OH LI . mi iSB na I* ADTASCB WATCH LABEL 05 TOtj* riPFB? m bcmM Briflte Time Expires. A- r. JOHJfSOH, E4IWr u4 VOLl'MH EIGHT I'At.'ES THIS WEEK LOnSWrBfi 5.f-HIDimu n IS LOl'ISBURtt BEHIND THE Whether or no it is^ debatable qu estion, there seems to hare arisen a U ugatlon In th? mind Of I few of our citizens, in regard to the issuing of School Bonds. Probably the most talked about issue, certainly the most worth while one, occupying the at 'tciiUuii uf um Mil. Jul uuw. is the issuing of these bonds. Some say that the issue is all right but that the time for Issuing the Bonds. iK. poorly selected. Which should be considered first. = the welfare of the rh^r?fy ^ ffOfp* little. inconvenience to the payer?. ?There is no question tliat~n tew hsrrt ships may have to be worked upon _ some mt our folks. In carrying tike ~"l5ond8. "BPt wet t little xaal sacrifice ? for- the most of -us^ -Many of those fa voring the Bonds are those upon wh om the burden will rest more heavily. Some sacrifice of luxuries and tndnl gt-ncies even would ma&e the proposi tion. easy. In how many cases has real sacrifice been entertained? There has been a cry or "Indebted ness" as opposed to the Bonds Sup posing their indebtedness was no lar ger than their taxes" the -indebted ness" would hanlly be considered. We are willing to risk, to borrow, to loan, with a hope to gain financially. How much greater risks we could take to insure the future for our children for a good education. Can vre afford to let another year go by without tak ing this step, denying them the ad vantage in """Our powwer to give them in issuing thes Bonds? If dou1)t remains in the mind or i ji building in Louisburg. let them :.i. ":o a visit to the Graded School ? ; ; ... ng ami witness for theme*!*#* tilt crowded conditions there, to the ioini of affecting the children's health ^Loo!;!ng to "the future. I can imag . ine with what pride, we would alwa^ fipint to_the time of issuing Lhe boafts. ? With what esteem we would look up on a building sprung from the hard ships Of 1S21. ' ~ 1 May Louisburg not be named am ong those who fell behind the ranks, but may it be her privilege and hon or to' stand amonsr thoa?* of the old North State, named below who proud ly shouldered their responsibilities. Schools in 3%>rth Carptsna that have Yec?ntly voted Bond bsun for build ings: . ?-? i ? t ? = ? _ Smithfield $250.000 SaMsbury 350.000 Wake Forest 30.000 >'cur Oaks 75.000 Spencer 50.000 Lexington 150,000 Selma 100.000 Lenoir - - 150.000 Greensboro 1.500.000 High Point GOO. 000 Henderson 75.000 Oxford .".J? -.1 125 00*1 Fayetteville 250.000 Lincolnton 200.000 Ramseur 200.000 Wadesboro 150.000 Cole rain -- - 25.000 Carrboro : J 50.000 Welcome 30.0O0 Mars Hill 50.000 Granite Falls 75.000 Fairmont 100.000 Hamlet 100.000 Warren ton 100.000 Cedar Rock 13.500 Bunn . 7.500 Hi lis bo ro 100.000 Monroe^: 200.000 Elizabeth City 300.000 IMPORTANT ( LI B BI LES. It is the sincere wish and desire of the American Legion and Jambes Club that the people of the comunity enjoy as many of the privileges of the club as possible, but in order to make a success of any organization it is ab solutely necessary that the rules and regulations governing same be prop erly observed. The club will appre ciate It very much If tne public will cooperate with them to this end and for the information of the people of the community we are giving a few of the rules and regulations of the club bearing on the relation of the public to the club. All Legionnaires who are not mem bers of Jambrfs post are Invited to vis it the club at any time they may de sire. Any member of the club may invite any lady to visit the clnb at any time. '^Any member may Invite resident gentlemen to visit the club only on Tuesdays and Friday evenings. Any member may invite visiting gen tlemen ia the club at any time Visiting the club by non-members | is limited to those who are invited by j members. Kvery visitor must be registered by 1 the member wboae guest they are re- j gnrdless of the length of their visit. And the member who registers a visl tor is held responsible for the visitors | < ompl lance with the rules and regu lations of the club and for the conduct | of stich visitor while In the club J. O. ItlN STOKE BCKNED. Monday morning news reached ^Lo tti<*bi?rg to the effect that J, O. May's store at Stalling* was destroyed h^ Are early that morning together with the stock and Bitore* The origin of the Are Is unknown alnce no lire had been In the building since early Sat urday Some think It Incendiary We understand about one-third of the loss was covered by insurance WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH LOl ISBl Kt; I It li Ml Hi; saprtslu bat ha allbliif to h??r af appaxlUaa M? (inM SfkMl BalMiac. Fna uoUwr rolama of Tkt TIMES It appear* that la aa ri. pat will thrrr tf UmN aarr Ihha SUIT TMIUH IHHlTi Il? Ikt formation ?( a BHiflu ('?? alttN rvapo^H at tkf I'ltiarai Caaalttff af S*ih "ad tkf Tranter* al Loalsharr UnM School aboalatrlj la*ar?-? the rj. If there had bf? u; qae-> 11m oa lkls_s?r?. Wf arr far red ta ask atrwlw Ik qai v Uaa, "What to IK nallrr wttk LoaKknnr P Iff haaw that Ikt m Hi >?!< ll?i i ? hat ? with . practically tifrj )Ma|l(Mlir torn la Ikf Stair Bat aaly keep lar ap bat InPrvflnr Its nrhaal iifQItlev il doe? serai that ta cry hard tlaf> ajralasl a ?AMl bo ad issar of aa'y Sixty Thaa* aad I>ollars nan tftj arar U briar aa idal^laa :ha: at arr down and aat, hair last aar aerie, all hope far thr t'atarr and all hapr or spirit af *taa>. hark." GKAJIED SCHOOL ELECTION" .MASS MEETING. The large number of citizens atten ding the mass meeting held at the Courthouse last Friday night was con clusive evidence of the interest of peo pie in the approaching election and the personnel of the Citizens Commit clected to serve with the Trustees of the Louis burg Graded School District as a Building Committee snouid satrs fy the most critical that not only no more~bonds than- are actually mede-1 will be issued but that the proceeds of any bonds issued wtll be well und j wisely expended. The members e*ec ] ted to serv e on rftis OtlxeaS t'uramir? {tee are as follows: Mrs._S. T. Wilder. Mrs. W. E. White, Mr. M. S. CURbn. rir y. r. Bunrell. Mr. a F Mc Kinne. Mr. T. VV. Ruffln antF"3gft-J. P. Timberlake. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees qt Louis burg Grad ed School District held since the elec t tftm pf the aj?ovtf mentioned wurtU 1 tee the following resolutions were I passed: I Be It Resolved: That we the niem jbers of the Board of Trustees of Lou | is burg Graded School District pledge ourselves; That, in the eteut a ma> ! ority of the /lualitied voters of the I?u isburg Graded School District shall, 'in the election to be held in said dis | trict on the 31st day of May. 1921. vote | in favor of bonds, the maximum an>> unt of bonds to be issued under the power conferred by said election shal? not exceed Sixty Thousand Dollars. Be It Resolved Further: That. i;% the event the majority of the qualified voters ot i?ui&btire Graded 3*. hv m* District shall, in the election to be held in said district on the 31st day of May 1921. vote in favor of bonda^? Uus._bo=. ard will welcome the co-operation of Citizen's Committee of Seven, elected by the Mass Meeting held at the Courthouse on Friday night. May $*h 1921 and hereby pledges itself that members ot said committee shall hav equal voio^'ahd vote with members of this board in deciding the question of the exact amount of bopds to be issu ed (not to Kceed Sixty Thousand Dol lars), the exact site. type, character and kind of building to be erected aud the manner of erecting same and the purchase of material therefor. The said Citizen's Committee of Seven. w-? th the Board of Trustees of Lou isburg Graded School District to constitute a Building Committee for the-erection of the proposed new school x>u tiding and change and alteration of the present graded school building. The adoption of these resolutions by the Board of Trustee? tooly two members out of the seven voting ag ainst their passage) practically elimi nates every question in regard to the bond election except the question of whether or not now is tne proper time for the election and after all this ijni n tion resolves Itself Into the qu*?ttoa not of whether or not the people of I?uisburg Graded School District can afford to have an up-to-date chonl but whether they can afford not to have an up-to-date standard school which will compare favorably with the schools of other towns, and insure tc our boys and girls an equal chance with those of other communities. o ? CHANGES IN S4 HEIM LI, The Community Service calls atten tion to Rome Important changes in the schedule for the next profrim We ask you to make a note of them and tell your friends We Invtte you to at tend the meeting nearest you Monday. May 1 St h? Cedar Rock (old program) Tuesday. May 17th New II. <ne? j program) Wednesday. May ISth Toungxville. Thursday. May l^th- Mt Grove Fridav. May 20th Woud. Saturday. May 31st Monday. May 23rd Popes. Tueaday. May 24th Cedar Rock (new program) Wednesday. May 2Sth Sexen Paths. Thursdav. May 2t*th Sandy t~reek_ Friday. May 17th- Runn Saturday. May ISth? lagleskft* CH ATAI'QCA FOB LOCISBflUn At a meeting of the local guarantors or the swarthmof* cn*uiAuquA which begins In Lou is burg May 3ist. the lo cal organization which is to put the day night. The meeting was held in the law offices of White & Ma lone wh ere an "-interested number of Louis burg people, besides the guarantors, had met to conrer witn Mrs. catner |iae Hsyssr. represent lng -the Swarth ' more Chautauqua The. officers and chairmen of the different committees are composed of 1 the following: H. Malone, Presi of I'ommiWftft ? on ?Grounds Mrs. J. M. Allen. 1st Vice- j I President, Miss Sallie Taylor, 2nd i V Ice-Presldeni. J C. Jones. SeCFeUOTT J M. S- Clifton. Treasurer. T5F VT. RT , Burrell. Chairman, *nd Mrs. M. C. Pl t IbmBHUW. Mrs. W. E White, OKOT= I man Ticket Selling Committee, Mrs. jD. F. McKJnne, Chairman Hospitality 'Committee. Miss Onnie Tucker, Chair - tman Tnnwr rhautauquu. Mr. A. F. 1 Johnson. Chairman Publicity Commit jtee. I The program presented this time is 1 exceedingly attractive, there will be j lectures by Chancellor George Henry ' Bradford. D. Thomas Curtin, who was Iwar-correapondent for a big English publishing company. Prof. Arthur Do ugherty Reea. and Mr. Waif red Lind ? strom. in place of the band we had J last year there will bfi_ the Mendels jsohn Orchestra besides which there , will be several other musical compa jnies. But best of all is the comedy i drama which will be given on the 1 fourth night This company is under the mauagetneiu and includes Mr. I Henry Ftox who played the part of Father Cyrus Martin*-* in last years 1 comedy li Pays To Ad\ ei ttse.** the t! jtle this year is 'Nothing But the Tru iih. ' which ahowj you the tlifTii nil iea . Bob Bennette made for himself vahen Ihe wagered $10,000 that he would tell "nothing but the truth" for twenty Tour hours. 1 FALL I> A TTI. > r IOM The Jambes Post American Legion wants every ex-service man in Frank Young* vi lie towttships. where these -are-ljeritm Posts to know he Is a mark ? ed man unless he is already a raeni ?Wt of thaSVmcrican sometlipe within the next three weeks some rr.ember of The Jambes fost is going to. give a r*?rsonal cordial in\'tation to X "in that Post. The American Legion v: ants every ex-service man a mem ber. Franklin County^was one hun dred per cent patriotic, lets make it ; one? hundred per cent American Leg-| Jcia the Legion and join now. .! *RS. *. S. ClimW HOSTESS. Mrs M. S- Clifton was charming hos tess to the Tuesday Afternoon Book Club this week at her home on Church Slnfft. T A laTge number of guests outside of the Club members were present Miss Klitabeth Clifton welcomed the guests -i?- the hall ami Viss Margueritte Har ris received with Mrs. Clifton in the . rcrlor. Lovely peonies and roses were ar tistically arranged in the parlor. I An unusually pleasing and well se lected program followed the Minutes jof the last meeting. Mrs R C lleck gave a delightful re ? sume of "Current Events/' ? The Topic for the afternoon was :~The Crisis of Democracy." Mrs. J. ? L Palmer read a beautiful paper on J~Religious Morals and Pomics In the Conflict^ Mrs. T. Wt-^Tatson's paper ;Ou "The Effects of the^War on the , American Idea" was splendid, show |ing America's achievement of a new .Hieal of national unity and patriotism. | At the conclusion of the literary pro igram. a delightful musical program | followed. Mrs H S. Ford sang a charming ? little lullaby "Go To Sleep My Honey " I Miss Williams' piano selection "A Sp anish Dance" was bright and spirited 'Ws. 1 .other Whi taker gave two deli ! ghtful vocal selections a Lullaby and 'a beautiful Spring Song. The program ended Mrs. Clifton, as sisted by Miss Elisabeth Clifton and Miss Margueritte Harris served delic icsas -refreshments In two courses. ADDITIONAL COT RIB I "TORS. The following is a list of additional ? contributions made to the Jambes Club I Balance published April 29th . .$136 07 K H Ma lone - 10 00 A. F Johnson 5.00 |S C Hoi den 5 00 ; R W Hudson 5 00 jGeo FVster .50 Total . ?151 57 G W Ford has contributed about UMfcO W worth of lumber for building and repairinc the Club rooms. We want to take this opportunity to thank hira for the cenerous spirit be has dis- i jplaye<L o 1I THOIHST < HI R< II. Rev F N Parker. D. D., of Emory J 1'niTerslty. Atlanta, will preach the Commencement sermon of Ixmishurg Collect to the graduating class Sun- , ! dat at 11 a m. and at 8 p m he will Ipffearh the annual sermon to the Y. W i C. A. I The public Is cordially Invited to at - ? tend services. LOl |XB( K<; ( OLLH.K CO.MMFNCE- ' XE3T. _ ? Inv-.Mtinns have been issTird to the ? Louistnirg College Commencement as follow s ; 1 nineteen hundred and twenty-one _ of Ijouisburg College requ- sts the honour of your presence at i tin ' ommepggragirt Exercises May fifteenth to eighteenth I-ouisburpr. North Carolina. The programme is as follows : Saturday. Maj 14: 8:30 p. m. ? Class ? ' Kterriapiv unday. May 15: 11:00 a. m. ? Mac au reate Sermon, by Rev. I-Vanklln "* r. D. D., Dean Candler School p. m. ? Sermon to Y. W. C. A.. by Rev. tlftra n W li n x* Parhor, D. P.. Pea n~~Can tTttar ^^iqqI of Theology. Emory L'ni | Holiday. May 15. 5:00 p. M. ? Jun ior Recital. 8:30 p. ni.?f'lay b>' Sc hool of Expression. Tuesday, May 17: 8:30. p. m.? An n^ftl Concert. Wednesday. May 18: 10:30 a. m. ? Liter a ry Address, by Rev. Gilbert T. "iwe. I). D., Editor North14 Carolina rtstian Advocate. Graduating Ex e*eise.s. The Class roll 1s composed of the "owing young ladies: Leota Jor i. Louise Burt D?an. Mary Maxie iopr? Ella Neal Sherrod, Gladys anor Felton, Eva Albert Lassiter, Clorene Parker, ? Annie Belle Gay, Frances Mabette Barrow. Blanche El lia?beth Winstead. Mary Elizabeth iQpfcniield, Blanche Elizabeth Hester I*?tti Matilda BoUon. Geraldine How trd Smith. Daisy Winstead Stephen^,' Frances Jenkins. .T^hals rhlef ? KHen Mae John ; Oma Bliss Lewis. Maude Cotton p\ i . ? v [>.'11/ M.itlio i'rnrtor EE FOREST COMMENCEMENT M\\ 25TH TO MAY 2tTU. Jpei-ial emphasis is being placed on m?i D:iv. ? Tlu.ro will bo ivomtimf.j 11 the classes of 1861, 71. SI. 91, 01 1911. The class of 1921 which ibers more than a hundred will be med into the ranks of the Alumni oiu -present thiwwiU e of the largest anti most enjoy nmejxcements m our history, men ?T6rirwMMe arre ur 1 ge-l to meet their friends and College j churns hero miring the VT.r.TiHts. The Program is as foliows: . Wednesday. May 25th. ^ I P. M. ? Class~Reunions. : 30 P. M. ? Kali Game. | 00 P. M. ? Alumni Banquet and Bus jii.tss Meeting. j >:30 P. M.? Alumni Oration, Presi jdent-E. W Sikes. of Coker College. | : 30 P. M ? Senior Reception. Thurs^ia), May Sttth. 11:00 A. M. ? Commencement Ad ' <iress. j J;00 P. M. ? (.'lass Day Exercises. v30 P. M. ? Baccalaureate Sermon. :rtis Lee Laws. D. D.. New York City. Friday, May 27 tit. 11:00 A. M.? Class Orations, Aca [demic and Honorary Degrees. "TSac '(..l&uieate Address. ? i The New Domitory an<* the Wake K.rest Hotel will furnish ample ac U nmodations. Any one wishing res ervations advance may notify Trela jl> Collins, Alumni Secretary. ; HAPLE V1LI.E COMMENCEMENT. j On FYiday. April L'9th the closing Itv rcises of Mapleville Academy were | enjoyed by quite a large crowd. And jl :eel safe ip saying everyone felt am ? ply repaid for going. The morning Mv\*?rdae? consisted of a chorus by the Is.' Uool, "Onward Christian Soldiers." [After which there was quite a lively ! r? ? itation contest by eight little girls Iter the J. H. Best Medal. Miss Estelle 1 1 * wards coming out victorious. Al? the little girls are to be congratulated [or. their ability to recite. Then our jC'unty Supt. E. L. Best in his quiet lard impressive manner introduced to iu> Dr. Burrell. of Louisburg. who held I the audience a short while, or it seem !e?l short to us and then came the eats, land a pleasant social hour with our fiends. At eight-thirty P. M. came jtW- Declamation contest of seven sm all boys for the W. E. Uzzell medal. |ll.*nry Morton Sledge being the win I ner. the other six boys giving him a li-ely ofcase. Messrs. Uzzell and Best late to be greatly commended on giv ing these medals each year and help ling to Inspire these girls and boys ; not only to be able to speak In public, hut also creating a desire to win in the race of life. The exercises then closnd with a W-autlful musical operetta show in*; l??th hard work and a f[reat deal of tr lining on the part of our effieient t.rps of teachers who for the past I t? *ro were Mrs. W. K. t'zzell. Prlnci lTl, assisted by Miss Lenora Hipp and | Mrs. Arthur Ins<'oe. A Patron. EKROK. i In the report of the County Commis si' <ners proceedings in our last issue an error occurred, which owing to its | ??Ttormlty any one would s<*f! and Urr [ ilerstAnd. however we wish to call at- I trillion to samo In the paragraph setting the price at which several ar ti< les should be ? listed for taxes e??rn appeared to be listed at $4 00 per hush*). Thin was intended to be per barrel. 1 GOVERNOR MORRISON AT -NEW HUPE. GoTernor Cameron Morrison -nlll snrafc hi N>? Himp on s.u. nrdary, Hay 21 s(, at *oon. E?. erybotly Is in rltfil. | TO SPK4K \T HENDERSON. Aaron Sapiro of California is to sp eak on cooperative marketing of ^ot ? ton and tobacco at a mass meeting in 1 Henderson on Wednesday. May IS at ;3 p. m. | Mr Sapiro 'is arknow lcdgeci ? Ft ~be I the best informed man 111 this country I who have heard hiP^ "1^^ that he has a message worth hearing. L)r. B. W. Kilgore, Director of Ex 11 n linn Work In v^rfh Carolina sa\ a : "Mr. Sapiro is easily the strongest :amt most convincing speaker that it | has been my pleasure to hear. It. is 'well worth while to go a long .dis I tance to hear what he has to say on cooperative marketing, as he tells in a most forcible way what he knows personally, what he has done, what is being done in California in the mar keting of their farm and Horticultural crops through cooperative associati ons, and what all this has meant J41 the progress of California where $275, i 000.000 worth of crops were marketed 'ii< this way last year. ' It is certain that, we are on the eve [of important changes inrtour method ? of marketing-tarm erops^nnd-aMr. Sav ij iro has prepared the plans which are Ti'ow being signed- in NorlhCrH'olHva far the cooperative marketing of cotton, [tobacco and peanuts, and tnese same ,coniraota""irfe"Tjtf!hB user* jw e otton !n states growing S4 per cent of the cot j*.?? II... I * n < t t*t\ of the tobacco and peanuts for Virgin ia and North Carolina. | Farmers, bankers ami business men are urged by the organization c.ommiii tee of the tobacco and cotton growers iv.Hvp -Kmiti:Hini.> To hear Mr. ; Sapiro tell how the South can prosper through cooperative marketing. NILDKK VOTES NO. I Without any intentions~~or~ deiHlT I ing Commia slo n e r W. <3. Wilder of the - ? Cfflfl If Hrr mufflnr ti *rr#+ cm n rneitanre before the Board on last. Monday the TIMES man inadvertently tailed T73 ? record a roll call vote on the question of paying twenty-five dollars on the expenses of Dr. J. E. Malone to Pine hurst. Mr. Wilder voted against this i appropriation as will be seen from ; the reprinting of the motion, j On motion of C. ( V Hudson and sec onded by W. D. Fuller that the County 'appropriate $25.00 to help bear . tile 'expenses of Dr. J. E. Malone, Health Officer, to Pinehhurst. On roll call | the vote stood Joyner, Hudson. Ful ' ler, aye. Wilder no. o KKI N10N AT JUSTICE. The re-union exercises ?it Justice on Tuesday was largely attended and much enjoyed not onl by the many old J soldiers present but by all wlrcr at tended. Rev. B. F. Black and Mr. W. ! H. Yarborough were tne principal [speakers for the occasion. Quite a r timber of the old soldiers made short | talks after which all present took part in the decoration cereinonies of the 'first Confederate Monument erected in Franklin County. Following the conclusion of the dec | oration ceremonies all present were I invited to partake of a most bountiful i dinner prepared by the good ladies of , the community and including all the I good eats one could ask Tor. The oc casion was a most enjoyable one to I quite a large number of Franklin's I people. "SHOCLD I*. S. TAKE CM RE OF fllE SOLDIERS." The above was the query of a debate held at the Graded School on Satur day. April 30th, in the firth and sixth grades. The negative was represent ed by Misses KatheHne Perry and El iza Newell and the Affirmative by ATiss Lillian Howell and Mr. Will Yarbor ough. While the arguments of each of the speakers was good and gavo promise of the development of quite a strong talent, the Judges decided in favor of the Negative. ? EXPRESSION DEPARTMENT. The Expression Department of iFsburg College will present "En ? ? ? : ?n" a three act. play by Josephine \v , rcti on the College campus on Monday evening. May 16, at 8 o'clock. Admission 75c. Children 50c. \T FR.| \ K 1.1 >TO\ EVERY THURS DAY. Beginning Thursday. May 12th. I will be at lht* Mayor's officr in Franklin ton every Thursday from 10 o'clock In the morning until 4 o'clock in the af ternoon. I will be especially glad to hnre every ex-soklier sailor who may be In need of medical treatment or compensation from the government to meet me there and also any other per sou to whom I may be of assist-, ante. jftSEPH C JONES. Supt. Publfe Welfare. AMONG THE VISITOIS Mr. A. Gunther visited Raleigh Sun day ? ? Supt.-O C. Hill visited Raleigh Sun dny. ? ?? . Mr. W. Edwards visited Raleigh Tuesday. register of Deeds S. C. Holdsn vis ited Spring Hopo Tuesday. Mr. W. H. Ydrborough visited Nash viilfiuULJpffal business Friday. ^ Messrs. Hen T. Holdeh and ? Thomas visited Raleigh Tuesday. M?"prn. 0?nm* Holder . R. E. Fuller _aild_L._L:. I,ea<*h^ristted~-Ra7eigh Sun day. Messrs. A. W, Person and F. B. Mc juinno ?pi>nf \y>^pp?riny * " I on business. Mr. W. M. Person returned Tues day from a trip to Nashville where he attended Court. I Mr. H. M. Stovall. Cashier of the 'Farmers National Bank, paid Raleigh la business visit Tuesday, t | Mrs. J. R. Jones returned last week | from" a visit to her daughter. Mrs. W. *G? Hankins, of Kissimmee. Fla. j Mr. W. H. Ruff in left for Durham (Tuesday to attend the Diocesan Con tention of the Episcopal church. i Mr., anil Mrs. K. S. i^hesson return ed to their home at- Elizabeth City, af = J ''"""HfS ?T1TT __ Sheriff H. A. Kearneye assisted by Messrs. S. Z. Downey and W. O. Stone captured a comport* still outfit Wed [nesday afternoon and de^l roved 'ahout four hundred gallons of beer back of jthc Dr. Bobbitt home place. ? o ELECTS TEACHERS. - - At a meeting of the Board- ot* Trus- ? Hwi f<?i~ lUr T nnlnlmrc Graded School1"* i" held on Tuesday night the following *|tea<-her6 were elected for thg coming lyear: j Z+ Miss Sallie Williams. Second Grade ? Miss Mary Til frier. Third Grade ? .Miss Mamye Williams. Fourth Grade ? Mrs. S. P.Boddle. 'Fifth Grade ? Miss Louise Smaw. Sixth Grade ? Miss Geniv Dunevent. Seventh Grade ? Miss Loulia Jar man. In the High School Department on ly Miss Mattie Allen was elected at ,thi"s meeting, the remaining teachers will be elected later. o VIOLIN CONCERT. | The Louisburg College Commence ment exerc ises will begin on Friday evening, ? May l^Jth, at 8 o'clock with a Concert given by the Violin Depart ment. The concert will be followed 4 by an Exhibit from the Art Depart ment in the College Parlors. J 1VO.UAVS Al'XNJAttY MEETING. | The Woman's Auxiliary of The Am jerican Legion will meet in the Jainbes Club Rooms, at four o'clock, Tuesday afternoon. May 17th. All members who have not sent in their applica tions will please bring them to the meeting MRS. J. W. MANN, Adjutant. 1 o SERVICES AT ST. FAIL'S WHITi SUNDAY. Sunday next the services at St. Paul's church will be Sunday School and Bible class at 10 A. M. Morning Prayer with sermon and administra tion of the Holy Communion at 11 A. | M., Rev. N, C. Hughes, rector officia ting. Visitors always cordially welcomed. Bit; EIRE AT BIN*. Information received here Monday stated that R. I. Mltcneli's. garage at Bunn was destroyed early that morn ing by fire. In the garage, so we learn, was' sixteen automobiles and eight new Lalley Light plants besides a large lot of tools, supplies, etc. We understand there was about $8,000 in surance. O' ? ? . ? ? .IMH IS APPOINTED SIFEKIVTIN DENT OF OTATE PKISON I Gov. Cameron Morrison Thursday afternoon announced the appoUitment of George R. Pou, of Smithfleld, son of Congressman K. W. T*ou. ns super intendent of the State Prison to suc ceed the late K. F. McCulloch. Mr. Pou has been serving as chief <lerl[ at the prison since Mr McCulloch wan appointed superintendent an<J, will b* succeeded In this office by irugb K. Love, of Ashevllle. Although he is only twentT-itx years of a*e. Mr. Pou has been active In politics in Smithfleld and Johnston county for several years. H?: VU chairman of the Johnston county dem ocratic committee and manacer of Governor Morrison's campaign in thai county.? Raleigh Times. (Friday),

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