OJUY MM ?E OUB Times M'MBEB 47. VOLUKW XLVLX LOUISBCBS, !?. , ? . HAOWOOD'S GET FIVE YEARS EACH Jl'DOE OOMXOB JfAKHG (jOOl) HEADWAY Ifuite ? Number, of Cane* Ulftposed of' ~ ? Judges Chance Short But to The Potnt? Laiite Number Attending ? ] With possibly the largest number of spectator# present of many terms Franklin Superior Court which con vfiiofl Monday afternoon, with His > H.,nr.r ii.rtge George W. Connor pre siding and Solicitor H. ET Noiilo present repreBfirtnig -Btato-j is progressing nicely and with a con* | siderable degree of sped. In his charge to the Grand Jury Judge Con did not take upthe- ilme ut the Court to deliver a long and set speech but told (he jurors of their duty In a manner that left no doubts. Judge | Connor 1?- coU?ucliiig Ills court: with speed, efficiency and pleasantness I and is fivorfcW impressing himself upon our. people- T^e Grand Jury ' selected w&? composed of the follow ing 'gentlemen: Alton Wilder, Fore- j man. R/T. Harris. J. H. Bottom, Willie Journegan, R'. M. Prultt, J. 1 W. Dement, J. J- Creekmore.- A. \V Perry.S . R. Boone, J. W. Neal. wal ter Green. J. W. Murray. ,_G. H. Pur gurson, H. B. Gilliam, R. G. Per son. S. M. Hayes. J. A. Alford. J.' R. Jones. P. J- King was sworn in as officer to the Grand Jury. The Criminal Docket was taken ur, !i;:ite vs John MlfcEel, 1 and r. con^ .,-1 Iindpr former- brdar to vs J. M. Worthington. J. M. t' . O. J. Coppedge, scl fa, called ? t yixnii to il :&0 j>r- UX- Tlli ::rst:..y to answer sci fa. Stai vs E. L. Egerton. a (1 w. ca ? ? r.r.-! continued. ? - -?- -. ailiiiitt Vli ?"'""? Hnn:iris, ilH';Ul!i * Mie. inn proa- with leave. .-ill ;?? vk Rhoden Andrews, mur (ii-r. nol pros with leave. StJt." vs n. ? !i. syut'y. a il ? . tuiL - I nrrlor. st.ito vs Eugene Kearney. i ana r. ,i i 1,1-ua j.vich leave, A .Statu vs E. P. Du'.hl, a d w. con Tinned li ndev fcrmer order. anrte .luiuiniu Uwanl ? ailM. t > v.'. ual pros with leave. State vs' A.'G. Grey, 1 and r. call , . I iii.t f:i i ! eri . ui si self a called and I'ailrd . ? Slate vs Joe Evans 1 and r, con tinued on -account illness of defend State vs Willie WigRins, resisting officer, pleads guilty, tinea $1.00 ami I osts. State vs E. l->- Egerton, c c w. ca pias and continued. State vs Butler Evans, assault, pleads guilty, fined $25.00 and costs. State vs E. H. Evans, a d w, de fendant waives bond and pleads guilty fined $50. 00' and costs. State vs Haywood Thomas, driving automobile while intoxicated, waives bill and pleads guilty, fined $25.00 and costs . State vs William- Brooks and R. L. Peoples sci fa, called and failed, giv en until 2:30 p. m. Thursday 20th, to answer. Jen mette Cooke vs Lee Cooke, ? dl viine, granted. Sti.te vs Hugh Coppedgs, c c w. a d w, in former prayer for j>idgi>V?nt< con tinued till Thursday. In hitter judg ment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs Stewart Johnson, c c w, ca pius and continued. ? State vs Wlll!:im Brooks and R. L. Peoples, sol fa. answer filed and rule discharged. State vs Eugene Kearney. I and r nol pros with leave. State vs S. J. Perry, a d w, two cases, trial guilty in both fined $150 and costs la first, judgment suspend ed on payment of costs in second. State vs- Luther Perry, a d w, trial gulliy, fined $100 and costs. State vs J. C. Hagwood, R. S. Ha< --^11^1 iiml Hvink on two brackets, then a smaller I plank on two brackets about a foot j from the floor. * I will keep my shoes on the bottotfi plank. I want the draperies tof the closet of blue check ed gingham. I will tack this to the. "top plank, beginning in the middle of the front and tacking to the sidee. This will leave the draperies open at the front to form a door. I want wh ite curtains with side draperies like the closet curtains. I can't have dra perles across the top of my window for* I want to let In all the air and sunshine 1 can . I have an old bureau, one old rock er. one plain chair and a table. They are all scratched up very badly. I want to get some paint and enamel and paint them Ivory, with a little blue design painted on them. I want two pillows of the gingham for my j chairs and a white bed spread with a border of the gingham. I want home | made* rag rugs. in blue with a little ?yellow In ;the borders. | I would like to have a heater In ] stead of a fireplace . I will k??ep my j books and a growing flower on the shelf and a blue bowl of yellow flow ers on my table. The child who wrote I he above was [one of the winners in the bread con test last winter. She was one of the k three youngest In I ho county and one of the youngest in the state to enter the' Bread Campaign. She Is now wearing as her best hat one that she mad? In the (Hub this fall. In fart she Is one of the brightest little tots we e oi&Uted) . cooked peas, 1-2 cup gratetfc^-cAieese. i Press the peas through a sieve to~~re move the skins. They niay be mask ed instead of pnooohiK /through tht xietfe. Mix with the jtheese. Coot the onion and petfper in the butter, hoinu careful r.ot to brown, and : ? '1:1 in^o a roll, pia^-oa ? &, fluttered dish and cook in a modem' oven until brow?r banting occasion;., - *y with butter and water. . P?a Loaf: ? . ,? " 1 ? uipa uuuked peas. 2 tablwspuuu fujs fat, 1 egg *li#htly beaten, 1 cup ?bread crumbs. 1-2 teaspoon ful salt. 1 An ?*ly niinpoH r.ww>n 1.1 "teaspoon ful pepper. (.ornbfne tinmigrodients~aml ohapo t4?e mixture into a loaf. Bake for 25 rrenlo sauce Tomato Sauce: v 1 cup stralrfed tomatoes. 2 . table spoonfuls fat, 1 slice onion, 1 table spoonful cornstarch. 1-2 bay leaf (may be omitted) 1-4 teaspoonful salt dash of cayenne. Cook the tomatoes with the onion and bay leaf until ten der and run through a sieve. Melt butter, add flour, and rub the the mix ture to a smooth paste. Add "the strained tomatoes and seasoning. Stir the mixture constantly^ and cook until it thickens. i . Creole Sauc^: 1 pt. tomato sauce (about the con sistency of ketchup) 1-2 tablespoon -j-ful minced? pars ley ? 2 mbles-pornvful-s chopped onion, 1 tablespoonful sugar 2 tablespoon fuis butter. 4 tablespoon fuls minced ?m or bacon. 1-2 cup sw.ret ?*ed pepper, 1 tablespoonful eel ery seed, crushed. Season with salt and pepper. Make the tomato sauce by 'first crrnk ing the tomatoes and p'utting them through a sieve. Cook the^pulp un til about the consistency 'of ketchup. Chop the onion and fry in the buttei until yellow, add the pepper, tomato ! sauce, ham and seasoning, and sim ]mer for haU an hour. Serve hot. FIKK AT MK. V. S. ALLEN'S RKS. IDKNCE The fire Wednesday morning was at the residence of Mr. P. S. Allen, cor ner of Main aqd Middle streets. On ly slight damage was done ? the Are having caught -around a chimney ana was extinguished before it got a start. The Reel Company of the fire department answered promptly and the fire was extinguished before the fire truck arrived. ACTOMOHlLT ACriDEJIT Messrw E . F. Dement and W." K Harris Injured I An the result of an automobile ac cident. 09 Sunday night Mr. K. F. j Dementi haw two broken ribs and a J broken Collar bone on the left aide and Mr. W. B. Harris received an Jugly cut on his left leg besides other j minor Injuries. The accident hap pened at the Perry Mill bridge and vwas < austMl by a tire coming off one I of the front wheels causing the car I to turn sharply and -run off the, high I embankment . The' car was badly de Imolished. 'The injured parties werr brought to I,ou1nburK that nlgliL wli Jere medical aid was rendered and are j getting along nicely. ( \KI> OK TIIANKS I wish to extend i?y moat grateful thank* to all those who rendered me aastatunre during my recent tire. C. F. Nowell . THtt FRANKLIN TIMKS $i.5U I'er Year in Advance. iSBniM) D8m TO AMESD ~TAX] LAW BEGINS I!* THf HOt SE j Tic-Simln BUI A'-kii > hi r.ttnnral Rnhnrt F 1. V- lh* ] .11 for a county board irrrts ejjp, said fenresentatiVc/ M' bi, ii^j "aoes not mean that vre do not biau Jm Jfr .iaoififttice of the Revalua V P* but '?re y to bay* the valuation revisTR^P'flWrert Itie qualities wherever thev mav appear.* : ?Tin; i.rnjjf thr hill mllnii - i The MrSwain Bill "S',n.TI7jn 1~ mat chapter one. 4*011 nine hundred aud twenty, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out section nine of said act and in serting in lieu thereof a new section as follows: I "That the county commissioners in each county shall appoint one person hi each township who with the board ? of county commissioners shall con 1 stitute a board of land appraisers to revise, investigate and pass upon the :v?Lluation of all real estate listed fcr taxation. That duriug the months | of AjhuI, May and June of any year any person, firm or corporation who ! owns real estate subject to taxation, and who files with the board of land ?u4>prai**r& a -rreroFn statement ttwrt said property, is "upon the tux books assessed for taxation at an amount in excess of its true value In rnonev shall have the right to petition said ' board to have same re-assessed and fits value for taxation lowered. T" "That after tne board of appraisers haVe passed upon surh applications I as may be tiled they shall post at the ; courthouse door or at some public place in the township in which said property, giving the nan?e of owner, description of the property and th? j original and revised valuation in each I case, as soon as possible after having | passed upon all of said applications j they Bhall also report their findings to the State Tax Commission, furnish | ing them with the total valuation ot all reaj estate in their county and ttie average value- per acre. That said board of land appraisers of any co unty during the mrwith of April. May and June of any year shall also have j the right to raise the value upn>u any real estate which tfkey shall believe to be upon the tax books at a value lean than its true value in money, but before raising the value of any prop erty for taxation they shall Rive the owner thereof ten days notice of their intended action and grant him a hear ing before said board. That all sal arieq and necessary expenses incirrr ed by said board of appraisers inves tig&ting and revising the valuatitMls ot' Kobeson county shall not be required to furnish e*r tain certificates without cost. Varser to repeal the special act ui Um aptK-ial session of the legisla lure In 1920, requiring the construc tion of certain roads and bridges in j Kobeson county. Varser To authorise a school bond issue for Lumberton. Robinson -To oigajiize a highway commission Tor Ashe county. Wlnborne To provide for tbe re* tirement of judges and for the ap pointment of emergency j utiles . The Hour* ? McSmttn of Cleveland ? Authorise ! tha i?*cr?tary of State to furnish ihe | ikmaU ? AwwaMy -ttbnry coiftH i the consolidated statutes . Wolt of GastorT=An appropriation Jor tha. predion and -n^' -"f" the -North Carolina Orthopaedic Hos pital . Bradley of Clay ? To amend the ga ; me law In Clay County. | RmMlnjr of (..lay Repwrt toqO WW [relating to game in Clay County . Quk'ket ?5T _ mncom ? Change the. time of meeting of the Board of Ag- i ricultur*. | Bowie of Ashe ? Amend the road law 1 ^providing for U4al uf all Laaes of Su perior Lour i ana to rix time of hold- J ing couFt ? the ? nineteenth judicial^ district, ? Koin ftf Mmm. iftiPttnitiPi ihtr^nv^ aolidftted statute ? providing for six months' service by grand juries In Richmond and Moore Counties. ~ McSwaln of Cleveland ? Provide fot I revision of land values of real estate 'for taxation. | Barnhlll of Naetr? Safiesd law crea I ting road districts in Nash County. Connor of Wilson ? Regulating the ' practice of veterinary in North Caro I lina. Bellamy of New Hanover ? Amend Flaw lel&lHlg lu Uie ? maintenance of tree library for the city of Wilming ton. * . .aorf ;SM> BIRTHDAY In honor of his Seventy -second bir - thdayJVlr. Hugh D. Egvrton one of Franklin County's most progressive . ^klzenn entertsinrri ? a ? rrnmt>e? oT~ friends besides hi* family ull dinner on last Sunday. The menu had been arranged for the occasion and con tained a most bountiful repast whi.-h -was -mere 'than -^ujo>ett~by~air.~ Mr. Egerton. although parsed his three score years is still very much interested in the improvement of his ? ??mil?. luiiiK >1 LUaiiiyi.m Mr educa lion and good roads, ife served ma nv j*-ars as a member, of the County Hoard of K.hnatinn ? _ lit'sidey hip _ children ami BBttlfc ggffiBSS >*tk>iLa pjuamu fr~?rr ' Ugerton, Capt. P. U. Alston. J. J Allen, J. 'Barrows F. S. ikittard. \ hIMi.l H \fl l\ . * **' 1 On Wednesday evening. Jan. 5. l?2t Mr. W. K. King ami Mrs. F:innir -< nnt'im-wrr* tiapprt?- ~::?.?ri';??.I HIT'" wedding fi>uk place at the home o: f the brute in Cedar Rock township. 4)nTv~ tr~Tgns? .y ^ and relatives were prtsenc. SfTT " King Is a Weil kuowu resident ct' I'asUilia. N . 0. Mrs. 'Chaplin has a host ot' friends in Cedar Rock sec tion. Their many friends extend eongrat ulatious to the bride ami groom. . Mt and Mrs. King will reside at CastaJia. N. C. Rev. J. Louis Price, the pas tor of the bride officiated. HONOR ROLL. ' ' Th* following ^ -ou honor roll for. Cedar Rink school for the Third month : 3rd Grade Keatrue Smith. Aii'Vc-' Marshall ?>*.ui?- ^ hampton. Vara Boo ne, Derward Gurrttftr. Vivi.sj Cw>k. 4 th It rude- Oiiu??u lieu* rice Jeukiits. Oara Wester. Ohiujs Lewis. George A. ISardr.er. i?;irt May Hruee Stwrdrrant.-' Wtttrr Hritturar. h'ugene Sykes . 5th Grade ? Rix ifcvne. Uernicv Roone. Louise Boone, fcllua'oeth GUus gow, Gladys Parrish. Williurd I'arrisb Joseph Inscoe. S. ( uaiss one Skat i> hoi sr. 1 Washington. Jan. 19. ? The House of Representatives voted today again st increasing its membership, which is now 435. The vote to keep the membership at 435 was 198 tor to 77 against j North Carolina will gain one seat t>y the vote today. Louisiana and Mississippi will each lose one. | An amendment by Representative ; Jones. Democrat. Texas, to feduc? the membership to 307 was voted do wn overwhelmingly. t'LIKTON HOLMES DEAI?. ' Clifton, the little three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Holmes dief th ?? %>Uo?nng big hog**' htt$ Ih*1i r rt?Mi to us J .' I... Collier of Unlsbunc. kUl^l , one weighing 375. J. W. Merrill, of Sandy ( wk town j ship, killed thrw weighing 433. 460. I 417. ro issue $&o,ooo ^ BRIDGE BOHM rktomkeSd rrpfal ok WEL. FARE WORK A*ks KepresentatiTes In smt>\j to Confer With F Inane* Chi m ft tee Plhlrrr - 1 1 1 1 * H ? riw ? ty Officers? -Take* iBTfitory. _ , ~The Board of County Comxni?4ten~ ers met at Uut County Hbme oo last Friday with all members present ex ?Pf Mit ftiiainnnn - ??? n ^ni't ed as follows : 1 _smn-? A ^notion of Hudson and secoa&Kl by Timberlake, prevailed to issue Mip bumti^. jg^-* ?? ? Upo? owtton of Hudson Dr.J. E. Malone was retained as Health Offi cer until the first Monday in Febru ary. ? A resolution by Hudson seconded. br- Wilder was unanimously carried and was aa follows : "Whereas in. our opinion the offices of the Judge of the Juvenile Court and Superinten dent of Public Welfare of Franklin County have failed to justify the ex penditures imposed upon the tax pay - ers of Franklin County in tlifl Way of salaries, expenses, etc., and whereas . in our opinion it will be to the best interest and advantage of the taxpay ers of Franklin County that said of fices be abolished. Now, Therefore, be it resolved; by the Board of Com missioners of Eranklin County, that the Senator and Representative of said county be requested? to. Introduce ? at the present session of the General Assembly a bill to abolish the offices w the Judge of the Juvenile Court and the Superintendent of Public Welfare 4-h? nttitl mum i and tiVa^lliey be-fttr Tiier requested to endeavor to secure Hie passage of said bill as early su?. possible . " A rfiilnnr" ""?'?-??'n by Timberlake prevails# unanimously as follows; "Whereas it, has been re ported to us that it is contemplated iM:h a !\lll be mtroiiuceil in the pres- ? iinintnng^the salaries of the various officers of Fraiiiiim ?County-^- and whereas it is important that the Fi nance Committee of said county sh i 1 1 -i ^ i i .i i. ? nations with, respect to such, cuange as may be contemplated ftrr the ' pay ment (if lis officers, n hiintr Una noes ot the county . Now~ Therefore be Unresolved, by the Board ot loumy Commissioners that _the \ .Aiui tounator ? from mnmUti be. and are he TPtU' Requested to submit to the^ Fi nance Committee of Franklin County, such bill or bills as may be contem plated respecting the change in sal aries of the officers of Franklin Coun ty before the same are introduced or passed. Tne Board then proceeded to take inventory, which included stock, ma chinery, feed stuffs, meat and such .other articles as are necessary at the home amounting to $4,095.75. In justice to the management of the Home and the Board it might be sta ted That tlie~ valuattuns used this year was in keeping with the strin gent finances. Jhey also visited \Tw inmates, in a body and tound them utfliCaped for. aoi other matters to come before thf Board it adjourned after bi ig treated to one ot' the finest uin'urs J i Trainable by Supt. and Mr? J' J. 1 1 olden . PERSONALS. Mr R. N. Sims, of Raleigh, was in attendance upon Court this week. Miss Elisabeth Morton, who has ;>een spending some time with her parents, returned to her studies at Meredith College. Raleigh. Ex-Gov. and Mrs T. W Bickett and Mr. W . Y. Bickett. were gtnfct* of Dr. and Mrs. R. F. YarbcfrtJttifch last week-end. Mrs. Bicket who nas remained over this week will return to Raleigh today. She has be*n thfc recipient of many entertainments sin ee she has been in town. | YOr>? WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The Young Woman's Missionary 8*e cicty of the Methodist Church regular business meet In* at the Chur* !ch Tuesday night. The bible reading [for the night was from the 3rd cti*p* ter of M:irk. The xtu^y of I our school at Thomas ri lie. Oa.. w%s ithen taken up Several inl in 'iiMlri articles wore read by members society After discussion of other missionary work and payment of oar dues the society adjourned to meet Tuesday. January 26. with Mrs. O, s V Yarboro. As this will be a very interesting meeting we will be glad to have everv member come. (MRD or THANKS. Mrs. Bryant Strickland and f&rflly wish to express 'their appreciation U? manr fr^wte iMMl ndnhhoraAiid Dr. B . 0. Johnson during the Miners the past year of her health, the many k| ndne<