PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DK..O. B. BON N KB of Dm H?a>49 Office In First National Bank Building bb. iWim Him fLIlllti Loalsburg. North Carolina Office In Masonic Hall Building Offlcw o>M Bcoggln's Hours 11 6. 3L to 1 p. ( p. m. DB. W. B. BASS. . Yrtrrtaarlaa Loulsburg, N. C. Special attention to Hojs and Decs. Office an iT Hospital at R. F. Pullet's Stable. Calls answered day or Diul 1 'ling on Main and Nash Sts. w. m. person. ATTORNET.iT.Ttl Uoulsbarg, North Carolina Vraetice in aU courts Office on Main Street ? Pht'ician LenWbnrv. North Carolina Offico Church St. Next to Louisburg ^ Bottling Works Hours: S t*> 10: 1 to 3; 6 to S P. M. Telephone; Office 64-1 Rlltg _____ Kes. 64-2 Kings. WHITE A ? ALONE LAWTKRB Lonlsburg. North Carolina Hiutl practice, settlement of ea uim tuto bTMtjt. One member at a*h Mrwi I.MkUrr, North Carolina Oaly barber shop In l^ouishurg run by white men The best ol service at m?l reasonable prices guaranteed Cleaning and pressing department In connection^ Clotbee sent for and de livered promptly. STEOALL BROS. H. C. We havo rarrkswd the shop former ly ? copied by Oscar Rtegall and will at the sans staad. Satis Pltely of hot ranntag wat?r Sehecnae to The Fraaklta Ttmea Hit Par Tear tn Advance, Fsiry Tale ^sy/AARY GRAHAM 30MNER 4..I* '*??T r* vtrof rmrv^m _ ? on ? ? TATTLE-TALE TWINS. Master Wood Elf had promised the girl and boy? who were having adven ture* that he would take tUaui_to visit lb* Tflltte-THe Twins. ? "Well," said Master Thought fulneaa, "I will temre-you with Mr. Wood Elf who is to take you to visit the Tattle Tale Twins." "Good-bye, Master Thoughtful ness," aald the boy.- "Really," he added, as ' "fulness, "thlsT Is a more wonderful trip than ever I dreamed of. You see, Mr. Wood Elf. I don't know whether Mrs. Wood Klf told you >?r not, hnt we'rn ofT on adventures. We also want to fin(! ?ttt how we ?tn bwomf> leadens "In short I want to he a leader among men and the girl wants to be a nmony women minarv thH hv poln^ to the House of Secrets where our questions will "W -answered." ; "Yes," said Mr. Wood Elf, "I heard you were on your way. We hear about those who are going forth for adven tures. We like to meet thetn too!" Mr.' Wood Klf made a low bow and the boy matte a bow nearly as low and as fine as his. He was such a ntrp? soul, the boy rffcd girl decided. There wasn't any thing unusual In hte looks or in his "We'll Be Off Now." wnya ? ll?_ was InsF f.hflrongmy nteer that was all, aud that was really enough. "You know we were, going to visit the Tattle-Tale Twins this afternoon, didn't ? ymt?" asked Mr. Wood Elf. "Yes to be sure you did. It was the last thing Master Thoughtfulness said tu Jim. ? Well, we'll ? he off now. "Wo'll walk Along through Uie valley a little way and then as we come to the next hill we'll And at the bottom of it the Tattle-Tale Twins. They havon't any real home, but that is where we usual ly can find them. "It's not fa*. We'll get ??there by supper time. It may not be a very pleasant meal In a way, but I think you wltt be amused by It. And all the family come around then ? that is as many of the family as ever do appear together. Some of them like to be oft hiding behind things, trying to see things that someone does which they can tattle about. Oh, they're an aw ful family. We have a dreadful time with them. We're so afraid folks will j think they're funny or smart or that It's right to tell on others ? and yet we're thankful to say thoy haven't been very lucky. "I should think you two might put them to shame! Although, I don't sup pose anything will make them very much ashamed of themselves," Mr. Wood Elf sighed. "Well, anyway, lt'? part of the trip. We must see every thing. mustn't we?" "We'd like to." said the boy. "We would." agreed the girl, nod ding her head. They spent the afternoon in walking, though at times they did stop for short rests. They passed many people on the road going forward and some go ing back from where the boy and girl had started. "Some, you see." explained Mr. Wood Elf, "don't want to go on with their adventures. They've gotten as far as they think they ran get. They've lost hope ebaut getting to the House of Secrets In some rases, and In offier cases they're so satisfied with them selves they don't think nnything Ilea ahead worth seeing. There Is a had turn In the road along the next valley, beyond the hill we're coming to this afternoon. "It's called Turn ? that's all, but If you go on. around the turn, you're still going towards the House of Secrets, but If you stop and turn bark, think ing then* Is not much ahe?d.-*then you get into a rut called the Self-Sat Isfled Hut, which runs backwards. ^These people are all coming bark frqjn it. But we will come to that place later. You'll sec the Iny of the land for yourselves." After a time they reached the end of th** valley where there was a small hill. At the foot of the hill they saw a lot of little creatures scrambling to get up lhe hill, nnd every time they got up a little distance they came slid ing down again. "You ??*e," explained Mr. Wood ICIf. "the whole family has become too weak to climb the hill." Rainbow Policemen. WLy ?ire some policemen like a rain bow > ? Because they generally appear After the storm la over GENUINE "Butr ^tWHAM tobacco makes 50 &ood cigarettes for 10c CARD OF THANKS. __ We wish to extend our most sincere thanks vpr ' ho pood | people of Louisburg and vichu'v and our neighbors and friends for the ma ny kindnesses and expressions of'sym' pathy extended us during the death of our wife and mother. W. J. Macon and family. Properly Qualified. The generous who is always Just, and the just who ts-aiways generous, may. unannounced, approach the th rone of heaven. ? Lavater. : Styles make many a handsome wo man look otherwise. WANTS 10c A Line For First Week &c A iJneToT ! Aiter First lnserlloiu r? . TAKEN VP? Tuesday, April 26th, a black hound female dog come to my home and was taken up by me. saline _.hx paying for this advertisement and expen ses. J. W. HILL, R. 3, Louisburg, N. C. 5-6-lt LOST? STOCK CERTIFICATE NO. 77 for ten shares capital slock of The Farmers National Bank. Louisburg ? N. c p.n- value S100.00 per share, dated January 16th, 1917, payable to FT J. Begs ley. 1 have tills day ap plied for duplicate and this is to no tify the public that the above Cer tificate If found Is null and ? void. Suitable reward H returned to me. This April 23, 1921. F. J. BEASLEY, Louisburg, N/ C. 4-2U?ot FOR SALE? A NtJaniEit OF FARMS ranging from 60 to- several hundred _ acres. It will be to your interest to see me before buying. Prices right and terms easy. S. A. Newell. 10-3tf. LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN? A White female setter dog with black ears and head, answers to name "Katie." Liberal reward for infor mation leading to her recovery- J I W. MANN. Louisburg,, N. C. 4-22-tf ' * WANTED? A JOB. CONTAINING ON ly light work, not particular, but will take anything I can do. J. K. : BREWER, R. 1, Alert. N. C. 4-22-3t i NOTICE . Having qualified as administrator of the estate of O. B. Gay. deceased, late of Franklin County, all persons holding claims against his estate are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned on or before the 6th dav of May. 1922, or this notice will he plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make imme diate settlement. This May 5th, 1921. 5-6-6t W. S. GAY, Adm'r. NOTICH TO TAX LISTERS. I will be at the following places in Sandy Creek township on the dates named for the purpose of taking the taxes f. . W. S. Pernell's Store, Saturday. May | 7th. Moulton, Wednesday. May 11th. J. B. Jones Store, Friday. May 13th. . S. P. Bobbltt's Store, Saturday. May] 14th Pousville, Wednesday, May 18th. Terrell's Store. Friday, May 2lBt. (lUpton, Saturday, May