iuckt STRIKE To seal In the delicious Burley tobacco flavor. ?'s Toasted " >TATl chop ctxsrs. The ^s>'orth Carolina f:irmprs ;tro it IaST~lh position to provide for them selves reliable- and useful information that will really offer ttiem aid and a foundation for better pians through crop acreages. This is made possible by the last legislature, providing for annual crop census through the tax listers. This has nothing to do with taxation and the information will be released only by the State Department of Agriculture next winter when it will be of most value to farmers and of least value to speculators. Each farm owner or his tax listing represemaTTres is to report the acre age information on each crop of each farm to the tax lister. The plan is very simple if done as suggested here with. sentative who lists his farm property fnr shr>u]ri make a written mem orandum for each of his farms, show ing on each the total tract area in mumg-JKHMto. ihtu ih?cuUiiatcd ac reage, then the acreages of each crop that he expects to harvest this year, whether or not harvested or planted at the time of listing. Each landlord should see that his ? tenant prepares a ? memorandum ? oi each crop and its acreage, for the ben efit of the landlord when making such report. If the tenant reports to the tax lister independently, there will pro bably be a duphvation in ttaa area re ported by the owner, since the tenant is usually unfamiliar with the boun ri *iy Hn?? r?f the total tract allotted to -him. This would make it more convenient and less conrusing to the^ tax lister and farm owners alike. Our southern states have been slpw in taking advantage of this progres sive move so advantageously-pursuejl in the great mftMle western?agricul tural states. The success of their ag ricultural organizations and campai gns have been made possible, due to the definite basis made nvailable thr ough annual crop census surveys. North Carolina will quickly realize and have the advantage of this pro "gressive ami eeenomiv move. It is the most economical and relia-l ble means possible of securing such [ information. This method does not cost cjn^-f.ftieth as much as the regu- j lar census methods and secures even more dependable crop acreage infor mation. which is made available to the farmer during the same year collect ed. In the rase of the Census proce dure. the intormaiion is collected dur ing the winter after the farmer has forgotten many of the facts, and as in the 1S?20 census, is released at least two years after the period to which it applies. Colds Cause Grip ami iruuenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUTNTTO Tablets remote any. There Is only ? oe "Bnxr?o Quinine. E. W. GROVE'S %*tT*mtvr* on ho*. 30c. \? l>Kch*nre in That War. There is no man that hath power over the#spirit to retain the spirit: ne ither hath he jn?wer in the day of death: and th*-re is no discharge in the war. ? Ec< Je?? iastes VIII. S. NOTICE Hariri* qualified its acfcnlnlstrator of the estate of O. B Gay, deceased, late of Frmnklin County. all persons holding rlatm* his estate ait; ? t ?- ??>? hereby notified to present theni to the undersigned on or before the 6th dav o( fcU>, U?. or this nrrfiiY mil. ? hi: plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and_R^ake imme diate ?eltleiueuL. Thia May ?*>lh 1^ WT S. GAY, Adm r. T**?? \i4?f?Ur>!ls Treason and murder are ever kept ^together, as 4 wo yoke-devils, vworu ux t-*iher's puriH>se --Shakespeare Report of the Condition of fOMMt m UL BA>k J 6 T1U?T COMPANY At Franklinton.- i? the State of I North Carolina, at the close of busi ness. April ^Sth. 1>21. ^ lanrot and Huownts S ? 1^0 .*>"> Overdrafts, in: secured ? ^76.34 Furniture and fixtures. 5. 64? . Cnth in i mil mil nri amts. due from Banks. ? Banker.* ??nd Tru>: panics - 13.730.73 Checks . Virvig 7i>7.t>? Tola! LIATTTTTTIES Capital Stock paij in .. J50.000.00 12;SOOreO Undivided Profits. less cur rent expenses ami tax es paid 1.S47.30 j-Piviileuds Unpaid , 75.00 Bills Payable 25.000 00 Deposits subject to check S2.S72.73 Savings Deposits 36.003.41 , Cashier's Checks outstan ding 133. SI I Certified Checks , 2.003.00 ] Accrued Interest due de positors. Unearned Dis count 1,0(H>.00 1 Total * ill.43a.25! State ot North Carolina? County of | Franklin, ss: I. Geo. Carmichaei. Cashier of the above nam^d Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is jtrue to the best of my knowledge and b?lief. GEO. CAR-MICHAEL. Correct ? Attest : i H YAXN. R. V. HICKS. B. T. GREEN. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me. J this 3rd dav of May. l?21. J. W. DANIEL. Notary Public . My Com. Ex. Sept. 10. 1923." ' | Report of the Condition of THi: BANS OF YOISGSV1LLE At Youngsville. in the State ofl North Carolina, at the class OT trasi-1 ness. April 2S. 1S21. RESOURCES Luaus and Disiounu ? 6SS 71 | t'rtited State* ?rwi - Liberty Bonds 10,050.00 1 BankingT-rHouses. Furni ture and fixtures-.. .. 5.S51 . 10 | Cash in vault and net amts due from Banks Bankets and. Trus?" r Companies ^ , 14.554.6S .Total. $ 257.145.51 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in .. $25,000.00! Undivided Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 16.437.03 Bills payable . 15,000 00 Deposits subject to check 111.329.S3 Time Cer:i5cates of De posit ? 11.7!'7H0| Savins# Dep.>s:ts 77.563.22 1 Cashier's Checks outstan ding IS .6.1 ] Total. __ $ 257.145.51 1 State of North Carolina ? County of | Franklin, ss: I. J. A. Williams. Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. A. WILLIAMS. Cashier. Correct ? Attest ; J. B. PERRY. C. C. CHEATHAM. F A CHEATHAM. Directors. Subscribed and sworn ,to before me. this 6th day of May. li*$3. GEO. X. ST ELI* Notary Public. My Commission Expires. Jan. 4. 1!*22. "ATTENTION PLEASE!" "THANKS" Let Uncle Bud and Brother Luther be your Insurance Men. This Agency can handle any kind'of an Insurance Prop osition. We Insure everything that's Insureable. Your business solicited and appreciated. You had better get that car insured, that home, that crop this spring, and most important of all, '"THAT SELF." You can't dodge Death and Old Age. Make provision for them NOW. C. E. Mitchell "UNCLE BUD" YOUNOSVILLE, - - North Carolina NOTICE OK ELECTION IN LOUIS BCKG GRADED SCHOOL D1STRCCT Ordered that the petitlou for the r catt of- an etertton in the Louiabury .'Graded School District for the pur , pose of submitting to the qualified vo " ters of said District the question of issuance of One Hundred Thousand Dollars of the bonds of said district and the levying of the speeial taxes I as provided m Chapter K of the Pri ? vate Laws of lb?2U extra iession filed I by the Board of Graded School Trus tees of Louisburg be granted and that [said petition be recorded in the min ute* -t?f- -this meeting.? - ? And Ordered Further, that an elec tion is hereby called to be held in the j Louisburg Graded School District un rrtt'i am! b> vlnuu of the authority of I Chapter IT of the private laws of lv*2t> Extra Session and upon the pe tition of the Board of Graded School Trustees of Luiisbnrt:. .it which th?.r.? fchill submitted to the qualified vo ters of -Miicl Distiiit the questiuu ? uf the issuance of One Hundred Thous HlH l^i ll.i' i f thp ''i1"1'1? ixf $***1 dic trict and the levying of a special tax within said District for the payment of i?ie uriiu'ipji! ami ur saK! bouds. That said election shall be held on Tttcaday the 31st dtfy of May, 192 1 at the Court House in Louisburgr N. C. from sunrise to sunset of said day. That a new registration^ of. lha -voters'1 wHtmi satd- i>ftm*Tct Ts hereby ordered. The registration books to be open ou i the ?Sth day of April and to remain ; open for twenty days exclusive of Sun days, ami to be closed on the second 1 Saturday preceding the day named for the-election. ? "* | That A. W. Alston is hereby ap pointed registrar of said election and ! S. P. Boddie and James E. Malone, Jr. are appointed Judges of aaid election. | Ordered further that the following notice of said registration and elec- } tion be published in the "Franklin j Times" and posted at the Court j -House doot in said Town of Louis^_ burg: * 1. Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of North Carolina Private? Laws of 1920,..: Extra Session. Chapter 17, entitled "An Act To Authorize the Board of I to Issue bonds for the purpose of er- j ectine and eouiDing additional school buildings for the Louisburg Graded School District." Ratified the 2(Uli day of August. 1920 ? and upon the pe tition of the Board of Graded School Trustees of -Louisburg made thru its J Chairman. W. H. V arborough. the Board of County Commissioners of Franklin County, do hereby order an election to be held ou Tuesday the 31st day of May, 1921, at which said election there shall be submitted to the voters of Louisburg Graded School District the question of the issuance of One Hundrer Thousand dollars of the bonds of said Dlstilct fui the pMl**1* ?s.aet forth In Bald Act, and tha levyn ing of a special tax within said Dis trtcct for the payment of the princi pal and interest of said bonds. A copy of said Act of the General As made a part of this notice. That a new registration of the I voters within said District is herebyl ordered and the registration fBoErt will be opened on the 28th day of April 1921, and will remain open from 9 A. M. to sunset for twenty days ex clusive of Sundays for the rvgistra tion of voters Vwithin sajtl District, and will be closed on the second Sat urday preceding the day named for said election. 3. The Registrar will attend with the registration books at the polling I place upon' each Saturday during the said period of twenty days fur the registration of voters and said books will be open at the office of A. W. Al ston in Louisburg. N. C. upon all oth er days during the said period men tioned. and* all voters registering or offerinc to register will he subject to challenge as provided by law. 4. That said election will he held as far as practicable as are elections for members, of the General Assembly. 5. That the voting place shall be at the Court House in the Town of Louisburg. N. (\ 6. That at said election those qual ified voters in Louisburg Graded Sc hool District favoring the issuance of said bonds and the levying of said special tax shall vote a written or printed ballot containing the words For School Bonds" and tho>e quali fied voters opposing the . issuance of said bonds and the levying of said j special tax shall vote a written or | printed ballot containing the words ?'Against School Bonds." By order of the Board of Commis sioners for the County of Franklin. A. J. JOYNER, Chairman. S C HOLDKN. Clerk 4-8-8t An Act to lothorize the Hoard of Gra ded School Trustees of T,ouM>nrff to Issue Bonds for the Purpose of Er eetlng and F.qnlpplnir Additional School KnlMIng* for Hie l.onlsbarg traded School IHstrirt. The General Assembly of North Car olina do enact: Section 1. That for the- purpose of providing Increased school facilities, either by the erection of a new build ing or buildings, or the enlargement of the present building, the hoard of gTAded school trustees of Louisburg be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to Issue bonds of the louisburg Graded School District to b^ Btyled "Louisburg Graded School liolldlnK Bonds. '" to an amount not ixceeding one hundred thousand dol lars of such denominations as said toard of graded school irupfeoA may deem advlslable, bearing .nr-r^i from the date of Issue at a rate n6t ex ceeding six per centum per annum, with Interest coupons attached. Said bonds ahall be of such form and tenor end transferable In such manner, and the principal thereof payable ailed school trustees. Said bonds shall be issued in l he name of the Ixnilsuurg Graded M'UUOl bisirict. sealed vttn its cor porate seal, and signed by the chair ti.un and secretary of the said board ot graded school trustees. Sec. 2. Said bonds shall be sold by . the- -said board of graded smool tms ues ouiy after advertisement in sotu? newspaper published in the county of Frankliu for two weeks prior to the | daU of oole, naming the ? ttnw and" place when sealed proposals for the purchase of said bonds will be receiv ed. and the same shall be awarded to the bidder submitting the hii-hrxt hid I'roviued said bid shall not be less Tlie board of graded school trustees shall deride ^^11^1? ^^uarap^cc^o^E^od | faith. said bonds shall be received by the treasurer of the said boi^rd of^ graded school trustees, who shall give? such additional bond as may be required of him by said boajd. -atnl no part ot the..saki-*p?~c>ceeds Shalt ne used for i any other purposes than those declaim ed in this act^ | Sec. 4. For the purpose of provid ing for the payment of the interest on _gahi bonds and the principal thereof at maturity, the board of commission ers of Franklin County shall annual ly, at the time of the levying of other taxes in said county, levy a special tax on all polls and real and personal property subject to taxation within said I^ouisburg Graded School District sufficient to pay the accruing interest and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said bonds at maturity: Provided, that said spe cial tax shall not exceed twenty cents on the one hundred dollars vahiation of property and sixty cents on each poll. That such taxes shall be col lected by the sheriff of Franklin Coudl tyas other "public taxes are collected in said county, and the said sheriff .i shall pay the same over to the urer oT the board of graded school trustees who shall keep the same se parate and a pat l fiuill all Other iunds >. umti iuuua belonging to said graded school dis trict, and shall use the same only for the purpose of (laying the interest and the principal ot the aforesaid bonds. See. 6. That nong of ? strtd ? bomls * ?? - uwv ui oaiu uuiiua sfttU be issued. nor shall the afore said tax be levied until this act shall be submitted to and approved by a majority of the qualified voters of the said graded school district at a reelec tion to be held within said graded BChool district. The board of com missloners of Franklin rmmty ahull upon petition of the board of graded school trustees or Louisburg, at any time within two years from the rati fication of this act, order an election to be held within said district at a time and place to be fixed by the said board of commissioners, at wnicn said election there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said district the question of the issuance of said bonds and the levying or said taxes. The said board of commissioners sh all give notice for not less than thirty days in some newspaper published in Louisburg, which notice shall state the purpose of said election, the time and place at which it Is to be held, and shall recite in substance the provis ions of this act. Said commissioners shall appoint a registrar and two poll holders for such election and shall order a new registration of the voters within said district. Said election shall, in ail other respects, be conduc ted as nearly as is practicable as el ections for member# of the General Assembly. At such election those qu alified voters in Ix>uishurg Graded School District favoring the issuance of said bonds and the levying of the .said special tax herein provided for shall vote a written or printed ballot containing the words "For School Bonds," and those qualified voters in I>ouishurg Graded School District op rosing the issuance of said bonds and the levying of the said special tax he rein provided for shall vote a written lor printed ballot containing the wosds | "Against School Honds." It shall be [the duty of the registrar and judges of the election to count and canvass [the votes cast at such election, and to prepare and file with tie register of deeds of Franklin County an abstract [setting forth the number of qualified voters fn said district, tho number of votes cast and how cast at such elec tion, and upon such return the board of commissioners of Franklin Coun ty shall declare the result of such el ection. If at such election a major ity of the qualified voters shall vote "For School Bonds," then all of the provisions of this act with reference to the issuance of said bonds and the levying of said special tax shall im mediately be In full force and effect. Sa'ld bonds may be issued at any time within two years of the date of said election. Sec. 8. That all laws or clauses of laws In conflict with this act are here by repealed. Sec. 7. That this act shall be in force from and after Its ratification. Ratified this 20th day of August, A. D 1920. 4-8-Rt To Stop a Cough Q'uick ^ take HAYES* HEALING HONEY, cough medicine which ntop* the cough by healing the inflamed and irritated tissues A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup i n enclosed with every bottle of HAYES* HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on the chest snd throat of children * offering from a Cold or Croup. The healing effect of Haye*' Healing Honey ln the throat oombinH with th* healing effort of Grove'* O- Pea-Irate Sahre through the pore* of the tkl n anon ittopt a ooogh Bo?h *ame