ONLY 91.S0 FU till C AJDVANCX The Franklin Times WATCH LABEL ON IOC* I PAPER ? Send la ItrwnalJ Before Time Expires. JOHIISOH, Edits r aid Iauiw THE COUNT*; THE STATE, THE UNION 8CBSCHIPTI0* %IM Par Iw r VOLtTJIJi L. EIGHT PAliES THIS WEEK LOCISBCHG, JT. CL, ll.'lllAV, APRIL 22, 1921. K XBKR 8. FRANKLIN COUNTY HONORS SOLDIERS HON*. W. H. BIFFIN MAKES AI> DKESK. llenmius of Herbert fates and Sidney Hnrn?H? Ijty In Stale hi f?Tt House? Flor?M Tribute Prol'ase and BeaatifaL Once again Franklin County has done the big and noble act when it' Kav*. nunofsno this ivuialus of ?e* ? In it Cntnfi II ml girinny TYnr n *?TT P tffn of its noble Bons who died for their icamiu y jun. the larm Celtls ox ^"rarue. held in the County. Long before the bodies arrived the Jadies gathered together, a huge lot < of oeautuui Howera ami decorated tho-l vestibule of the Court house with a I taste and beauty that can only be ap- I predated by having seen it. ? TheJ bodies arrived at L^:45 on last Satur day jnoring and were me; at the sta- I tion by fully fifteen hundred people ! and were placed in the waiting hear- 1 ses when the procession moved to I the Court house, during which the bell that tolls the call for justice be tween men, gave tne soiemn loll that < announced^. the approach of two ot] the bravest of heroes. The bodies ' were gently moved from the hearses j sncT" placed on either sine of the ves- 1 Ubule and flowers artistically banked * ? .bout them. Among the most beauti- ! ii:i designs that were piaced about -biers ? were two stars marie u. Ljautiful cream roses with J a rpiece a large exquisite white ;iOKL\ te of wan made by Mia, J E. T .alone and the other by Mrs. A. W. Alston. ? Prayer wai oflereo by Rev. Dr. W. R. Burrell, of the Baptist church, after which the Graded Srliuul children sang the Star Spangled Ban ner. Aiim amiuum menu mid U>? benediction the families or the deceas w<1 iirmf?s wpre escorted into the ves tlbule, and then the friends. A guard of honor from the AinerU&u Legion was placed ? with thu remains a r ri were constantly on duty until their iM.mrwT.i t,> ihf. graves on Sunday af ternoon. Every place of business in Louis lmrp wfiR i-li>.^ed during Zhese cere monies in token of the honor ana respect fof 3SR5?flice these noble boys made for their country. At two o'clock Sunday afternoon in the presence of a crowd numbering possibly three thousand the Memor ial services ffeiu tuuduited. ? Invooa tion was onerea by Rev. fc. S: ? Mas sey, President of Louisburg College. A choir composed of Mrs. W. E "White, RTTss Sal lie Williams. Iklrs. Webber, Messrs. fr. B. Tucker. W. D. Jackson and J. B. King sang "Com rade Rest." ' . ? Hon. William H. Kuflin. former Chairman of the Draft Board, aftef* explaining the fact that the former memorial organization had been made through emergency and that it had withdrawn to form the Franklin Co unty Memorial Association entered into an address that was full of eulo gy and honor to the boys who had made the Bupreme sacrifice and be spoke the feeling of sympathy and gratitude of the citizens who had ga thered to do hull or to tnem at this time. Declaring his unqualified en dorsement ot the change in the old time worn custom of paying honors to officers and forgetting the men be hind the guns to the new order of things where the "Buck Private" was given honors equal to Kings he enter ed into an eulogy of the bravery and Christian manhood of the American soldier, showing that through their < SII>\ KY Bl'RJiETTE "deeds cf suffering and sacrifice the battle for civilization and Christian*^ jty was won. He paid a pretty tribute jto the men who answered the draft .call, representing it as a post card call which every man answered ? not a single man failed. Mr. Ruftin then paid a beautiful individiual tribute to leach of the heroes pointing out many j valiant' deeds. in partictU&r the ones ; wherein they made the supreme sac j rifice. Declaring that the world is i better and safer by their sacrifices he closed a most interesting eulogy to itwo of Franklin's brave neroes. J The Choir sweetly sang "My Coun rtry Tls of Thee." after whic-U -the he n 'ediction was pronounced by Rev. C. , L. Dowell. pastor cf the Baptist church |at Frankhn'Tuh. - | This ending the memorial services Jthft bodlM gpn> tnkon to the waiting I benrges and with large --.uiibers of ( itizens o? tEe Counfy~pTT>ce4ideil to the places of burial ? Mr. C:ttes at Flat 'TVt'k cliuii it .ind Mr. Bm-uette at his old home near #Alert. T At cf the craves surge c r.?ffd> had gathered to pay sad tribute" While -^he bodies were being placed in their- last resting by the ' numbers of the America;: Lepicn who i-.-.m raised the pall bearers and K?vc special service, a choir. eeuy i*au^ several selections. After the flowers had been placed about the graves bu glers sowfidM laps. ? Uui. C. I,. Dow ell -at Flat Rock, and Kev. W. R- Bur rell at Mr. Burnett's assrsteti with the burial services: ^ ! | Thus Franklin County has done ho ncr to two more of its noble sons |wHn prn up thrir life thnt the world mav enjuv ? freedom and happiness in flfeir religious and civil pursuits. And the people of Franklin County fe\l 'a- deep sense of satisractton in the privilege they have exercised in hav ing the opportunity to show their grat .Undg in so honoring their noble feU lowsT^>i lONTKlBlTORS TO THK AMKR \ iCAN LEGION. i _ With thfe thanks and appreciation of the JamD^s Club of the American Le gion we publish the following who have contributed to the club fund jThe total amount contributed is $50.75. Any additional nam^s will be pub lished next week. McKinne Bros. Co. G. 1^ Aycock. L?. 1^. Joyner. G. H. Cooper. F. B. McKinne. Mrs. Ogbnm. S. M. Washington MtV.' and Mrs. J. J. Barrow. E. L Bent. - 1 A. W. Alston. W. H^Kuftin ' wt. ?. r. Pastor of the I?aiRhurR Methodist District Conference to conrene here S*ITH Church, who will be the host of the on April 26th. THt BSIUY, APRIL i* TH, ltSl r American Le?lon ~i ahaif t MlastreP PlR?*f|f of and Mirth. _ Don't miss the American Legion I show ? the most tuneful, the funniest mwl hnrt '1 ft mt khoa- ovtr in T isburg A show that fairly crackles with zip and surprise. You'll be sor ry all your life when you hear about this best of all good shows ever seen here, if you miss it. i oiumns might ha wrim-n ;ihrnit itn umniiPiM TO' Bee it is to be captivated by U on the in- ' _st ant. They didn't invent jazz but they "shore" cau demonstrate its use ? L)r. Fleming on end is a scream ? so Ktnfr " Mr. Keid i'leasants shows a| "Waldorf-Castoria" waiter how ut it TPftfiiP TtTTTmrxs nnti LouIbo Tny^ lor as black face comraediennes are a match for "Doc" and "Jack" in ev ery respect. Babbie Turner is "in a class by _h'ei3fclf and will take you. back to Egypt and its Oriental at mosphere. Margaret Cooke "rags dat song to death" ? "Izzy Meyrowitz" is a he-vamp in vl^ss A. Bring a buck el to catch your tears cause you can't! help "Lafin till you cry." Don't think our show is all Jazz ? it' IS NOT. We have some Real Melody on our program. For instance: Ernest_ Thomas sings a pretty song ? come and hear for yourself. Our male quartet! digs out a whole mine full o "minora** Blair Tucker is exceedingly good with an Irish ballad. James King! well if you've never heard that boy sing don't {wait any longer "unless you have a I grudge against yourself. Maude Ashley ? you done said it now, and said a plenty. She make* a lark blush with sh^me. We "have "aT chorus to back U all* up too. Elizabeth Furgurson. Mary Tur ner. Sallie Forte Taylor. Mildred Scott Florence Egerton. b*rances barrow^ Mary Exum Burt, Lynne Hall, Alice " Han lb. (Mitulca Ccwjk_e: Jami i Mate?F . fly da White anU William Andrew. back up every soloist with snappy j harmony. Mr. Ben H^Iden is our C. O. in the Interlocutor's chair and we mean to ftrll you thut .ho ain't "hoUIon" ? miL .anything funiry. Kuth Hall, Bruce -Berkley and Jew 1 el Bryant are a WTuHe btg orchestra I .themselves. * ? - -j ? Liu if " ? UufiU ? WlUmi ,nwl ihnaa I two "big guys." Edward Perry and ! Trace Stockard will show you some | surprising acrobatics unless Hugh ME | feeling too strong and throws somP 'body up in the attic. J ? H^nrv .lnvnpr who is a sure winner 'at "these here Fiddlers contests" will iclog dance the stage to a wret k. Afraid we> have to put shackles on " him to' hold him down. Now if you hate to laugh diili t come. If you hate good music don't come. jBut if you like .good clean comedy and I good music CO"SlE. We'll he appre ciating all the time and we sur*l,v 'need thdfee "herbs" to bu^4 ah Amer-5 ican Legion Club. Don't forget the date, APRIL 2STH. 1921. | TOl'.Mi WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOC'IF.TT. I The Young Woman's Missionary So iciety of the Methodist Church met on {Tuesday evening. April i9th, at the church. After thcu devotional exerci ses the topic for 'the evening, "'Sun Antonio." was discussed. Several pa pers on the city ana our Wesley H9use there were read. The society tlten adjourned to meet on April 26th with Misses Sue and Hodgie Alston. PIANO RECITAL. I Miss Rosalia Neukomm Adams. Di ! rector of Music at I.*>uisbucg College, will present Misses Oma Bliss Lewis and Daisy Stephens in a piano* re cital, assisted by Miss Ella Sherrod reader. Friday April 29th, at 8 o'clock College Chapel. The public is most cordially invit ed to attend this recital, and all 'oth ers before and during commencement. L- i SCHOOL VEETIXG. j There will be a meeting of the men j I of Loulsburg Graded School Distric t in the Board of Education room on Monday night, at 8 o'clock, April 2"?, j 'for organisation and appointment of I committees for the Graded School 'election next month. All those bav in* the welfare of the children of our community at heart are earnestly re quested to be present. K. 11. MALiOXE, Chairman. School Campaign Committee. WOMAVS ArXILIARY A*FRI<\> IsV.ii ION. Kvrry lady in Franklin County Pil ose father, husband, sons or brother <11 ed in France while In the service of I* e American Army or died before Nov ember 11. 1920 after returning home and receiving an honorable (Hschat^s or whose father, husband, son or bro ther Is now a member of the Amerie ?n 1-egion who wishes to become a men- j ber c.f Ihe Woman's Auxiliary of t:ie American legion are requested to wr-1 ite at once to Mrs. (}. A. Rirks. iiouis burg. N. C.. expressing such w fall, and th?? necessary membership blank's will be mailed to them at once. This i* a worthy organization and every lady in th? county who la eligible should join. ?WOJITN OK"l.orT*BI K<" I OK SCHOOL BON OS pt-jutoftfaii) lr Meeting OrsanlitS TV 1 lti response to the call issued by ! Air, Kt If. Molon--. ( 'huirniun of ? School Campaign Committee, a. larg^, crowd of the representative women i, ?>: Louisburg gathered in the roo ins vi the Hoard of Education on Monday k?ti.-rnoon and organized to work in thv coming ? school ? SeatU ment was unanimous in favor of vot ing bonds for the new school build ing and great confidence was manifes telT^in an overwhelming victory for th' ahampion of progreaw Mr. W. H. Thorough ^ c'hairman of the board of unanimous choice of that body ? anil me friends oi the school for the campaign leader jftnl invited him to take the chair. Malone accepted in well chosen >iirds and then, called oil Rem uLL turrell, who 19 familiar with the icrowded and tUVsanitary condition of the present building, to address the meeting. Mr. Burrell responded with La vivid description of the present lim ?ited facilities and a stirring appeal to fathers and mothers to unite to pro llidfi their children with opportunities 1 equal to those enjoyed by the child jren of other communities. County E. L. Beat was the next speak er and he replied"" very effective to crit icism which he had herfr.d of the ad mission of children of the Prospect and other outside sections, to the pri vileges Qf the school by showing that these sections would pay their full Store of the expenses of the district besides indirectly contributing to th* enlargement of the facilities" ? rf ? ttip .traded school Mr. Malone conclud ed fttfe speaking by expression of per i'.ct confidence in the progressive ' sp irit of tjir l^nlahiirg nef:::ia and Cfl tnisellrd against erltuMjm of any who fight f row --ft ^inluf_iaiuipluUL?n_forniii on, be at this time doubtful in their titude. He felt assurer* that all op position would disappear" when the fleets were fully developed and the vo leva ? wmild ' wwl>!?ui>> 1 1 i o ufrportwiitl to further the sacred cause of educa tion. The .follow ing committees were then -[Trppntined. W. E. White. Chairman, (member shir to be announced next wee*.) [ Committee on General Informatlor H C. Taylor. Chairman. (m*m bership to be announced next week. ("?nmrr.iTtpp nn \'pwspnper I^ihltcit/x ? Mrs. R. F. Yai borough. Jr., Chair |man, (membership to be announced next week. I | The whole meeting wjts a gratifying expression of the tine allude 01 lllf j-wo often ? of uur community upon the .first important public question upon Itrhich they kill have the opportunity (to vote. ? ! ^ % JA.MBKS ( LI B. On the event of the opening of the Club rooms the Jambes Club haa issued the following invitation: jThe Jambes Club of the American Tip ton and Worpan's Auxiliary of the American Legfon At Home Monday Evening. April- 25. 1921 Prom S. 30 to 10:30 O'clock P. M. jThe public is cordially invited to come Club Rooms. ORPHANS AT METHODIST < HI R< H 1 We are requested to state that a class of sixteen to eighteen orphans from the Methodist Orphanage at Ral eigh will give a sacred concert at the Methodist Church on Sunday night. April 24th, (next Sunday night). A I great treat is in store for those who attend and the little children and the management should be given the en thusiastic~encouragement of our peo ple by a large attendance. "PfKPARhWOR T II E HARVEST." Dr. W,- R. Burrell. pastor of the L#ou Isburg Baptist Church, has announ- . ced the subject of his sermonsjor Sun J day, April 24th. The morning theme | will be "The Man Who Greatly I>ar ed", and the evening subject will be ' Preparing for the Harvest." The public is invited to be present at each of these services. . \ MASS MEETING. There will be a Mass Meeting of the citizens of l/ouinhur^ Graded 8chool District in the Court house at 8 o'clock on Friday night. April 2!?th. for the purpose of discussing the ;;.o . posed Bond Issue for a new school , building. Kvery man and woman in the district should he piesent at this meeting K. If MALOXti. Chairman. " 8chool Campaign Committee. ALL READY FOR CONFERENCE. Rev (> K. Smith, j>;istor of the Loti isburg Methodist Church, at which the Raleigh district Conference will con vene on next Tuesday morning has announced that the first session will begin at 10 o'clock and that Rev. J CT. -Woolen, Presiding Hlrter. win pre side. I,arge numbers of delegates are expected and complete arrange ments have been made to Insure the rlsltors a most pleasant Stay while in lx>ulsburg I* I tVII.UAM HKKKKKT C ATKS i IMPROVEMENTS AT .TVIT.. Commissioner C. ('. Hudson. Com mittee for the Board of County Com missioners is having some very impor taut and much needed improvements made to the Jail on east Nash Street in the way of painting, sanitary. clean ins, etc. The entire jail i'.siue ami a good portion of the outside has been treated with a coat of white paint, the floors scoured, cells renovated and new -swtegHi# ? man rear. installed making it a great deal more sanitary, safer from fire, ar.d more comfortable | to the prisoners. 1\\HA1.YZKI>. Theniaiiy friends rof Dr W r. gimp son will learn witli liauJl rejjiei that *hw wnftWrnnr-rrvni r in r;i lyii-i vrh t j mnrning about. LP o'ulock VCjlile ; sitting in the prescription* department of Aycock Drug Co.. waiting for a ; telephone call. Dr. Simpson is about 143 years old and throngn rg^ny years I prart .ri' in I lit* CihiMy.hafi* W"""* j popular among many "friends. He possesses exceptional ability. At this I writing the Doctors Iwul not complet ictl the crimination and it is not kno w,< r.i wftnt f\ic:n 4h' is suitei-iu*. hn: iit is not total. It is hoped that his | recovery will be spOedy and complete, j LATER ? Dr. Simpson died at*, the '.home of Mr. W. D. L^caiifcB, a Willi 11:45 yesterday afternoon. rKKKV-rin/rni*so>. I All the people of Loufsburg were - very much surprised u he.n a teitigmuL | came .Monday. The 11th. aujiouni'lng | the marriage of Mr. N. M. Perry. It was rumored that >ir. Perry loft I home Friday, the !)th. to go on a" week-end fishing trip, and nut few peo j)le for a moment entertained in their pDinds that he had been lured away I by Cupid's charm. It was revealed to 'us Wednesday the 13th, that Cupid [was exceedingly kind In giving to him a sweet mountain maid, from the little town of Denver, in, Western N. C., to grace his Kastern home. Mr. N. M. Perry wus married to Miss Jessie Thompson Sunday, April 10, 1921 'at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thomp son. in the presence of friends and relatives. The ceremony which was simple, impressive, and so beautiful ly conducted, was performed by the bride's pastor. Rev. J. R. Walker. We welcome Mrs. Perry, who is a. woman of splendid business ability and sterling qualities of character and who is held in tho highest re gard of a wide circle of friends in her mountain home, in our midst and wi sh for both of them happiness and long life. ~ And we feel sure that the Methodist folk in town- will be glad ? to welcome her-\*s a fellow^ Christian ! worker. Mr. Perry Is one of FranKlin's most successful planters and is popular a- . mong a host of friends who extend hearty congratulations and best wish While they poke fun at the whisk ers of Hughes, he can remember that Hay. the last bewhlskered secretary of State, made a great reputation in that office. 1IY1TIARY OF THF -MWBFS POftT OF THE A.HTBIl'A.X LEUIOS. On Tuesday afternoon, the 19thr ttilrtT-frrp larttes met tn ~tlie~ Re^din^ lloom ?>r nit? Jambea dub to organize an Auxiliary to the Jambes Post of the An>erican Legion. : Mr?. Uarland A ? preoided ov er the meeting. She brreny explained (he object of the meeting and the mo tive of the Auxiliary, emphasizing the ?patriotic idea nf it. She then called u;mn L)r. w. Iv. Burrell to discuss the .Xuij-meaning of the .Auxiliary* ? In t>eautiful cjiosej^^ords he described th^^ork of stich an Aid to the Legtoft/j pointing out the splendid opportunity of our women to make thiw a clean. high mindcrt Order, help and nn!ifTiiir in .*v.?ry ph:.?g of if | At the conclusion of his address. 1 membership was solicited. Thirty-one 1 ? i ? I i o T?*- ' - -m - ? S adderj fo t . : e < li.ulei flUMllfW-r* y.-ivn n^ Tn i i >H-~~ ment of forty-six. I Election of officers followed. Those ' Miercte.HAYES ( D.OKX KMKNT L The MouJ ton-Hay ea School will give its commencement. Friday. April 29th. The primary and part of the interme diate grades will give a program in the afternoon, and in the evening be ginning at 8.00 olclpck 6tn, 7th and 8tb grades will give a play. "From PunkiiV Ridge". Medals will then be presented. Small admission fee. Ev erybody come. ? , o The wrong way to uplift the nnovie is to hold up the patron. LOI ISKI RG METHOIHST Oil KOI ~ Where the fciIHgh Iilntrlct Conference will be held commencing on fuoaday, April 2Nl?th.