. (HAKLKY DAVIS Is 1> ft IT Mi Shadrick Blew Half the Head Of His Wife Off and Put It In Stove ? Slain Early 011 .Hondaj ? When tlie Slier* iff Keaehed Shadrick'* Hume He Found the Man and HJs Children *\ Sitting in the Kitchen Watching the 4'orpse. Raleigh, Nov. 29s. ? Charles Davis is lying in Wake county Jail paralyz ed drunk and S. P. Shadrick is gib bering accounts of his doraestfc mad ness while neighbors are searching for any reason that led Davis, a far mer, and Shadrick, a tenant in nor thern Wake, to shoot to deatli their wives this mgrniiiK. ?avis fired Ave pistol shots at his wife and three bullets went through her- head. She was still living late tiiis evening. Shadrick blew half the head of his wife off and it fell in a stove, he says. Others declare it v. ;;s wrapped in paper and placed tiiere. Davis has lain on the jail floor without twitching a muscle for 16 hours. Shadrick declares he ? fchot his wife when he found a man \\:k her." ?Iiadrick is a discharged inmate of state hospital and, of course, tlie nothing against his dead wife, ?a gone crazy again. H'e is far the average of the tenantry in i ' > : -n and talks at times lumi ; Mrs. Shadrick's people livi M'u 1 :i23. S. C., he say3. He has : so !.i 1G living at home and a dnugh .* 'three years old. The infant is : nse'.t Neil C'ropsey, after the Eliz ; eth City girl whose drowning sent . :n Wilcox to prison for years. The two farmers killed their wives r!y this morning. Nobody seems _ktkV?. ally -light _Lu? tli row -ou Davia, "jo has monkey mm enough in him drunk ovr-rv pvigmmr hJuj ? l! - Itvunlr>miia? fume* , Th* " ' 1 ? 1 ' ? 1 1 1 '.KM-1 mil 1. > ;,iUr-s Ui lilt lion: ? and .held an inquest over Mrs. ri idi'i'-lc. ? I'jie alu.Llir5 siii s it wa? ?;._v_3.s.izy tp l ijter In the door to en* the house. Sliudrit k. ho says ? fitting in Che kitchen with the ? '?i!dr?. n ami watch in j: tho ltn.lv. ann his wi t> never had hiiv ?:ouhit? of which the neighbors 'cuc.v. - urhick w:u?* several months in the lt-^ hospital. Hi wis ;iol -Hglif ; morniir.'. l i/ say.-. Kitt In* t!:ou : t h-.1 was well win n i o 1 ft flirt hos* : lie believed in 'lis wife until ? ? loutid her untrue. I'tid lie t"lls bis ?' 'her hallucination . The soheilng of Davis tomorrow t y give some lip::t on hi* nffuir, v. hi ? n ? T7r? ? {?? in tired- thr ? county beyond ; -isure. 1. AT K. 1? L'.rio.s Davis. recovering in Wak*. i.'.y jail 'from a stupor caused, it :>? - bought, by excessive drir.kirvg af t- killing his wit1? M-wlny morning . * their home i:i New Light Township ? Tumitted suicide some ti.-r^e earl:. Wodtiesda y morning by hanging li i in - y If in his cell. In taking ii is own Davjis used his undershirt which took off bis body. Found At Tying the sleeves of the shirt uro ? r.ti his neck am1, the base over a cross i : r. he sank to th floor on his knees :? 1 : (I was found in tiiis condition by t :iarlie Patterson, a prisoner who to ir-ther with three others, was atten ding to Davis' wants, The prison ers found the d?ad body at !J:15 o'clo ? k and immediately notified Jailci Jordan, who in turn telephoned to ? oroner Owens of the occurence. In Care of Prisoners Davis was last seen alive shortly alter 11 o'clock when he walked up tile front part of the row of cells pre-' .^umably to see if till prisoners wcr& itf'leep. Charlie Patterson tnld him to go back to his cell and then follow* *.i Davis to his bunk. Patterson, Ce c il Pearee, Priestly Pearce. ami Geo rge Lloyd were entrusted with the ? are of Davis' during his condition, r.nd for two days and nights they ad nr Mistered medicine and other wants r Davis. They dozed at ames and v.--,ys went to' Davis' ceil when they j -oke. It was a-hout * o'clock when 4 .ittorAon awoke and took a peep intd . , , ? is' 'cclltlto see if the prisoner was . jeep. He discovered the gruesome !gl*.t o:' the tlead body. SI\flAV The regular -service at St. Paul's ? hurch will be Morning Prayer and Sermon and Administration of Holy communion at 11 A. M., the roctor Kev. N. Collin Hughes, officiating. .*11 are cordially welcomed. METHODIST CHURCH We* are requested to state tlias the re will be services at the Methodist eWurcti &t the usual -hours on next Sunday. Pastor Smith extends a special invitation to everybody to at tend these services. - LITTLE HELEN HI'hSON DEAD. Little Helen Holmes, the four mon ths oil daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hudson died early Monday morn ing at their home on Church street after a .short iilne?f?ryrom pneumonia. The luueral services! were held from the home on Tuesday afternoon con ciucled by ltev. T. D. Collins, and the interment was made in Oaklawn cometer y . Large numbers of rela* tives ami friends attended both ser vices. Special selections were sweet ly sung by a choir at the home. May God's purest Angels guard her slum bers. Only tiie memory of the lovely child is ieft yet how sweet, how uplifting its influence. For, after attr death is but the slipping off of the outer bo dy. The taking away of this child has left a sad home, but the memor ies thereof can fancy her awaiting! them in the place prepared for her, a little apart from the innumerable company in bright array; perhaps in one of the 4' ? Palaces of Ivory its windows crystal clear." of which old Bonar quaintly sung. In the light, not of the sun. neither of the moon, we see her ?tcyond the fiel ds of fadeless aspkcdt.i, ruder the waiving palms, beside the still waters j bordered with Silver lillies. Thejse | may be merely figures, but they bear a precious meaning to yearning hea !rts made for the deep household lo Ives; hearts* that will not be comfort ed because the Afigol of the House is missing. "Then fell upon the house a sud den gloom A shadow on those features fair and tbiii ; And softly, from that hushed and darkened room j Two Angels issued where but one Went in." j The. sympathy of the entire com munity is extended the bereaved fam ily in this their sad hour. ' The pallbearers were: Active ? H , W. Perry, S. C. Holden, W. D. Eg erton, F. W. Hicks. Honorary ? B ;T. Holden, J. P. TimberlaKe. .The floral tribute was profuse and beautiful completely covering the new .".\3ilr y?mmd will: rhn iaio>iL heiiu tlful of flowers. TIT!. <;. J>. HALK JJE.II). - [ ? ; Mr. Charles JJevinne Hale, son of Ail'. Qwki a. --dlnd -at his j:onV on Middle Street In !.o:ii>:]nirg o.i, ; Saturday night after ai> attack oi pneumonia in his tWTjlif v-t'ilrfl jvn r. He leaves to survive him"* :i y.Mtna wire ami "little chilt! b?s!?!ts ' fat.lji et\ mother and a numlior "of relatives ami friends. Mr. Hale* way :? con sistent and faithful member oi ''01 ihlli Hapltsi church'. ? FTT was you uk man of strong character aiv;l pos sessed a personality that won the < on fide nee of those in v. 1 : i?p cam? in contact. The furcra! wa.? heM f;v:? ' ?rincJ, l?a'ptist rhurch at 2 o'clock on Mon day afternoon and was conducted by KcV. T. T). Collin---. of th? Louishurg -Hf*pth*t rhflrrt, '!%? -44*4 le ? WttM'oH was crowded with sorrowing ^frjvJids of the family. The interment was made in the church cemetery nearby. The pallbearers were T. W. HnfTin L. J :*Pemell,~ S. Z. Duwlieyr Lec Strickland. Myron Pleasants. Arthur Goswick . The bereaved family anil parents have- th?* sympathy of the entire com- ' it- unity . P. S. \ l\ k. ALLKN 111 VS I'M TI'HK SHOW It. I>. "Prhltfen and Kainily 4 ??(??> Hack, To U Ihiin . On last Saturday the Star Theatre! c^aftgrrl hands the second time with iivaboiit sixty days, this time Messrs u P. S. K. K. Allen. t!ie original: owners wlio sold to Mr. H. I), i'rid gen about sixty days ago. purchasing i; hack. Mr. Pridgeii. not. being sat isfied with the amount of business, a falling off of which was caused by tjie heavy drop in prices for farm pro- ' ducts and too on account of his wife's ! health, derided to return to his for- j iu?r home in Wilson. Messrs. t Allenr inform* the TIMES j that , tlrey will close the Theatre in- j definitely ? probably opening again in j ? Spring. .11 "IMiK PRITCII A Rl> IN HOSPITAL V FRY SI4J\i His | i lends Are Wnrrlf H 4)ver His j Condilion ? 4'oiittned To lied For h | Week Ashcville, Nov. 'JO. ? Friends here are worried abdut the condition of of1,,,, . ??!!**?? of anneals fur the fourth circuit. whor wnstoda y re move3"C6 TTTT? Wrrtrrr TTOTTTrrr ? t ' n ? 1 11 - i nn ill for some time but had sufficiently recovered to he able to cot out. until about a week ago when he was a train confined to" his bed. His condition grew worse and he has: now been taken to t*he hospital, where he will receive treatment. It was stated at the hospital tonight that he is resting easier but it' was under stood that ho ifl very sick . Potatoes on the farms are said to be crying their eyes out because they lack transportation facilities for get-, ting to the city to view the sights. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1 HAN KM* COUNTY TOBACCO ORO WF.RS ASSOCIATION . ( ill led to Meet To (iet Association In Working Condition ? Every Tobacco (?rower In Cuunty I'r^ed To At tend. The Franklin County Tobacco Gro wers Association has been called to meet in the Court House* in Louis burg on Tuesday, December 14th. 1920 at 11 o'clock by District Agent T. D. McLean, who will assist the members to perfect their organiza tion. This action Is in keeping with the adjournment of the Franklin County Association, as Mr. McLean is an official of the State Organiza tion and will bring directly to Frank lin County the plans and opinions of the State meeting. To this meeting | not only all the members are expect ed to attend, but every tobacco grow er Id Franklin County, every land owner who allows tobacco to be rais ed on his land, every merchant and every bunker are urged to be pres ent. The letter of Mr. McLean fol lows : Aberdeen, N. C. Nov. 27, 1920. I Dear Sir: The Executive Committee of the J i North Carolina Tobacco Growers As- j 'sociation lias ordered a meeting to be called for Franklin County on Tuesdwy. liec. 14, at Louisburg, foi ; the 'ptirpu*** oi furthering the organ ization oi the Tobacco Growers As sociation of Franklin County. 1 have been appointed to attend tliiu -meeting and to explain the purpose of the organization, and to encourage it.**ompleiion at as early date as pos ,^ble. 1 am a tobacco grower my self, and, this organization appeals to me as the only way by which we may first control the production of tobac tco and afterwards provide a better ; system of marketing, so that the cost of production and a reasonable pro fit may be obtained by the (farmers l'or the tobacco crop. We hnvc~no t oumy Agent at pres ;ent in your Countynjut we are going a- pi"--" "W tN.iv tea mijh a.- u com ? Oirtrv r:?tt j-"- frvnv a TT-, n?pr..,l lo require him to assist the farmers lit every way possiHe nM only ?fw tKa j proftrrcvkirr nf crop* eiW. .'.titfing for marketing as well. Fieast ? iv" ?bi?* meeting un Doc- . 1 ? ? all the ity pi.s.s'hlu and have :11 in' i*- ? " i' ' < . ? - ? who ;i rn HOI ttb^ ? ready iu'4ri'T?fcfs oi' the Association.. h possible, to ?:tL?K'! 'J,v meeting. \W want to otganiz. .lie l.ist tobacco > Vm-;'- .r. WliM w:i. I \v?? do. you lifty t !?) -? e i ti> pro veil In niarivvting tl; ? r#i?*? ? ---if- ? - ?- - ti - . ? - K?M l?Vl!RTO ri??*KT. li:*nbc: i ?I.ig?.o<Mf. Flay ii.igwootl ;? ii'i Fan i 1 1 a we iv given a hear inu in 1. atisburg ?>n Wednesday ev -ettihtr nf- l:?.sl 'A t!i l-. ? br;' rc ? r<i ' 1 '? . !i. tV:. . nf i?.:;r ??!;:. :*gcd wit;: i?n*:i?iiv. i:i t - ? J. H. 'V. aF: %rs store :m?l ill i.i: nl{ of'-iunn. Flay ; n.l /'nri H.f-vo'i'l submit'ed and were phaT'l lrnh-r ?*; h. Ileubr :i hT ! '?:;amin-?t!..-.iii ami v\ v :? !: nd of uOO.MJ. Fai'.i;.. . > ? bonus all defendants v. t i - j-im-et! in jail to aw ait t J i ? ? .]'!Ii:mi ?;.? r - : t; : FraiiUlin Su perior F:snrt. What has ??. ?< -? ?;?' ihf* -old-fash-- j mnrrt "iianllY;;* ?" * Ws -riaii who tlev- : iri!'.! t:iat Aia ji-:: a. u.hl eventually; anr~* the world. JfKW BAPTIST PASTOR ' I Iter. W. II. BurrelL, of Will lams ton, I Boconies Pastor of Louisburg Bap fist rhgroli aad Will Preach Sun duy. 1 Rev. W. R. Burrell, formerly pas tor of the Baptist Church at William I Eton. and who has recently accepted a call to the pastorate of the Louis burg Baptist Church to fill the vacan cy caused by the resignation of Rev. X- D- Collins, who has accepted the) position of Secretary to the ^^ake Forest College Alumnae, will ''arrive in "Louisburg this week to take up his duties. A message from Dr. Burrel! stated that his furniture was shipped Wednesday and that he would be in Louisburg in time to conduct services Sunday. He expects to bring his [family lo Louisburg as soon as his household goods arrive. I "Rev. T. D. Collins moved his fanv* I ily and household goods to Wake For li-st, his new home, on Tuesday. He | and his good wife take with them the i best wishes of the many friends they | made during their stay ^11 Louisburg. BIG IIOUS. Among the number of big hogs kill ed ir? Franklin County and reported to us the past week were the follow-, i ing: W. L. May; Harris township, four; weighing 384, 374. 360, 320. CHANGES SCHKIM l.f The Louisbtirg II ranch of the Sea board Air Une Raiivay has put on a change ifc schedule, becoming effec tive oi. last Monday. The change | only effects the morning trip howev er?the latter two trips remaining the same. Instead of 8:00 as here tofore the flrWt train leaves I.ouishiirg at 10 o'clock in the morning, return ing at 11:45 instead of 10:20. AT > K iV HOI'K. Theie will be a Box Party at 4Jope Academy oy Friday night. Dec. .lUtll^ . We assure you a ggood tiinc.ro come ; nd bring somebody eU?. with YOU. i TDftfteils go ^ _tlic _hlLoq1, ? The?public is cordially Jl'A'll. ! I mm i forget the place and 1 1 mn . -V^'JMcr0. Fridyy night, Dec. 1 ). .?Ir. j.. L . Mr nit:1vtii- l!ci?. ' ( i'j-oii Tuesday. tOnsJII'KG >'i ll.X. LEA l>> . From information ;rhcn The Jinw- nun WimIih 'In i ? *n ? i:inii? ? vr* anil ^iirrlioiisfKicrti I lie I.ou Huir;r Tobacco Mark'- 1 -till leads ?' hi-fh price*. ;i v. |}<.- instance* : related below will : \ fill iik r reported a >a!e io, lis in I.ouisbiiri;- Metiacxla) liriuu in:r .?2 <*>.00, TIjN tobacco w i%%Mild 4iii nni??ti<r market for /it? . ? . Mi other- instance rrp*?rf+*fHo ii> f h:1. 1 n farmer selling- a ioad of to* o: "co in i.ouisluirtr on llic same ?I;.;- for ^iili.tKi that was sold the mI i.v before on another market for >? . . *^1 s * 1 a-iothei Itislijiice where a ?rM'uer moied a lot of tobacco another -market io i.irui>bur^ -:\ anil void Wednesday not 12 'cents a pound mere on one lot ami ? <*' at s ;i pen ml more on another lot. These I'acl^ speak nr thetiisel- \ *<-s and can be verified at the -j I oiilshurtr Tobacco Warehouses. *" | i!4 HON OH TO THE 8#TH IMVIS ? IOX. On Friday and Saturday nights of | last week, the..pablic was accorded a rare privilege, in being allowed to see ! pictures showing something -of the work of the 30th Div. in France. First let me say that we had a real treat in the music furnished by Miss Ruth Hall and Mr. Berkley, and wt enjoyed it to the fullest. In the pictures we were made to realize, as perhaps we had never do ne before the inestimable value of the cinema in making history and our hearts were thrilled with, pride to know that, among these heroes on the screen, were our own boys of .North Carolina and of old Frankliu. And through the coming years, they shall live not only in memory, but in the sight of all who shall look upon these films. We are proud that the world should look upon these men. for we saw no higgards in these troops, no skulking, or shirking, they were not driven by force to do their duty either with ri fle and pack or witji pick and shovel, on the tiresome march or in the com fortless trenches, as they moved to the deadly battlelihe, "or as they ten derly lifted and carefully bore their uounded and dying comrades. In many there was a reckless nonchal ance that laughed at danger in some :? set determination that would not flinch in the, hour of"peril, ar.d in all there appeared to be a spirit of cheer fulness. an utter absence of sulkiness or discontent. Even after "seventeen days in the trenches., we saw, in the j.ictuicd faces, no sign cf unhappi ncss. And wo are so glad that sofne of these boys could ne recognized by their friends. One was especially plain, lie was a boyish looking fellow a private I think, ai: 1 1 can imagine how the hearts of those, who loved bim; must have throbbed when they | saw. beneath the battered helmot thai he wore, that his eyes could stil! ho!:1 j their brave, sunny smile. I When the familiar figure of our townsman. Major Boddie was flashed upon the screen, the cheering and ap ;plause were spontaneous, but re membered with heartache that li'_ , was soon to pass through an ordeal . of musl Intense sobering, tor the pic itura wan flaied. ijipti LMnh. ? mid* ' I jthink that was the day on which ho I wftw so tpvribly vnundeil, . . . . _ j We* -have tbese men of Kr;tn"?f I '.fn IfcjpVf that v. i chr-v 1 rar tTie jIjpv" lHayod in the WtrrFfr (War. and, as time goes ?iy. w? .ariw | understand" more-an*l more fully ottt j indebted to them for the glorio;^ j history they have for their 11 a jtivo County. Aiid for those dear boys jvlMHi S 1 I'',. ? ' ? II 1 j In I'" 1 [hearts are lying puis, !*pr 'ncath thf j poppies and lilies of Fr.iueo -their ["glory shall never fade." and they I shall live in our hi'ar'< fi n:;r MTi'i:u\\ M' .in . 'I'! ' ?:? UK' ??:' .M-'j.il onil lif i.i'llUWlh vrav bitm? on Saturday ni^hi with j- r liws i if build!;)): ai?t r?i!V.tnis < i f . ?2.0oo.00, with ivo insaranro. Thf !ii)US(' vyns, I lire- o or ir.nr humlt'd yards ^;h:? ?if fTi?V i ?)]or.ai i'Iui ivh ? u**? r i!;r? (Jr.. ? ivU- ? aim is >ir>|n. .?<_*?! l?i !i:i v u cau^hi fmfii rais si t I nun-hit.. Tin* alarm was r.iruvd in ;i !?t >;t i I o'clock ami tin1 ihv ilfjtrr'moui an sworoi pmmi.Wy. I?ui muM ::i>t saw ' the liniliiiii^ . THE FRANKLIN TIMES CI JVr Ya-- In Advance - - " KMIiHTS OF tiOOII HKAI/T11 Seventy thousand North Carolina school children are learning to be Modern Health Crusaders. By cleanli ness, proper care of the body, and correct knowledge of health, they are slaying the dragon of disease. The Sale of Tuberculosis Chrristnws Seals provides funds to organize and teach these children. They will make the health of the next generation. WHITAKER'S GIN BURNS BIG KIRK IX LOrjSBlRG FRIDAY IKTKRNOOV Damage to Building* Machinery and Cotton About $N,1NM) . (Ml? >o Insur ance? Mutches Left By Gambler*. Louisburg was thoroughly aroused on Friday afUynooi* about 3 o'clock by the fire alarm announcing the fact that Whitaker's gin just across the river was ablaze and burning rapidly Large crowds gathered to assist ' in saving the liTFge amount of cotton uu dcr the shed while the Fire Depart ment, which was promptly on the job, proceeded to extinguish the flames. At one time this looked almost in> possible but the firemen fought with H bull dog tenacity which soon result ing in drawing the flames under con trail, although the entire top was ablaze when they arrived on the scene In a short time the ,fire department had smothered the Are, leaving the framing intact, though damaged by the fire. Practically all the machin ery was iii> the second stor?, in which the fire started ami is a total loss. The fire was confined practically en tirely to the second story in which It originated. The origin is supposed to have been matches in cotton as they were ginning cotton that had been r tored in the gin and had found cards and other evidences of gambling buried in the cotton. The property is owned by Mr. L. L.. Wliitaker and was not insured. The loss is estima ted at about $8,000.00. KKH CROSS HiTLL CALL Tile Fourth Red Cross Roll Call has been on now for three weeks, pos ters everywhere have advertised it. ministers have announced it from i heir pulpits and the newspapers have given it wide publicity. In raa ivy places it has been a reasonable sue cess; in Louiaburg it has been a rea sonable success, but not what it sho uld have been. Our Chapter- decided not make .a single personal appeal, and so far this has nut bt!g& done. Practically . rvrrv nnp ill the liown ? ami ? cuuiliy " know the Red Cross ami what it stands lor nml ihov--k?tow? that ? ttH ' peace tlpiQ prcst'iugi. is as important ' U?is and aiso*^p*^^^*P^' people have been solicited so nkany causes we Resides the great work befog done nil over dttr country, in a general way by the Red Cross. half of every dol II r VlHl ctin:rihiii.. i, *???! ?1 r [. I I ? ,1'l here at home for charitable purposes. During :he past year more than $500 1 as been- spout by. this organization in f>- county for assistance to needy ;;tid worthy people . The eases have been vtned :r?l loo many, to enumer ate. A: 'ihc iirts-.-m time we are hav ing a bright1 and promising young I'uin restored to lu-alth at Sanator ium. He Iun left a wile and two _iinall child rut- at i ? ? ? n ? e f < ? whom his i ?. i!*.h means everything. In August poor ?;>:? n and :i stranger in our midst fell si k. A kind doctor ana reighbois did ail t'.-.y could. but when it- -was- found.-, lie iiad to go to a hospi t bora use of your- past generosity) Hi.- R< :i rvo<s w ; : ready with avail able funds to send him. Two wor rl.y families v.- ere found that because ? i inu-xpecU'il losses could not send their children to "school Tor lack of proper euv.J- iii-r The children wore given rnort v.-nrrn garments by tins Chapter arid since ilien CTiey hnve at i.'itded regularly The oldest boy of ; widowed mother had his fight arm int'cclcu during the spring, and coti si <1 nen 1 3 y ii was useless for several Mouths. Necessary ban?c??;?s. dres si tigs. fi!-. were furnished the health officer. and In connection with the Public Welfare office assistance ot every kind was given this family un til the boy was able to work again. - There are only a few of the many in stances in which the Red Cross has met I be community needs, and all th en? cases are aside froni the great v.ork done during the influenza epi demic last winter. It is not too late for you to renew your membership. You will not be : pproachcd and asked to join. ? It is ? matter of conscience. Can you uf* i\.rd not to give a dollar to become ?nt active agent for good irt your tow:; ;ate and ?\ linn? Sc* any of t ho fol b : w i n, , office t s at c.nce a ltd renew yum* membership for the coming year Vrs. .1. A. Tunic;, Chuirnwn. Mr;. 11. U. Johnson. Vice-Chatr. Air-. . S. Cllfioti. Treasurer. Mrs. 1. L- I'iOmer. Secretary. \ DNsiiuilarl' v . Love, said the ready-made philoso pher. Is a lottery. I can't see it that wav, commented vos so many people in doubt, as to A-bctlurr~TTrey have ? . The Feminine Way. T guessed from the way the glr-l was ftelng the deaf ami dumb sign langu age that she was happy. 1 suppose she was telling a secret >he had on hand. Necessity may, be the mother of in dention. but peopVe manage always in iqme way to invent a way to get the usuries .

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